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12 of Queen's Most Iconic Songs

Queen, the legendary band known for their electrifying performances, started from humble beginnings in London in the early 1970s. By the mid-1980s, they had climbed the charts to headline the grandest stadiums worldwide, a true testament to their unmatched talent and lasting appeal.

Indeed, Bohemian Rhapsody stands out with its operatic grandeur and intricate harmonies, its groundbreaking composition making it one of the most beloved and iconic songs in the history of popular music. Its lasting popularity continues to transcend generations, captivating fans with its emotional depth and sheer musical genius.

As we celebrate Queenโ€™s extraordinary journey, itโ€™s fitting to recognize Bohemian Rhapsody not just as a hit song, but as a magnum opus that ensures Queen's legacy will resonate for generations to come. But there are many more songs to enjoy by this unique band, and we hope you enjoy them all today! 


Another One Bites the Dust 
This song marked the second U.S. Number One for the British band. Released in 1980, it was also its best-selling single. 
Bohemian Rhapsody 
This is without a doubt Queen's most iconic song of all. Enjoy! 
Tie Your Mother Down
This single from 1977 wasn't initially a fan favorite, but it has gained plenty of recognition as one of Queen's classics in the decades since.
We Will Rock You
It's time to clap your hands and stomp your feet! Is this one of the most recognizable songs ever? We Will Rock You was released in 1977.
We Are the Champions
In 2011, scientific researchers concluded that this 1977 release was the catchiest song recorded in the history of pop music. I didn't make that up!
Killer Queen
This 1974 release, written by Freddie Mercury, allowed Queen to gain fame around the world for the first time. 
The Show Must Go On
Released just six weeks before Freddie Mercury's death in 1991, this song is about his will to keep performing despite being seriously ill. 
Under Pressure
The band teamed up with rocker David Bowie for this 1981 release. It's a superb collaboration. 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
With a distinctive rockabilly sound in contrast to Queen's other releases, this song was released in 1979. 
Who Wants to Live Forever
Lead guitarist Brian May sings the first verse of this song, which was written in 1986 for the soundtrack of the movie, Highlander.
Somebody to Love
A complex vocal arrangement makes this 1976 release stand out from some of the band's other songs. 
Fat Bottomed Girls 
This provocatively-titled song was released in 1978 and performed by the band in concert until 1982. 
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