Take Our Quiz: Would You Rather...?
This quiz gives you hypothetical "would you rather" situtations and will try to analyse, based on your choices, your biggest fear.
Would You Rather Look Like a Model or Yourself?
These 4 ordinary, yet still attractive, women volunteered to take photos which will later be enhanced, airbrushed and modified using a similar process to those the photos of cover models do. See what they thought of the end result.
These Lesser-Known History Facts Are Rather Surprising
Whether you're an avid historian or a bit of a novice to the subject, I'm sure that you will find these 10 facts rather surprising.
Would You Eat This Dragon?
A very traditional Chinese folk art which is really rarely seen nowadays is drawing with hot caramel sugar, which hardens very quickly and can be lifted off the page to present a real life suger sculpture, beautiful to see and yummy to eat!
Test: If You Were a Dog, Which Breed Would You Be?
Dog breeds exhibit wildly different characteristics, rather like us people. So, if you were reborn as a dog, which breed would you be? Let's find out!
QUIZ: What Kind of Scholar Would You Be?
What kind of intellectual and scholar would YOU be? Take our quiz to find out!
What Would YOU Do In This Situation?
What would you do if you saw the experiment in this video?
Would You Go Into Hibernation if You Could?
What can we learn and earn if we humans learn to hibernate one day?
If You Were in Government, Where Would You Be?
Which role would YOU play in a government cabinet? Answer honestly and you may find out...
Quiz: WHEN Would You Go To?
Everyone dreams about time-travel, but it's hard to know which era we would best belong in. This personality quiz will decide just where it is you ought to be.
The Bystander Effect - Would You Help?
The bystander effect is a psychological term regarding the tendency of groups of people to shrug individual responsibility, always believing that someone else would act. This chilling experiment shows how true this can be.
This Golfer Gets a Rather RUDE Awakening...
This woman, who happens to be a physiotherapist, hits a man with a golf ball and goes over to help relieve his pain...
Funny: God Is Rather More Witty Than You Imagine, Pal
A conversation with God is quite a privileged thing, especially when he turns out to be as witty as this...
Would YOU Return a Lost Wallet?
Test yourself - how honest are you with yourself, really?
The World Has Been Through Rather Funny Changes Lately...
It's funny how the world has changed - literally. From how technology has changed our lives, to how society itself has changed, there's humor to be found.
What Would You Do in Such a Frightening Situation?
Imagine that while sitting in a cafe, you see a 40-year-old-man on a date with a 16-year-old girl...
Would You Stop a Murder? - Scary Experiment!
What would you do if you walked into a murder in progress?
QUIZ: Would You Make a Good General?
What kind of tactics and strategies you are likely to use as a general?
Joke: What Would You Like to Hear?
Three buddies are out hooning around in a sports saloon.
Who Would You Help? - Social Experiment
Suit or Homeless - Who Would You Help?
Would you like a ride to hell? - Hilarious!
!A classic Brazilian prank. this one will make you sit up and take a fright
How Would You Draw Love? - Adorable!
These adorable children were asked to draw how they felt about love, and the results are priceless!
How Would You Handle a Life-Threatening Situation?
How would you handle these life-threatening situations? 12 tips to keep in mind.
How Much Would You Pay for Chocolate?
Chocolate is one of the oldest foods in the world. It was already known in ancient times, the Aztecs and Mayan people would tend to grind cacao seeds and mix them with different spices, food and drink. Over the years, the chocolate transformed and be
PERSONALITY TEST: Would You Be an Everyday Hero?
What kind of real world hero are you most suited to be?
HILARIOUS: What Would You Do If You Saw This Happening?
What would you do if you saw a scene like this? It's hilarious to see how the people in this video react to what they see going on in front of them!
What Would You Do If You Found a Crashed Spaceship?
If you see what looks like a crashed alien ship by the side of the road, would you stop?
What Soda Does to the Body Is Rather Alarming...
This infographic will clear up any confusion with regard to what soda does to the human body.
Joke: A Rather Odd Man Is Pulled Over For Speeding
When a cop pulls over a man for speeding, little does he know what he's in for...
QUIZ: What Kind of General Would You Make?
Would You Want To Ride Any of These Unique Bicycles?
Take a look at some truly unusual and cool bikes that you would perhaps want to ride at least once.
Joke: What Would You Prefer?
It was a man's 80th birthday and his friends wanted to get him a special gift.
Personality Test: Which of These Options Would You Choose?
If given the choice between two options, which would you choose?
QUIZ: If You Were a Teacher, What Kind Would You Be?
