Beat the Monday Blues with These Funny One-Liners
Here are some hilarious Monday jokes to help you through the week.
A Formula For Whipping Up Healthy 20-Minutes Meals
This video offers a delightfully simple solution for busy people - a go-to formula for healthy 20-minute meals.
The Fastest & Most Foolproof Chicken You'll Ever Make!
My favorite part of this recipe is that the chicken has an extra crispy crust but stays super juicy on the inside!
Turkey Pasta in Under 10 Minutes - What a Great Find!
Got less than an hour to cook, eat, and clean the kitchen on a weeknight? Then this 10-minute turkey pasta is the perfect recipe to make!
Try This French Chicken Recipe - Chicken Fricassee!
Chicken fricassee is a classic French recipe of creamy chicken with mushrooms. But don't let the fancy name confuse you - the recipe itself is really easy!
2 Delicious Yet Easy Chicken and Rice Recipes in One
Nothing can beat the simplicity and deliciousness of chicken and rice. This one-pot chicken and rice recipe deserves to become your go-to weekday dinner!
Sleeping in At the Weekend Could Prevent an Early Death
According to some recent research, getting yourself more sleep at the weekend might help to reduce the risk of an early death. Find out more here!
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away...
According to new research, it could actually be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away.Find out more here!
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
Easy and Healthy Meals: 4 Low-Effort Yummy Dishes to Try
Check out this list of five super healthy and easy-to-make dishes that you can quickly whip up at home.
Here's How Much Sleep You Need To Be Healthy
Learn how sleep affects your body and mind, thanks to this informative infographic.
Sticking to One Doctor Could Help Prolong Your Life!
Keeping the same doctor rather than switching between different ones has a noticeable effect on mortality rates. Find out more here.
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away!
These Common Antidepressants Could be Causing Dementia!
Medication that is commonly used to treat incontinence, depression, and gastrointestinal disorders has been linked with an increased risk of getting dementia.
Why HAVEN'T We Cured Cancer Yet? An Explanation
This informative video goes over the major challenges researchers face when trying to find a perfect cure for cancer.
Can You Handle These Hilarious Medical Jokes?
These hilarious medical jokes will keep you laughing all week.
Laugh with These Mom Jokes That Are Pure Comedy Gold
These mom jokes are so funny, you can't stop laughing.
Enjoy a Laugh with 30 Mouth-Watering Food Puns
Hungry for some laughs? Then you will love these hilarious food puns.
These Chicken Burritos Are to Die For!
These chicken burritos are delicious, nutritious, quick, and oh-so-easy to make!
Pasta Salad Extravaganza - 3 Yummy and Easy Recipes
We had no idea pasta salads could look so good and taste so delicious!
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
This Crispy Baked Cauliflower Is a Vegetarian’s Delight!
Have you ever had a crispy roasted cauliflower before? Follow this recipe to make this delightful dish.
Alcohol Linked To More Cancer Types Than Previously Known
A new study found a clear correlation between alcohol consumption and more types of cancer than previously known.
Study Finds a Painless Way to Monitor Blood Sugar Levels
A new study found that continuous glucose monitors improve blood sugar control and quality of life in diabetes patients - pain-free.
Cooking Tips: Learn How to Make Yummy Spanish Garlic Pasta
Learn how to make the delicious one-pan Spanish garlic pasta with this easy recipe.
Recipe: This Lentil Curry Is Healthy and Easy To Make
Learn how to make this amazingly delicious and healthy lentil curry that will be perfect for a wholesome lunch!
This Is the BEST Way to Cook Chicken
If the chicken you prepare always turns out dry and stringy, we have one question - have you ever tried poaching chicken? Here's how it's done + 2 recipes!
An Easy Way to Upgrade Instant Ramen Noodles
The main problem with instant noodles is that they can be quite bland and boring. Luckily, you can easily fix that with a little cheese and butter...
This Chicken Kiev Recipe Is Simply Delicious
Have you ever heard of chicken Kiev? This indulgent, juicy, and buttery recipe will make you forget about stringy and dry chicken forever.
Not all Viruses Are Bad, Some Are Actually Necessary
Some viruses are beneficial to humans. In fact, they are an inseparable part of human anatomy and have even shaped the evolution of humanity!
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
5 Unique Pie Recipes You Should Try This Winter Season
These easy-to-make and unique homemade pies will be the perfect treats to warm you up this winter season.
6 Nutrition Tips From Experts to Ensure Better Sleep
Making a few tweaks in your eating habits could do wonders for the quality of your sleep, according to experts.
Not Only Covid-19: 5 Historically Significant Vaccines
Infectious diseases were a problem long before Covid-19. These are 5 of the most historically important vaccines that made the world safer.
