Are You Guilty of Making the 8 Mistakes When Burning Fat?
Finding it hard to lose weight? You may be guilty of these 8 mistakes.
How to Lose Those Last Few Pounds – Expert Tips
Struggling to lose those last few pounds in your weight loss journey? This video might help...
Full-Fat Yogurt Versus Low-Fat Yogurt: Which Is Healthier?
For decades, we have been told that full-fat dairy increases our risk of cardiovascular disease, but is it even true?
Burn Belly Fat While Sleeping With This Amazing Drink!
Dr. Alan Mandell has designed a safe and healthy concoction that can help burn your belly fat. How does it work? Find out here.
Say Goodbye to Fat with These 6 Great Fat-Burning Foods
If you're looking to lose some weight, you should add these 6 fat-burning foods to your diet.
Lose ARM FAT Fast: Easy Tips for Seniors
Say goodbye to flabby arms forever with these tips.
The 5 Types of Belly Fat Not Caused By Overeating
Your type of belly fat and how it affects your weight loss.
Did You Know: What Is Fat?
As the narrative goes, fat is bad. Well, it's actually more nuanced than that. The type of fat you eat is more impactful on your health than the quantity.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide to Banish Fat!
Your hormones could be effecting your weight. This is how to reset your hormones.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide and Banish Fat!
This is the Healthy Way to Cooking with Oils and Fats
While the flavor an oil imparts on a dish plays an important role in what you opt for, your choice should be based on more than that...
There's Something Making Us Fatter, But It's Not Fat...
When most people hear about "carbs", they automatically have a bad connotation, but not all carbs are the same and not all are "bad" for you.
There Are 6 Types of Belly Fat, Which is Yours?
This guide will help you determine what your tummy type is and how best to shrink its size.
20 Great Ideas for Adult Low Fat Snacks!
Here are 20 easy-to-make snacks that adults can truly enjoy with a minimum of guilt, because they are both tasty and low in calories and fat!
There's a Reason Our Grandmothers Stored Bacon Fat
What are the uses for bacon fat? You'll be surprised what you can do with it.
8 Fat Burning Exercises for Your Thighs You Need to Know
If you also want to improve your fitness, maintain your health, look good, and burn the fat in your thighs, you should get to know the following exercises...
Trim Your Belly Fat With This Helpful Guide
Your ultimate guide to trimming your belly fat.
Suffer From Stubborn Cold Feet? This Might Be Why
Learn about the causes of cold feet, as well as several useful tips that can help warm up your feet in this useful guide.
Get Rid of Face Fat With These Wonderfully Useful Tips
Face fat can be really tough to get rid of, sin't it? Not if you follow these wonderfully effective tips.
Shrink Belly Fat in Just a Few Weeks with this Guide
This Japanese technique will help you lose belly fat in just a couple of weeks.
12 Superfoods That Burn the Fat Off Your Diet!
These great superfoods should be part of everyone's meal!
There Are Two Types of Excess Fat & They’re VERY Different
Our body is capable of storing fat in two different ways - as visceral and subcutaneous fat - and the two couldn't be more different...
This is Where Fat Really Goes When You Lose Weight
Ever wondered where fat goes once you've burnt it off? Well wonder no more as all is revealed here!
20 Foods That Help You Lose Belly Fat
Keep this list of 20 foods that fight belly fat future aid in your weight loss.
What is Brown Fat and How Can You Get More of It?
What is brown fat and how can you get more of it? All is revealed in this article!
Studies Show: The Fat Burning Ability of Green Coffee Beans
Green coffee extract has been used as a weight-loss supplement and as an ingredient in other weight-loss products. Take a look.
Here’s How You Can Lose the Fat UNDERNEATH Your Belly
Visceral fat is found inside your abdominal cavity. Getting rid of it can be a challenge, but not if you follow these simple tips.
What Do You Really Know About the Fats You Eat?
Learn the difference between the good fats you should eat and the bad fats you should avoid.
You Don’t Always Need to Hit the Gym to Lose Belly Fat!
Want to get rid of your belly fat but can't hit the gym? These effective tips might just do the trick.
10 Delicious Casserole Dishes That Are Also Low in Fat
10 mouth watering casserole recipes that contain less than 300 calories per serving
How to Trick Your Body into Permanently Burning Off Fat
Check out this brilliant collection tips that will help you reach your fat loss goals as quickly as possible.
Obesity Can Scar Fat Tissue, Making Weight Loss Harder!
New research suggests that fat cells can expand to a size that literally suffocates them, triggering inflammation and making it harder to lose weight.
After Watching This, You'll Stop Pouring Fat Down the Sink
Pouring grease down your drain can do real damage to your pipes and the sewer system. Here's what you need to know.
