Trash Is Everyone’s Problem, But They’re Here to Solve It
People participating in the TrashTag Challenge are attempting to change the world, one trash bag at a time.
New Study Reveals Link Between Volunteering and Brain Health
Many truly believe that volunteering is a one-way street, but new research has found a link between volunteering and brain health ...
What I Learned From My Volunteering Experience in India...
Read a personal account of two young European volunteers, who ended up getting married during their placement in Bihar, India.
Scientists Found a Mold That Can Break Down Plastic Waste
A Pakistani team of scientists found a fungus that can break down and absorb polyurethane plastics in two months.
Life Everlasting: A Beautiful Story With a Moral...
A beautiful story of a boy and his grandfather, which gives us something to think about...
8 Social Experiments That Taught Us Fascinating Things
To really dive into the psychology of human beings, these quick and simple social experiments have been conducted across the globe.
What Will Technology Be Like in 2050? Take a Look At These
Peak into the future and see what types of technologies will likely be made available in just a few short decades.
Photos Like These Just Fill Your Heart With Joy And Warmth
Any down day can promptly be turned right side up with a quick scroll through these warm and comforting photos and stories.
Recycling Gets a Fairytale Twist With Wooden Troll Statues
Recycled art is a fun and creative way to send a message and these trolls by Danish artist Thomas Dambo are the perfect examples of that
A Heartfelt Message from Jane Goodall on the Environment
Listen to this beautiful and inspiring story about the current pandemic narrated by world-famous Jane Goodall herself!
Animal Sculptures With An Important Anti-Pollution Message
Artur Bordalo is a Portuguese artist who spreads an important message about pollution with his sculptures of animals made completely of trash
20 Beautiful Quotes on the Importance of Moving On in Life
To help you on your journey of self-improvement, let us share the 20 most powerful, meaningful, and encouraging quotes about letting go with you
The Difference Between Academic Success and Life Success
Academics aren't for everyone, but are they a sign of life success like we've been lead to believe all our lives? In this video, we examine this claim.
Experience the Ancient Architecture of India in Crisp 4K
Get ready to visit one of the most interesting places in India - Rajasthan!
Is It the Beginning of the End For Plastic?
Plastic is choking waterways and landfills throughout the world, but are we at the beginning of the end of pervasive plastic use? Find out more in this article.
If These Thoughts Are On Your Mind, It's Time to Move On
Sometimes in life, it can be difficult knowing when it's time to move on, however I truly hope that this presentation can make things clearer.
In Life, You Sometimes Have to Just DARE...
Life teaches us to be cautious & well-prepared, but it's often the case that when we're out of our comfort zones that magic happens. Here's why you should dare.
These 7 Foods Will Help Your Child's Cognition and Focus
The brain development of our children is an important issue to us as parents. Here are 7 foods to ensure that their focus and cognition is in optimum condition.
When This 90-Year-Old Got Cancer She Did Something Amazing
90-year-old Norma wasn't interested in conventional treatment when she got cancer, instead she hit the open road for the time of her life.
Are Living Conditions Getting Better or Worse?
Global living conditions are changing, there is no doubt about that, but are they changing for the better or for the worse?
Man Builds Homes for the Homeless Using Discarded Plastic!
Oscar Mendez is a true visionary, tackling two of the world's key problems with a single amazing invention. Learn more about his amazing plastic brick homes.
Some Kids Have a Long Walk to School...
What Kids in Some Countries Do to Get to School...
Let's Talk About Children - Inspiring!
Inspiring Quotes about the Greatest Treasure...
This Award-Winning Documentary Will Awaken Your Soul
Watch this award-winning documentary for the most incredible soulful experience.
Want a Strong Memory? This Study Found What You Need to Do
The positive effect of physical activity on our cognitive abilities may last up to 24 hours after completing the activity...
Guide: How to Meditate With Your Children
This guide will instruct you on how to do easy meditation techniques with your children and grandchildren.
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
How to Tell Your Children You Have Cancer
What's the right way to tell your children you have cancer, and are there situations where you shouldn't?
ARFID: An Undiagnosed Eating Disorder?
In the ever-evolving realm of psychological disorders, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) has emerged as a puzzling newcomer in recent years.
Should Children Have Caffeine? Here's Our Complete Answer
This article asks: should kids have caffeine, and how much is too much?
16 Beautiful Quotes About Aging With Grace
Enjoy these pearls of wisdom and may they inspire a newfound appreciation for the golden years.
Lessons I Learned From My Father on How to Be a Parent
Although I've passed on these skills to my own children, my father also imparted 10 additional lessons that we couldn't have learned from anyone else...
