12 Unique and Beautiful Words That Charm and Delight
Take a look at this list of some weird and wonderful words that you are unlikely to have read in your language course in school.
14 Uniquely Canadian Words and Phrases You Should Know
There are some Canadian words no American would understand. If you’re planning on visiting Canada, it’s quite useful to learn these 14 words and phrases.
These Modes of Transport Are Unique in the World
Our world is almost infinitely diverse, and this is also reflected in the modes of transport contained within it. Here are 12 of the most unique in the world.
These Unexpected Photos Highlight the Uniqueness of Canada
Canada is a lovely place to visit, but tourists need to be prepared for some funny and unique incidents like these!
Welcome to the World of Bizarre and Unique Buildings
Check out some of the most unusual buildings from around the world.
These Are the Most Overused Words in the English Language
Are you guilty of using these overused words in English? Find out!
Each Unique, Each Beautiful!
Snowflakes are actually tiny frozen ice crystals which fall through the Earth's atmosphere. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and each is completely unique. Complex shapes emerge as the flake moves through differing temperature and humidity
This Unique Trivia Game is So Much Fun!
A fun game with categories like Sports, Music and TV. Guaranteed hours and hours of fun!
16 Unique and Unusual Maps That Will Surprise You
Check out these unusual maps that provide a wealth of unique information.
Your Voice is as Unique As Your Fingerprints
This fascinating video explains how this unique characteristic of humans works, and what makes our voices unique.
Joke: The Important Words
A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year...
These Lipstick Paintings Are Painstaking & Totally Unique
This art is completely unique, and that's because the artist who creates it uses nothing but lipstick and her lips. Take a look at these incredible pieces.
Unique Classic Cars of Exceptional Historical Value
These are the some of finest specimens of automobile design, the classic shapes and timeless look of which can leave no one indifferent
This Photographer Creates Uniquely Magical Illusions
Sometimes perspective is everything in photography and can completely change the way you look at something. Check out these photos.
Don't Forget! You Are Special & Unique
Often we can feel worthless, so it's important to be reminded of this terrible falsehood. We are all unique and important people for God. He loves you.
A Few Words of Truth...
You should read them and carry their advice in your heart.
South Korea Is Such a Unique and Authentic Country!
These 15 photos will give you a glimpse of this unique country, focusing on the little details which only those who travel to this country usually get to see.
Make the Most Unique and Tasty Coleslaw!
Make the Most Unique and Tasty Coleslaw for your friends and family with this awesome recipe.
These Words Capture the Complexities of Love
Love is a complex emotion, and other languages have found ways of expressing it in a way that English cannot.
Admire the Unique Raw Beauty of Bangladesh
From the busy streets of Dhaka, through the scenic countryside, Bangladesh truly has a one of a kind magic
12 Unique Artists and Their Gorgeous Creations
we'd like to show you 12 of our favorite creative artists.
Bakfiets – The Unique Car-Replacement Bicycle
Today, we would like to share with you a unique vehicle that can make commuting around the city much easier.
There's Simply No Equivalent For These Words In English...
There are some words that simply don't translate from one language into another, and plenty of these words don't actually translate into English. Take a look.
14 Unique Discoveries Found in the Desert
The desert can be a pretty fascinating place.
Collection: The World's Most Unique Buildings
This collection includes advanced buildings of the future, stunning old structures, and some of the tallest buildings in the world
This Magician is Very Mysterious and Utterly Unique!
This talent show has seen many magicians, but none like this one.
This Comedian is Unique and Oh So Charming!
This comedian was born with all the disadvantages, but Ryan Niemiller turns it into a funny advantage in this performance on America's Got Talent.
30 Beautiful Words that Just Can't Be Translated
Each language has at least a few words that just can't be translated, no matter how hard you try. Here are 30 beautiful examples.
Meet 7 People With Unique and Powerful Brains!
These people can do things with their brain we could never dream of.
11 Establishments With a Unique and Creative Design...
These restaurants, bars and coffee shops have brilliant and creative designs.
Every Country Has Something Unique to It...
This is one post we recommend for the whole family, because there is some important information here that everyone should learn!
The Most Innovative and Unique Homes Around the World
The design of these 15 homes is so unique and innovative that it seems like they belong in the future.
The Uniqueness of Colonial Architecture Around the World
Architecture is deeply intertwined with history - for better or worse. No other architectural style makes this connection more apparent than colonial architecture.
