Was There Ever a Real Uncle Sam?
Did you know the same man drew both Unce Sam and Santa Claus as we know them today?
Hilarious: Uncle Ted's Running Around Scaring the Kids
When a married man arrives home early from work, the last thing he wants to find is a household in chaos. It turns out Uncle Ted is to blame...
Rescued from the Fighting Pits - Sam`s Story
The true soul of a dog is kind, no matter what they go through in life. Sam is a testament to that.
Celebrate Thanksgiving: 15 Rare Images of a Nation's Roots
Thanksgiving has roots that take us right back to the beginning of America's modern history. These 15 photos will take you on a patriotic journey.
An Artist Colored 14 Iconic Film Scenes and We’re Stunned!
Incredibly talented Austrian artist colorized 14 famous vintage film scenes and portraits of famous actors and they look unbelievably real!
This Joke Starts When a Close Friend Passes Away...
This joke takes us to a place beyond life... but not beyond baseball!
Hilarious: Sir, Can You Stay in Your Allocated Seat?
When a theater usher finds an unruly cowboy sprawled across three seats, he has to intervene. Things soon get messy.. .
Joke: The Little Boy and the Gravestones
A woman takes her little boy to visit their dead relatives' gravestones at a cemetery. The little boy has never been to a cemetery before. The woman first takes her son her grandmother Annie's gravestone.
Joke: The Case of the Town's Gossip
Mildred, the local gossip and self appointed keeper of the church’s morals, kept poking her nose into other people’s business.
Hilarious: An Unexpected Invitation From a Neighbor
When a neighbor comes knocking to welcome a man who's new to the area, it isn't quite the welcome he expected...
Joke: The Husband, the Wife and the Threesome
There was a man who was very happily married, but, every birthday he would have the same fantasy request from his wife: He wanted a threesome, and every year the wife says no.
Have You Ever Heard of Vincent Van Gogh's Family? You Should
The hilarious family of van Gogh
Joke: The Rude Cowboy
The cowboy lay sprawled across three entire seats in the theater.
Joke: An Unexpected Invitation
Sam had been in the computer business for 25 years and was finally sick of the stress. He quit his job and bought 50 acres of land in Minnesota as far from humanity as possible. Sam saw the postman once a week and got groceries once a month.
Joke: Introducing the van Gogh Family...
Did you know the painter Vincent van Gogh had a very large family?
Before Death, This Sick Child Has Something to Say
His Philosophy for a Happy Life...
Enjoy Musical Heaven By an Extremely Talented Cellist!
The multi-talented Kevin Olusola uses only his mouth and cello to produce a most amazing rendition to Sam Smith's "Stay with me".
10 Quirky British Slang Phrases to Add to Your Vocabulary
British English often seems like a whole different language. Learn all about 10 common and certainly fun and quirky British slang words in this article!
These History Facts Sound Unlikely But They’re Accurate!
From a happy story of a lucky kitty to one of an utterly tragic shipwreck, all 6 of these mind-blowing facts are difficult to believe but accurate!
This Kitten Will Follow Her Owner Anywhere, Even the Sea...
A story of a beautiful friendship between a man and the kitten that adopted him.
This is How Neuroscience Will Develop in the Next Century
In this imaginative and interesting talk, neuro-engineer Sam Rodriques takes us on a thrilling tour of the next 100 years in neuroscience. Take a look!
Joke: The Saddest Story of All
Three writers, Sam, Pete, and Chuck, who were attending a writing convention, booked a room on the 75th floor of a hotel.
Hilarious: Social Security Never Got a Letter Like This
When social security received this letter from a certain Colin, they concurred that it was the most outrageous (and hilarious) letter they had ever been sent.
A History of Betrayal and Intrigue for the Crown of England
The War of the Roses tore England apart between 1455 and 1487, but its seeds were planted long before that. This is the story of the terrible boy king who plunged England into dynastic chaos.
Some Holiday Meals are Just a Mess...
It's a doggie holiday feast!
Joke: The Super-Wife
Sam and his wife Rachel were playing golf at the club when she drove a 300 yard tee shot straight down the fairway...
How Cats See The World: A Brief History of Civilization
Have you ever wondered how cats became our pets? In no time, they've grown into our best friends and did some pretty amazing things for humans…
These True Stories Inspired Me to Love My Neighbor
These heroes gave something very special to people they barely knew, simply to be good.
7 Heart-Warming Stories That Prove the Loyalty of Dogs
Dogs are some of the most loyal creatures in the world, and as you’re about to see, there’s a reason why they are known as man’s best friend.
Cheetah vs. Greyhound: Examining Two Incredible Runners
Comparing the differences and similarities between two of the fastest animals on land - the Cheetah and the Grey Hound dog.
The American Quiz: How Well Do You Know America?