This Is What’s Currently Known About COVID-19 Immunity
We now know for certain that recovering Covid-19 patients possess antibodies for the illness. What does that mean regarding their immunity for reinfection?
This Is the Most Simple and Natural Way To Ease Insomnia
Weighted blankets are knwon for their soothing effects, and a new study confirms they may even be the tool to cure insomnia
Everything We Know About Asymptomatic Covid-19
This is what health experts currently know about the transmission rates of asymptomatic Covid-19 and why some people never develop the symptoms at all
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
As if we need more proof that dogs are amazing, a new study confirms owning a dog is linked to living longer.
New Study Reveals: Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar!
New study confirms that cinnamon can blance blood sugar levels, which could lead to a transformation in deabetes treatment.
Trouble Falling Asleep? Try White Noise
If you're sensitive to sound or live on a busy street, white noise may be the ideal aid to get better sleep.
16 Ways Rice Is Eaten in 16 Different Countries
Rice is a staple in almost every cuisine, but every culture has a unique way of cooking it. Check out these 16 mouthwatering rice dishes from around the world.
How Blue Light Really Affects Your Sleep and Health
You have probably heard that blue light coming from screens is 'bad for us'. But how does it work and what are the exact health risks? Find out
6 Coronavirus Indicators That You May Not Have Heard Of
Here, we list some of the more unusual and lesser-known COVID-19 symptoms you might not be aware of yet.
The Sleep Benefits of Saffron are Now Backed by Science
A new study found that saffron has one more health benefit that is now confirmed - improving sleep.
If You Like to Sleep in, We Have Some Bad News For You...
A new study shows that there's a link between sleeping too much and getting dementia (or even dying early). Read all about it here.
I Bet You Didn't Have a Clue About These Human Body Facts!
The human body is the most complex machine known to mankind, but I bet you don't know these 10 amazing facts about it...
This Research Shows How Fasting Can Slow Down Aging
A recent study has found that a molecule produced while fasting has an anti-aging effect on vascular system. Learn all about it here.
Your Cholesterol May Be Rising While You're Sleeping...
New research shows a link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and high levels of bad cholesterol. Find out more here.
Age-Related Cognitive Decline Might Be a Reversible Thing!
Age-related cognitive decline is something we've all come to accept, but a new study has shown that the process might just be reversible. Read on for more.
These 15 Things Have All Strongly Been Linked to Cancer
When it comes to deaths in the US, cancer is second only to heart disease. Here are 15 known and suspected carcinogens.
An Alzheimer's Cure Might Just Be Around the Corner!
Impressive new research has discovered the earliest point in a neurodegenerative process that is thought to lead to dementia. Find out more here.
Why Do We Sometimes Hallucinate? Find Out Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Elizabeth Cox details the science of hallucinations.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More!
11 Technologies to Potentially Achieving Immortality
Scientists are hard at work developing technologies that could extend our lifespans and even make us immortal. Here are 11 of them.
This Herb Has Many Health Benefits That You Can Reap
Rhodolia is an herb that grows in the mountains of Europe and Asia. It has numerous health benefits. Find out what they are right now.
Don't Eat Meat? Try These Plant-Based Proteins Instead
Getting enough protein and essential minerals and vitamins can be harder for those who don’t eat meat or animal products. Here are 8 great plant-based proteins.
This Novel Antioxidant Makes Old Blood Vessels Young Again
This novel antioxidant that targets mitochondria has the ability reverse the aging of blood vessels. Found out more here!
The Healthiest Way to Eat Dessert According to Science...
According to scientists, there's actually a 'healthier' way to eat sugary food. Read all about it here...
This is Where Fat Really Goes When You Lose Weight
Ever wondered where fat goes once you've burnt it off? Well wonder no more as all is revealed here!
Do You Wake Up Early? If So, This Might be Why!
There are many reasons why you might be waking up early, but luckily there are a number of tricks that you can use to prevent this from happening.
Here Are Some Medical Advances That We Can Expect in 2018!
Things move fast in the medicine world, but if predictions about what to expert in this coming year prove to be true, things might move a lot faster than usual!
These Cancer-Fighting Nanobots Seek and Destroy Tumors!
This pioneer cancer treatment could turn out to be a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. Find out more here!
This Technology Could Help Us Get More Deep Sleep!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Dan Gartenberg talks about the brain benefits of deep sleep and how we can get more of it!
Did You Know Different Kinds of Light Affect Our Emotions?
We consider many things in terms of how they affect our health and emotions, but we don't often think about how light does. Here are six ways it has an impact.
If You're Lonely, Your Risk of Diabetes Could Increase!
A recent study has discovered a surprising relationship between loneliness and the development of type 2 diabetes. Find out more here.
