Emillie Ferris Turns Nature Into Gorgeous Stitching
This British artist takes her inspiration from the nature that surrounds her, creating gorgeous, vivacious stitching creations inspired by the beauty of nature.
The Gorgeous Embroideries Look Just Like Paintings!
This embroidery artist makes magical embroidery designs of butterflies and bumblebees that look just like paintings!
10 Terrific Landscapes Made One Stitch At a Time
We couldn’t possibly judge you if you were to mistake the pictures we are about to show you for photos. After all, these landscapes are photographically real...
Hilarious Fitness Pranks That Will Leave You in Stitches!
Get ready to laugh all day with these hilarious fitness pranks that will have you in stitches.
These Wedding Pics Will Have You in Stitches!
From cows making babies to groomsmen falling into the ocean, here are some of the most sidesplitting wedding photobombs you'll ever see.
These Sarcastic Retro Photos Will Have You in Stitches...
If you're looking for a good laugh, then these snarky vintage illustrations by artist Anne Taitor have certainly got your covered!
These Talking Animal Cartoons Will Have You in Stitches
Ever wondered what animals are talking about? Well, thanks to these hilarious drawings by Jimmy Craig, your wondering can stop.
A Collection of Sports Fails That'll Leave You in Stitches
These sports bloopers are hilariously unforgettable.
This Trio of Mother-in-law Jokes Will Have You In Stitches
Who doesn't love a good mother-in-law joke? We certainly do here at BabaMail. That's why we've put a trio of hysterically funny jokes together for you.
These Crazy Pawn Shop Stories Will Have You in Stitches
Check out these weird and hilarious stories that pawn shop workers have encountered over the years.
This Comedian's One Liners Always Have Me in Stitches
This hilarious comedian is a champion of the old-fashioned art of the quick-fire one liner. The laughs keep coming thick and fast!
The Famous Tiny Dancer - Cute and Hilarious!
The cutest 3 year old gives what appears to be a high quality dancing performace that will leave you in stitches!
Classic Comedy: A Newly Graduated Dentist...
Laugh your socks off with this classic comedy sketch from the Carol Burnett Show. A hilarious scene from the dentist that will have you in stitches.
What On Earth Is the EMT Doing to That Boy!? (Funny)
This hilarious prank sees an injured boy and an EMT pretending to close a wound on the boy's leg using a stapler. Watch people fall for it now!
A Beautiful Story About True Love and Devotion
This beautiful story gives true credence to the words: "True Love"
Looking for a New Hobby? Learn How to Crochet
This playlist will teach you the basic skills you will need to successfully navigate the world of crocheting.
The Most Patient Dog in the World!
This photo series of Scout balancing objects on his head had me in stitches, while also making me rethinking my outlook on pit bulls.
What Is Funny and Goes 'Meow'? Cat Comics!
Cat videos are a lot of fun, but if you know cats, these hilarious yet surprisingly astute cat comics will have you in stitches!
Evil Is... Very Fluffy...
This hilarious collection of evil looking animals will have your in stitches as they give you the evil eye. This is one group of creatures you wouldn't want to mess with!
There's Something Very Strange About This Old Backpacker...
!Great and inventive practical joke
Laugh Until You Cry with Mr. Bean's Ridiculous Antics
Enjoy 600 seconds of the most hilarious Mr. Bean moments that will leave you in stitches.
Hilarious: Are These Weirdest Signs Ever Made?
Enjoy this hilarious compilation of weird signs that will have you in stitches!
Have You Ever Noticed the Handy Features on Your Clothes?
If you've never quite understood all that your clothing does for you and all the secret mechanisms hidden away in your shirts and pants and jackets, we've uncovered the hidden purposes of everyday wardrobe items.
Hilarious: The Blonde's Arrest
This comic strip sees a stereotypical blonde being arrested by a female officer. It goes without saying that hilarity ensues...
Classic Comedy: The Most Hilarious Breakfast Ever Made...
This is one of the funniest comedy sketches of all time, in my opinion. Because when it comes to breakfast, timing is everything.
Simon's Cat Tries to Hide From Some Noisy Fireworks...
Watch as Simon's anxious cat tries his best to escape from a bunch of fireworks going off right outside his window...
FUNNY PRANK: This Santa Really Doesn’t Like Kids!
This is NOT the Santa we all wanted!
Is This the Coolest, Most Inspiring Senior Musical Act?
The Zimmers totally stole the show, when they came to perform before a stunned crowd of music fans young enough to be their grandkids!
Spooktacular Halloween Pranks That'll Have You Howling
It's Halloween time, so sit back and enjoy these spookily funny pranks.
Funny: Young People Don't Have Damn a Clue About Aging!
This hilarious stand-up bit really hits home on the subject of aging, and how young people really don't get it...
Hilarious! When Mrs. Brown Gossips...(Very Rude!)
When Mrs. Brown was performed live on TV, some of the actors couldn't stop giggling.