How well do you know America? Test your knowledge with this 4th of July-themed quiz!
The Great American Quiz: How Well Do You Know America?
Test: Can You Name the Capitals of the World?
Are you a person of the world? Do you pride yourself on your geographical knowledge? Then let us put it to the test...
ART TEST: Did a Toddler Paint These Paintings?
Modern art divides people like no other art form. Some say it's profound, some that it's puerile. Let's put this to the ultimate test!
This Man is 70 Years Old?? Unbelievable.
This man will amaze you. I'm flabbergasted.
MUSIC BOX: These Songs Influenced Entire Generations...
Some songs just tend to stick in the collective consciousness and influence a generation, changing the world forever. Here are 10 of the most influential.
This Is One Ship You Have to See to Believe...
This is one sea vehicle worthy of its name!
Hypnotizing Images You Can't Avoid But Stare At!
Amazing images that are looping in hypnotic ways!
Is Modern Art Really Profound, or Could a Toddler Do It?
This Wild Crow Comes to Play with This Family's Pets!
This is a story of a wild crow who became a daily guest this happy family's home, and how she started playing with the family pets!
Joke: A Few Words From Murphy...
A few Murphy Laws and Advice...
This Joke Begins With a Divorce Judge Having a Bad Day
This joke is about a divorce judge who interviews a bizarre woman.
Get Lost in the Lovely Impressionist Art of Édouard Manet
Edouard Manet was an artist in 19th Century France that solidified his role in the creation of impressionist and modernist art
Kitty Logic - 18 Funny Photos of Cats
This hilarious photo collection will familiarize you with the mysterious mind of the domestic cat and have you laughing non-stop!
Enjoy a Valentine's Slow Dance Party With Your Sweetheart
Enjoy a Valentine's Day classic tunes playlist, perfect for having a slow-dance party.
11 Useful Vintage and Antique Items That Resist Time
11 vintage and antique items that were bought once and continue to serve numerous generations...
Hilarious: It Can Be Difficult Getting a Straight Answer...
A woman is in front of a judge giving answers about her pending divorce, but she seems to have trouble giving a straight answer...
Joke: The Will, the Family and the Properties
When it was finally his time to go, he gathered all his family around him and said this...
Are These 2016's Most Amazing Nature Photographs? Yes!
Which of these entrants will see their author be crowned nature photographer of the year for 2016. Here are the 11 finalists? I can't decide.
35 Classic National Geographic Photos You'll NEVER Forget
National Geographic's Best Photo Collection presents stunning contest winners.
These Award-Winning Pics Reveal the Many Faces of the Sea
Be transported to a stunning underwater world with 14 award-winning photos from the 2021 World Oceans Day Photo Contest.
Have You Seen These Hilarious Sibling Rivalry Pics Before?
When brothers and sisters get into a fight, it can result in some really funny situations. These 22 photos will have you in utter stitches.
10 Shocking Mysteries From Human History
10 incredible mysteries we know very little about.
10 Mysteries that have Shocked Human History
These Wedding Photographers Prove They Can Be Artists Too
These are the most stunning wedding photos of 2018!
Unbelievable: This Single Tree Can Bear 40 Kinds of Fruit
We bet you've never heard of a tree that can bear more than one kind of fruit. Well, this tree can bear 40!
Wonderful Images That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity
We hope these 17 heartwarming images will brighten up your day and inspire you to be even more kind and loving towards others
These Amazing Nature Photographs Will Leave You in Awe!
The winners from Nat Geo's 2017 Photography Competition have been announced and they will amaze you!
Is This the Most Generous Boss On the Face of the Earth?
The boss of India-based HK Exports, Savji Dholakia, should serve as an inspiration to all bosses around the world thanks to his incredible generosity.
Math Quiz: This Is One of the Trickiest Math Tests!
Can any of you get more than 10 out of these 12 tricky math questions?
This Lost WWII Postcard is a Moving Glimpse Into History
Bill Caldwell's family was astonished to receive a postcard from him - sent in 1943!
It's True! Kids Do Say the Darndest Things.
Because nothing can beat the innocence and inexperience of a child when it comes to funny lines.
20 Astounding Facts That Will Skew Your Perception of Time
These 20 mind-bending facts will show you just how warped your perception of time really is. Enjoy!
10 World War I Inventions We Still Use Every Day
From trench coats, to pilates and blood banks, all of these 10 things we think of as very modern were actually conceived during WWI.
15 Golden Age Musicians You Can Still See Performing Live!
These 15 artists from the greatest era of music have not lost their touch and continue to perform in concert for audiences across the world
These Children Have a Big Heart, and They Follow It...
Some kids are born with big hearts. These inspiring stories of kindness will encourage us all to be a little bit generous with our time.