Discovery: Use of Blood Thinners May Prevent Dementia
A new study shows how blood-thinning drugs can help to prevent the onset of dementia. Find out how they work here.
Shocking! This Is What Chocolate Does to Your Arteries...
Can chocolate cause strokes? Find out in this informative video from Dr. Greger.
These 10 Medical Treatments Are Often Not Needed!
Here are ten diagnostic procedures and treatments that were overused during 2016.
Scientists Make Huge Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment
Scientists might have just found a revolutionary way to fight cancer. Read about it here.
If You Have a Small Cut, Treat it with These Home Remedies
Here are 6 relatively unknown natural home remedies that are great for healing small wounds.
10 Gordon Ramsay Cooking Tips You Won't Want to Miss!
When it comes down to cooking, Gordon Ramsay knows what he's doing. Here he shares with us 10 valuable kitchen tips!
What is Asthma? This Ted-Ed Talk Reveals All
300 million people suffer from asthma, but what causes it, and how is it deadly? Find out in this revealing Ted-Ed talk.
Watch: How Caffeine Affects Your Body and Mind
Ever wondered how caffeine manages to get you through a rough morning or keep you awake at night? This video has all the answers!
New Research Reveals a Link Between Bacteria & Alzheimer's
Groundbreaking new research has found a connection between Alzheimer's disease and certain types of bacteria in the brain. Learn more here.
Do You Power Nap? If Not, Here's Why You Should!
Nothing beats a good night's sleep, but there are many benefits that arise from taking a short power nap. Here are 6 of them.
Be Aware of These Foods as They Can Cause Food Poisoning
Each year around 76 million people contract food poisoning. Many different foods can cause it, but some foods are more high-risk. Here's 10 of them.
These Sleep Secrets Are Only Known to a Few...
What are the things that will help make your sleep better?
A Lack of Sleep Can Cause These Detrimental Effects
We all know sleep is important. But what ACTUALLY happens in the body when we don't sleep?
This is How You Can Stop Your Partner's Snores
Does your partner keep you awake at night with their annoying snoring? If the answer is yes, this guide is just what you're after.
This is How to Activate Your Brain's Ability to Learn
A recent study has shown that overlearning might improve performance in a particular task by altering the chemicals in the brain that "lock" in training.
If You Struggle to Sleep, Ask Yourself These 9 Questions!
If you're having trouble getting to sleep each night, you should ask yourself these 9 important questions.
Who Knew That These 5 Animals Possessed Such Super Powers?
Scientific research has found that these 5 animals possess incredible healing powers that can rehabilitate and treat human illness.
Have Scientists Just Found a Wonder Cure for Alzheimer's?
In 2015, researchers in Australia made a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's. Hopefully this year, they will be able to try this treatment on humans.
These 5 Foods Will Help You Fall Asleep Immediately
Having trouble sleeping? Here are five foods that can help you out!
20 Jokes That Prove Science Can Be Hilarious
A collection of science humor that's equal parts witty and geeky.
These Thanksgiving Jokes Are Better Than the Turkey!
This Thanksgiving, serve up some laughter with these jokes and puns.
We're Counting on These Math Jokes to Give You a Good Laugh
Add some laughter in your life with these math puns and jokes.
Spooktacular Halloween Jokes for a Good Laugh
Get ready to cackle at these Halloween puns and jokes!
18 Puns That Prove Laughter is the Best Medicine!
These punny jokes will leave you in stitches!
Is Weekend Sleep as Good as Regular Sleep? Let's Check
If you thought sleeping in on the weekend was a bad habit, you're about to find out that it's quite the opposite.
These Dad Jokes Will Make You Groan and Laugh
Laugh along with this hilarious collection of classic dad jokes.
Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate These Jokes
These grammar jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
22 Of the Funniest Language Jokes and Puns
Time for some humor! Enjoy these 22 grammar puns & jokes.
Breakthrough: Lion's Mane Mushrooms Boost Memory & Nerves!
Researchers have recently uncovered the mushroom's potent compounds, particularly hericene A, that could help nerve cells grow and better interact with each other.
Is it REALLY the Coffee that Wakes Us Up in the Morning?
A recent study has revealed that the coffee you drink may just be a placebo...
Winter Hikers, Gather Round for the Best Tip of the Season
Here's how advanced snow hikers layer clothing in the winter.
Would You Go Into Hibernation if You Could?
What can we learn and earn if we humans learn to hibernate one day?
21 Useful Guides, Charts, and Maps All of Us Need
These handy charts are full of useful information that we all need.
Why You Should Never Drink Too Much Water
It’s always important to remember not to get dehydrated, but you need to know that there is such a thing as overhydration, and it can be very dangerous too.