4 Aerobic Exercises that Can Help You Shed the Fat Off
Cardio is the best way to lose weight, but out of all aerobic exercises, which is the absolute best? See for yourself below.
8 Drinks That Help Burn Extra Fat Around Your Waistline
You may be surprised to discover that there are a number of drinks that can help you lose weight. Let's take a look at 8 of them.
Eat Your Dinner Early and Get Rid of Fat, Says Science
A new and detailed study has shown that eating a late dinner is associated with weight gain and high blood sugar levels.
These 8 Exercises Will Help You Get Rid of Back Fat
Discover fantastic ways to sculpt and tone your back with these 8 different exercises, aimed to help you rid that last spot of body fat.
Home Fitness: 12 Excellent Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
This cardio workout plan consists of 12 simple exercises anyone can do without any equipment!
This Unique Diet Can Help Eliminate Fat and Stomach Issues
Following this astronaut diet can help us increase our metabolism and slim down.Here's what you need to do!
Clean Your Filthy Oven Fast, Easy and Well
Here is some excellent advice to clean your oven!
12 Things You Should Never Clean With Vinegar!
In these 12 cases, it is recommended that you do not use it and instead treat stains and dirt with other cleaning products
Shape Your Thighs at Home With These 8 Easy Exercises
If You Have a Strong-Willed Child, We Have 6 Tips for You
Children can be strong-willed, some even innately stubborn - but before your home becomes a battleground, try out the following 6 tips...
8 Common Health Myths You've Been Misled With All Your Life
Get yourself informed about the REAL facts on health and diets. You're very likely to have been believing one of these outrageous myths.
Quiz: Which Animal Trait Do You Possess?
Are you as wise as an owl? As cunning as a fox? Loyal like a dog? Come and find out!
Trim Your Thighs with these 10 Easy-to-Perform Exercises
These exercises will sculpt your legs in the right way, helping you to create curves, slim down or cut fat.
Hilarious: 25 Reasons Women Live Longer than Men!
These photos prove why women outlive men.
These 6 Exercises Will Work Your Inner Thighs...
Trim excess fat around your inner thighs with these easy exercises.
Who Needs a Professional Cleaner With These Tips?
These stubborn stains can easily be removed with a little guidance.
Funny Photos: When Homeowners Refuse to Sell
The phenomenon of "nail houses" exists all over the world, and it's so strange that you won't understand until you see these pictures ...
Have You Ever Seen Cats Do Tricks? You're About To!
Meet the two best trained cats in all of kittendom!
This is What You Should Eat According to Your Blood Type!
Is there a diet that suits us according to our blood type? Read on to find out!
Guide: How to Clean Your Car's Side Mirrors so They Shine
This article provides a detailed guide as to how to best clean your car's side mirrors.
Trying To Lose Weight? This Comic Will Set You Straight!
If you're looking for a little motivation, then be sure to check this great comic out!
Take Our Quiz: Which Animal Are You Most Like?
Are you as daring as a lion cub or as gentle as a bird's offspring? Are you free or savage, would you need guidance or have a stubborn independent streak?
Sciatica Back and Leg Pain - 5 Pain Relieving Exercises
Flareups are common for sciatica, but they can be managed and reduced with the help of specific exercises and stretches.
Say Goodbye to Marble Stains - Cleaning Hacks That Work!
Say goodbye to those stubborn marble stains with these useful cleaning hacks.
Funny & Cute: When Dogs Realize They're Going to the Vet...
When dogs realize they are going to the vet, hilarity ensues.
Interactive: 12 Baby Videos Are Waiting to Make You Laugh!
This interactive video box will give you 12 babies to choose from - and get a funny baby video for your troubles!
9 Effective Methods for Removing Oil Stains from Clothes
Oil stains are the greatest enemy, not to mention a nightmare, for anyone who does laundry - but now there's a solution...actually 9 of them!
These 14 Foods Can Help Can Help Kill Intestinal Parasites
There are millions of people around the world who are infected with parasites. Here are 14 foods that are very effective at dealing with them!
Clean the Things You Thought Were Impossible Easily
Thought you couldn't clean these items easily? This guide will help.
Although They Annoy Us Sometimes, We Can Depend On Cats...
Cats have a tendency to annoy us or get in our way, but these hilarious pictures will show you all the "benefits" of keeping a pet cat at home...
Laugh All You Want, But These Funny Hacks Work!
Giving you a good laugh and a few useful tips - a collection of 10 funny life hacks that actually work!
16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea You Never Thought Of
Although many of us like to drink a cup of tea for comfort's sake or to warm ourselves up, it has many more uses. Here are 16 amazing uses for regular tea.
Butter vs. Margarine: Which Is Healthier?
