Test Yourself: Is Your Short-Term Memory Up to Scratch?
This memory test is going to challenge your ability to remember a growing number of visual icons in your short term memory.
Having Trouble Remembering Things? This Just May Be Why!
This video tells us all the different ways our lifestyle and our environment can impact our ability to retain and recollect memories
Memory Quiz: Discover the Kind of Memory You Have
Take our memory quiz and discover what KIND of memory your brain uses.
Test Your Short-Term Memory Right Now!
This will test both your memory and your attention, so stay focused!
Memory Quiz: Can You Do Math and Remember as Well?
This quiz tests both your memory and your ability to do math in your head.
Quiz: How Good is Your Short Term Memory?
Math Quiz: Practice Your Algebra and Your Mind...
We believe that with a little thought anyone can beat this test, but you may need to focus to beat all 15 questions!
Math Quiz: 15 Easy to Challenging Algebra Problems
Welcome to our Algebra test! You will be given 15 questions with some algebra problems on them. You'll also have 15 minutes to complete the test.
Math Quiz: Can You Beat This Test Without a Calculator?
I love taking math quizzes, it means I have to concentrate fully, and it's always a good feeling to see I haven't lost the ability. Take this math quiz and see how much YOU'VE retained.
Take Our Test: How Attentive to Details Are You?
Is your mind sharp enough to remember all these details? Give it your best shot!
Math Quiz: Can You Still Calculate In Your Head?
This generation can hardly calculate without a computer. Do YOU remember your basic math skills?
Test Your Basic Chemistry With This QUIZ!
Are you ready to challenge yourself in the field of basic chemistry? Let's see how you do with our basic chemistry quiz.
Test Yourselves: 12 Questions on Everything!
In this quiz, we've prepared 12 questions from various subjects for you to solve. Can you ace this test?
Memory Test: Can You Remember the Details?
This memory test is just what you need to practice your memory strategies.
Geography Quiz: Can You Beat These Tricky Questions?
We'd like to challenge you now to a game of Geographic knowledge! Care to take the plunge?
QUIZ: Which Chakra Needs Strengthening?
Chakra are the spiritual and physical focus points of our entire being. Of the 7, which one needs your urgent attention? This test will tell you how to heal it.
MEMORY TEST: Can You Name All These Objects?
There's nothing better for your memory that some fun exercise. Boost your powers of recall by taking this simple object naming test.
How Healthy Are You? Take Our Test to Find Out!
What's more important to you than your health? Let's test whether you are leading a healthy enough life or not!
Did I Lock the Door? How to Stop Forgetting Small Tasks
It's common to mot remeber wather or not you locked the door or answered an email. New study reveals why it happens and how to avoid it.
Math Quiz: Can You Solve 14 Problems in 20 Minutes?
This quiz starts easy but gets harder. You have 20 minutes to solve 14 math problems.
Geography Quiz: Are You a Citizen of the World?
QUIZ: Do You Remember Your Basic Chemistry?
Quiz: This General Knowledge Test is Great Fun!
The Ultimate Valentine's Day Quiz!
We have the ULTIMATE, 25 question strong Valentine's Day quiz for you, covering topics like St. Valentine, modern day stats, and historic rituals.
Find Out Why Your Face Breaks Out and What to Do About it
This interactive face map breaks down the key areas where breakouts occur on your face and explains the causes and treatments in each area.
MATH QUIZ: Are You Ready For This Logical Challenge?
Take a more challenging math quiz with no less than 25 questions to solve correctly.
QUIZ: Can You Identify All 10 Tools?
This quiz will ask you to identify 10 tools by their name. Do you have the know-how or can at least guess intelligently?
Memory Test: Only 5% Pass. Can You?
We've heard this is one tough memory quiz. It uses colors to check your short-term memory. It will take a good visual memory and a quiet environment. And besides, it's a really fun way to challenge your ability to focus.
Math Quiz: Guess the Formula We're Using!
This math quiz will present you with equations that have a certain logic behind them, you need to understand what the logic is behind them to guess the correct answer!
Take Our Quiz: Which Exercise is Perfect For YOU?
This quiz will give you some practical information you can start implementing right now by figuring out what exercise you're best suited for.
Quiz: Can You Champion Over Our Logic and Math Test?
These 10 challenging math and logic problems are waiting for you to solve them.
This Elementary School Test is Driving Adults Crazy!
This elementary school test is beating 90% of adults. Can you do it?
Brain Train! 9 Exercises to Improve the Mind
Doing these exercises regularly will cause neurons to undergo processes that will improve brain function and sharpen your thinking.
