Unusual Signs of Vitamin B3 Deficiency You Mustn't Ignore
You may not realize you have Vitamin B3 deficiency!
According to a New Study, Vitamin Supplements Are Useless!
A new study has found that many vitamin supplements have no real health benefits. Find out more here!
Vitamin Blast: The Best Vegan Sources of Vitamin D
Here's a dive into various beverages packed with nutrients vital for daily wellness and immune defense against viruses.
If You Have These Symptoms, You Need More Vitamins!
There are loads of remedies to make up for a lack of vitamins, but people still suffer from vitamin deficiency. Here are 8 signs you needed more vitamins.
This Vitamin Is Essential For Good Memory and Eyesight!
Here we explain how vitamin B6 benefits your health, who’s at risk of developing a deficiency, and how to make sure that you’re getting enough pyridoxine.
The Ultimate Vitamin Cheat-Sheet!
A great cheat-sheet that will tell you where to get each and every vitamin!
The 6 Best Artery-Cleansing Vitamins and Supplements
These vitamins and supplements will help keep your arteries clean.
The ABC of Anti-Inflammatory Vitamins: Which Are the Best?
Which vitamins should you focus on when your main concern is fighting inflammation? Start with these 5, as they have the most scientific backing.
The Vitamin Breakthrough in Fight Against Alzheimer's
Most vitamin E supplements don't actually give us the right quality of the vitamin. And we need this vitamin to help our brain function. Read on to learn more.
Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Bruises?
If you're getting bruises but can't recall taking a hit, maybe you're deficient in a certain vitamin. Learn the science here.
Are Vitamins Harmful? 9 Toxic Ingredients to Beware of
Vitamins and supplements are supposed to benefit our bodies, but unfortunately, ingredients that are harmful to our health are added to them ...
These Foods Are the Absolute Best Sources of Vitamin K2
K2 is an important vitamin that can reduce the risk of dental issues, heart disease and cancer, and can be found in these common foods.
Vitamin D Deficiencies Are NOT Caused By Sunblock
If you're not sure whether sun exposure is dangerous to your health and how often you should wear sunscreen, here is what you need to know.
Are Gummy Vitamins Good For Kids? Find Out Here
If your child is vitamin-deficient, but refuses to take their vitamin supplements, you might want to try giving them gummy vitamins instead. Learn more here.
This Essential Vitamin May Be The Cure to Several Diseases
This powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of health.
7 Subtle Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency to Be Aware Of
Here's a look at some of the most important signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that you should be aware of.
How to Use Vitamin Supplements Correctly For Better Health
Learn how vitamin pills can affect your health, what each one does and when it's best to take them.
Health Quiz: What Do You Know of Essential Vitamins?
Do you know what minerals and vitamins are important for the body and where they can be found? Prove it by beating our quiz!
Dissolve Blood Clots from Your Body With These Vitamins
Untreated blood clots can lead to life threatening complications. Here are some vitamins that can help dissolve them safely.
Vitamin K - Health Benefits, Sources & Signs of Deficiency
This underrated vitamin plays a crucial role in bone health, heart health, and wound healing.
Warning! Read About These Mistakes Before Taking Vitamins
Are you using vitamins are supplements correctly, or are you just wasting your money? Find out by learning about the 8 most common myths on dietary supplements.
A Fun Poem About the Discovery of Vitamins A, B and C
The history of vitamins is closely linked with human exploration of the world. This charming rhyme will tell you the story of vitamins A, B, and C!
Is Vitamin D Better for Teeth Than Brushing and Flossing?
Keep your teeth healthy and strong with more than just brushing and flossing. Once you start getting your daily dose of vitamin D, you'll never stop smiling!
8 Supplements and Vitamins to Help You Relieve Fatigue
Discover the 8 food supplements and vitamins that will help you improve and maintain your body's energy level making you feel much less tired and irritable.
11 Warning Signs of a Nutrient or Vitamin Deficiency
You might not be getting enough nutrients, and you don't even know it. Watch out for these signs!
The "Longevity Vitamin": Where Can You Get Some?
Watch the video to understand all about Ergothioneine, and why it's referred to as the "longevity vitamin".
Vitamin D Deficient? Make Sure to Stock Up on These Foods!
These food items are filled with Vitamin D, an important nutrient that promotes immunity and bone strength, and should be added to your diet
The Role of Vitamin D in Preventing or Treating COVID-19
Will taking vitamin D supplements help lower your chances of catching Covid-19? Find out here
Here Are 10 Essential Vitamins for Optimum Brain Health!
The brain is the most high-powered organ that we have and it requires the right amount and type of fuel to work properly. Here's what you need!
This Fruit is 22 Times Higher in Vitamin C Than Lemons
Did you know that rose hips can benefit your body in numerous ways, such as anti-aging, weight loss and chronic disease prevention?
This Food Guide Will Help You Get the Vitamins You Need!
The following guide will help you learn about all the vitamins you need, and the foods where you can get them from.
What Vitamins Do We Need On a Daily Basis?
A healthy diet requires a minimum daily intake of certain vitamins and minerals. This is your list of basic vitamin and mineral needs for a healthy diet.
