WAIT! Don't Throw Out Your Old Food Just Yet...
Whether you're a penny-pincher or just don't like wasting food, these 16 tips will show you what you can do with food you used to throw away.
What is the Right Skin Guide for YOUR Skin Tone?
Before choosing your skincare regimen and products it is important to be aware of your skin type! Using products that aren’t correct for it will only do more harm than good. Find out which skin type you have and how to treat it!
Skincare Tips for Oily Skin & Ways to Eradicate Skin Shine
Get a deeper understanding and learn to deal with oily skin and excess shine with this informative guide
How to Identify and Deal with Combination Skin
Some suffer from simultaneous dry and oily facial skin called "combination skin", and now you can know whether you too have it and how to deal with it ...
Revive Aging Skin with These Doctor-Approved Hacks
Get rid of dry, wrinkled skin with these effective, doctor-approved tips.
10 Tips to Avoid Dry Skin This Winter!
Avoid dry, cracking skin this winter with these 10 great tips!
Psoriasis: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Skin Disease
Learn all about this autoimmune disease that affects skin with red blotches. Understand the different types, treatments and discover home remedies.
Eradicate Skin Damage Naturally with These 6 Foods
Why fork out for fancy creams when you could just as easily keep your skin young and fresh with the following 6 foods?
How to Identify Rashes on Children's Skin
It is important to be familiar with the following 8 skin problems and to know if there is a need to see a doctor if they appear
Eradicate Your Dry Skin with These Fantastic Tips
Everyone wants their skin looking its best, so here are some wonderful tips that'll help you get rid of any dry skin that is bothering you.
15 Common Habits That Harm Your Skin
Here are 15 habits that you may be performing on a daily basis that you should avoid.
10 of Grandma’s Remedies for Mature and Loose Skin
Although most of us experience changes in our skin's appearance, some of them can be prevented and improved with The following 10 grandma's remedies!
How Can Apples Benefit Your Skin?
Read this post to find out about the benefits of apples for the skin and ways you can incorporate them into your skincare routine.
8 Pressure Points for Treating Skin Problems
Whether you have eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, fungus or seborrheic dermatitis, these pressure points may help you get rid of them.
The Science of Skin: This is All You Need to Know!
Apart from keeping your organs in, what else does your skin do? All is revealed in this informative TED-Ed video.
What’s the Best Way to Remove Skin Tags?
What is the best and safest way to remove skin tags?
10 Foods That Alleviate Dry and Flaky Skin
Tired of dry winter skin? The list below includes a variety of plant and animal foods that have been proven to increase skin health and improve skin dryness
Relieve Skin Itching & Dryness With These Eczema Remedies
In this article, we suggest several practical tips that help alleviate eczema symptoms, including a few useful home remedies you can try.
10 Smart Ways to Treat Your Dry Skin!
Suffer from dry skin? You can find these next natural dry skin treating ingredients right in your home...
Learn How to Diagnose and Treat a Skin Bump
If you've got a lump on your skin, here's what you can do about it.
The Best Method of Keeping Your Skin Cool and Beautiful
This DIY health and beauty project is perfect for anyone who wants to keep their skin cool and beautiful during the summer.
9 Foods That Will Protect Your Skin From the Sun
These 9 foods each contributes something to the fight between your skin and the harmful UV rays of the sun.
Remove Skin Tags with This Wonderful Natural Remedy
Skin tags are benign, but they are still very annoying. Luckily there's one solution to your affliction, probably sitting in one of your kitchen cupboards...
How to Maintain Great Skin at Every Decade of Life
From your 20s to your 70s, each decade requires different skincare strategies.
The MOST EFFECTIVE Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin!
This is the most important skin advice you need to hear.
Give Yourself Better Skin With the Korugi Massage
Korugi massage is a great new Japanese technique to keep your facial skin young and glowing even at later ages.
9 Common Summer Skin and Hair Problems Solved
Don’t let bothersome summer skin and hair issues ruin your summertime fun, and learn to prevent and treat them right here, right now.
Should You Take Collagen Supplements For Your Skin?
If you've got saggy, wrinkly skin, here's how you can increase your collagen intake.
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
How to Deal With Combination Skin That's Both Oily and Dry
If you suffer from combination skin, read on to discover the reasons behind it and learn several simple ways to deal with it.
Bring Your Skin to Life With Manuka Honey Creams
in this article we will examine Manuka honey and the best way to use it to restore your skin.
Dermatologist Shares Tips on Applying Makeup to Aging Skin
As we age, our skin changes and with it, the way we apply our makeup. Learn some tips on how to do this from dermatologist Dr. Cynthia Bailey.
12 Skin & Nail Warnings of Heart Health Concerns
These skin and nail signs may indicate heart issues.
Banish Your Skin's Pimply Blemishes with These 8 Remedies
You thought and hoped you'd left those acne ridden days behind you. Well with these 8 home-remedies you may finally be able to enjoy pimple free skin.
These People Found Out Something Shocking About Their Skin
This is how the sun truly sees us, and what our skin really looks like!