I Wish They Taught Me These Math Tips at School
Bad at math? Learn how to use these quick and easy methods.
Take Our Test: How Strong Is Your Perceptive Power?
Did you know that your perception can tell you a lot about the state of your short-term memory? Take our fun quiz to find out more!
TEST: How Good Is Your Human Biology Knowledge?
Do you know enough about your body? Put your anatomy knowledge to the test with our human biology quiz!
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Chakra Needs Strengthening?
Put Your Memory to the Test: What Are All These Objects?
Take Our Test: Can Your Memory Overcome Your Funny Bone?
You've never tested your memory like this before. Watch these 4 comedy videos and test whether your memory can overcome your funny bone!
Mental Quiz: Can You Pass This Dementia Test?
Dementia is not a specific disease, but describes a range of symptoms related to declining brain function. This test will help you see how at risk you are of dementia.
HISTORY QUIZ: How Well Do You Know WWI?
WWI changed the world like nothing else before or since. Let' see how much you can remember with this ultimate WWI quiz
MEMORY TEST: Has Age Affected Your Memory?
How well is your memory performing after all these years? Focus your attention, because this one won't be easy - solve our memory quiz!
Test Yourself: Can You Still Do Math in Your Head?
Is Stress Changing Your Brain? Here's How it All Works!
Are you forgetting little things, feeling irritable, or isolated? You may be suffering from chronic stress - here's an explanation of how you can overcome it!
Don't Forget to Take Our Memory Test!
Test your memory the creative way!
Music Quiz: Can You Identify These Songs From the 60s?
Can you recognize these iconic 60's songs from just one line? Take our quiz to find out.
Test Yourself: Can You Pick the Healthy Food?
Test your knowledge about healthy foods: Can you pick the healthier alternative?
Want a Strong Memory? This Study Found What You Need to Do
The positive effect of physical activity on our cognitive abilities may last up to 24 hours after completing the activity...
What Makes Sandwich Bread so Different than Bakery Bread?
The imminent differences between sandwich bread and bakery bread has an effect on your health.
Here's a Workout You Can Do EVERYWHERE
You don't even need sports shoes for this workout! This is the perfect routine for people who travel a lot.
Quiz: WDYK of the Famous Rulers of History?
This quiz is going to test your knowledge of rulers of history.
QUIZ: Remember These Hollywood Legends?
The early black and white days of Hollywood cinema were absolutely incredible. If you still get excited remembering those days, take our blockbuster quiz.
QUIZ: What Do Colors Say About Your Attitude?
Today you're going to discover your attitude to life and a few more fascinating details. Answer the following questions and witness the truth in colors...
History Test: Can You Answer All 17 Questions?
You're about to be challenged by 17 history and US history questions. Can you get a top score?
Quiz: How Well Do You Recall Basic Biology?
we're about to test your rudimentary understandings of biology. Do you have the required knowledge?
Personality Test: What Would Freud Say About Your Ego?
This test will examine how strong your 3 Freudian ego parts are: The ID, the Ego and the Super Ego.
QUIZ: Discover the 4 Hidden Properties of Your Personality
This psychological quiz asks you to associate word with each other in order to understand how your brain works.
QUIZ: What Was Invented First?
This trivia quiz is all about inventions, from early machines, to inventions from a decade ago - can you tell which of the two came first?
Quiz: Are You a Nice Person?
This little quiz uses free association to discover what kind of niceness you really display. Care to find out how nice you really are?
Geography Quiz: Let's See What You Know of the World!
In order to pass this test you need to be a real man or woman of the world.
Test Your Knowledge of These Natural Remedies
This quiz will test your knowledge of the most popular and effective natural remedies out there.
Test Yourself: WDYK About JAPAN?
This quiz has 14 challenging questions for you about Japan, are you ready to try it out?
Can We Test Your General Knowledge With Our QUIZ?
This mixed knowledge quiz is made from all kinds of disciplines, from history to biology to chemistry. Do you have the knowledge to crack it?
Test Your Knowledge of Our Solar Neighborhood!
This quiz will put your knowledge of our solar system to the test!
QUIZ: Can You Run a Successful BBQ?
Take this test to determine whether you're a master of the grill, or simply just a fire hazard!
Take Our QUIZ: Are You a Logical Thinker?
The best way to learn logic is by practice. Let's start by trying to deduce the conclusions to these 10 logical problems. Are you one of the few who can pass?
Take Our QUIZ: How Logical Are You?
Humans are logical, at least we are meant to be! What about you? Are you ruled by rational thinking? Solve these problems and find out!
Test: Can You Identify These Famous Landmarks?
By naming these world famous landmarks you would undoubtedly impress us...
