Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs? This Clip Will Surprise You!
Are cats smarter than dogs? Perhaps not! This video will reveal the truth once and for all...
Joke: That's a Smart Dog
A man settles in his seat next to the window on a plane, when another man sits down next to him and seats his Black Labrador Retriever in-between them...
This Dog is SO Smart… And Even More Hilarious!
This smart dog possesses intelligence you would rarely see in animals. She's also adorably funny!
Have You Ever Seen a Dog THIS Smart? Wow!
This dog just loves helping around the house! What a smart dog!
Have You Ever Seen a Dog THIS Smart? Incredible!
This genius dog loves helping around the house!
The Best Smart A$$ Answers!
The funniest smart a$$ answers given
The Smart Window - Amazing!
Some of you may recognize this window from the hit movie 'Minority Report', starring Tom Cruise. But whether you've seen the movie or not, this is bound to impress on you a feeling of futurism, as this smart window is an amazing technological develop
That Is One Smart Mouse!
If you ever wondered if Jerry was too smart for a mouse, it's time to eat some humble pie, as this little guy shows us that it not only knows how to get ALL the cheese off of a trap, but takes its time and does it like a pro, even leaving a distastef
These Are Some Really Smart Product Designs!
These products are all thoughtfully designed, with some genius ideas regarding added uses for the products.
Fighting For Children the Smart Way!
This clever sign allows kids to see this message without the adults being the wiser. Quite brilliant.
Joke: Six Smart Answers
It was mealtime during a flight on Alaska Airlines. "Would you like dinner?" the flight attendant asked John, seated in front. "What are my choices?" John asked.. "Yes or no," she replied.
These Are Some Smart Calling Cards!
Smart and Very Creative Calling Cards!
The Smart Person's Guide to a Happy Life...
The smart principles we all need in our life provided in 19 smart sayings and pieces of genuine advice that have always been true.
A Day With Smart Glasses - Amazing!
This concept video seems like science fiction, but is actually based on an existing product - the Google Glasses, who may be available for private purchase as early as 2014. That said, some people may think that this is 'too much' an integration of t
How Smart ARE Dolphins, Anyway?
Dolphins are much smarter than we may have thought, say some scientists. In this quirky little video, suitable for all ages, we learn that they may be much smarter than we have believed, and may even use a sort of complex mathamtics to calculate loc
This Super Smart Raven is Definitely No Birdbrain
We knew that ravens are smart. But this video proves that they are possibly the most intelligent birds on our planet.
25 Smart Combinations of Environment and Art
These works of art were cleverly made to match the environment, what a visual treat.
The Future is Here with These 7 Smart Gadgets
Science and technology keep rolling out fantastic inventions. Here are 7 futuristic gadgets that you can already get your hands on.
Creative and Smart Print Ads You’ll Love
Although there are tons of new print ads being created everyday, we managed to pick out the best print ads, that in our opinion are the most creative and delivers the great portion of inspiration. At some of these ads you need to look twice to see th
15 Smart Ideas That Redefined Creativity
These crafty geniuses took their ideas to unique heights!
The Best Smart-Ass Answers - Hilarious!
,The brilliant answers of a student who unfortunately got 0 on his exam .although we feel should have gotten 100%
The Most Helpful Dog in the World!
When not helping and performing tricks, Jesse can be found playing with his cuz ball, chasing squeaker tennis balls, digging in search for lizards, de-fluffing stuffed toys, swimming, and just being happy.
3 Smart Tricks You Can Do With Salt
Learn three really smart tricks you can use salt for when cooking.
Learn About the Newest Smart Christmas Lights
Enjoy a collection of the newest Christmas gadgets for decorating your home!
The Ultimate Guide to Smart Second-Hand Shopping
Savvy second-hand shopping is more than a trend—it’s a mindful way to save money, discover unique finds, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Is it a Raccoon? Is it a Dog? No. It’s a 'Raccoon Dog'!
Tanuki, or the Japanese raccoon dog, is a unique species. Its neither a dog, nor a raccoon. So what is it?
There Is a Lot to Learn From Dogs...
We see dogs all the time, yet we always consider ourselves their educators.....
The Dog With A Seeing Eye Dog
This golden retriever was not exactly blessed upon coming into this world. He was born not only blind but also with a tendency for violent seizurs that caused him to lose control of his bowels. However, something changed the moment Blair, a black lab
Cancun's Smart Forest City: A Stunning Futuristic Paradise
Check the amazing Smart Forest City in Cancun - a futuristic and self-reliant urban manifesto.
What to Do (and Avoid) When Setting Up a Smart Home
Here's how you can set up a family-friendly smart home that will last long.
Want to Buy a Smart Speaker? This Guide Will Help You!
Are you interested in buying some smart speakers but not sure what ones to purchase? This is where this guide comes in handy!
