Hilarious: Hear Me Now, New Kitten on the Block...
Who would've thought that this pretty sound advice would have come from a cat? This unmissable video will make you smile.
Why We Still Get Pimples, And What it Says About Our Health
Blemishes and pimples in adulthood are pretty common. Here's your ultimate guide to examining common breakout spots.
Foods You Didn't Know You Can Cook On the Grill
Grilling in the summer isn't just about hamburgers and hot dogs. There are much healthier alternatives that you can try, like the 6 options presented here.
Is it True? Can Alzheimer's Really Be Caused By a Fungus?
Dementia is a debilitating neurological disorder. A recent study has found that it may actually be caused by something completely unexpected...
Have You Heard This Joke? A Godly Frame of Reference
A man looks up to the sky and begins to identify shapes in the clouds. He decides to strike up a conversation with God...
WATCH: This Repentant Man Drives Home a Moving Message
Watch this short, powerful and important film, which brings home the dangers and heart-rending pain caused by drink driving.
Have You Heard This Joke? The Annoying Heckler
This magician has a terrible heckler...
This Beautiful Video Says it For Me: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
A beautiful reminder for Mother's Day: Mothers are amazing.
The Fascinating Reason You Feel So Awful When You're Sick
It may be logical to assume that feeling miserable is a result of the infection coursing through your body. But as this video will show you, it may not actually be the case.
Alzheimer's Hasn't Changed Who This Man Loves...
Through his mental illness, this man still managed to love his wife once again.
This Funny Story of Mother and Wife Will Make Men Cringe
Unfortunately, finding a wife is not always simple..
9 Age-Defying Athletes: 'Ready, Set, Go! Life Starts NOW!'
These 9 senior citizens are surely the most inspiring sporting heroes out there.
Have You Heard This One? God's New Rule
One day, God decided to change the rules.
These Easy Guides Will Turn Any Mom into Supermom!
Being a parent is the hardest challenge in the world. Perhaps these nifty video guides will help!
Humans Need Not Apply: A Future Dominated by Robots?
A video that looks, seriously, at the risk of letting robots rule our world.
Watch This 9 Year Old Amaze the World With Her Dancing
This 9 year old girl is a natural when it comes to dancing. She is incredibly flexible and strong. Get ready to be blown away by her performance.
Gordon Ramsey's Useful Tips Will Change How You Cook!
Learn useful skills in the kitchen such as how best to chop herbs or how to ripen fruit quickly. These tips and more are brought to you by well-known chef Gordon Ramsay.
Could Paralyzed People Be a Step Closer to Walking Again?
Paralyzed patients may soon enough be given the chance to walk again thanks to a new development called the 'bionic spine'. Find out how it works.
You're Never Too Old to Tap Dance!
This touching story has taught me that determination can really lead you to fulfill your dreams, regardless of age.
You'll Never Guess This Woman's True Age...
How does this woman stay so shockingly young? Discover her secret.
They've Only Gone and Invented a Universal Translator Now!
First they put a man on the moon, now they are giving us universal translators, whatever will be next?
Eat Your Cake and Get Your Protein Too With These Desserts
Though not often associated with one another, these three fabulous desserts are packed with protein.
Have You Heard This One? The Impossible Task (Rude)
When one is faced with an impossible task, one MUST remain a professional...
Have You Heard This One? The Old Man, His Wife, & Treasure
For many years, she hid this secret from him...
These Landscapes Will Inspire You To Travel The World
Patrick Monatsberger's landscape photography is just about the most incredible you'll ever see. Take a look and see for yourself.
These Are the New Food Labels Now Coming to the Us
Finally we are going to get a new nutritional food and drinks label to take away all the confusion.
Have You Seen This Acrobatic Russian Boy Stun His Judges?
What a stupendous talent this sweet, Russian acrobat has! Enjoy this incredibly agile and graceful performance of rope swinging.
Say 'Chello!' to This Most Moving Mozart Meets Adele Music
This is one of the videos of the year: a stunning reinterpretation and recombination of Lacrimosa and Hello into a new classic for the modern age.
This Video Strikes a Note That Reaches Any Heart...
A short story that illuminates one of our biggest drawbacks as humans: mistrust.
She’s SO Cute! Shocked Girl Learns About Ageing Process
This sweet 5 year old sister is shocked and upset to learn her baby brother will grow up. Look at her adorable reaction.
This Joke Starts With a Very Tough Decision
A man is thinking hard about who to choose from his three girlfriends, so he gives them a test...