Take Our Quiz: Can You Tell These Homophones Apart?
English has lots of words that sound the same but are spelled differently, they are called homophones. Can you tell them apart? Take our quiz to test yourself!
QUIZ: How Are You Feeling?
We choose certain colors based on our moods. Can we tell what mood you are in based on the colors you choose here? Let's see!
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Scrambled Faces?
It takes a special kind of genius to work out whom these faces belong to. Do you think you're up to the task.
Quiz: How Good is Your Geography Knowledge?
QUIZ: How Old Do You Behave?
Yes, you might well think you are pretty old by now, but the question is - do you act your age? Take our quiz and find out how old you behave!
Test: What Does Your Own Smile Say About You?
A smile is such a beautiful thing. What's yours like? Is it a wide grin or a shy little lifting of the edges? Answer these questions and we'll tell ya!
Spelling Test: Are You Good Enough to Pass?
With mobile phones and spell checkers all the rage, they say spelling standards are dipping. Can you buck the trend by passing this spelling quiz?
Quiz: The Clear Thinking Test!
Take this quick thinknig test to see how well you can think.
QUIZ: What Type of Art Defines the Nature of Your Soul?
Art is a subjective matter that inspires debate and some fiery emotions, and this is likely because it touches us personally. What type of art are you?
Take Our Test: What Secret Controls You Subconsciously?
We all have some dominating passion that guides some of our more inexplicable decisions. Can this test help you identify yours?
TRIVIA: Can We Quiz Ancient Greece?
How well do you know one of the most interesting eras in human history: Ancient Greece?
QUIZ: Test Your Eyes' Perception of Subtle Colors
How well can you distinguish between shades of red, orange, yellow etc? Test yourself by telling the difference between these autumnal shades.
QUIZ: Can You Answer All of These Trick Questions?
Knowledge is a tricky thing. You can easily be deceived into thinking you know something you really don't. This trick question quiz is sure to throw you!
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Classic Movie Scenes?
In this fun quiz, you'll be asked to watch a clip from a movie and then choose the correct classic film it's from! Ready?
MEMORY TEST: Discover How YOUR Memory Works
Did you know that there are different types of memory? Take our test to see what kind of memory your brain makes use of!
7 Invaluable Secrets to Ensure Your Longevity
There's a whole range of lifestyle books, and arguably even more so-called lifestyle gurus, but these 7 longevity tips backed up by science are all you need.
QUIZ: What Do You Know About the Animal Kingdom?
Do you love animals and love to know about them? This trivia quiz will test your knowledge while also adding to it.
13 MORE Myths on Sleep Debunked by Experts
These two sleep experts will answer your questions and explain common concerns about sleep.
Test Yourself: Do You Know Planet Earth?
This quiz will check test your knowledge of the planet we call home.
What's Your Lucky Number? Take Our Test and Find Out...
You may have strong inclinations to one number over another, but is that reflective of what your real lucky number is? Take this quiz to find out for certain!
15 Gas Station Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs
Nothing ruins a trip like food poisoning. Here are 15 foods to never buy at a gas station.
QUIZ: How Many Foreign Words Do You Know?
This quiz has 15 questions about 15 words and phrases in foreign languages you need to identify.
Why You Should Avoid Boiling Corn On the Cob
Corn on the cob is super versatile. You could steam it, grill it, or bake it. But one popular cooking method is best avoided - boiling. Learn why in this video.
Only MENSA Members Will Be Able to Pass This Quiz...
Think you're king of the hill when it comes to logical puzzles? Let's see how smart you really are!
Trivia: Only a Minority of People Pass This Test Correctly...
Do you have great general knowledge? Think you can beat our fact test...?
1960s Movie Trivia: Do You Remember These Classics?
Take our 60s movie trivia quiz and prove you remember these classic movies.
Take Our Quiz And Learn to Identify Skin Cancer
This quiz offers a unique and interactive guide for you to learn how to recognize cancerous moles. This one is very important!
QUIZ: Can We Tell You Your Personal Signature Tune?
Music captures moods so well, but how well can you determine the moods of the following tunes? Take our test and we'll reveal your own personal tune!
The Link Between Excessive TV Watching & Cognitive Decline
Three recent studies find that the more TV you watch in your 40s to 60s, the greater your risk of brain health issues later in life. What can you do about it?
QUIZ: Your Reaction to These Colors Reveals You...
For some red is anger and blue is gloomy, for others red is lust and blue is calm. What about you? How you associate colors can help determine your personality.
GEOGRAPHY QUIZ: Do You Know Your Way Around Our World?
You have to be a real man or woman of the world to pass this test!