Learn How to Whistle, Snap and Hold Fire in Your Hands!
Ever wanted to learn how to snap or whistle using your fingers? Or have you ever wanted to hold fire in the palm of your hands? If so, read on!
Snap Your Joy - Terrific!
A feel good and joyous video if we ever saw one!
Just the Right Second - Great Snaps!
Photos taken with an incredible sense of timing...
Beautiful Christmas Table Decorations in a Snap!
So grab the kids and put them to work on a fun and festive crafting project - Christmas tree table decorations!
These Cat-Snaps Will Brighten up the Darkest of Days!
These funny cat photographs will leave you grinning from ear to ear!
Lighter and Luscious Beef Enchiladas in a Snap!
Here is a quick and simple recipe for this traditional Mexican treat made 'lighter' to keep it healthy and nutritious!
14 Fun Animal Photos Snapped at the Perfect Time
These are some of the funniest and most well-timed animal photos we’ve ever seen!
Only in Canada: Hilarious Snaps of Canadian Life
If you think your winter is bad, it may be that the Canadian 'spring', and definitely their winter, would prove a bit much for you to handle...
Animals Snapped At the PERFECT Moment
Pets provide endless hilarious moments, so one should always have his camera ready...
These Poignant Photos Were All Snapped With a Phone Camera
These poignant award-winning photographs prove all you need to be a great photographer is a smartphone!
Vintage Photos: 17 Classic Snaps from the Good Old Days
Get a glimpse of the past with these fascinating vintage pictures.
These New Windows 11 Features Are Great Additions
Microsoft’s Windows 11 is all set to release in a few weeks. Here’s all you need to know about its new features.
These Ginger Biscuits Are Perfect with a Cup of Coffee
This recipe will show you how to make delicious ginger snap biscuits.
America's Deep Freeze Has Made For Amazing Photographs
The cold snap in North America of January 2018 utterly shocked everyone, but also made for some amazing photographs. Take a look.
Meet The FASTEST Animal on the Planet
This tiny ant goes from zero to 200 mph in a fraction of a second - which makes it the fastest animal on the planet!
Hilarious: Hey Manager, Can I Please Have a Job?
Three unemployed factory workers apply for a job. The manager soon makes up his mind on where to place all three of them.
The Daily Habits That Bring Down Your Mood
This great animated video will point to the things that may be making you sad, and will show you how to get rid of those nasty habits in a snap!
Joke: The Idiot Savant
Three men die: A Physicist, a Philosopher and a Local town idiot...
Caught on Camera: Cats In Action!
This funny photo series is sure to win your heart with some very wacky snaps of cats in action!
Awesome Card Games You Probably Haven't Played Before
Here are 5 super fun card games, of both skill and chance that you can enjoy with the whole family.
These Confusing Photos Require a Second Look
These photos below were snapped at exactly the right moment to create an accidental optical illusion!
I Can't Believe People Go to Such Lengths For a Photo!
Get ready to see some of the most epic and creative photos ever snapped!
These Perfectly Captured Moments! – 16 Stunning Pics
From a dog running on water to the exact moment a balloon popped, these perfectly-timed shots are amazing.
25 Pictures that Prove Photographers are Crazy!
Some people are willing to go above and beyond what is needed (or safe) in order to take the perfect photo...
Joke: The Caterpillar Escape
Two caterpillars are escaping a spider. They climb up a branch and get to the edge, but realize they are now trapped…
Hilarious: Florida Isn't For Everyone...
These photos capture the wild, strange, and downright hilarious moments that could only happen in Florida.
Your Computer Mouse Can Do Much More Than You Think...
Knowing how to use your mouse can make computing so much easier than you ever realized. Here are some great tips on how to maximize the use of your mouse, which will increase your overall productivity on the computer.
You'll Never Guess What This Dog Does For Its Owner!
This Japanese dog is certainly very patient and a very good model. Its human creates cardboard cutouts for it to model. View the hilarious results.
20 Stunning Photos That'll Bring Happiness to Your Day
without saying anything, here are 20 photos that say a thousand words.
20 Stalin-Era USSR Photos That Have Never Been Seen Before
Twenty photographs of never-seen-before Stalin-Era USSR taken by Martin Manhoff.
These Perfectly Timed Wildlife Photos Are Hysterical!
Don't miss out on these hysterical wildlife photos snapped in the perfect situation!
Astrophotography: The Perfect Blend of Art and Science
From vibrant photos of the Northern lights to incredible snaps of the sun - these photos all have the chance to win Astononmy Photo of the Year and rightfully so!
Joke: Well, THAT'S a First!
When a hunter arrives at the ER with a bear trap attached to his testicles, the story as to how it happened is bound to be weird...
