Here Are 8 Credit Cards You Should Steer Well Clear of!
The best credit cards out there offer lucrative reward programs, concierge services, and extra perks, but these are far from common. Here are 8 rubbish ones!
Health Tips: Over 50? Steer Clear of These 5 Exercises
If you are over 50, then you must steer clear of these exercises.
Steer Clear of These Mistakes to Keep Furniture As New
In this article, we list some of the most common furniture cleaning mistakes that could potentially ruin your sofa, wood and other furniture
How to Steer Clear of Germs While Grocery Shopping
Who knew grocery stores would become high-risk environments one day? This article explains how to shop safely during the COVID-19 epidemic
Ridiculously Bad Diet Advice You Should Steer Clear From
Following any diet advice blindly might be harmful to your body. Here, a doctor explains some of the worst diet tips you can follow.
How to Deep Clean a Leather Steering Wheel
How can you clean a leather steering wheel without harming its porous surface? Here's how.
Quiz: The Clear Thinking Test
Take this quick thinknig test to see how well you can think.
Dentists Stay Clear of These Foods and You Should Too!
Here are the foods that top dentists steer well clear of, and some of them are pretty surprising to say the least!
Quiz: The Clear Thinking Test!
The Glory of Creation Is Clear in This Video!
A shrine to natural beauty, this video takes you...
A Clear Day In The Near Future
Some time ago, we introduced you to a future filled with high tech glass (click here to see it). Since that video more ideas have come forth and another video has been made, showing us the amazing things smart glass can and will do for us in the near
Here's How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Instantly
There are some truly bizarre methods for clearing a stuffy nose out there, but they really seem to do the trick. Learn these methods today.
Clear Blocked Ears Easily with This Guide
Plugged, blocked or clogged ears can be both irritating to debilitating. Clear it up yourself with these natural remedies .
Constantly Clearing Your Throat? Try These Remedies
Frustrated with constant throat clearing? Try these remedies.
Here's a Quick Guide to Instantly Clearing a Blocked Nose
Got a congested nose? Remember these priceless tricks and thank us later!
Clear a Clogged Drain Without Using Any Chemicals
The clogged drains of your house don't always need chemicals. These natural homemade cleaners provide great results, too.
Clearing the Air on Soy Milk: Healthy or Harmful?
For some, soy milk is a great and tasty alternative to cow's milk, but for other's it's a health danger that should be avoided at all costs. So what's the truth about soy milk?
These Misconceptions About Stress Need to Be Cleared Up...
Stress is a term that's bandied about far too lackadaisically so it's time that some common misconceptions about it are cleared up. Read on for more.
These Myths Surrounding Dementia Need to be Cleared
In this article, we try and shatter some of the common myths surrounding dementia.
A Herbal Soup to Clear Congestion and Support Lung Health
This traditional Chinese soup offers natural comfort and relief.
Clear Your Nasal Passage with This Amazing Home Remedy
You don't have to suffer that stuffed up nose all winter, eliminate any congestion with this simple home made smoothie.
Doctor Tip: How to Drain Sinus and Clear Nose in 1 Move!
This doctor has a genius routine for draining your sinuses while also clearing your nose.
3 Efficient Methods to Clear Snow Quickly Around Your Home
This helpful guide will help you clear away snow quickly and efficiently.
4 Handy Infographics to Clear Up Spice-Related Confusion
Clear up the confusion you have about herbs and spices with these handy infographics. There's even a printable version for you to stick on your refrigerator!
Stay Clear of These 9 RISKY Google Searches
You can search anything on Google, but it’s advisable not to do so for these risky things.
Here Are 7 Very Clear Signs of Hoarding to Look Out For
Hoarding is a difficult psychological problem, but it can be spotted quite easily. Here are 7 clear signs of hoarding.
This Post Will Clear Up Any Misconceptions About Dogs
There are numerous misconceptions concerning the best ways that we should interact with dogs. This post will definitely clear everything up.
These 11 Health Myths Were Finally Cleared By Science
To make a fresh and healthier start in the new decade, let's discuss and leave 11 of the greatest health myths of the 2010's in this article
How to Naturally Clear Milia (Milk Spots) From Your Face
The following 11 tried and tested natural remedies will help clear your skin and eliminate milk spots.
Computer Guide: How to Clear Space on Your Google Account
How to easily free up storage space on your Google Drive without paying for more storage.
Do These Exercises to Maintain a Sound Mind & Clear Memory
Here are 4 simple exercises that will help to preserve your memory and other cognitive functions, well into old age.
Clear Your Throat From Pain With These Natural Gargles
Got a sore throat? If so, why don't you try one of these natural gargles?
Massage These 4 Pressure Points to Clear Your Blocked Nose
Instead of taking expensive, chemical-laden, and possibly addictive medicines for a blocked nose, you should try these 4 acupressure points instead.
5 Clear Signs That Something is Wrong with Your Health
Your body can “speak” to you to let you know that something is wrong. Here's how!
