Quiet Night In? Let These Amazing Movies Rack Your Brains
Have you ever watched a movie that leaves you scratching your head right until the very last scene? That's what these 10 amazing movies do best. Enjoy!
These Famous Characters Are Based On Real People!
Did you know that certain characters draw heavily on real-life people? Here are 10 iconic characters that were based on people that really existed.
The Silver Beauty of Our Moon.
The moon is a constant presence in our lives. We are used to seeing it every night. Yet we have all, at times, looked at the moon and stare in wonder at this orb of silver and gold hanging in the sky. This next photo series shows you the many faces a
A Laptop With TWO Screens?
Acer's revolutionary new Iconia laptop is like a sandwich made of two iPad tablets. The extra screen real estate means more productivity than you thought possible with an ordinary laptop. The new machine pulls up a full keyboard on the bottom screen
Joke: The Silver Haired Husband
This wife's words are so encouraging.
The Land of Silver Clouds - Beautiful!
Gorgeous Video of Noctilucent Clouds!
Tips On How to Clean a Flat-Screen TV Screen the Right Way
Clean your flat-screen TV the right way by following these tips.
The Best and Easiest Ways to Polish Blackened Silver!
The simple and easy ways you can polish that silverware with regular ingredients found in your own home!
Should You Change Shampoos For Silvering Hair?
Are you making the transition to silver, shiny locks? Learn how to keep your silvering hair as beautiful as ever with these tips!
Creative Art: The Screen Savant!
...series of hollowed-out cathode ray tube television sets frame beguiling scenes imagined in artist Zhang Xiangxi's best-known works
Declutter Your Phone's Home Screen with These Tips
Streamline your digital life with these expert tips on decluttering your iPhone and Android home screens.
The Debate About Dark Mode on Our Screens
Learn about the debate for and against dark mode and the toll it has on your eyes.
Get Your Free HD Screen Savers!
Turn your computer into a colorful and lively display when not using it!
Why Screening for Stomach Toxins is Really Important
For GI problems, we now have tests that can be taken at home. These tests are called BTOX tests and they give actual clarity about the situation in your gut by screening your existing biochemistry. Learn more about them here.
Is This Monitor Best for You? A Screen Buying Guide
Looking to buy a new computer monitor? This buying guide will help make that decision easier.
Why Does Your Touch Screen Only Work With Your Fingers?
We finally found it. A short video explaining exactly how a touch screen works!
Guide: Screen Sharing Is Great For Getting Things Done!
Screen sharing gives you the ability to share your screen with another person using a remote computer. Learn how to do it in this detailed guide.
5 Tips On How to Get the Grandkids Off Their Screens
Here are 5 tips to help you enjoy quality time with your grandkids, OFF screen.
Easy Tips for Connecting Your Laptop to an External Screen
Watch this helpful tutorial to learn how to connect your laptop to a monitor.
iPhone Tips: Reach The Top Of The Screen With One Hand
Has your iPhone's screen ever dropped down to the bottom half of the display area? It's not a bug but an important feature.
Filter Harmful Light From Your Screen With These Settings
Here's how you can protect your eyes from computer screens using blue light filters.
Digital Detox: Reclaiming Your Life from Screen Addiction
This article delves into the significance of a digital detox, offering practical steps to reclaim your life from screen addiction.
Do This Eye Exercise At the End of a Screen Intensive Day
Suffer from painful and tired eyes after another day of working in front of the computer? You may be hurting your eye muscles... Fix the problem with this exercise.
Wow! This Smartphone Has 2 Screens and Can Fold in Half!
Check out the unboxing of a smartphone which has 2 screens and can be completely folded in half.
New Blood Test Screens for 20 Cancers With 99.4% Accuracy
Cancer detection may soon become much easier, as a new blood test has been developed that can accurately detect cancer 99.4% of the time
These Max Shows Will Keep You Glued to Your Screen
Looking for something new to watch? Check out our latest recommendations...
