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Alice Pasquini Gorgeous Street Art

 Wherever she goes—Hong Kong, Belfast, or her hometown of Rome—painter Alice Pasquini leaves her mark on the streets of almost every place she visits. She does this through her large-scale murals, which transform the ordinary and gray urban landscape into something special, magical, and colorful. For over 15 years, she has dedicated her life to these creations, viewing them as an essential source of positivity and joy in the tough world we live in. So you too can enjoy Alice's murals, you're invited to explore the following series of images that will take you on a global journey through streets that have received an extraordinary upgrade...
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
#3Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting
Alice Pasquini painting

Image Sources: mymodernmet.com, facebook.com

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