Prank Compilation: The Funniest Pranks & Scares of 2024!
sit back and enjoy the ultimate compilation of laugh-out-loud pranks and jaw-dropping reactions from the past year!
These Senior Cartoons Will Make Anyone Laugh Out Loud
A collection of 20 hilarious comic strips and funny cartoons about aging.
FUNNY: Woman’s Gorilla Encounter Goes Wildly Wrong
This prank compilation will leave you in stitches.
The Famous Sketch that Made Millions Laugh!
Monty Python performed loads of hilarious sketches, but only this one gets me out of my chair and secretly practicing my own silly walks!
Diagnosis Funny: Hilarious Medical Charts!
Originally appearing in Richard Lederer's book "Anguished English", this collection of hilarious and real comments made in patient charts will have you in stitches!
10 Super-Effective Tips No One Else Will Tell You About
Fix and do just about anything with the following 10 supercool tips and tricks!
Let's Play: Can You Bounce the Panda into the Next Level?
This hilarious take on classic pinball will both reward you and leave you in stitches! Play Jumpanda now and see if you can bounce all the way to the final level!
These Hilarious Cartoons are All About Senior Life
A huge collection of funny senior cartoons that reveal all about how life changes us as we grow older. Get ready to laugh your heart out!
18 Puns That Prove Laughter is the Best Medicine!
These punny jokes will leave you in stitches!
12 Easy Projects to Repurpose Old Clothes
From trash to treasure - repurposing old clothes is easier than you think.
Simon's Cat: A Day in the Life of a Cat Owner
Being a cat owner really changes you as a person, only cat people understand this. But everyone will get the humor in this new extended Simon's Cat episode!
These Famous Marriage Advices Will Make You Laugh
These quotes about marriage from famous people will leave you in stitches! Be sure to read them and take the celebrity advice on board.
The Funniest Signs Seen at Live Sporting Events
Here's a collection of the most hilarious signs that scored big laughs at sporting events.
Comedy Classics: Laughter & Chaos in the Dentist’s Office
This is perhaps the most hilarious sketch from the The Carol Burnett Show.
Don't Ask Stupid Questions - Silly and Hilarious!
A list of silly questions you may not be able to answer! These innocent-looking questions are actually cleverly crafted and will have you in stitches!
Quirky Shop Signs That’ll Leave You Smiling
These shop signs prove that many shopkeepers still have a healthy sense of humor!
The Funniest Soccer Blunders Ever Caught
From minor mishaps to full-on fiascos, this compilation of soccer bloopers takes you on a journey of escalating hilarity.
32 Tips and Tricks for Beginners to Sewing
In the following video, we've carefully curated 32 essential tips and tricks to ease your entry into the world of sewing.
We Can’t Believe People Actually Wrote These Snarky Notes!
These snarky notes will have you in stitches.
This Food Art of Kids' Favorite Characters Is Remarkable!
One mom turns her child's meals into amazing food art. Here are 20 of her greatest dishes.
This Tree Is 3,200 Years Old and Almost 250 Feet High
This tree is so large that it has never been wholly photographed from base to tip - that is until now. You can also watch a video of the process.
Some People REALLY Don’t Care About Safety - 15 Funny Pics!
Some of these bizarre work safety fails will give you anxiety!
12 Times Newspapers Gave Us Unintentional Laughs!
Newspaper stories can sometimes provide unintentional laughs!
Hilarious Language Humor: 18 Funny Translation Fails
These translation fails are just ridiculously funny.
75 Hilarious Family Jokes Perfect For Kids & Adults!
While some of us might enjoy humor that's a little dark or dirty, these children's jokes are perfect for kids and adults alike!
These Signboards Have the Worst Spelling Mistakes
These have to be some of the most unfortunate typos ever.
Witty Restaurant Signs That Serve More Than Just Food!
El Arroyo is back with a new set of hilariously funny signs!
Have You Ever Seen Embroidery As Beautiful As This?
This beautiful work of art by Krista Decor takes embroidery to a whole new level.
Hilarious: A Question of Ownership...
Having a senior moment can land you in a lot of trouble.
This Artist Puts Her Unique Spin on Old Masters’ Art
Many artists are inspired by Renaissance art, but this Maria Vasilyeva's take on it is truly awe-inspiring.
16 Seriously Confusing Pics You Need To See Twice
Did these optical illusions make you confused as well?
When Animals Steal the Spotlight with Funny Antics
These hilarious animal moments will leave you in stitches!
We Can’t Take Our Eyes Off These Beauties!
Step inside a magical garden, a tactile world full of lush fields, whimsical flowers, and dainty butterflies made entirely out of thread.
These Mistranslations Had Us Laughing All Day
These translation fails were too funny not to share.
This Joke Starts With An Airplane Flying Over Yellowstone
This joke is the story of a mid-air mix-up that'll leave you in stitches with laughter...
Your Morning Fix of Unadulterated Cuteness is Right Here!