Should you butter your bread with butter? Or should you favor margarine instead? This is a surprisingly difficult subject, here's what you need to know
We Bet You Didn't Know ChapStick Had So Many Good Uses
Did you know that ChapStick can do a lot more than heal dry lips? Here are 12 unexpected uses!
Hilarious: Theological Rumblings Cause Inclement Weather
Three clergymen are having a theological debate with a female minister in their church. When they don't drop their argument, divine intervention occurs...
Lose Weight with These Healthy Food Alternatives
Need to lose some weight? These food alternatives will help you do just that.
This Guide Will Help You Find Your Perfect Dog!
If you're looking to get a dog, here's how you can find the perfect one for you!
This Tasty Drink Will Help You Shed Those Extra Pounds
If you struggle to lose weight, this healthy and tasty drink could be the answer to your prayers!
8 Bad Eating Habits that Increase Your Cholesterol!
In this article, you will find 7 reasons why your cholesterol might be too high!
8 Vital Tips To Keep In Mind While Reading Food Labels
Understanding food labels can be tricky, but is very important. Here are some handy tips that will help you read food labels better.
Don’t Lose Weight, Gain Muscle: 5 Tips to Getting Strong
Diet and exercise tips to strengthening your muscles efficiently and safely.
Stains Begone: 18 Common Stains and How to Banish Them
We all have occasional "food accidents" that leave stains on our clothes, but you can remove the 18 most common food stains using the following simple methods.
This Japanese Village Holds an Annual Rice Art Festival!
Learn all about Tambo Āto, the Japanese art of rice paddy paintings
Your Round-the-World Guide to Cooking with Aromatics
No matter what cuisine you're cooking, get it right every time with this helpful guide, enabling you to create delicious curries, soups, rice dishes and sautés.
Trying to Lose Weight This Summer? These Foods Will Help
These are the best summer foods to eat right now if you’re trying to lose weight.
I Lost My Double-Chin After I Learned This Great Tip..
Get rid of double chins and neck fat with this simple daily exercise.
How to Reduce Blood Triglycerides? 8 Expert Backed Tips
High levels of blood triglycerides raise the risk of heart disease. These simple lifestyle changes could help you manage your triglyceride levels much better.
12 Popular Food Myths Dispelled - Fascinating!
When it comes to food, health and nutrition, there are many myths out there...
The 12 Best Foods for Your Abs!
Introducing the 12 best foods to burn excess stomach fat and keep your body trimmed and thin.
Tea Is Much More Than a Drink. It Has MANY Other Uses!
Tea isn't just for drinking, it's one of the most helpful materials in the house!
The Truth About Food Labels: 11 Words You Should Know
These words on food labels might not mean what you think.
Can Coconut Oil Be Used to Help Promote Weight Loss?
Need to lose weight? Taking coconut oil will help.
How a Yogurt Breakfast Can Keep You Full Until Lunch
Learn how to make a full-fat yogurt breakfast that will keep you full till lunch, and how to get omega 3 and 6.
Have A Stain? Here's How to Remove It Quickly and Easily
Are Greasy, Fatty Foods Good for Your Health After All?
The days when doctors told us to avoid bacon, butter and full-cream milk are long gone. Not only that, but fatty food may actually be good for your health!
10 Culinary Con-Tricks You Should Know About
Food companies get away with murder some times. Here are 10 of their most blatant health lies you should know about.
Remove Rust from Any Surface With These Cheap & Easy Tips!
Ugly rust will become a thing of the past, using these simple methods to remove it from metal surfaces and even clothes.
Best Weight Loss Pills: Reviewing Supplements Men and Women That Actually Work
We review the best weight loss pills that actually work. Discover the best brands, what makes a weight loss pill effective, and side effects to watch out for.
What Is Better for Weight Loss, Cardio or Weight Training?
What are the benefits of cardio and resistance training? Find out here.
You Thought These Foods Were Unhealthy? Think Again
There are many foods we think are bad for us, when in fact - they can be quite healthy...
5 Impressive Health Benefits of Peanuts You Never Knew
In this article, we learn about some lesser-known but important benefits of eating peanuts.
These Healthy Habits Are Not So Beneficial For Diabetes
These supposedly healthy lifestyle habits are not suitable for diabetes management and may actually be quite harmful!
Try This Natural Drink to Detoxify and Cleanse Your Liver
This natural, easy-to-make drink can do wonders to your liver!
5 Warning Signs of Your Metabolism Slowing Down
Here is a look at some vital signs that will tell you if your metabolism is slowing down.
7 Myths About Burning Calories
Burning calories is something we all want, but we need to know what we're doing first, and that means disproving these 7 common but misguided myths about calorie burning.