These Tattoos Will Probably Become Lifelong Regrets
While tattoos can be a fun way to express yourself, it's important to double check what you're getting because tattoos aren't easily removed
Joke: The Copying Error
A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand.
Spelling Bee: Are You a Spelling Master?
This quiz is going to test your spelling
The Error Code Cats - Educational and Hilarious!
our feline friends have decided to lend a helping hand and demonstrate what these error messages are actually all about
These Signboards Have the Worst Spelling Mistakes
These have to be some of the most unfortunate typos ever.
SPELLING BEE: Can You Spell These Tricky Words?
Another spelling bee to challenge your writing skills and your vocabulary.
20 Of The Funniest Spelling Mistakes You've Ever Seen
A compilation of the funniest and weirdest spelling errors and grammar mistakes you will come across.
21 of the Most Hilarious Spelling Mistakes!
Look, if you're going to be writing something in public, it needs to be spelled correctly - doesn't it? Here are 21 ridiculous English errors.
Spelling Bee: Can You Spell With the Best of Them?
Before you are 14 sentences that cannot be completed without the correct word, correctly spelled. Can you spell them all?
How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Prescription Errors
It has been estimated that around 22,000 people could be dying in England each year as a result of drug prescription errors. Find out more here!
These Quotation Mark Errors Are TOO FUNNY to Be Ignored!
These funny quotation marks are going to make you laugh all day!
Spelling Bee: Can You Beat the ULTIMATE Spelling Challenge?
Take the ultimate spelling challenge!
Protecting Yourself from Medical Errors: A Patient's Guide
Medical negligence is on the rise – here’s how you can keep yourself safe from it.
QUIZ: Spell the Word to Complete the Sentence!
Complete these sentences correctly by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
These Typing Errors Ended Up Costing a Handsome Sum!
When you make a typo, the consequences can often be extremely costly. Here are 8 of the most expensive typos ever made!
Quiz: This Spelling Bee Will Challenge You!
These 15 words were taken from spelling bee competitions from around the world.
English Quiz: Spell to Complete the Sentence!
Think you can spell with the best of them?
QUIZ: Will You Choose the Correct Spellings?
How's your spelling these days? Up to scratch?
English Quiz: Ready for a Challenging Spelling Bee?
Are you ready for a challenging, tough, 21 question-long Spelling Bee?
Meet Jacques Bailly - the King of the Spelling Bee
Meet Jacques Bailly, the official pronouncer of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Can You Pass This Rock Hard Spelling Test?
With mobile phones and spell checkers all the rage, they say spelling standards are dipping. Can you buck the trend by passing this spelling quiz?
15 Hilarious Computer Errors No One Expected
Sometimes, when technology malfunctions, it's too funny not to share it with others
Spelling Bee: These Are Some Truly Tricky Words...
Are you ready for some spelling challenges?
Spelling Bee: Choose the Correct Version of the Word!
Bring your A, B and C game because we have 16 confusing words for you to spell!
QUIZ: Guess the Capital, Then Spell It!
To ace this quiz, you'll need to identify the capitals for these countries as well as spell them!
English Quiz: Find the Spelling For These Confusing Words
This quiz will ask you to spell some of the most confusing words in English. You'll be given two options for spelling each word, and may start really easy, but get a bit more challenging as you proceed - can you do it?
QUIZ: Can You Complete the Spelling?
Will you able to remember which word we're talking about and how to complete the missing letters?
English Quiz: Can You Find the Correct Spelling?
Can you please help us by choosing the correctly spelled word to complete each sentence?
QUIZ: Can You Choose the Correct Spelling?
You'll need to know your letters in order to find all the correct spellings in this fun quiz!
Quiz: Is Your Spelling and Vocabulary Up to Scratch?
This English quiz has a little bit of everything. Are you up for the challenge?
Test Yourself: How Good Are Your Vocabulary and Spelling?
Figure out the synonym and finish our spelling for us!
Spelling Bee: Can You Get All Twelve?
In each slide there will be several alternative spellings. Pick the correct one!
Spelling Test: Are You Good Enough to Pass?
QUIZ: Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test?
This spelling quiz does just that - quizzes you on hard words to spell! How will you do?
English Quiz: Can You Choose the Right Spelling Each Time?
Pick the word with the correct spelling to beat this quiz.
