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Lovely Bird Sculptures Made From Paper by Niharika Rajput

Nature is the ultimate source of inspiration for many artists, lending their incredible talent to deliver a worthwhile message and capturing the resplendent wonder of each beautiful life form. One such inspired artist is Niharika Rajput, residing in New Delhi, India. Rajput had always had a great love for wildlife, almost equal to her love of art. One day, she witnessed a flock of red-billed blue Magpies majestically flapping their wings, leaving the rustling leaves of the tree in their wake. 

She then focused her sights on these graceful and delicate creatures. Her paper sculptures perfectly capture every minute detail from beak to feather. Rajput puts in every effort to ensure that each sculpture resembles the real bird as much as possible. These realistic sculptures are proof that she has perfected her art form. Take a step inside her magnificent aviary of wonder, wildlife, and art.

1. The tufted coquette hummingbird 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The tufted coquette hummingbird


2. As the common kingfisher flies 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, common kingfisher flying


3. The splendid fairywren 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The splendid fairy wren

4. A little Rufous hummingbird settled on the palm 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, A little Rufous hummingbird settled on the palm

5. An Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet tabletop 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, An Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet table top

6. A gorgeous male Hen Harrier 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, A gorgeous male Hen Harrier

7. The graceful Pink Flamingo 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The graceful Pink Flamingo

8. An up-close view of an Indian Roller 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, An up-close view of an Indian Roller

9. The Indian Roller’s stunning plumage 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The Indian Roller’s stunning plumage

10. The splendid fairywren spreads its wings 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The splendid fairy wren spreads its wings

11. The tufted coquette hummingbird is hungry for nectar

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The tufted coquette hummingbird drinking nectar from a flower

12. The colorful male Red Jungle fowl

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The colorful male Red Jungle fowl

13. A curious brown fish owl 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, A curious brown fish owl

14. The calliope hummingbird 

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, The calliope hummingbird

15. The kingfishers feed

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, common kingfishers feeding

16. A mother tufted coquette hummingbird cares for her little ones  

Beautiful and colorful bird sculptures made from paper, paper birds, by Indian artist Niharika Rajput, A mother tufted coquette hummingbird cares for her little ones

(Source: Niharika Rajput/ Instagram)  

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