14 Natural Solutions for Stomach Ulcers and Heartburn
14 natural remedies which will help prevent and cure those painful heartburns and stomach ulcers.
The Real Cause of Stomach Ulcers Will Surprise You!
It’s a common misconception that stomach ulcers are caused by emotional upsets, spicy food, or psychological distress. But this is not the case...
How to Treat an Obstruction in Your Stomach
Did you know that you can naturally treat gastric obstructions by adding to organic ingredients to your diet?
Knowing These Stomach Cancer Tips Could Save Your Life!
This article will give you all the information you need to know about stomach cancer.
Put an End to Stomach Pain with These Useful Tips
Chronic, ongoing stomach distress can deeply affect one's quality of life. Here's what to do:
6 Misconceptions About Getting a Flat Stomach!
If you want a flat belly, don't believe these six lies about how to get it.
10 Great Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Sour Stomach
If you regularly suffer from a sour stomach, here are 10 remedies you can try. These remedies provide quick relief from the queasiness, discomfort, bloating and pain that a sour stomach causes.
QUIZ: What Do You Know About the Stomach?
How well do you know your stomach?
Do You Suffer From Stomach Pain? Here's What it May Mean
Do you know what the underlying cause of your stomach issues are?
When on an Empty Stomach, You Must Avoid These 8 Things!
Doing the following 8 things on an empty stomach can have a huge impact on your health!
What You Should & Shouldn't Eat With a Stomach Ache
Not sure what you should and shouldn't eat with an upset stomach? This video has all the answers!
Make Sure You Avoid Eating These on an Empty Stomach!
Find out which foods are safe to eat on an empty stomach and which ones should be avoided entirely...
These Pies Are Truly a Feast for the Eyes and the Stomach!
If you love pies, then you absolutely need to check out these incredibly beautiful pie crusts, which are utter masterpieces.
Achieve the Perfect Flat Stomach with 5 Easy Exercises
It's never too late to start toning your belly. Here are 5 exercises guaranteed to help slip into those old jeans again.
Why Screening for Stomach Toxins is Really Important
For GI problems, we now have tests that can be taken at home. These tests are called BTOX tests and they give actual clarity about the situation in your gut by screening your existing biochemistry. Learn more about them here.
Suffer From Stomach Gas & Bloating? This Guide Will Help
A helpful guide on how to treat gas and bloating.
WARNING: Why We Shouldn't Lie on Our Stomachs!
Lying on your stomach for long stretches of time or every day can have some negative consequences...
9 Things You Should Never Do on an Empty Stomach
There are some things you shouldn't do on an empty stomach. Here you will discover nine of them.
Make Sure You Avoid Eating These on an Empty Stomach...
What You Should & Shouldn't Eat on an Empty Stomach
There are certain foods that are, or for that matter, are not, to be eaten in the morning. Read this guide to know more.
Why Your Anxiety May Be Coming from Your Stomach
In this video, a certified psychiatrist explains the connection between stomach issues and psychological issues like anxiety and depression
MPORTANT: 7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How!
Guide: Understand what these common germs do and how to avoid them.
Why Pouring Beer Wrong Can Upset Your Stomach
Do you always feel bloated after drinking beer? There's a way to prevent this - all you need is a regular glass and this pouring technique...
IMPORTANT: 7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How
The Easy Way to Tone Your Arms and Stomach
If you don't have the time or energy to invest in a full workout, this body toning 5-minute workout is just for you!
Got Severe Stomach Pain? Here's What You Should Do!
Do you have a severe stomach ache, but don't know whether you should go to the ER, consult your doctor, or do nothing? This article reveals all!
Does Our Stomach SHRINK When We Eat Less? Our Answer
Eat less, and your stomach will shrink over time.. is that the truth?
A Fortune Can Be Found in the Stomach of a Whale
What's the link between intestinal whale secretions and the perfume industry?
This Unique Diet Can Help Eliminate Fat and Stomach Issues
Following this astronaut diet can help us increase our metabolism and slim down.Here's what you need to do!
Delicious Sassy Water Will Give You a Nice Flat Stomach
Sassy water is no ordinary lemon drink. Using some beneficial natural ingredients you can make a drink that will help you lose loads of weight. It's tasty too!
The Reasons Why You Have a Stomachache After You Eat
Are you experiencing pain after a meal? In this guide, we outline the most common causes of pain after eating - called postprandial pain.
Learn About the Disease That Affects 50% of People!
Ignoring Helicobacter pylori can lead to a worsening of the condition and even the development of ulcers and stomach cancer, avoid all this by reading this article!
Warning! Heartburn Medication Increases the Risk of Death
Common over-the-counter and prescription drugs used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers can do more harm than good.