Spelling Quiz: Which Are American & Which Are British?
A lot of people find it hard to distinguish between American English and British English when reading and writing. Are you one of them?
Think You Know How to Spell? It's Time to Find Out!
Do you think you're smarter than the average 4th-grader? If so, then give this English spelling test a shot!
Spelling Bee: Beat THESE 12, Why Don't Ya?
Read the definitions of the words in the photos and choose the correct spelling for that word.
English QUIZ: Can You Pick the Correct Spelling?
Can you pick the correct version of all 12? Let's see you rise to meet this challenge!
English Challenge: Complete the Sentence Using Spelling!
Can you find the correctly spelled words and complete these sentences?
Spelling Bee: We Define, You Choose!
How's your spelling today? Can you choose the correct words?
Spelling Bee: Conquer These Commonly Misspelled Words!
Can you spell these 15 commonly misspelled words by university students?
Test Your English: Can You Spell Half These Words?
An interesting challenge for both your vocabulary and your spelling!
ENGLISH QUIZ: Can You Spell These Rarely-Used Words?
We need is for you to decide for us - which one is spelled correctly?
Most Americans Fail This US City Spelling Quiz...
If you love the USA, then you're bound to be able to spell its most popular cities correctly, right? Take this quiz and find out for yourself!
QUIZ: Can You Spell These Commonly Misspelled Words?
English has many words that are difficult to spell. Do you know how they should be written? Here's your chance to test yourself.
TEST: Can You Spell These Commonly Misspelled Words?
English Quiz: Ready for a Rock Hard Spelling Bee?
QUIZ: Can You Spell the Correct Word?
Complete the word using your keyboard!
If We Give You a Definition, Can You Spell the Word?
In this English spelling challenge we will give you a definition of the word and you will need to complete its missing letters!
English Challenge: Can You Spell These 25 Words?
Take our latest spelling bee and prove you can pick the right spelling time after time...
Hilarious: 14 Times People Didn't Spell Check Public Signs
Sometimes, a simple spelling mistake can make a seemingly mundane sentence hilarious
Spelling Bee: How Will You Do With These Tricky Words?
Do you have the vocabulary and spelling know-how to beat our latest spelling bee?
Here are 25 Chances to Prove You Know Your Spelling!
Can you solve our 25 question spelling test?
English QUIZ: Can You Beat Our Newest Spelling Bee?
Do you read enough to keep the shape of words in your head?
Language Test: Can You Spell These 22 US Cities Correctly?
QUIZ: Can You Pass This 4th-Grade Spelling Test?
Have You Ever Read a Sign Or Notice and Thought... WHAT!?
Sometimes you see a sign or notice and you just have to do a double take. These 18 utterly hilarious spelling fails will have you laughing all day long!
These Common Words Began as Mistakes - Unbelievable!
Some spelling and grammar mistakes change a student’s grade for the worse, others transform the language forever.
These Misspelled And Misshapen Tattoos Are So Hilarious!
These people forgot to double check their spelling before getting these disastrous tattoos which will confuse and amuse you.
Spotting WhatsApp Spam: 5 Tips for Safe Chatting
Due to WhatsApp's increasing popularity, the number of spam texts in circulation has also grown. Here's how you can spot them.
The BEST of British Humor - HILARIOUS Sketch
Watch Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in their hilarious best in this vintage comedy sketch from the series A Bit of Fry and Laurie.
They Really Messed Up These Translations, Didn’t They?
Let’s take a look at some of the most epic translation fails shared by people on the internet.
These Designs Were Close to Perfect But Ended Hysterically
Some jobs need to be done with an added level of care. If not, you may end up with hilarious and confusing disasters like these.
Why Cats Are Better Than Men...
If your spouses could be a bit more feline, wouldn't that be great??
This 10-Minute Read Will Make You a Bourbon Expert
Are you unsure of the difference between whiskey, bourbon, and scotch? We are here to clarify.
Take Our Quiz: Can You Tell These Homophones Apart?
English has lots of words that sound the same but are spelled differently, they are called homophones. Can you tell them apart? Take our quiz to test yourself!
7 Handy Chrome Extensions That You Must Install Today
This article features some of the best and most useful Google Chrome extensions that will be handy to every user.
Hilarious: 15 Misspelled Signs That'll Make You Laugh!
We collected 15 hysterical signs with spelling mistakes here, so brace yourselves - because it’s about to get funny!