Hilarious: He Turns Up At the ER In An Odd Predicament
Funny Joke: A Girl and Her Grandpa Go to the Store
A clerk tries it on with a pretty girl who's at the store he works at with her granddad. He asks for an odd form of paytment, but his plans are scuppered...
21 Dog Pics That'll Make You Laugh Uncontrollably!
Here you’ll find a collection of hilarious and cute dog photos that’ll leave you grinning from ear to ear! Enjoy!
Dramatic Animals Upclose. As If You Were There In The Jungle
Photographer Laurent Baheux has a love affair with animals and beautifully captures them upclose in black and white. The vivid images are almost as if you are there.
Photographer Captures the Mischief of Dogs on the Streets
These pictures, captured by a famous street photographer, show us the unique and amusing personalities of dogs.
Computer Guide: Windows 11 Shortcut Keys!
Learn the best shortcuts for Windows 11 using your keyboard. From taskbar to screenshots, learn it all.
These 15 Hilarious Pets Know How to Cheer You Up Any Day!
Here’s a collection of hilariously cheeky pets and wildlife that will definitely make your heart smile!
The Smartest Dresser in Berlin Is an 86-Year Old Tailor
Meet Ali. This old man is quite the dapper gentleman. He has a nice new change of clothes everyday, and is a hero to many people on the internet.
20 Cats Who Just Love to Take Photos of Themselves
20 cats trying to figure out their best angles, taking their best selfies.
Our Guide to Making Free Video and Audio Calls Online
This guide will allow you to reach anyone online and for free for real calls without any previous knowledge!
These Orchids Look Like Anything Else Other Than Flowers
Orchids are some of the most unusual flowers in nature. As you'll see in this next post, there's a lot of them that don't actually look like flowers at all...
16 Perfectly Timed Shots That Couldn’t Be Planned
Sometimes, timing is EVERYTHING...
This Kayaking Trip Will Make You Want to Travel to Norway
This magnificent series of photos was taken from a kayaking trip along the country's many fjords. The scenes you'll see are breathtaking.
SHOCKING: This Family Got the Weirdest Photos...
We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but a hilariously bad family photoshoot has earned over 377,000 and 360,000 likes on Facebook. Check them out!
Simply Fun DIY Crafts for Kids!
You probably have most of the necessary tools at home, so get working!
The Complete Selfie Tutorial and Guide for the Technophobe
A full tutorial to the secrets of taking a good selfie
23 Times Street Art and Nature Coexisted Beautifully
Urban art doesn't have to be in opposition to nature, and can actually complement it. Check these examples out!
Hilarious! 16 Photos of Cops Having a Good Time...
These 16 photos prove that police officers can have a cracking sense of humor!
Ever Wondered How Sperm Whales Sleep? Wonder No More!
Have you ever wondered how sperm whales sleep before? Wonder no more, because the phenomenon has finally been captured on camera. Take a look.
The Animal Kingdom Now Has the Photographer it Deserves
Sergey Polyushko could be one of the world's finest animal photographers in history. Just look at these 17 fantastic snaps.
Make Fun Coloring Books from Your Own Family Photos
Here is a great website that helps you turn your favorite photos into fun coloring books. You've got try it yourself with our easy-to-follow guide.
Few Photos Are as Powerful as These Ones...
This collection of photos will make you feel a whole range of emotions that may leave a lasting impact on your life.
Add This Exquisite Chicken Stir-Fry to Your Repertoire
A stir-fry is something that everyone should have in their repertoire. If it's not in yours, here's how you can add it.
15 Rare Sights You Won't See More Than Once...
Here are 15 rare sights that you're practically guaranteed to never see more than once in your lifetime!
Here Are 15 Rare Sights You Won't See More Than Once!
Want to Fool Your Own Brain? Have a Look at These Illusions
Optical Illusions That'll Make You Doubt Your Eyesight!
These Pics Were Taken Just One Second Before "Disaster"
These hilarious photos were taken a split second before “disaster” struck.
These Deliriously Content Animals Will Make You Happy Too!
It's scientifically impossible to feel down in the dumps when looking at these wonderful animal smiles, surely!
22 Photos That Show Children Do Take After Their Parents
It's truly a joy to see that a child resembles their parent or grandparent. It's especially fun to compare photos of these family members when the same age!
What Do Our Pets Do When We're Out? An Adorable Answer
What do pets do when you're not home? Why, act naughty of course!
Some Animals Just Weren't Meant to Be Pets...
These pet owners aren't interested in cats, dogs, fish and birds like you and me. They prefer something a little wilder, and well, stranger...
Paris 100 Years Ago: A Story in Vintage Photos
These rare, vintage photos show how Paris used to be in the early 20th Century. Take in the nostalgic sights in this post.
These Dogs' Funny Faces Made Me Laugh My Socks Off!
It's the simplest things in life that make me laugh. Like these 23 brilliant photos of dogs chasing treats! Priceless.