Joke: The Smart New Soldier
An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3-day pass.
We Knew Ravens Are Smart. But This One Will AMAZE You
Meet Fable, the incredibly smart raven who can play the piano!
These Dogs Clearly Overestimated Their Physical Abilities...
Watch the hilarious video collection of dogs who fail at being dogs.
24 Smart Things to do With Your Clothes Hangers
There are so many things you can do with a good old clothes hanger. Here's 24 of them!
Have You Heard This One? A Smart Horse...
This horse understands only two commands...
Careful with Smart Home Assistants around Talking Parrots!
Petra the African Grey learns how to operate Amazon Echo (Alexa), much to the chagrin of her owner.
People Will Think You're Smart If You Tell These Jokes!
They may be a little cheesy, but these jokes are certainly rather clever. Here are 15 rather clever jokes that can make you smart.
You Had Me at Brilliant - Smart, Funny Ads!
Super Creative and Funny Ads!
Quiz: Use Your Smarts to Answer These IQ Problems
This logic quiz will use both your innate sense of logic and your learned logic from school to solve problems. This is a multiple choice quiz, and it's a lot of fun.
Instead of Plastic, These People Used Smart Alternatives
Check out 14 excellent examples of people and companies fighting the global plastic problem.
Smart Synonyms for 16 Words That Will Elevate Your Speech
Sound smarter and enrich your lexicon with these 16 clever alternatives to ordinary English words
Eye Test: How Smart Are You About COLOR?
Do you understand colors, and what mixing different colors may look like?
These Hilarious Dogs Will Leave You Gasping for Air
Not only are dogs loyal, cute, and smart (sometimes), they can, as these clips prove, also be extremely funny!
Should You Be Worried About Smart Speakers Like Alexa?
Have you ever wondered why smart speakers like Alexa or Siri are so cheap? Well, let's put it this way, you're not just paying with your money...
10 Smart Home Gadgets You Didn’t Know You Needed
If you’ve ever wanted a smarter, more efficient home, these 10 gadgets might be exactly what you need.
39 Smart Cleaning Tips You Just Have to Try
You can never know enough about cleaning. In This Video you can finds 39 great cleaning tips to make your life much simpler.
Smart Crow Forms a Special Bond With the Man Who Saved Him
Watch how a crow who lost his home in a storm found a helping hand through a human family.
Does This Dog Truly Understand His Human?
It's so fascinating to see when a dog displays a deep understanding and instantly reacts to everything his owner says.
Joke: The Smartest or Dumbest Dog Ever?
This joke begins with perhaps the smartest dog ever...
We Bet You Didn’t Know These Cute Mammals Were THIS Smart!
These two cute and fluffy mammal species are so intelligent. We are impressed, and you will, too!
Watch These Cats Attempt to Solve a Dog Puzzle
Norwegian Forest Cats are constantly compared to dogs, but are they truly as clever as them?
These Smart Tips Can Make Things a Lot Easier...
Share some great tips and daily shortcuts with your friends and family.
What Are the Good (and Bad) Habits of Very Smart People?
Have you ever wondered what geniuses have in common?
These Smart Innovations Will Make Our Lives Easier
Take a look at some unusual but incredibly useful inventions that we all need.
Hilarious: The Real Dogs Behind the "Beware Dog" Signs
Here are 12 hilarious “Beware of the Dog” signs and the cuties behind those signs.
IQ TEST: Can You Show Us Your Smarts?
Is your IQ high enough for this quiz?
Zoe is an Amazing Dog!
What Dog Training is All About!
Is Your Dog a Genius? Find Out Now with These 12 Signs!
Ever thought that your dog's a genius? Now You can check with these 12 signs of developed intelligence!
The Parkour Dog - Amazing!
!Meet Tres, the parkour dog
This Dog is Almost Unbelievable!
See the newest tricks by Jumpy the incredible stunt dog.
7 Smart Steps to Lead Your Children to Economic Stability
Are you worried about your children's economic future? Using the following 7 steps will help them become more responsible, economically stable, adults.
Can My Dog Eat That? An Important Infographic for Dog Owners
If you want to keep your dog safe and happy, you need to know what foods they can and cannot eat.
IQ Test: How Smart Are You?
This quiz will check how well your mathematical abilities are developed.
24 Smart Storage Inventions You Didn't Know You Needed
These super useful inventions are designed to make you help space!
Shop Smart! How to Recognize Good or Poor Quality Clothes
This informative guide will explain the 5 major ways of spotting a poor and high quality garments
Watch This Smart Bird Save Its Babies From a Crocodile
Watch as this devoted dad tucks its chicks and keeps them safe when the big croc comes by to try and steal them away for his breakfast.
The Love of Dogs - Beautiful!