English Test: Only a Few Get Perfect Scores on This One!
Test your English spelling skills with our 20 question quiz
Thou Shalt Not Commit These 24 Common Logical Fallacies!
Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning due to a misconception or presumption, which makes the argument invalid. Here are 24 that you should avoid.
Avoid These Pork Cooking Mistakes!
As versatile and delicious as pork may be it there are a lot of potential errors when it comes to cooking it. Here are the 12 most common mistakes to avoid.
Customize Autocorrect Settings on Your iPhone or Android
Tired of your phone sabotaging your texts? This article will teach you to customize your phone's autocorrect settings.
QUIZ: Find the Missing Word!
For each of these sentences, select the correct spelling of the missing word.
Joke: Little Johnny's Dad
Little Johnny was in class and the teacher announced that they were going to try something different...
This Joke Starts With a Woman At the Pearly Gates
When a woman arrives at the Pearly Gates before she enters Heaven, St. Peter makes her undertake a challenge...
These New Eye Drops Could Eradicate the Need for Glasses!
A team of researchers from Israel have created eye drops that could eradicate the need for eyeglasses. Find out more here!
Can Your English Vocabulary Reveal Where You’re From?
This English test attempts to guess if your accent is closer to British, American, Canadian or Australian, will we be able to guess yours?
Were You Aware of These English Language Mistakes?
Learn how to avoid some common English language mistakes by understanding some little-known truths.
12 Hilarious Newspaper Blunders That Had Us Chuckling
These newspaper blunders are unfortunate, but very funny!
Lost in Translation: 15 Laugh-Out-Loud Fails
These are some of the funniest translation and spelling fails people have had the luck to encounter and share with others online!
Grammar Test: Can You Pick the Correct Sentence?
In each of these questions, there will be only one sentence, out of the four, that is without error. Can you find it for us?
QUIZ: You Better Get The Right Words...
This 'You lose, you're out!" challenge is all about correct spelling!
Joke: Arriving at the Pearly Gates
A woman found herself standing at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter greeted her and said, "These are the Gates to Heaven, my dear. But you must do one more thing before you can enter."
7 US Place Names Every British Person Pronounces WRONG
There's one aspect of English that's even more infuriating and complex than spelling. That aspect is pronunciation, and this funny post will show you why.
Funny: When Words Sound Alike With Different Meanings
Homophones are words that sound exactly the same, but aren't spelled the same and mean something different. Here are 20 that are the wordiest of words.
Hilarious: When Words Sound Alike But Mean Different...
Homophones are words that sound exactly the same, but aren't spelled the same and mean something different. Here are 15 that are the wordiest of words.
10 Difficult Words in English Everyone Should Know
English has many difficult words with meanings that are nearly impossible to guess, which makes them super tough to remember. Here are 10 such words
These Must Be Some of the Funniest Construction Mistakes
These hilarious construction fails and errors will leave you laughing and wondering what these builders were thinking.
This Joke Begins With a Change of Career... (Rude)
This joke is all about changing careers in the middle of your life...
30 Well Known Life Hacks Tested- Which is Real?
30 well-known life hacks tested in front of your eyes. Watch this video to save you the time of trial and error
Can Your English Vocabulary Reveal Where You Are From?
This is How You Make Delicious Home-Made Hummus
Hummus is delicious, and you'll be surprised how easy it is to make your own.
Hilarious: There's No Guessing What Life Can Throw At You
When a woman has to face things such as tuberculosis and double pneumonia, she wonders what else is going to be thrown at her. Those were only the beginning...
Make Everyday Computer Use Easier with These 7 Tools
Windows have many built-in tools that make everyday tasks a lot easier. However, they are difficult to find and use. This guide reveals 7 of them.
Hilarious: 15 Embarrassingly Funny Autocorrect Disasters
Autocorrect fails can be ridiculously funny sometimes.
People Will Think You're Smart If You Tell These Jokes!
They may be a little cheesy, but these jokes are certainly rather clever. Here are 15 rather clever jokes that can make you smart.
Hilarious: They Could Have Done Worst... I Think.
When Construction Goes Terribly Wrong...
QUIZ: Who Is This Person?
Could you identify then AND spell their names right?
QUIZ: Can You Find the Second Half of These Words?
Complete these words with your spelling skills.