This test will assess your personality from a number of different angles, and will let you know exactly how you'd end up acting in a classroom.
Would You Love to Live on These Deserted Island Paradises?
Here are 16 gorgeous uninhabited islands where you can easily picture yourself leading a peaceful, pleasurable life. Which one is your favorite?
Personality Test: What Kind of Judge Would You Be?
What would you do with that power in YOUR hands? Answer our questions and find out...
Personality Test: Which Era Would You Live In?
Answer our questions and we'll tell you - Which era should you live in?
Test: Would You Make it As an International Jewel Thief?
This quiz uses a metaphor: A diamond heist, to test your decision making abilities!
Would You Dare Enter These Haunted Castles?
These castles and mansions will give you the creeps!
Test Yourself: Would You Survive in the Wild West?
This test will help you decide whether you've got the skills and knowledge necessary to survive in the Wild West.
Would You Ride a HUGE Robot Elephant? 'Cause You Can
Tourist attractions are getting more creative and sophisticated by the day.
What Would Life be Like if You Were a Dog?
Your Life as a Dog...
QUIZ: What Kind of Teacher Would You Make?
Would You Dare Visit These Haunted Ancient Sites?
These beautiful ancient sites have one thing in common. Apparently, they are all inhabited by ghosts!
Would You Pay $15 Million for This Grand House?
This mansion has it all, but is it worth the money?
Would You Live On the Moon? Discover the Possibilities...
Did you know that the human race actually has the cash and resources available to start building a base on the moon today? Find out more here.
Test Yourself: What Exotic Location Would You Live In?
Would you enjoy living in an exotic locale? Which one would you be best suited for?
Which Type of Milk Would Work Best for YOU?
Is any of the alternative milk varieties superior to dairy milk for you? This informative guide will tell you.
Would You Dare to Live in a City That Has No Laws?
Have you ever tried to imagine what life would be like if there were no laws or rules to obey? Take a trip to Slab City and find out what it's like!
Would You Like to Drive Any of These Weird Cars?
Here are some of the most oddball cars you will ever see on the roads.
Would You Eat a 45-Year-Old Soup?
At this Bangkok restaurant, they have been serving a soup that simmers for 45 years.
What Would Happen If You Got Swallowed by a Whale?
According to an 18th-century story, it is possible to survive a whale attack, as one man by the name James Bartley did. Is this story true?
What Would Happen To Your Body If You Stopped Showering?
Ever wondered what would happen if you stopped showering for a long period of time, for example, a month? This video has the answer.
Would You Like to Buy the Home of Chuck Norris?
The home of Chuck Norris, famous from his numerous action movies as well as his famous show 'Walker, Texas Ranger' - is up for sale!
Personality Test: What Kind of Writer Would You Make?
Have you ever wondered what kind of author you would have made?
Joke: What Would You Do In Your Last Weeks?
A Bible study group was discussing the unforeseen possibility of their sudden death...
QUIZ: What Kind of Doctor Would You Have Been?
This quiz will tell you what type of medicine you would have taken up if you were a doctor.
Riddle Me This: Would You Get Accepted to Work at Google?
Riddles: Would You Get Accepted to Work at Google?
Would Your Cat Care If You Died? A Cute Experiment
15 Enchanting Tree Houses That You Would Love to Stay In
In this collection of pictures, we've featured some of the best and most charming treehouses from around the world.
Would You Sleep in a Hotel Made Entirely Out of Ice?
Personally, I don't like the cold much, but I would consider spending a night at this intriguing hotel made entirely from ice.
Hilarious! Would You Like a Glass of Milk?
What happens to these unsuspecting victims when they are sold milk from a dog?
Would You Believe That These Adorable Animals AREN’T REAL?
Artist Lee Cross creates incredibly realistic baby animal sculptures that would just melt your heart.
10 Odd Things You Would Be Surprised to Know You Can Eat
There are so many food items that you are unlikely to have tried yet. Here we look at some odd things that are surprisingly edible.
Would You Ever Attempt These 10 Frightening Hiking Trails?
The perils of these dangerous hike trails around the world will make you weak in the knees!
Health Quiz: How Good a Dentist Would You Make?
How well do you think you would do as a dentist? Take our teeth trivia quiz and find out!
QUIZ: Which Famous Ruler Would You Have Been?
Would you have been a Julius Caesar or Louis XIV? Elizabeth I or Genghis Khan? Take our quiz and find out!
Would You Ever Consider Uploading Your Mind Online?
What happens in the digital afterlife? Who truly owns our digital data?