The beautiful expressions of 58 dogs in under 4 minutes. Over the course of the last year, the maker of this video filmed the expressions of dogs that came to stay at a boarding kennel. He saw so much emotion behind their eyes and he imagined what th
Where is YOUR Dog From? The Full Dog Breed Compendium
The complete guide to dog races by country!
Samsung vs. Apple: Who Has the Better Smart Watch?
In this video, we look at the best iWatch and the best Galaxy watch to compare and see: who has the better smartwatch?
Like Owner, Like Dog: Fun Photos of Dogs and Their Owners
We had no idea that people and pets could look so much alike! Here are 9 comparison photos that look so alike it's uncanny!
Whoa! Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown by Super Smart Cats
Training a cat may be the toughest job in the world, but this video proves that doing it can unleash your cats’ hidden talents!
The Cat Dog-Walker!
A cat that walks the dog on a leash! Don't believe us? Watch the video!
Dog Behavior 101: How Dogs Show They’re Upset
Your dog may be mad at you and may not even know it!
These Dogs Have Skills!
Behold the incredible stunt dogs and frisbee champions!
Is This the Cutest Dog Breed Ever? See For Yourself!
One of the most famous dog breeds on the internet is certainly the Shiba Inu. Here are 20 cute photos of this fantastic kind of dog!
Color IQ: Take Our Quiz and See How Smart You Are!
Take our test and find out how clever you are at colors!
This Dog is... a CAT Person!
This dog found a very surprising playmate, which he prefers to other dogs!
These Dogs Are Silly Enough to Make You Laugh Uproariously
Dogs are our best friends, but they can also behave like court jesters sometimes, much to our amusement. Here are 15 of the silliest dogs you'll ever see!
Dialogue with a Wet Dog...
A clever and hilarious video the whole family will enjoy!
This Joke Starts With a Guy Getting a Nice Jewish Dog
When a man gets a dog that has the ability to speak, his neighbor is completely stunned. Things begin to get weird very quickly from that point on...
Want to Get Your Child a Dog? These Are the Best Breeds!
If you'rel looking to get a dog for your children but don't know which breed is suitable, this guide will almost certainly help you!
The Sing-Along Dog!
This happy dog has been hearing this Adele song since it was a pup. See what happens when every time he hears it!
Are You Smart Enough For This General Trivia Quiz?
Featuring 15 mixed knowledge questions from all walks of life.
Smart! This Is How to Peel a Hard Boiled Egg
You can actually peel a boiled egg without even touching it! That's incredible.
23 People Who Are Smart About Food...
Here are 23 stunningly inventive food hacks that we've trawled the web to find. You won't believe how amazing they are. Which one is your favorite?
Jumpy, an Extreme Dog!
An amazing dog who is definitely an animal athlete!
These Dogs Are The Perfect Companions For Older Adults!
Everyone loves companionship, and for dog-lovers there's nothing more painful that wanting a furry friend and not having one. Age is no factor for pet-having, and these 20 dogs prove it!
An A-Z of Adorable Dog Breeds
From A to Z, here are 26 dog breeds, big and small, but all cute, loving companions. This won't be all the types because there are so very many, but this is a great example of the variety you can find out there.
Joke: The Talking Dog and the Bartender
A guy walks into a bar with his dog and says, "I'll have a Scotch and water and my dog would like a whiskey sour."
Captured in Motion: The Flight of the...Dog
These photographs are so intense, the dogs in them seem to look you straight in the eye!
Dogs Are Always Funny!
Man's best friend in some compromising situations...
Dogs Are Simply Amazing! Some Funny Hounds Even Talk...
Dogs have got so many strings to their bow. But some of them have even mastered the human art of talking. Just listen to these chatterboxes.
12 Smart Phone Apps That Will Actually IMPROVE Your Mind
While most smart phone activity will sap your brain, these 12 apps do the exact opposite!
This Dog is a Hero With an Unforgettable Gift
This dogs beautiful story will move you to tears, while his incredible talent will leave you speechless
Hilarious Joke: A Woman's Smart Answer
This woman just thought of the perfect answer to this cop's accusation.
These Dogs Will Give Their Lives to Keep You Safe
Here is a look at some of the best guard dogs in the world who will make you feel safe and protect you with their life.
Porter, the Driving Dog!
As part of a promotional event for animal shelters in New Zealand, this loveable pooch has been taught to drive, and he does it pretty darn well, although we wouldn't let him drive a taxi anytime soon. A must watch!
The Most Patient Dog in the World!
This photo series of Scout balancing objects on his head had me in stitches, while also making me rethinking my outlook on pit bulls.
The Scrappy Subway Dogs of Moscow
According to Russian scientists, the stray dogs of the Russian capital have become much more sophisticated than their pet counterparts...