10 Truths You Need to Internalize in Order to Grow...
By understanding the following ten truths, we can navigate the obstacles ahead and stay on the right path.
10 Things No One Can Take Away from You
Discover the ten things that cannot be taken away, even in moments of loss, such as your uniqueness.
The Four Agreements: The Book that Made Me Wiser
The teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz's book "The Four Agreements," explained.
Watch 1,000 People Got Their Eyesight Restored
A YouTuber helped sponsor the treatment of 1,000 blind people. Here are their reactions.
30 Things We HAVE to Stop Doing to Ourselves
the things we should stop doing to ourselves to gain the joy that we deserve!
The Future is in Our Hands - Next Generation Technology
These young brilliant minds grind hard at finding and creating solution to waste recycling, and the results are promising.
Winter Hikers, Gather Round for the Best Tip of the Season
Here's how advanced snow hikers layer clothing in the winter.
The Life and Works of Walt Whitman, an American Symbol
Today, we are looking into the biography of this extraordinary man, drawing wisdom from a selection of his quotes.
When It Comes to Bad Luck, These Poor Souls Take the Cake!
These people have been plagued by bad luck all their lives... Unbelievable!
Here's a Workout You Can Do EVERYWHERE
You don't even need sports shoes for this workout! This is the perfect routine for people who travel a lot.
The Tunnel People of Underground New York City
Would you call him homeless? This man lives a peculiar life in an expected location.
People Hire This Man to Literally Do Nothing
People in Japan hire this man to literally do nothing with them. Why is his service so popular?
Ditch the Omega-3 Supplements For This Instead
What's the difference between omega 3, 6, and 9, and is it possible you don't even need a supplement for those?
You Are NOT a Visual Learner - Education Misconceptions
This video debunks one of the greatest misconceptions in the field of education.
These Words Will Make You Feel Stronger
Read this to have a stronger, more inspiring day.
Nurture Your Brain With These Fun and Free Apps!
Here are 8 of the best brain-training apps for you to try and use for free!
Psychiatrist Shares the Golden Rule of Brain Health
'Bright Minds,' is the golden rule for long-term cognitive and brain health. Learn what stands behind this acronym here.
Travel to One of the World's Largest Incense Export Towns
This town turns to a sea of pink incense sticks every new year as part of their New Year's tradition. Visit and enjoy the view!
My Dear Child, Here are 8 Times I Meant to Say ‘Sorry’
Dear child, I love you, I always have and I always will, but there are many things I should apologize for. Here are 8 of my 'sorrys'.
What is Palo Santo and How Can You Use it For Pain?
Palo santo can be used both for physical and spiritual purposes. Learn how
Got a Sweet Tooth? Spend a Saturday in Sweden!
Those of you with a sweet tooth would love the Swedes' "Saturday Sweets." But what are the sinister roots of this sweet tradition?
12 Habits That Will Help You Gain Respect and Admiration
We all have moments in life where we feel like the whole world is just ignoring us, but if you adopt the following habits, you'll see things quickly change ...
The ABCs of Being a True Friend!
What make a truly good friend? The ABC of friendship of course!
What is Winter Solstice and Why Do We Celebrate it?
Let's learn what the winter solstice is and how it is celebrated around the world.
Who Could Imagine a Simple Technique Could Be So Potent?
This amazing finger technique will help you to revitalize and nourish your body if you're feeling drained.
Never Waste Food Again After Reading These Tips
Food wastage is always a shame, and that's why we should all do our best to avoid it as much as possible.
Imagine a Life Without Garbage Day... It Exists!
The Dutch don't have a garbage day. Imagine that! What do they have instead?
These Gorgeous Birds Can Be Found in India!
If you're a bird lover, then few places on this planet are more ideal for you than India. Find out why here.
12 Principles For a Good Life By a Great Thinker...
Follow these 12 principles to live a good, healthy life.
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking...
Negativity is all around us, but we can choose whether it influences us, or whether we influence it. Learn more here.
Think You Know How to Spell? It's Time to Find Out!
Do you think you're smarter than the average 4th-grader? If so, then give this English spelling test a shot!
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why
Wake up regularly at night? This may surprise you ... These are the things your body is trying to tell you according to Chinese medicine.
8 Debates That Will Have You On the Edge of Your Seat
8 hot-topic debates about subjects we tackle every day of our lives.
These Apples Do More Than Keep the Doc Away
This photo collection features 10 of the world's most unique apples. Who knew this was such an interesting fruit?
Johnny Cash's Words Are Well Worth Reading...
Not only could Johnny Cash sing, but he also had a way with words. Here are 12 of his greatest quotes.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your Cleaning Products
Household cleaning products are toxic for your health and the environment. Here are a selection of more friendly cleaners.