You Would Be Amazed On Seeing What Lies Inside the Planets
Watch to find out what lies inside the solar system's various celestial objects in this fascinating video.
Test Yourself: What Kind of CEO Would You Make?
After answering the questions in this test you'll find out what kind of CEO you'd be depending on your character, and what it means about your life in general...
Personality Test: Which Famous Book Would You Fit Into?
Answer our questions to the best of your ability and learn: Which book's story should you take a part in?
Hilarious: Which Beverage Would You Like to Land in, Sir?
When three men happen across a magician in the desert, he tells them that they can go down the slide and land in a beverage of their choice...
QUIZ: Would You Win it All in Our Trivia Game?
Want to know how you'd fare on a game show? Answer the following 14 questions and find out...
I Bet You Never Thought Croatia Would be This Beautiful
Plitvice National Park has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Don't believe us? These pictures will certainly make you believe us.
Would You Ever Consider the Tiny Home Life?
Take a tour of Stephanie's tiny bus home, which she built in just 3 months!
Would You Like to Buy the World`s Smallest Nation?
This is an incredible story about an incredible place, guaranteed to make you laugh at just how bizarre our world can be.
What Would You Do if You Had an Extra Thumb?
This revolutionary invention has the potential to revolutionize the field of prosthetics.
Would You Drive the Slowest Sports Car in the World?
Take a ride in this snazzy-looking Porsche. Just one thing - you will have to pedal it yourself!
QUIZ: What Era Would Suit You Best?
Many of us feel like we should have been born in another time and place. This fun soul quiz will try to determine what era your soul is from. In other words, when should you have been born by character?
Joke: Which Way Would You Like to Die?
This joke starts with a Brit, a Frenchman and a New Yorker about to die.
10 Adorable Sea Animals You Would Love to be Friends With
Take a look at some of friendliest sea creatures that are known to be gentle and amiable with humans.
Would You Like To Visit These Unusual & Charming Towns?
Discover some of the most unusual towns of the world in this video where living can be quite a fun experience.
Would You Dare to Wear Something Like This on Halloween?
It's that time of year again when everyone is looking to come up with the creepiest costume of all. Here are 15 of the best Halloween costumes that daring couples have pulled off.
Would You Like to Ride The World's Fastest Monocycle?
A group of students from North Carolina, USA, have built the World’s Fastest Electric, Monowheel, called the EV360. Let's take a look.
Time Travel Test: Where Would Your Spirit Take You?
Personality Test: What Kind of Cat Would You Be?
Which cat breed is most like YOU, though? This fun quiz sets to find out...
10 Amazing Watercraft You Would Love to Drive!
These amazingly cool water vehicles must be so much fun to drive. Check them out.
Would You Try Staying in the ‘World's Loneliest House’?
A tiny white house on a remote island in Iceland has been called the "World's Loneliest House". But what's its story?
Would You Like to Drive Any of These Oddball Cars?
Welcome to the world of outrageous cars!
Would You Believe This Art Is Carved Out of a Pumpkin?
The pumpkins are not your typical Halloween pumpkin carving.
Would You Eat From the Most Expensive Menu in the World?
This is the food you could eat if money was no object...
Would You Like to Take a Ride in Dubai's Underwater Train?
Take a look at some of the most ambitious and incredible engineering projects currently underway in Dubai.
You Would Never Guess That Sharks Had Such a Funny Side!
This webcomic called the Life of Sharks, written by Christian Talbot and drawn by Sophie Hodge, will have you laughing and learning
What Would You Pay For the Best Bottle of Scotch On Earth?
These incredible liquors are only available in small numbers and have been sold for extremely hefty prices exclusively for the elite
QUIZ: Would You Still Pass a Driving Test Today?
Do you think you've still got what it takes to pass a US driving test if you were to go through another one today? Find out here.
If Your Life Was a Poem, Which Would it Be?
Poetry is the most ancient form of verbal art. It touches us so deeply and personally. So, which famous poem could have been written about you? Let's find out!
Would Civilization Vanish if the Internet was Gone?
People often joke around that they’re addicted to the Internet, but is that really a joke? Could civilization survive if the web vanished?
Would You Know When a Woman is Having a Heart Attack?
In this video, the knowledge of female actors was tested, they were all required to do one simple thing: to fake a heart attack
No One Would Believe These if They Weren't Photographed!
In this article you will find 13 images that no one would believe if they hadn't been captured on camera!
Self-Driving Scooters Are Here! Would You Get on One?
We have had autonomous cars for a while now, so what's next? Autonomous scooters, of course!