What You need to Eat to Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamins
Discover the types of vitamins you need and what amount of vitamins different products contain. Also discover how much you need to eat to get the daily amount of each vegetable.
Strong Eyes: How to Get More Vitamin A In Your System
Vitamin A is highly important for human health, but do you know where to get it, and how much of it to get? Find out in this highly-informative guide.
Taking High Doses of Vitamin C Won’t Cure or Prevent Colds
This is how a personal tip from a Nobel Prize winning chemist turned into one of the most widespread medical myths of the past few decades
10 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency You Should Beware
This essential vitamin is important for our overall wellbeing. Are you deficient in vitamin C? Here are the symptoms you should look out for.
Eating Many Carbs? You're Probably Lacking Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 deficiency is nearly undetectable in lab tests. So how will you know if you're deficient? Dr. Berg with the answers.
Now You Can Make Your Own Vitamin D Supplements at Home!
Vitamin D has incredible health benefits. Here's how you can make some Vitamin D supplements at home.
What Does Vitamin E Do, and Where Do We Get It From?
This discussion delves into eight noteworthy benefits of vitamin E, substantiated by scientific research.
Did You Know That Vitamin D Can Help Save Your Life?
Vitamin D can help influence your body in many amazing ways that you probably didn't even know about.
Did You Know the Time of Day You Take Vitamin D Matters?
You should be more particular about the time of the day you take your vitamin D. Here's why.
10 Foods That Add Some Much Needed Vitamin C to Your Diet
We often hear about vitamin C, but did you know just how important it is for your body? Here are 10 vitamin C rich foods you should add to your regular diet.
Vitamin C Cannot Prevent Colds, But It Can Do So Much More
Although vitamin C may not protect you from the flu, it can do wonders for your immune system, heart, skin and the nervous system, and more...
You Won't Get the Vitamin D You Need If You Suffer From...
Do you form part of these groups of people who are deficient in vitamin D? Find out here.
Learn All You Need to Know About Absorbing Solar Vitamin D
We all know sun exposure is the best way to absorb vitamin D, but we also know sun exposure is dangerous. So how can we go about doing this safely? Learn here.
Here's Why You Must Make Sure You Get Enough Vitamin B12!
Getting the proper amount of B vitamins is essential to your overall health, and vitamin B12 is one that benefits your whole body. Here's how!
These 10 Vital Nutrients Will Help Boost Your Mood!
Here are some of the most important supplements for those dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, or other mood-sabotaging conditions.
11 Ailments Guavas Can Cure
Are you aware of the incredible health benefits of guavas? Find out here.
Not Eating Lentils? This Will Change Your Mind
Are lentils included in your diet? This guide will convince you to start eating them regularly.
THIS is Why Fruit is Good For You
This great cheat-sheet of fruit power should be on every refrigerator door.
This Incredibly Nutritious Drink Is Made With Just 3 Foods
Did you know that you can create a super-drink using just three common foods? Learn more about this amazing drink and make it yourself today.
9 Low-Calorie Cereals That'll Maintain Your Weight
The 9 most recommended grains for a low-carb diet and for maintaining weight and general health.
Are You Giving Your Body Enough Nutrition? Find Out Here
In order to live a long and healthy life, you'll need to take care of your body and mind by paying attention to your eating and drinking habits...
Discover the 9 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit...
Learn more about the legendary Dragon Fruit and its wonderful health benefits!
12 Natural Foods That Are Full of Healthy Omega-3
If you think you can only get Omega-3 from a pill, we advise you to think again!
The Wonderful Benefits of Raw Honey
There are numerous health benefits of adding raw honey to your diet. Here are a selection of them.
10 Root Vegetables With Extraordinary Health Benefits
This winter, make sure you add these super healthy root vegetables to your diet for an extra dose of nutrition.
Learn to Use Microsoft Excel To Make Daily Tasks a Breeze!
Dive into the myriad of uses for the Microsoft spreadsheet program, Excel, which can be used for everything from fitness to cooking
These World Cuisines Are As Healthy As They Are Delicious
Japanese, Greek, Indian, or Mexican – which is the world’s healthiest cuisine?
Why You Should Include Oaknuts in Your Diet
Acorns aren’t known for their nutritional value, but these wild nuts are rich in nutrients.
10 Perennials That Will Serve Your Garden for Years
Here, we look at some amazingly useful perennial vegetables that will serve as a long-term investment for every gardener.
Ditch the Omega-3 Supplements For This Instead
What's the difference between omega 3, 6, and 9, and is it possible you don't even need a supplement for those?
Gout Is Surprisingly Common: Here's How to Prevent It
Gout is a surprisingly common arthritic condition of the joints. This is our guide to preventing gout the best way possible - naturally!
Keep Those Potato Peels. They Have Many Surprising Uses
The humble potato peel can be beneficial for your health and beauty. Find out how…
Tryptophan in Turkey - Does It Really Make You Tired?
We're here to tell you that tryptophan does NOT make your tired after a large meal, but this nutrient has several even more interesting properties!