You Won't Need a Prescription for These Natural Antibiotics!
5 natural antibiotic treatments you can prepare at home to help prevent acid reflux and indigestion from occurring.
8 Little-Known but Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves
Did you know that cloves can help relieve a bad toothache? Find out the many wonderful benefits of having cloves everyday.
Bet You Never Knew a Tree Could be So Beneficial to You
Slippery elm, thanks to its mucilage, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties has so many health benefits it's unreal. Check out 10 of these benefits!
Burping Too Much? These 4 Reasons Could Be the Cause
Do you burp frequently? Find out the potential cause in this guide.
8 Persuasive Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice...
Cabbage juice is full of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of this drink.
Eating This Superfood Can Change Your Life For the Better!
Wondering why kale is considered to be the king of all superfoods? This guide has got you covered!
10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has an incredible amount of uses! Check out our top ten here.
8 Great Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice
Can Your Blood Type Affect Your Health?
Depending on your blood type (A,B, AB or O), you may be more or less likely to suffer from issues related to the heart, cancer and several other ailments.
This Belly Pain Map Reveals What Causes Your Pain
Pain in the abdomen could point to a variety of health conditions. Find out why your belly hurts with this comprehensive map.
7 or More Reasons to Add Chili Peppers To Your Diet
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about chili peppers and their influence on your health and wellbeing in this informative guide.
If You’re Taking Apple Cider Vinegar, You Must Know This
There is a right and wrong way to take apple cider vinegar, and doing so incorrectly may not just be ineffective, it could be harmful to your health.
Think Over-the-Counter Medications Are Safe? Think Again!
It's easy to think over the counter drugs are harmless, but you better read this before purchasing! Let's look at the dangers of taking over-the-counter drugs and how they can be avoided.
9 Warning Signs of Cancer We All Need to Know
A lot of the time, cancer is discovered when it's too late. Be sure to read this post to learn about different cancers and their tell-tale symptoms.
What is Crohn's Disease, and How Can it be Stopped?
Crohn's disease afflicts millions of people all over the world, but very little is known about it. Read on to learn about it, and see how you can stop it.
WARNING: This Common Heartburn Drug May be Deadly!
Omeprazole is one of the most common heartburn drugs, but according to a recent study it may be harmful..... ...
This Simple Breathing Exercise Can Ease Your Heartburn
A simple breathing exercise which can help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.
10 Serious Diseases You Shouldn't Ignore and Their Symptoms
Be aware of the signs of these serious diseases.
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
See a Doctor Immediately if You Experience these 6 Signs
If you experience any one of these symptoms, be sure to book that appointment:
Popeye Was Right! Spinach Is an Amazingly Healthy Food
Spinach is so rich in vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that there are multiple health benefits to be gained from eating it. Here are 10 of the best.
Did You Know Tooth Pain Can Indicate Problems in Organs?
It may come as a surprise to discover that your teeth may be an indicator of what is happening within your body.
Can Baking Soda Help Arthritis Symptoms? Science Says Yes
Baking soda, our good friend and all-around helper has a new, scientifically-proven use: scientists believe it may treat chronic inflammation
Taking These Drugs Increases Your Chances Of Stroke!
Antacid drugs have been used for many years, but new research has found a link between taking them and an increased risk of stroke.
These 6 Tick-Borne Diseases Are on the Rise! Look Out!
Ticks carry a lot of diseases that can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms. Here are 6 of the top tick-borne disease that you should know about.
The Effects of Aging on Your Digestion
5 important rules regarding how we digest as we grow older, and how to compensate for it.
Drinking TOO Much Lemon Water Can Be Bad For Your Health
Like it is with anything in life, you can have too much of a good thing. Drinking too much lemon water, too, can be harmful and cause the following side effects...
Avoid These 13 Domestic Chemical Reactions and Be Safe
There are certain chemicals and substances that shouldn't mix together, because the result could be catastrophic. Make note of these 13 combinations now.
9 Effective Ways to Make Your Nausea Go Away
Nausea is that unpleasant feeling of discomfort inside your stomach, oftentimes leading to vomiting. Use one of these natural methods to stop it.
The Healing Wonders of the Lemon Detox Program
A decades-old all-natural detoxing methods with powerful results. Learn how to make a drink that will strengthen your body while detoxing it from the regular poisons we keep pumping into it.
Yum? 10 Dangerously Exotic Foods from Around the Globe
Many foods around the world that make you scratch your head when considering that people actually eat them. Here are 10 weird dishes you mightn't want to try.
Your Master Guide to Mouth and Tongue Sores
Learn all about tongue ailments and mouth ulcers - the causes, symptoms, and prescribed and DIY remedies.