QUIZ: Which Chakra Needs Strengthening?
Chakra are the spiritual and physical focus points of our entire being. Of the 7, which one needs your urgent attention? This test will tell you how to heal it.
Embrace Your Kids' Point of View on Life
Watch 7-year-old therapists conduct couples counseling...
How to Get Your Kid to Open Up About Their Day
Why do your kids or grandkids avoid talking about their day? How to get them to open up?
What is Your Biggest Regret?
Watch people aged from 5 to 75 share the biggest regret of their lives...
Johnny Cash's Words Are Well Worth Listening To...
Musty House Air? Try These 10 Oxygen Releasing Plants!
Having plants in the house is of course a great idea. But which ones should you choose? Here are 10 of the very best freshness inspiring potted plants.
What's Your Purpose? Take Our Quiz and Find Out...
We're all in constant search of our goal in this world, but with the next test, you'll be able to discover your purpose in life and start engaging in it today.
A Beautiful Poem About What REALLY Matters in Life
Overcome self-doubt with this touching poem about the essence of who we are...
15 Timeless Lessons from Galileo and Other Great Thinkers
The wise words and universal lessons of Michelangelo, Galileo, Francis Bacon, and other great Renaissance thinkers still apply today.
7 Things Your Kids Will Never Ever Forget About You...
The impression you made on your children and grandchildren is something that they will always love you for. They will never let go of those sweet memories.
Mumbai’s Bold Plan to Build a Coastal Road Over the Sea
India has taken on an extremely ambitious infrastructure project - building an 8-lane highway along the coast. Why is it so expensive and so controversial?
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
Scientists Have Found a Cure for "Aged" Brain Diseases
A study discovered a new group of compounds capable of treating Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
Ikaria - The Greek Island With the Key to Longevity
The life expectancy on the tiny Greek island of Ikaria is s much higher than the rest of the world. What is the secret of Ikaria's long-lived residents?
The Link Between Excessive TV Watching & Cognitive Decline
Three recent studies find that the more TV you watch in your 40s to 60s, the greater your risk of brain health issues later in life. What can you do about it?
Audrey Hepburn - 16 Quotes on Love, Happiness and Optimism
Audrey Hepburn was one of the most beloved film stars and fashion icons of the 20th century. These quotes highlight her great heart, wisdom, and humility.
Explained: Everything You Want to Know About Migraines
Migraines are more than a throbbing, pounding headache. This video explains what happens in the brain when you have a migraine.
These Seniors Live Out the Saying Age is Just a Number
These seniors embody the saying 'age is just a number'. From a great sense of humor to enviable physical shape, they are living their best lives.
12 Memorable Quotes Virginia Woolf Left Us
A brilliant writer and a feminist when feminism was still taboo, Virginia Woolf inspired a whole generation. Here are 12 of her most memorable and profound quotes.
9 Surprising Sleeping Habits From Around the World
Sleep looks different in different parts of the world. Here are 9 surprising sleeping habits from different countries, some of which you might want to adopt.
7 Effects Crying Has On the Body and Mind
The study of crying reveals a few interesting effects it has on our body and mind. Here are 7 ways in which crying benefits us.
The Most Profound Musings of Harper Lee
The enduring success of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' turned Harper Lee into a literary legend. Here are some of her most remarkable quotes.
How Blind People Imagine Their Loved Ones
This fun little experiment attempts to bridge the inevitable perceptual gap between blind people and their loved ones who can see.
New Medicine Offers Fresh Hope for Alzheimer's Patients
This experimental new drug can slow down cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients.
Regain Control Over Your Time with These Inspiring Words
Time management is no easy task, but the results are worth the effort. These quotes might inspire you to take the first step and gain control over your time.
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
12 Quotes That Reveal Jane Austen’s Wit and Wisdom
These quotes perfectly capture Jane Austen's timeless humor, wit, and wisdom.
13 Remarkable Quotes from Frank Sinatra
Being one of the most prominent figures in entertainment in the past century, Frank Sinatra has some remarkable things to say about life, love, and success.
What Does a Dyslexia Evaluation Look Like?
Let's take an in-depth look at this important evaluation.
Drilling Holes In Your Bin Can Make Your Life Much Easier!
Drilling holes in your trash can? Yes! Learn two easy tricks that will make taking out the trash much easier
7 Warning Signs of Low Self Esteem and Lack of Confidence
No one wants to come off as insecure or having low self-esteem. These are 7 signs that can point to low self-esteem in yourself or others.
Wise Words From the Man Who Invented X-Ray Technology!
Nikola Tesla, the scientist to who invented the Tesla coil, left us with numerous inventions and these words of wisdom