This Man Found the Most Unusual Way to Beat Depression
The incredible story of one man's battle with depression through nature photography.
Want to See Some Big Animals? Just Check Out These Photos!
We know there are a lot of big animals out there. These photos show us by comparison how large the giants of the animal kingdom really are
14 Stunning Photos That Have Not Been Edited in Any Way
These stunning photos have not been edited in any way at all. These photos will definitely amaze you!
15 Mall Photos That Capture the Retro Shopping Scene
These throwback mall pics are a blast from the past.
Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
Psychologists also experience stress and anxiety, however, they have methods of dealing with it. Learn their methods here!
Is The Dog Okay? - 16 Sidesplitting Photos
Apart from being cute, loving, and loyal, dogs can also be hysterically funny - and these photos are proof!
These Funny Photos Show Victorian Era in a Different Light!
Most images we see from the early days of photography are austere and often bleak. Yet these photographs show the reality. People were cheeky, funny and happy!
These Photos Will Remind You of the True Power of Nature
Modern man thinks he is the master of his world, but nothing could be further from the truth. These photos serve as poignant reminders of the power of nature.
This Joke Begins With a Woman and 3 Wishes...
An old woman finds a genie and gets 3 wishes in this hilarious joke.
These Photos Prove Running Brings Out the Best in Dogs!
A dog photographer has captured photos of dogs on the run, showing their unabashed joy and happiness in the most heartwarming way possible.
When Pets and Toddlers Act Silly, We Can’t Help But Laugh!
Who's better at making us smile than pets and kids, especially when they're acting a bit silly?
8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress
Hilarious Joke! An Atheist Has an Unexpected Encounter
When an atheist meets a bear, this is what happens...
Joke: Pedro Knows All the Quotes
It was the first day of school and a new student named Pedro, the son of a Mexican telecom tycoon, entered the fourth grade.
14 Amazing Before-And-After Pics of Our Changing World
These before-and-after pictures show how just how much time changes everything.
15 Hilarious Photos That Require a Second Look
Sometimes, all it takes is one perfectly timed click to take the perfect photo. Take a look at these funny and interesting examples.
Joke: The Story of the Huge Lighter
This joke begins when two friends have a smoke, and one of them pulls out this HUGE lighter...
15 Captivating Celebrity Pics from a Bygone Time
These vintage snaps of celebrities back in the day will make you feel nostalgic.
When Kid Photos Don't Come Out the Way You Hoped...
Click to see the outcome of kids who did not want to have their photos taken.
15 Hilariously Bad Animal Photos to Make You Laugh
These are NOT the most beautiful animal pictures you will see. But they will certainly make you laugh...
Funny! The Photos That Animals Don't Want You to See!
Animals give the world so much joy, as these hilarious images prove.
Nature Always Finds a Way – 13 Powerful Pics
Enjoy these amazing pictures showing the power and beauty of Mother Nature.
Learn About Photography's History Through These Old Photos
In celebration of the incredible history of photography, here are 12 outstanding photographic 'firsts' that span the last couple of centuries.
These Animals Are Different, Yet Somehow So Very Similar...
They often say owners can resemble their pets, but these pets have gone one better, they look just like other pets! Have you ever seen anything like this?
The Whole World in One Glance...
NASA astronaut Douglas Wheelock, who was at the time aboard the International Space Stationm, shares pictures of the Earth he snaps with the world through Twitter. Wheelock has been posting impressive photos of the Earth and some of his thoughts ev
The Mastery of Capturing a Fraction of the World
Professional photographers come in to show us all again the true mastery of capturing the world through a lens. Enjoy.
Work Safety? Never Heard of It!
The people involved in these construction fails and work safety violations have never heard of the phrase “Safety First!”
15 Pics That Highlight the Richness of Life in Canada
Experience the uniqueness and beauty of life in Canada through these wonderful pictures.
The Beauty of Motherhood in 18 Different Cultures
The Atlas of Beauty is a unique project depicting women around the world. This collection is dedicated to the beauty of motherhood in different cultures.
Let's Explore These Old Photos of the 20th Century
The first part of the century was not just a world of black and white, it was full of many shades of gray, as these illuminating images from history reveal.
Think You Know How to Spell? It's Time to Find Out!
Do you think you're smarter than the average 4th-grader? If so, then give this English spelling test a shot!
You’ll Love These Perfectly Timed Action Shots of Animals
Nature photographer Niki Colemont takes unique, perfectly timed action shots of animals in nature. Take a look at some of his best works.
We All Have Our Bad Days - 15 Funny and Relatable Photos
Anyone can relate to these funny 'bad day' photos. Sometimes luck just isn't on our side...
These Drone Photos Elevate the Art of Aerial Photography!
The Drone Awards is a new photography competition that’s dedicated to the emerging art of aerial photography. Check out some of the stunning entries!