Why Do People Pick Their Skin or Pull the Hair?
Do you know someone who always picks their skin or pulls out their own hair? Both of these bad habits have a surprising cause...
Are You Aware of These Lesser-Known Causes of Skin Cancer?
What are the factors that contribute to the disease? Take a look at the common causes of skin cancer here.
Our Skin Is Amazing. Here Are 50 Reasons Why.
Fifty facts about the largest organ in the human body - the skin!
5 Unusual But Effective Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer
We all know that sunscreen and protective clothing can help prevent skin cancer, but so can these other strategies. Check them out here.
A Fascinating Video Helps You Understand the Science of Skin
A fascinating video explaining how our skin came to take on so many different hues.
6 Surprising Ways Ice Rejuvenates Your Skin
All you need are a few ice cubes to gain these 6 wonderful health benefits for your skin.
32 Everyday Mistakes You Make That Ruin Your Skin
Our Skin is so important to our health, yet most of us are harming it every day without knowing. But you can avoid 32 of these errors by following this guide
Guide: How We Use Different Acids for Skin Treatments
Understanding how these acids work and their specific benefits will empower you to make informed decisions about your skincare routine.
Cancer Hazards: 12 Skin Cancer Mistakes to Avoid
These seemingly harmless things may be putting you at risk for skin cancer.
Say Goodbye to Dry, Flaky Skin with These Natural Remedies
These home remedies and herbs can help treat the itchiness and dryness that is caused by Psoriasis.
Art on Skin - Special and Beautiful Body Art!
The artist responsible for those masterpieces is Craig Tracy. This art is not new and you may have already seen lots of photos of this kind but we must say those ones are really amazing. This great artist decides what to paint when he sees the model'
Common Skincare Mistakes That Accentuate Your Skin Concern
Are you investing a lot of time and money into your skincare, but still can’t see any results? You may be making one of these 7 mistakes...
Rejuvenate, Depuff and Lift Your Skin in 5 Minutes
All you need for your face to look younger is your moisturizer, 5 free minutes, and this video.
These Natural Face Masks Will Give Your Skin a Spruce!
Want to pamper your face in a natural and cheap way? The 7 recipes below will help you make wonderful face masks that will make you feel young again.
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy
The health benefits of turmeric and cinnamon chai are undeniable. Learn how to make this delicious and healthy beverage at home.
For Healthy Looking Skin, Do You Need Collagen?
This Natural Oil Will Do Wonders for Your Skin and Hair
Learn about the many amazing benefits of carrot seed oil for the skin and hair.
Watercress Is a Cancer Stopping, Skin Enhancing Superfood
When it comes to superfoods, we are stumped why hardly anyone is talking about watercress. With all these 8 health benefits it should be everyone's menu.
This Skin Disease Isn't As Rare as We Once Believed It Was
Hidradenitis Suppurativa was once believed to be a rare skin condition but now affects many, and has a few simple treatment methods.
Here Are the Underlying Causes of 10 Facial Skin Issues
Read this article to find out about the possible underlying causes of ten different skin issues.
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy!
How to Naturally Tighten Your Skin After Weight Loss
Just lost weight? 8 natural remedies you can try to help fight loose skin.
Take Our Quiz And Learn to Identify Skin Cancer
This quiz offers a unique and interactive guide for you to learn how to recognize cancerous moles. This one is very important!
An Easy and Effective Method To Make Every Skin Type Glow
Do you think you deserve to have a healthy and glowing complexion? Of course you do! Then check out our ultimate guide to skin exfoliation.
10 Homemade Face Masks For All Skin Types and Problems
No matter what kind of skin you have; dry, oily, lifeless or burned, read this article and you'll learn how to make simple masks to nourish it!
A Farmer Decided to Remove His Own Skin Cancer...
When this farmer decided to cut out a suspicious mole that grew on his arm using a pocket knife, he had no idea what dire mistake he made.
These Drinks Are Just What Your Skin Needs to Look Younger
The trick to healthy skin has been right under your noses. From coffee to cucumber water, these beverages keep skin glowing and strong.
Remove Blackheads From Your Skin Using These Sure Methods
Blackheads make our skin look terrible when it can easily look nice. Here are 6 efficient ways to rid yourself of those black dots right at home!
Are You Really Taking Good Care of Your Skin?
Are you really taking good care of your skin? Watch this video to find out about 19 serious skincare mistakes that are unfortunately quite common...
Makeup Guide: Choose the Right Colors for Your Skin Tone!
Whether you're a makeup expert or are just getting started, it's important to understand the basics. Start by learning how to match makeup to your skin tone!
9 Easy-to-Miss Skin Symptoms Of Serious Underlying Issues
These 9 seemingly-minor skin conditions are all symptoms of a variety of diseases ranging from hormone imbalances to diabetes and cancer.
4 Easy Ways to Use Olive Oil for Glowing Skin
Did you know olive oil can do wonders for your skin? Here are some easy ways to use it.