7 Items You Should Never Clean with Paper Towels
As useful as they are, paper towels are not fit for any task. Here are 7 items you should never clean with paper towels.
Nostalgia: 50 Beautiful Faces We'll Never Forget...
Nostalgic faces from the golden ages to the modern ages.
20 Surprisingly Wise Quotes by Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin has made us all laugh with his comedic antics. However, he was man of some great words too!
These Beautiful Antique Items Have Been Touched by History
Antique objects can bear extra value. They are beautiful, durable, and hold historical significance. Here are 20 stunning antiques we'd love to own!
Old Films You Never Knew Had Modern Remakes
Some of our favorite films are stories that have been told time and time again in the theatres, for all generations to enjoy.
12 Stunning Libraries That Will Captivate Bibliophiles
You don’t need to be a book reader to fall in love with these beautiful libraries!
How Well Do You Know Broadway? Try This Fun Guessing Game!
Out of the numerous Broadway plays based on or adapted as movies, can you guess whether these 20 were movies or plays first?
Learn How to Spot Fake Jewelry With This Guide
Fake jewelry has been around for a long time, with silver being sold as white gold and fake hallmarks being engraved into pieces of jewelry. Unsure if your jewelry is real or fake? This guide explains all.
Only Three Pagani Zonda HP Barchettas Will Be Built...
The Pagani Zonda is a car model that seems to keep rising from the ashes. Its latest iteration, the HP Barchetta, is the most jaw-dropping yet. Take a look.
Do You Want to Stand on the World’s Most Beautiful Stages?
Richard Silver traveled from city to city taking beautiful photographs, none better than these of the interiors of famous theaters
These Real-life Stories Are Worthy of a Hollywood Movie
Some people's stories are truly remarkable, and the 5 you're about to discover here today are no exception. Discover them now.
This Artist Found an Incredible Way to Photograph Time
Richard Silver spends hours taking the same exact photograph, but the results are incredible.
These Coins Have a Special Worth...
Beautiful and Creative Coin Art!
Make your Silverware Sparkle with these 8 Tricks!
We love our silverware sparkling and shiny, but sometimes they get grimy and dirty. With these 8 brilliant tricks, you can restore it to its former brilliance.
Keep Your Jewelry Sparkling Clean With This Perfect Guide
Jewelry is quick to tarnish and lose its beauty. But don't despair - use these cheap and easy methods to clean it at home!
Sublime Photos That Earned the Fine Art Photography Awards
The 2019 Fine Arts Photography Award brings to us a wide and varied range of stunning photos in every category from people to nature.
Unbelievable Photos from World Nature Photography Awards
Marvel at the incredible photos from the World Nature Photography Awards 2024.
Witness an Incredible Artistic and Acrobatic! Performance
Artists Nicolas Besnard & Ludivine Furnon (Silver Medalist in Paris at the 31th Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain) performing at "Benissimo" Live TV show.
This Joke Begins With Very Strange Condoms...
A hilarious joke about which medals and relationships...
10 Perfect Movies for You to Feel That Christmas Spirit
These movies are an absolute must-watch over the holiday period. Enjoy these 10 Christmas movies today.
These Empowering Photos Showcase the Beauty of Grey Hair
These women decided to embrace their silver locks, and it was the most empowering style choice they ever made!
Incredible Winners of the 2022 Black & White Photo Awards
Meet the amazing winners of the 2022 Black & White Photo awards.
Answer This Test and See if You Have Photographic Memory!
If you think you have an excellent photographic memory, we have a challenge for you ...
The US Is Home to 6 Extremely Valuable Hidden Treasures
Yes, hidden treasures truly exist. And they might be closer than you though - these 6 lost treasures are believed to be somewhere in the US...
Quiz: Do You Have Photographic Memory?
The Truth About Money - Fascinating!