11 Foods to Alleviate Heartburn and Acid Reflux
In this post, we review 11 foods and drinks that will help you keep heartburn and acid reflux at bay.
These Berries Are Hiding a Multitude of Health Benefits
Sea buckthorn is an often overlooked fruit, which is a real shame, as these little orange berries have so many incredible health benefits
Chaga Mushrooms: The Superfood That’ll Keep You Healthy
Each year, researchers discover elements of nature that have amazing medicinal properties, such as Chaga mushrooms that can treat a variety of medical symptoms.
WARNING: These 10 Common Flowers Are Poisonous!
Flowers add an array of color to your garden, but some of these are actually quite toxic. Here are 10 of that you should be aware of.
10 Poisonous Flowers Every Gardener Should Know About
These 7 Types of Pain Should NEVER Be Ignored
The human body has inbuilt warning mechanisms, with certain types of pain in particular requiring our utmost attention. Here are 7 of the most significant.
Olive Oil Has so Many Different Uses - Here Are 25 of Them
Olive oil has so many different uses it's unreal. Here are 25 uses of olive oil that you may not have heard of!
Are Probiotics Really Helpful For Most Digestive Diseases?
Here is a look at why it wouldn't be wise to depend on probiotics for treating all our digestive conditions.
15 Health Reasons to Put Turmeric on Your Shopping List
Why is turmeric so wonderful? Because it contains the healthy active ingredient, curcumin. Read on to learn more.
Are Your Guilty of Doing Any of These 12 Harmful Habits?
These seemingly harmless habits can pose a serious risk to your health and wellbeing. To see our list of harmful everyday habits, continue reading.
Here’s How to Do a Self Oral Cancer Check
Learn how you can do a mouth cancer self-check at home in this video.
10 Root Vegetables With Extraordinary Health Benefits
This winter, make sure you add these super healthy root vegetables to your diet for an extra dose of nutrition.
You Will Never Suffer From Bloating Again With These Herbs
These herbal teas are all excellent home remedies that will help you deal with bloating and gas.
These Facts About Blood Types Will Really Open Your Eyes
Your blood type has a bearing on a greater number of things than you ever imagined. Learn 20 amazing blood type facts you never knew.
Acai Berries Pack a Potent Nutritional Punch...
These little South American berries may be small, but they certainly pack a nutritional punch! Find out about the amazing health benefits eating acai berries.
When Should You Be Concerned About Night Sweats?
Waking up sweaty could be due to hormonal changes or medication, but there are a few other causes you better be aware of.
All About Gut Health, Prebiotics and Probiotics
Your beginner's guide to everything related to probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics.
Woman Narrowly Escaped Death: Doctors Blame Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are advertised to improve your concentration, energy, and physical performance, but in reality, they might be doing the opposite
What Should You Eat For Breakfast?
The foods that we eat on an empty stomach can have a positive or negative impact on our digestive system. Find out which foods are good and which aren't here!
Are You In Pain? This Why You Should NOT Take This Drug
NSAIDs cause a dramatic increased risk of heart attack
What Is Sickle Cell Disease and Is There a Cure for It?
What can be done about sickle cell disease and what is its mechanism
Find Out What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat In the Morning
Chest Pain - 7 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
In this article, we will walk you through 7 alarming types of chest discomfort and to which condition each type of pain is related.
This Sleeping Position is the WORST - Health Experts Claim
If you're used to sleeping on your stomach, it may be time to switch. Health experts claim this position is the worst one for your health.
LIFE HACKS: 30 Practical Uses for Olive Oil!
3o things you can use olive oil for other than cooking with it.
The 12 Best Foods for Your Abs!
Introducing the 12 best foods to burn excess stomach fat and keep your body trimmed and thin.
This Incredibly Nutritious Drink Is Made With Just 3 Foods
Did you know that you can create a super-drink using just three common foods? Learn more about this amazing drink and make it yourself today.
IBS versus IBD - Symptoms and Key Differences
Let’s compare and contrast IBS and IBD in this educational article.
Chew a Pinch of This Spice for Quick Relief from Bloating
This spice is a game-changer for bloating and gas.
8 Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg can be extremely annoying, but thankfully there are some home remedies that can be used to treat it. Here are 8 of them.
Is Your Back Constantly Hurting? This Might Be the Reason
A list of possible causes for chronic back pain and how to treat them
Do You Know How Your Sleep Posture is Affecting You?
So, for those of us who enjoy sleeping on our stomach, but tend to suffer from low back pain, what could we do?
I Never Knew Cabbage Prevented So Many Illnesses!
Cabbage is one of the healthiest things you can eat, and is perfect for preventing and curing a whole range of conditions.
13 Reasons Why Cabbage Truly Is Nature's Miracle Worker