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Ice vs. Sand - The Sculpture War!

In recent years, we at Baba-Mail have seen some amazing sand and ice (including snow) sculptures from photos sent to us by members. Some people just have an unbelievable talent for this kind of sculpting, and in another time and place, they probably would have been heralded as internationally-recognized artists.

The concentration and sheer creativity put into some of these creations is staggering, and so we'd like to show you some of the best pictures of them. We also want to know what you think - who is a more gifted artist? One that works with sand or one that works with snow and ice? 

ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
ice and sand sculptures
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Related Topics: art, photos, sand, statue, sculpture, ice
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