Money isn't what it used to be. It use to mean actual physical material - gold, silver, commodities. These days money can be as substantial as dreams. It is more like numbers running on a computer. But do we know where it comes from? Do we understand
Why Does Some Jewelry Leave Green Stains on the Skin?
Does your jewelry leave green stains on the skin? Here's why they occur and how to avoid them.
See the 2021 Bird Photographer of the Year Contest Winners
The long-awaited winners of the 2021 Bird Photographer of the Year Contest (or BPOTY) are finally here!
These Photos Prove Embracing Grey Hair Can Be Empowering!
Talented hair colorist Jack Martin empowers women with grey hair to embrace their gorgeous silver hair and it's beautiful!
Have You Heard This Joke? The Supportive Wife
Admire The Diversity & Talent of Australia’s Photographers
The Australian Ustiture of Professional Photogpraphy held a competition theed 'Silve Lining'. These stunning winners are some of the country's biggest talents.
Hilarious: Are You Puzzled By the Puzzle, Dear?
This little old lady is trying to put a rooster puzzle together, but she's struggling. She enlists her neighbor to help her, but a realization is soon made...
Nature Meets Technology with These 20 Beautiful Wallpapers
If you want to bring some nature to your phone or computer screen, we've collected 20 wallpapers you can download and enjoy, along with a guide on how to do so!
Joke: The Fastest Worker
Paul gets a job at the post office and immediately impresses his supervisor with the speed at which he works. The thing is, there's something he's not doing...
2025 Nature Photography Awards: 17 Stunning Winners
The 2025 World Nature Photography Awards winners will leave you speechless.
21 Incredible Items Unearthed by Metal Detectors
Metal detecting is a surprisingly popular hobby. Here are some of the coolest and most valuable items found by amateur metal detector hobbyists.
6 Olympic Athletes Who Sold Their Medals
Find out why these 6 Olympic athletes decided to sell their gold and silver medals.
Let's Play: A Classic Game That's Had a Facelift!
Chop through different kinds of fruit as they fly onto the screen, but be sure not to chop a bomb in half!
Sci Fi Tech: Only YOU Can See This Airport Flight Board!
Finally, all the time wasted on deciphering airport screen information is over! Detroit Airport recently unveiled the coolest airport invention we've seen!
If Your Computer Is Not Working, Here's What to Do
This troubleshooting guide is all you need if you're computer isn't turning on.
Guide: How to Take a Screenshot on ANY Device
This quick guide will help you take a screenshot on your on your Windows PC, Android device, Mac, iPhone, Chromebook, and more.
The Most Breathtaking Sports Photos of the Year
Marvel at the amazing winners of the – World Sports Photography Awards 2023.
Get Rich Quick, Courtesy of Your Local Thrift Shop!
Most people aren't able to distinguish trash from treasure, but thanks to this handy guide you won't be one of them any longer!
I Bet You Didn't Know Your Android Phone Can Do These...
Did you know that there's a whole bunch of things your Android phone can do that you didn't even know about? Here are 8 hidden tricks on your Android phone.
This Cool Technology is the Future of Filmmaking
The world of CGI is moving at an insanely fast pace, and the famous green screen itself may soon be replaced by a novel technology called the volume.
Let the Daylight Into Your Home by Repurposing a Broken TV
This tutorial shows how to reuse a broken TV screen to create a DIY artificial window that will look just like a skylight
The Disappearance - Great Gag!
The 'mirrors' in this prank are actually video screens. But some video screens are not like the rest, as they seem to show the person standing in front of them, but when others pass - they don't see themselves! Want to know how? Then watch this:
This App Will Turn Your Photos Into a Memorable Video
Want to edit exciting videos from existing photos on your cell phone and share them with friends and family? With Quik, you now can...
How to Start Using a Smartphone the Healthier Way
It's time to take back control of your life - learn how to make your smartphone a tool that works for you, not the tool you work for!
A Simple Guide to Becoming a Better Phone User
This quick and simple guide will help you get a bit more out of your smartphone/
All Aboard the Fastest Steam Trains in Locomotive History!