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything it’s to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
10 Great Movies On Netflix You Probably Haven’t Seen
Whether you’re looking for a suspenseful thriller or a fun watch for the whole family, you'll certainly find the perfect movie for you on this list!
3 Jokes About Blond Men That'll Make You Laugh out Loud
Blond jokes are just as funny when they are applied to men!
These Wildlife Photos of the Year Convey a Deep Message
Here is a collection of 12 of the best wildlife photos of the year. These stunning pictures focus on the myriad faces of the animal kingdom.
This Botanical Garden in Pennsylvania Is Out of This World
Take a look at these terrific photos of stunning Botanical garden, Longwood Gardens.
A Little Bit of Love and Care Can Make a Positive Impact
These pictures show that just a little bit of love and care can go a long way in making a positive impact.
20 Incredible Photos from National Geographic Photographers
The photographers that take part in the National Geographic Photographer of the Year contests never cease to amaze. Take a look at these incredible photos.
20 Amazing Things People Accomplished Later in Life!
For some people, it seems that life really does begin at 40. They achieved some truly amazing feats. Here are 20 amazing things people accomplished after 40.
Some Missing Person Mysteries Have Very Happy Endings...
Many people go missing around the world each year, with their stories usually ending sadly, but some make miraculous returns. Here are their stories.
Looking Back at 10 Important News Stories of This Decade
The current decade is coming to an end. Now is the right time to look back at some of the major news stories from the last 10 years.
These Paths Are Just Too Beautiful Not to Walk On...
These gorgeous paths are an amazing treat to walk on, I hope I get to one day...
Feast Your Eyes: 50 Stunning Sceneries From 50 US States!
The US is full of magnificent places, in each and every state...
Good Deeds: There's Still Hope for Humanity!
The US has been through some tough times recently, and there is nothing good about these events. But there IS good in the way people responded to them
Mind-Blowing Images From the 2019 Astronomy Photo Contest
Held by the Royal Observatory Greenwich, these are the winners of the 2019 Insight Investment Astronomy Photographer of the Year Competition
True Love Never Ends - 12 Heartwarming Photos
Finding and staying with your soulmate for decades is possible, and this inspiring couple is here to prove it to us in the most heartwarming way.
Corsica is a Jewel in the Crown of the Mediterranean
This beautiful island is well worth a visit. In addition to visiting the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte, here are the top places to visit in Corsica.
25 Hilarious Before-and-After Photos of Parenthood!
Check out this hilarious photo-compilation of parents before and after children.
Hilarious: Before Being a Parent, and AFTER Being One...
WARNING: Before You Buy a Rotisserie Chicken, Read This
Are rotisserie chickens bad for our health or are they just as healthy as regular chicken?
How Much Do You Know About Christmas? Find Out Here!
Think you've got enough Christmas spirit in you to take on our fabulously festive Christmas trivia quiz? Test yourself here!
Quiz: Can You Beat This Tough Punctuation Test?
This punctuation quiz isn't easy, it'll throw 10 sentences at you that are either wrong or don't need any further punctuation...
These 8 Home Owners Really Bore a Grudge...
The following houses were built completely out of spite and anger.
Did You Know These Facts About Huckleberry Finn?
Have you read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"? Here are 6 interesting facts about this American Classic
These Wild Books Have Been Banned by the US Government
These fascinating books have been banned in many states, if not all, across the US due to the nature of their content
These Photos Have Amazed the World...
From the epic majesty of our galaxy to the pure, simple beauty of a tortoise interacting with a butterfly, these photos are wonderful.
When Left Alone, Nature Eventually Takes Over...
Spectacular pictures of abandoned places being reclaimed by nature.
The Most Beautiful Birds in the World Are in Costa Rica
The Jungles of Costa Rica are rich in beautiful animal life, none more beautiful than the many birds that call it home.
The Herpes Virus Might be a Cause of Alzheimer's!
A study has reignited a controversial theory about what causes Alzheimer's by studying the brains of people from three different brain banks. Learn more here.
English Test: Do You Know Your Punctuation?
10 Film Noir Movies You Simply Have to Watch
If you're new to this genre and even if you're an old fan, these 10 classic film noir movies are a must-watch for anyone.
David vs. David: Comparing Two Classic Sculptures
Examining two sculptures by two distinct and famous artists: Donatello and Michelangelo
9 Small American Towns that Are Prettier than a Postcard
The beauty of rural America is often overlooked, but there are some absolutely breathtaking small towns in the US.
WARNING: This Common Heartburn Drug May be Deadly!
Omeprazole is one of the most common heartburn drugs, but according to a recent study it may be harmful..... ...
12 Helpful Korean Proverbs to Use in Daily Life
Take a look at some beautiful and profound Korean proverbs that are sure to strike a chord with you.