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Funny Miniature Signs Scattered Across Australian Cities

Walking through a city, one usually encounters the same old signs - red stop signs, street name tablets, advertisement posters of businessesโ€ฆ As you can very well imagine, things get boring very fast, and over time, you learn to ignore signs. To bring some fun into the dreary sign landscape of Australian cities, the artist Michael Pederson came up with a creative idea. He mastered a selection of quirky and amusing miniature signs and put them up in various strategic locations.
These comical installations will certainly make the day for those passersby who are attentive enough to notice them. Luckily, the artist also posts them on his Website and Instagram page, so we can all enjoy these clever little signs from the comfort of our homes right away.
Miniature Signs by Michael Pederson pigeon departures
Miniature Signs by Michael Pederson accidental staring
Miniature Signs by Michael Pederson breathing station

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