These Food Paintings Look So Good They Made My Mouth Water
Take a look at these delicious-looking paintings. But we must warn you - do not proceed on an empty stomach because these paintings will give you the munchies!
Why is Modern Art So Pricey?
If anyone could do an abstract modern painting, why is it so expensive?
This Beautiful Archlute Performance Will Make Your Day
Watch a musician perform a mesmerizing rendition of J.S. Bach’s 'Prelude in C Major' on the archlute.
These Were Photographs Before Cameras Were Invented
Watch some rare, unseen watercolors of the old world before the invention of the camera.
Funny Miniature Signs Scattered Across Australian Cities
These comical miniature signs will certainly make the day for those attentive enough to notice them!
Enjoy a Clever, Colorful and Magical Performance!
This dancing duo manage costume changes that are so fast, it beggars belief. Watch this video and see if you can figure out how they do it for yourself.
Fun, Creative, and Wacky Shadow Doodles by Vincent Bal
Artist Vincent Bal transforms shadows of everyday objects into ingenious illustrations.
Alzheimer’s Progression Through Self Portraits
Watch the progression of Alzheimer’s dead ease through periodical self portraits
Stunning! These Beautiful Sculptures Are Made Out of Soap!
Barresi discovered all that he could do with a simple bar of soap.
This Harpist Will Leave You Mesmerized…
Listen to this magical harp version of the theme of "Beauty and the Beast" by famous solo harpist Amy Turk .
Take a Look at These Beautiful Pies!
Watch this amazing pie art by New Zealand based artist
These Classic Paintings Will Always Be Remembered
Here are some of the greatest paintings in art history. What do they mean to you?
What a Dizzying Choreographed Performance!
This synchronized dance performance was part of the closing ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games, and it's simply breathtaking!