The Encyclopedia Won’t Tell You These Unique Facts
Here are 12 unique and curious facts about the world that will definitely surprise you.
QUIZ: Find the Missing Word!
For each of these sentences, select the correct spelling of the missing word.
Soak Up the Sun At These Unique Beaches
Here are the weirdly stunning beaches of the world that will get you feeling toasty right in your seat!
English Quiz: Define the Words!
It's time to find out just how fancy your range of vocabulary really is! Good luck...
This Unique Pizza’s Base Is Made with Potatoes and Eggs
Try this unique potato pizza that can be made without flour and oven...
14 Fun and Unique Crochet Pieces for Inspiration
These are the cutest crochet projects we’ve seen all year.
Never Underestimate the Power of Words
Words are something we often forget to appreciate. What would we do if we didn't have words? This poem and video will make you reflect.
18 Pieces of Furniture With Entirely Unique Designs
Behold some of the most fascinating designs for furniture we've seen in a while!
19 Unique & Traditional Ways of Life Around the World
19 unique cultures that managed to preserve their traditions in the 21st century. English photographer Jimmy Nelson travels the globe to meet these unique tribes and brings back incredible photos.
These Unique Art Forms Have Been Practiced For Centuries
Art often reflects the unique history, traditions, and culture of a specific country. Discover 16 ancient and unique art forms from around the world.
These Animals Were Drawn in a Unique, and Beautiful Way.
With enough talent and patience, no special tools are required. ..
Unique logo designs that actually say something
A well-thought logo is the one that successfully communicate ideas to people.
These Artists Have Unique Ways of Creating Masterpieces
Here are 13 artists who have innovated amazing new and unique ways of creating different types of art, making use of the most unconventional material, from sink strainers to bubble wrap.
These Uncommon Travel Words Have Such Beautiful Meanings!
Describe your past and present travels using these unusual travel words from around the world.
An Inspiring Word Is Forever Heard...
Words are important because words are immortal. They resonate down and up the centuries, giving us better ideas and explaining existing ones.
Architect Transforms Everyday Things into Unique Buildings
Brazilian architect and urban planner Felipe de Castro likes to reimagine everyday items as unusual buildings. Take a look.
QUIZ: Which Word is NOT an Antonym?
Look at the word in the image and then choose the one word from the four options that is NOT an antonym.
Creativity In Words - Beautiful Quotes!
Find out what some of the greats had to say about that illusive of all human skills - creativity!
Joke: The Widow and the Special Words...
This joke begins with a grieving widow at a funeral, when a few men would like to say a few words... literally.
14 Animals with Rare and Unique Anatomical Features
Celebrating our differences is important, and these 14 animals definitely have some rare and unique features that make them stand out!
There's Nothing Sweeter Than These Words of Love!
The most beautiful words of love to make your day sweeter. I hope these beautiful words will fill your day up with some sweetness.
Words Of Wisdom - Get inspired
Some words of wisdom sent to us, that have a quiet dignity and understanding of the real problems we face with ourselves. These are great advice to read and keep in your heart.
May the Beauty of These Words Stay With You...
When does what we say have weight? How to make our words more powerful? A few beautiful thoughts on the subject.
These Specialized Tools Have the Most Unique Uses
These specialized tools have the most unusual uses.
These Are the MOST UNIQUE Motorbikes You’ll Ever See
Take a look at 7 unique motorbikes with the coolest features.
Fold a Napkin Into a Rose for a Unique Table Setting
Learn to set a table with napkin folding, giving a unique touch to your dinner table.
These School Lunch Recipes by Gordon Ramsay are Unique
Preparing school lunches can be hard. Here are some unique ideas brought to you by Gordon Ramsay:
English Quiz: Are These Words Real or Fake?
We're about to challenge your vocabulary in a creative way...
These Unique Aquariums Will Absolutely Blow Your Mind
These Aquariums will take you on a journey with the smallest fish, the size of a peanut, to the largest tank, almost as tall as a building.
15 Unique and Fascinating Houses That’ll Surprise You
Some people have reinvented the concept of "home," check out their eclectic taste with the following 15 pictures!
A Stunning and Unique Photo Walk Through Hiroshima
Discover the beauty of Hiroshima as seen through the lens of National Geographic photographer, David Guttenfelder
Nothing Is What It Seems In This Uniquely Cool Museum...
