Julien Malland, also known as Seth Globepainter, is an established street artist who is traveling the world leaving striking traces of his incredible talent. These consist of beautiful murals, often including figures of children and lots of color. At times, they also include the work of some other local artist he decides to collaborate with. The French artist has been active since the '90s, and along his artistic journey, he visited a number of countries including India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Mexico, and he also released two books about the works he created in those places. Here's a taste of what his journeys left behind... |
Source: arrestedmotion.com |
Source: streetartnews.net |
Source: regulartmag.fr |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: streetartnews.net |
Source: regulartmag.fr |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: isupportstreetart.com |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: Volodymyr Tkach |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
Source: regulartmag.fr |
Source: Zena Colwill |
Source: Seth Globepainter |
H/T: boredpanda
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