Water Trapped In Your Ears? 8 Easy Ways to Clear Your Ears
Having water trapped in your ears isn’t just extremely annoying, but it’s also quite risky. Learn to get rid of the water stuck in your ears promptly and effectively.
7 Clear Signs You Need New Food Storage Containers
Is it time to replace your old plastic storage containers? Find out here...
If You Suffer from Migraines Stay Clear of These 16 Foods!
While there's no known treatment for migraines as of today, there are a few dietary changes you can make to prevent their onset...
Here Are Clear Signs You're Taking Too Many Medications!
Are you on multiple medications? If so, here are 8 signs that you're taking too many prescription drugs.
7 Clear Indicators Your Home Router Needs to Be Changed
Is your router in need of an upgrade? Watch out for these signs.
Learn to Prevent and Clear This Pest From Your Cupboards
So what exactly should you do if you’re facing the Indian Meal Moth in your home, and how can you prevent its appearance?
Time to Clear Up Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder Confusion
Many people think that baking powder and baking soda are one and the same, but they're actually not. This guide will highlight the key differences between them.
The Biggest Mushroom Cooking MISTAKES to Avoid
To achieve the best results when cooking with mushrooms, steer clear of these common mistakes.
DO NOT Make These Mistakes When Frying an Egg
For a quick lesson in frying an egg, just watch this vidoe guide.
Relieve That Painful Burnt Tongue with These 10 Cool Tips
Who doesn't accidentally burn their tongue with hot food and drink on occasion? We could all use these 10 cool, natural remedies for instant, lasting relief.
These Science Comics Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Ed Himelblau is a biology professor who also makes some seriously funny comics.
Adjust Your Car Seat to YOUR Own Body
Learn how to customize and adjust your car seat for your own body and which exercises you can do inside your car to alleviate pain.
Who Knew Statistics Could Be SO Funny!
Raf Schoenmaekers combined his love for digital art and engineering background to tell some truths using graphs in this funny comics.
When Vandalism Made Us Snort Out Loud – 15 Pics
Vandalism isn't always bad. Some acts of mild vandalism, in fact, can really make you laugh...
Driving in Bad Weather Needn't Be Dangerous with These Tips
Drive safely in bad weather by bearing in mind these six essential tips.
Audi Skysphere - Self-Driving Car Inspired by 1930s Roadsters
The Audi Skysphere is inspired by 1930s luxury Roasters. It is fully autonomous and has a moving steering wheel and an incredible sleek futuristic design.
The Remarkable Story of This Girl Will Inspire You!
How a brave and determined girl flies a plane without any arms.
Hilarious: My Car Really Attracts a Lot of Attention
A husband and wife are heading to California in a Cadillac when they decide to pull into a gas station in order to get fuel...
This Kayaking Adventure Will Take Your Breath Away
Join us on this thrilling kayaking ride across the Indus River in Pakistan.
This Animal Quiz Will Really Test Your Vocabulary!
How much animal vocabulary do you think you know? Take this quiz and find out!
If You Do These 6 Things, Burglars Won’t Target Your Car
Tips to effectively protect your vehicle from burglary and theft
Do You Know the Psychology Behind Superstitious Beliefs?
Superstitions can be beneficial to you or bring you down. Either way its important to recognize the psychology behind all our superstitions
The 5 Worst Colors for Your Bedroom Walls
These are the colors experts advise to avoid for your bedroom walls for optimal sleep quality
These 40 Beautiful Birds Were Perfectly Photographed
40 great bird photographs taken in Taiwan by the well-known Taiwanese photographers John and Fish
Hilarious: The Equipment On a Caddy Is Just Unbelievable
When a gas station attendant sees a model of Cadillac he's never come across before, he begins to ask the owner questions about it. It's very well-equipped...
Joke: A Blonde's Car Was Burgled...
A blonde dials 911 to report that her car has been broken into.
Joke: The Caterpillar Escape
Two caterpillars are escaping a spider. They climb up a branch and get to the edge, but realize they are now trapped…
Got the Need for Speed? Then You Need to Know These Cars!
For anyone that loves to drive fast, these affordable cars are designed to give you the best speeds at the absolute best prices
Warning! E-Cigarettes Might Be Harming Your Blood Vessels!
A recent study has shown that certain flavorings present in some e-cigarettes could be harmful to your health. Learn more here.
These 4 No-Fuss Exercises Will Help Tone Your Upper Arms!
No need to have flabby arms. These 4 exercises can help you get upper your arm muscles toned for the summer.
This is How Tech Giants Try to Get YOUR Attention...
This TED Talk explains how the world's giant tech companies are locked in a ferocious battle - for our time and attention. Watch it to find out what's happening
This Swiss Brown Ox is a Guinness Record Holder
Meet Tommy, a gigantic Swiss Brown Ox who has registered his name in the Guinness World Records.