New York’s Museum of Illusions offers a unique way of learning about perception and the human brain, though immersive and just really cool exhibitions.
These Are Truly Words to Live By...
These are amazingly inspirational quotes with some historical information about the authors.
10 Words That Entered the Dictionary This Decade
The English dictionary has included countless popular and modern words in its lexicon in the last decade. Here is a list of 10 of them.
We're Speechless: 20 Untranslatable Words!
These words come from a variety of the world's languages, but cannot be translated into just one English word.
These Words of Wisdom Made Me Think...
Take these words of advice and think them over, maybe there is a place for them to help you.
15 Most Unique and Unusual Theme Park Rides
Buckle up, in this video, you’ll witness some of the most unusual and unique theme park rides around the world!
There's a Word We Need to Stop Using...
This video shows how much better our language becomes when we stop using one simple word.
Discover Some of the Most Fascinating and Unique Webcams
There are many different webcams that you can view online, but these are perhaps the most unique. Take a look at 15 fascinating streaming webcams to view now.
Making a Difference - Words To Live By.
Wise words from someone who is putting his education and experience to work. We should all be as conscientious.
This Artist Found a Unique Canvas for Her Art
Imogen Clark pains stunning art on feathers and it's a must-see!
This Japanese Dance Group is Unique in its Coordination!
Watch as dance group Avantgardey amazes everyone on AGT with their precision and doll-like coordinated movements.
16 Photos That Are Too Unique to Overlook
From unbelievably beautiful or unusual locations around the world to artefacts that offer a glimpse into the past, these must-see photos will uplift and inspire you!
QUIZ: What Does This Word MEAN?
Can you define these rare words?
QUIZ: Can You Describe These Words?
Can you guess what these uncommon words meant?
A Unique Look Into America's Secret Atomic City
In a fascinating look into this 'secret' town, learn about the residents' daily life and the sacrifices they made of the atomic bomb.
These Beautiful Words Will Touch You Deeply
These words by poet, Nayyirah Waheed will change your perception of life.
A Few Priceless Words About Love...
Beautiful and inspiring quotes about the biggest inspiration of all - love.
This Unique Dune House is Like a Hobbit Home, But Better
This astonishing and unique Florida home built into a sand dune facing the beach is sure to impress you!
Everyday Australia Seen Through 18 Unique Snapshots
These images paint a comprehensive picture of what makes Australia so special.
Every Public Space Deserves Such Unique Urban Designs
Admire these amazing modern sculptures and structures that breathe new life to public spaces.
QUIZ: Find the Alternative Word!
Only in the USA! 14 Pics That Are Uniquely American
These are things you'll only get to see in America.
Unique Photos That Blur the Line Between People & Animals
In her very unique way, photogrpehrt and digital artist Flora Borsi creates a perfect combination of people and animals in this photo collection.
Are You 1 of the Few People with These Unique Body Traits?
Here are 10 unusual features of the human body that we rarely notice. Do you possess any of these unique features?
Words Of Wisdom - get inspired
15 Hilarious Pics That Prove India is Unique
India is a place like no other...
14 Unique and Unconventional Urban Designs That Inspire
Let’s check out some truly amazing examples of smart urban planning designs that every city in the world should take inspiration from.
What a Complex and Unique Form of Art This Is! Astounding!
Take a look at his multi-colored animal kingdom made entirely out of balloons!
QUIZ: Do You Recognize These Words?
English Quiz: Can You Define These Words?
This Artist Turned Her Unique Paper Art Into a Living
Portuguese artist Sena Runa's beautiful paper quilling art has resulted in her amassing a staggering 100,000 followers. Take a look at her unique work here.
This Is the MOST Unique and Adorable Husky I’ve Ever Seen!
The internet is obsessed with this rare Siberian Husky, and we totally get it!
The Small Words That Will Change Your Relationship Forever
tips to help you improve the compliments you give your partner, along with 20 examples of compliments you can start giving right now.
A Picture Is Worth a 1000 Words....
You can write a 1000 sonnets and poems, read a book or a hundred articles, and still not be able to convey what a single photo, a single picture can express...
These Unusual Beaches Offer a Unique View of Paradise
If you are a beach lover with an eye for the unusual, then you might want to add some of these stunning spots to your bucket list.
Words Are Powerful, and Must Be Used Wisely...
This video will show you the power and beauty of words, and why you should learn to choose yours wisely.
Reflection: The Power of Words is Beyond Beautiful