Who doesn't feel a child-like nostalgic thrill when encountering a great, big steam engine? And these are the 18 fastest in locomotive history. Enjoy!
The Smart Window - Amazing!
Some of you may recognize this window from the hit movie 'Minority Report', starring Tom Cruise. But whether you've seen the movie or not, this is bound to impress on you a feeling of futurism, as this smart window is an amazing technological develop
These Shipwrecks Are the Most Valuable Ever Discovered
The most valuable shipwrecks ever discovered have been valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. Discover them and find out how much they're worth.
Guide: How to Protect Your Eyes When On the Computer
Eye strain can be a serious problem if you work at a computer for long hours each day. Luckily, there are various things you can do in order to prevent it.
The Next Step In Technology? - Kinetic Device!
Kinetic devices are a name for a new generation of tools that are made of durable, bendable materials that react electronically to physical pressure. In other words, this is a cellphone that instead of a touch screen, reacts to bending. Now the idea
Overwhelmed by Your iPhone Update? Here's Our Guide
New iPhone update isn't your cup of tea? Here's how to make your iPhone feel more familiar.
INTERACTIVE: Visit Ancient Egypt and Learn a Bit About It
This interactive guide will take you on a 3D tour of ancient Egypt, where you'll learn all about the pyramids, the pharaoh's tombs, and their many gods.
Let's Play: Complete the Words Before the Time Runs Out!
Can you complete the words before the time runs out? Select the letters to complete them, but make sure you do it in the right order. Play now!
Valentine's Day: Get Lovely Backgrounds for Mobile and PC
we’ve prepared a diverse collection to suit every taste and turn your screen into a beautifully designed little love keepsake. Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!
Avoid These Mistakes to Extend the Life of Your Gadgets
Your gadgets and household electronics won’t last long if you keep repeating these common mistakes.
7 Ways to Make Using Your Computer Much Easier!
There are various things one can do to make using a computer easier, and this is especially helpful for the physically or visually impaired. Here are 7 tips.
2022 World Nature Photography Awards: 15 Winning Images
Check out the spectacular winnings images from the 2022 World Nature Photography Awards.
Grab Your Instant Free Ticket to the World's Natural Wonders
Swim with the turtles at the Great Barrier Reef, visit the Grand Canyon and enter one of Japan's oldest silver mines with just the click of your mouse, thanks to Google Map's amazing street views.
17 Really Useful Android Tips and Tricks for Beginners
Android is a great addition to the modern cell phone, but it can be a little daunting and complex to the newcomer. Therefore, here are 20 really useful Android tips.
In Pictures - Black & White Photography Awards 2023!
Check out the astonishing winning images from the 2023 Black & White Photo Contest.
You'll Need a Cold Shower After Watching This Sultry Dance...
Romance was sure in the air, during this electric dance performance. You might need a cold shower after watching this!
Let's Play: Connect the Dots In This Devilish Puzzle Game!
Flow free is a great puzzle game that offers lots of fun time!
Banish Yeast & Bad Bacteria with These 7 Natural Solutions
Yeast and bad bacteria can be very harmful as well as embarrassing, so here are 7 wonderfully natural preventative remedies.
A Fortune Can Be Found in the Stomach of a Whale
What's the link between intestinal whale secretions and the perfume industry?
I'm Still Trying to Get Over How Beautiful This Video Is!
Watch this exquisite video in super-high-definition. It's a feast for the eyes!
Why Do Gold Medalists Bite Their Medal?
This short video explains why gold medalists bite their medals...
Finger Kaleidoscope - Incredible Synchronized Performance
There's something really stunning and mesmerizing about many people moving in perfect synchrony!
23 Immaculately Preserved Antique Artifacts
All 23 of these ancient artifacts are in mint condition!
Easy Ways to Watch Content from Your Phone on Your TV
Cast and screen share your phone to your TV with these tips.