Ditch These 12 Bad Habits, They Ruin Your Hair and Skin
Are you unknowingly hurting your skin and hair? We compiled a list of 12 common bad habits, so look through them and see if you're guilty of these
The Skin on Your Neck May Be Giving Away Your Age
If you want to look younger care for the skin around your neck by following these seven essential steps.
8 Persistent Skincare Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin
This article is about harmful skincare myths that are way more common than they should be and how to replace them with a healthy skin habit
Here's How to Keep Your Face Free of Dead Skin Cells
We always feel better when we're looking radiant, and that can be down in no small part to removing dead skin cells from our faces. Make these scrubs at home.
10 Common Skin Cancer Myths Everyone Needs to Know!
Here are 10 common skin cancer myths that everyone should know about.
Find Out If A Doctor Should Check These 7 Skin Spots…
A new red, brown, or pink spot pops up and you're already stressed, but you might not need to be. Find out of you need to get these 7 skin spots checked.
Ten Things Your Skin Says About Your Health
ten dermatologic oddities worth watching for in yourself or someone you love
New Device Can Detect Skin Cancer Easily & Effectively
Skin cancer is the most common type worldwide. Could this device be the answer to detecting this disease early on?
Should You Get That Pesky Skin Mole Removed? If So, How?
Everything you need to know about skin moles and moles removal methods
Treat Your Dry Skin with These Excellent Sea Salt Scrubs
If you have dry and sensitive skin and want to get rid of it you should check out these fantastic sea salt scrubs.
I’ve Found a Natural Remedy for Those Red Bumps on the Skin
A natural remedy to erasing those red bumps that appear on your arms without visiting the dermatologist. You only need to ingredients, which are easily found at the grocery store.
Natural Hair and Skin Remedy Everyone Should Have At Home
Jojoba oil has been known as one of the most powerful natural hair, skin and nail treatments in existence. Find out how to use it here.
Why Does Some Jewelry Leave Green Stains on the Skin?
Does your jewelry leave green stains on the skin? Here's why they occur and how to avoid them.
DIY Body Oils: Nourish Skin with These 6 EASY Recipes
Nourish your skin with these amazing homemade body oils.
If You Protect Your Skin But Not Your Eyes, Read This
While it may seem obvious to put on sun block, how should we care for our eyes?
Learn the Skin Cancer Symptoms That You Really Should Know
Most skin cancers are usually rather benign, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep an eye out for symptoms. Here are 9 subtle signs of skin cancer.
Warning: Two Skin Infections You MUST Look Out For
Is it more than just a rash? Two instances your rash can be more serious than it appears.
9 Skin-Care Secrets That the Dermatologist Won’t Tell You
The following tips will help you keep your face healthy and young, even when age starts to take its toll!
This Little Kitchen Tool Can Do Wonders for Your Skin
we have compiled a list of ten exercises that can help reduce, eliminate, and prevent wrinkles on your facial skin.
For Beautiful Hair and Skin, Neem Tree Oil Is All You Need
This natural remedy is all you need in your medicine cabinet for great hair and skin.
Banish All Signs of Aging from Your Skin Using These Oils
Using one of a few of these 6 facial oils will help aging skins retain and recover from such common concerns, as age spots and wrinkles
Not What You Though - How Healthy Skin REALLY Looks Like
Short, concise, and straight to the point - here are 5 skin health myths busted with clear scientific explanations.
9 Natural Beauty Secrets to Make Your Skin Look Younger
Anyone who comes across a grandmother with a smooth, shiny complexion knows that her creams are all natural, so it's time to find out what's in them ...
10 Collagen-Boosting Foods That'll Keep Your Skin Young
If you want to maintain healthy and younger-looking skin, then you really need to eat these collagen-boosting foods.
9 Ways to Use Coffee to Make Your Hair and Skin Shine
Caffeine, a familiar component of coffee, can stimulate blood circulation, leading to radiant, healthy, and bright skin.
20+ Surprising Things About Your Skin You Never Knew!
Watch dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah answer some important questions about skin and dermatology.
10 Great Skin & Hair Treatments You Can Make with a Cucumber
Cucumbers have a whole range of benefits for your skin and hair. Here are some cheap and simple products that really work, and you can make them all at home.
Wearing a Face Mask Irritates Your Skin? 10 Essential Tips
In this article, we’ve collected 10 essential tips that will soothe and protect your skin from mask-related irritation and breakouts...
Learn How to Get Dull Skin Glowing Again with These 8 Tips
If you're tired of seeing dull, almost gray, skin when you look in the mirror, you should follow these 8 tips...
8 Ways to Use Witch Hazel for Hair, Skin and Vein Swelling
Witch hazel can alleviate irritation and inflammation caused by many health conditions, such as dandruff, acne, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. Learn more...
8 Great Ways to Use Cucumber to Nurture Your Skin and Hair
Cucumbers have many health benefits, but who would've believed that it could also do good for our skin and hair?
5 Terrific Ways to Use Carrot Oil to Treat Hair and Skin
Carrot oil has many other uses that can actually benefit your body much more.
How to Cure Skin Fungus From the Comfort of Your Own Home
Learn to treat your skin fungus with natural home remedies.