Miniature Artist Transforms Masks and Gloves Into Fun Art!
The Japanese miniature artist Tanaks Tatsuya uses Covid-19 related objects, like face masks, a new and more positive meaning through his art.
20 Stunning Works of Impressionist Art From Alfred Sisley!
Though Alfred Sisley gained little fame during his life, this 19th century impressionist artist painted landscapes with the most celebrated artists in Paris.
Experience the Joy of Music with the NY Philharmonic
Enjoy a moving performance of the New York Phillahrmonic conducted by the legendary Leonard Bernstein
14 Mesmerizing Cakes That Look Just Like Paradise Islands!
Admire these 14 gorgeous ocean cakes and be teleported to a tropical paradise!
Here Are the Most Amazing Things Ever Made Out Of Glass
Check out some of the most remarkable things ever made out of glass in this video.
17 Magnificent DIY Art Pieces to Inspire the Artist in You
These extraordinary pieces of art were made using common everyday items!
These Paintings Bring to Life Treasures of Our Childhood!
American artist Charles Bell brought to life wondrous memories of childhood fun with his gorgeous hyperrealistic paintings
A Beatles Salute You'll Never Forget...
If you like the Beatles, you're going to LOVE this video.
This is Why Paul Cézanne is Named the Father of Modern Art
Paul Cézanne was a French artist with a unique post-impressionist style who greatly influenced modern art and famous artists like Picasso
Did You Know These Famous Artworks Have HIDDEN Messages?
The 7 famous paintings and sculptures we showcase in this article have secret messages waiting to be uncovered!
6 Priceless Art Pieces Were Ruined by Reckless People
As these accidents show, tourists can be more reckless around precious art than you'd expect and the invaluable art pieces are completely or partially destroyed.
Enjoy the Genius of André Rieu!
This is a performance full of joy, laughter and the utmost love of pure musical fun.
The British Museum and Treasures That Don’t Belong There
There is a great deal of controversy surrounding some of the possessions of the British Museum that were imported from other countries...