We all need a regular dose of cuteness in our lives. So, look no further, because these 5 vids are full of the most adorable creatures in all creation!
The Unbelievable Embroidery Skills of 10 Talented Artists
Some would call embroidery a lost art, but the incredible works of these contemporary embroidery artists sure prove otherwise.
Funny Signs: 14 Hilariously Awkward Attempts at Humor
These hilarious sign fails will leave you in stitches.
Sometimes, All We Need is Some Silly and Funny Comics!
Laugh out loud with these hilarious single-panel comics by cartoonist Dave Coverly.
Before You Buy: 8 Important Tips When Buying New Clothes
In this article, we'll discuss the difference between natural and synthetic fabrics as well as 9 essential tips for evaluating the quality and comfort of fabrics.
16 Brilliant Embroidery Works You Need to See Now!
Embroidery, an ancient art form, has found new life in the digital age through the power of social media. Here are some stunning examples.
Have You Seen These Hilarious Sibling Rivalry Pics Before?
When brothers and sisters get into a fight, it can result in some really funny situations. These 22 photos will have you in utter stitches.
Ants Are Totally Remarkable Creatures, and Here's Why
We have a lot to learn from ants - they're more similar to humans than you'll ever imagine. Here are 11 reasons why ants are utterly fascinating.
These Charming Animal Sculptures Are Made From Scraps
Artist Bryony Rose Jennings uses discarded scraps of fabric to build whimsical animal figures. Check out her best works!
Windows vs. Ford - Hilarious
This statement by Ford had me in stitches.
Should You Get That Pesky Skin Mole Removed? If So, How?
Everything you need to know about skin moles and moles removal methods
These Stunning Panoramic Photos Will Leave You in Awe
The exceptional winners of the 2024 Epson International Pano Awards will leave you in awe.
This Dollhouse Is Like Nothing I've Ever Seen Before!
Valued at $8.5 million, here's what the world's most expensive dollhouse looks like.
Unbelievable: First Human Head Transplant to Be Performed!
An Italian doctor has recently announced that he plans on performing the first human head-transplant by 2017. Now, he has a volunteer!
I Can’t Wrap My Head Around These Confusing Pics - Funny!
These 12 pics had us thoroughly confused, but they also made us laugh out loud.
The Wonders of Nature and Space Combined in Stunning Art
These realistic embroideries are like a little window into a parallel universe!
Joke: Ford vs. Windows
Yay, It's Another Cat Day!
The day you've all been waiting for is here, and it's full of hilarious, adorable and astonishing cats!
This Is Why Your Jeans Have a Small, Useless Pocket On Them
Did you ever wonder why all pairs of jeans seem to have a small, useless pocket on on side? Find out what the reason is right here.
How Would Your Day With Some Classic Disney Characters Go?
Digital artist Samuel MB lives out classic Disney adventures in his home with this digital recreations of beloved characters.
Battle of the Supercars!
Can the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta match the GT credentials of the Aston Martin Vanquish and outperform the wild Lamborghini Aventador? Henry Catchpole heads to Italy to find out in this royal battle of the supercars!
No One Expected These Bizarre Moments To Be Recorded
When you record all corners of the world meticulously, as Google Street view does, you’re bound to come across some funny, strange, or beautiful moments.
20 Hilarious One-Panel Comics Loaded Witty Humor
Artist Jimmy Craig’s humorous comics deliver the laughs in a single panel.
Presenting to You the Comedy Kings of the Animal Kingdom
Some animals are adorable, while others have more comedic personalities. Here are 50 animals that will get you laughing out loud.
16 Unique and Unusual Maps That Will Surprise You
Check out these unusual maps that provide a wealth of unique information.
Be The Judge of the Best Designs of the Year!
Here are only a few of this year's 99 contenders for the prestigious Design of the Year award.
Joke: The Cat Catastrophe Instructions
Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby...
The Photo of Shanghai That Is Both Amazing and Alarming
What seems like just another panorama of Shanghai turns out to be a controversial photo that can let you see the city from very close up...
These Rude 'Chinese' Proverbs Got Me Laughing
Ok, so they may not really be Chinese, but they are certainly funny!
Your Body Can Do More Things For You Than You Ever Knew
If you suffer from the odd ache and pain, you'll be glad to know that you can make them go away simply by knowing these 14 fantastic body hacks.
How to Clean 'Dry Clean Only' Clothes at Home
Dry cleaning can be a huge hassle, as well as quite the expense, which is why it is so much better to do it yourself at home...
10 Essential Sewing Tips You Cannot Do Without
Whether you are experienced at sewing, or a complete novice, here are 15 simple sewing tricks you won't be able to live without.
17 Body Tricks that Will Make You Feel Much Better
Your body has a lot of secret ways you can use to make yourself feel immediately better. This list will teach you how to treat all of these issues with relative ease.
This Tiny Device Could Be the Future of Cancer Detection!
This tiny microbiopsy device can help detect skin cancer without leaving any scars whatsoever! read all about it here.