Watch the 1894 Benz Victoria Sizzle the Streets In Style
In this video, you will get to see the 1894 Benz Victoria, one of the world’s first road-legal automobiles. in action.
Is It a Bird? Why, Yes It Is. Here Are Some Facts About It
There are around 10,000 species of birds. Let's see what can we learn about them- they are way more interesting than you thought.
Many Stunning and Colorful Birds Call Taiwan Home
Incredible photography of Taiwanese birds by some very talented artists.
7 Common Sofa Arranging Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Make sure you don’t make these common sofa arranging mistakes in your living room.
Hilarious: This Blonde Thinks Her Car Parts Were Stolen
When a blonde gets into her car, she notices a bunch of car parts that were there when she left them missing. She immediately reports the theft to 911...
Have You Been Making These Toilet Paper Mistakes Too?
The next time you use toilet paper, avoid these mistakes.
Electric Cars Are All the Rage at the Frankfurt Motor Show
The German International Motor Show is a crucial event for the world's auto industry. Take a look at the hottest concept cars making their debut this year.
7 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Do Chores
These tips will help you encourage your children to help out around the house and teach them the importance of teamwork.
8 Crucial Car Tips Everyone Should Know About
Learn 8 great car tips that are useful even after years of sitting behind a steering wheel!
12 Vintage Luxury Cars That will Make You Nostalgic
12 beautiful vintage cars that are no longer on the road, but should be back
Drift King Tears Up The Streets of Los Angeles
Ken Block is an incredibly skilled driver. Watch as he tears up the streets of Los Angeles in his latest gymkhana routine.
7 Tips for Teaching Seniors How to Use Technology
These 7 tips will help seniors to really embrace helpful technologies.
You Can Use Windex For MUCH More Than Just Windows
First invented in the 1930s, Windex is a potent solution that can be used for so much more than what it was originally intended for, as this list proves.
15 Uses For WINDEX You Didn't Know About!
The Labels on a Plastic Bottle Are There for Your Own Good
Plastic bottles of them have symbols on them for a reason, and these reasons are in order to ensure your health. Heare is a complete guide.
Learn How to Stay Warm in a Car With No Heat
If you don't have any heating capabilities inside your car, then you could be in for a nasty ride this winter unless you make use of these tips...
Naughty Joke: The Newlyweds and Their Accident
A newlywed couple gets a special present for their nuptials: a brand new sports car.
How Rude! The 200mph Wedding Day Joke!
A couple of newlyweds hop into their brand-new sports car and take off at speed. Feeling a little frisky, things quickly start to go south...
How the Cold Winter Months Affect Your Car & What To Do
During the cold winter months, your car will likely experience mechanical problems. Below is a list of some common car problems in winter.
I Never Thought People Rode Bikes Like THESE
In this post, we'll stroll down the path of the bicycles' evolution, starting from 1418. In between, enjoy some vintage photos of bicycles from the 19th century.
11 Ways What You Wear Is Making You Look Older
Is what you're wearing making you look old? These 11 tips will help you change your style.
Spoiling Your Pets - The Healthy Way!
We love to please our pets, but it is important to do so in a healthy way. Here are 7 great tips on how to do just that!
Pull the Plug on These Electricity Myths
As storm season is officially here, we equip you with safety facts and some myths about electricity.
This New Jade Roller May Be Just What Your Face Needs!
This ancient Beuty tool is making a on to learn more about it!
Enrich Your Blood: 10 Natural Remedies for Iron Deficiency
Amazingly, more than 2 billion people suffer from iron deficiency, but most of us don't know how to improve our iron levels. Here are 10 natural ways you can.
What is Smiling Depression? 5 Signs Someone's in Trouble
5 signs someone you know is covering for a major depression
Want Your PC to Run Longer? Then Avoid These Mistakes
Avoiding these silly mistakes will help you prevent damage to your computer and also extend its life.
How to Pick the Liveliest Houseplants at the Garden Center
A lot of your plant growing success boils down to shopping for the healthiest plants, and here’s how you do just that.
The Best AAA Membership Discounts You Haven't Been Using
Most people don’t know about these AAA benefits.
15 Smart Alternative Uses for Bubble Wrap No One Told You
Bubble wrap can do much more than help you move!
10 Features In New Car Models You Should Know
the sheer number of feathers in modern car models can be overwhelming. Here are 10 important features you may not even be aware your car has.
The Evolution of a Prancing Horse: 40 Years of V8 Ferraris
Ferrari has built many an incredible car in its illustrious history, but the babies in its stable are often overlooked. This is the evolution of V8 Ferraris.
12 Supplement Facts That Will Surely Horrify You!
The supplement industry isn’t what it seems. In fact, peeling back the curtain just a tiny bit reveals an insidious underbelly. Find out more here!
Tesla's Latest Offerings Have Left the Auto World In Awe
The innovations that come out of Tesla Motors with seemingly amazing regularity continue to stun the world, and the latest two are no exception. Take a look.