Psoriasis: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Skin Disease
Learn all about this autoimmune disease that affects skin with red blotches. Understand the different types, treatments and discover home remedies.
The Full List of Herbs That Protect You From Diabetes
Diabetes is dangerous, therefore it's important to be mindful of our food intake and include these 15 diabetic herbs and spices in our diet!
This Gold Superfood Will Improve Your Health in Many Ways
Most of us aren't familiar with golden berries, but after reading this article about all its health benefits, we're sure you're going to run out to buy yourself some!
This Is the Most Important Nutrient For Human Health
Vitamin D comes from the sun, and it's important that we get enough of it for the sake of our health. Here are 15 things you need to know about vitamin D.
This Underrated Food Is Great For Your Heart & Weight Loss
Bulgur is a low-glycemic whole food that can become a useful staple in your kitchen. Here's everything you need to know about the benefits and uses of bulgur.
Bet You Never Knew a Tree Could be So Beneficial to You
Slippery elm, thanks to its mucilage, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties has so many health benefits it's unreal. Check out 10 of these benefits!
A Little-Known Way to KILL Cancer...
Can vitamin D help protect against cancer? Find out…
Can Taking Multivitamins Do More Harm than Good?
Half of Americans today regularly take vitamin supplements, but could regularly taking multivitamins do more harm than good?
Rice Water - 6 Unexpected but Super Helpful Uses
After reading this article, you will never throw away rice water again.
Keep Your Eyes Young With These 5 Important Nutrients
Having the right diet can go a long way to helping your eyes cope with age-related deterioration. Here are 5 vital vitamins you need, and where to find them.
8 Super Healthy and Common Herbs & Spices
This post will show you how 8 very common herbs and spices can greatly benefit your health.
10 Great Things Eating Oranges Will Do For Your Health
You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement! Take a look!
Are You Low on Nutrients? Let Your Face Be Your Guide
Discover whether you lack nutrients by looking out for these signs on your face.
These 10 Beans Have the MOST Remarkable Health Benefits!
Let’s take a close look at 10 of the healthiest and accessible beans and other legumes and find out which ones are best suited for you
5 Nutrients You Need to Help Your Eyes Stay Young
New Research Shows Surprising Way to Repair Damaged Nerves
This common deficiency could be damaging your nerves.
Can a Lack of Sun Cause Mental Health Issues?
Find out how sunlight can impact your mental health and what to do about it here.
Study: New Link Found Between Parkinson's and the Gut
A recent study has identified gut microbes likely involved and linked them to decreased riboflavin (vitamin B2) and biotin (vitamin B7), suggesting a potential treatment
Can Food Additves Prevent Gray Hair?
Can food additives prevent gray hair, or is it a myth? The answer is a bit complicated and we discuss it in this article.
The Ultimate 5 Flavorful Smoothies Designed For Diabetics!
These delicious smoothies use healthy and natural ingredients ideal for diabetics and can be enjoyed regularly.
These Are the Superfoods You Should Be Eating This Summer
These amazing superfoods will ensure that you keep healthy throughout the hottest months of the year. Learn about 10 superfoods you should eat this summer.
This Sweet Fruit is Both Tasty and Incredibly Healthy!
With seven such wonderful health benefits, it's no wonder that Annona a favorite of many around the world...
Bananas Can Do So Much More Than Just Being Food...
Bananas are more than just food, there are at least 15 more uses for them...
Salmon vs. Tuna: The Key Differences You Should Know
Both salmon and tuna are great seafood choices to add to your diet. But which one's healthier?
A Fruit Shot a Day Keeps the Common Cold at Bay
Stock up on vitamin shots without draining your wallet - 6 recipes for natural immunizing vitamin remedies.
If You've Got a Diminished Libido, You Need to Read This
If you feel like your libido is diminished at the moment, don't fret - there are various things you can do to restore it. Take a look at these 9 methods.
These 5 Nutrient Deficiencies Are Awfully Common
Nutrient deficiencies are more common than think, especially these 5 that often cause a whole myriad of uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms
8 Great Reasons Why You Need to Include Chard In Your Diet
Swiss chard has many health benefits. Discover what they are here.
9 Foods That Will Protect Your Skin From the Sun
These 9 foods each contributes something to the fight between your skin and the harmful UV rays of the sun.
Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Arugula
Arugula is a lot healthier than many people give it credit for. Here are seven reasons why you should seriously consider adding it to your diet.
12 Foods You Must Add to Your Diet in Your 40s and Later
In this article, we’ll focus on 12 foods with proven anti-aging effects that are easy to find in stores and even easier to add into your diet
9 Things That Will Happen if You Eat 2 to 3 Eggs a Day
Here's what eating two to three eggs a day will do for your health.
You Should Eat the Peels of These Fruit and Vegetables
The peel of some fruit and vegetables sometimes contain more nutrients than the actual flesh itself. Here are 10 fruit and veg peels that you should eat.
Make the Green Drink Everyone is Feeling Better With
If your looking to lose weight or just to make yourself healthier this green shake might be the delicious answer...
8 Fantastic Health Reasons to Add Mangos to Your Diet
Mangos are some of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Here are 8 health benefits of this tasty fruit.