Personality Test: Which Traits Should You Keep?
Answer the following personality quiz and find out what your positive qualities are and what needs improvement...
How to Choose the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type!
Many of us buy sneakers based on their color or on how comfortable they are when trying them on, but this is a mistake! Learn how to pick the right sneakers.
Quiz: What Trait Should You Fix And What Should You Keep?
Here's Why You Shouldn't Panic if you Find a Breast Lump
Breast cancer awareness has reached a point where we are devastated if we discover something lumpy. But there are 5 non-cancerous things it could be instead.
Have Leg Pain While Walking? These May Be the Reasons...
Walking provides a great way to lose weight with minimal effort, but sometimes it can hurt your body - Her's how to recognize and treat this pain.
Quiz: Discover the Truth About the Flow of Your Life...
Do you feel that your life has recently been flowing or at a standstill? Want to find out the answer? Just answer the following 12 questions....
This Test Will Put You In Your Element!
In the past it was believed that everything in the world was made up of four elements - fire, water, air, and earth - today you'll discover which of these four elements you are.
Have New Studies Found a Link Between Eggs & Breast Cancer?
Have studies discovered a link between eating eggs and breast cancer?
7 Crucial Signs of Breast Cancer You Should Check For
7 signs to look for when you perform a self-test for breast cancer.
Important Breast Cancer Facts - Print and Save!
Breast cancer is one of the worst enemies of women (and also some men) living today. With recent advances, the fight against breast cancer has never been stronger, and part of that is making sure that we the public are well aware of the facts and sel
Multiple Myeloma: New Treatments in the Modern Age
New and innovative Treatments for Multiple Myeloma
Minutes vs. Steps: How Should We Measure Our Exercise?
how do you count and measure the duration of the workout - in minutes or steps? We will now examine both approaches.
13 Most Common Foot Issues We Suffer as We Get Older
Exploring the intricate landscape of aging, one often encounters the paradox of weight gain juxtaposed with the loss of vital cushioning in unexpected places, notably the feet.
How to Tell Your Children You Have Cancer
What's the right way to tell your children you have cancer, and are there situations where you shouldn't?
Did This Technique Just Kill 99% of Cancer Cells?
This revolutionary method, employing the power of vibrating molecules, heralds a new dawn in the fight against cancer, offering hope for a more efficient and less invasive approach to treatment.
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
Is a 5 Minute Exercise Helpful? A Surprising Answer
It's easy to dismiss the idea that just 5 minutes of physical activity can have any impact. Experts, however...
Not What You Though - How Healthy Skin REALLY Looks Like
Short, concise, and straight to the point - here are 5 skin health myths busted with clear scientific explanations.
This Little Piece of Plastic Does Wonders For Your Feet
As we age, our toes tend to cram together. Spacing them promotes blood flow and prevents pain!
9 Myths About Mushrooms BUSTED For Good
Can we eat mushrooms raw or must we cook them first? Do they all have medicinal properties? And how can they help with cancer?
What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older?
Here are seven of the most common age-related foot problems that you should be aware of.
18 Smart Ways of Getting Rid of Warts at Home
Warts are a nuisance no one wants to deal with, they can even become cancerous! Find out 18 ways to get rid of them naturally by reading this article!
How Does Walking Pneumonia Differ From Other Types?
Pneumonia can show up in many alarming and often subtle forms. Learn to detect the signs of the 6 most common types of pneumonia early on.
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life!
Here are 8 non-routine tests that really have the potential to save your life, and some of them even need to be taken as early as 30.
Personality Test: What Makes People Envy You?
By taking this quiz, you will give us the chance to tell you what is the one thing people envy you for the most!
I Used These 6 Natural Ways to Heal My Swollen Limbs...
Swollen limbs are painful and hard to deal with. But here are 6 natural methods that can both assuage and fight swellings in your feet, ankles or legs.
Step by Step: Learn 36 Interesting Facts About Walking
What are the benefits of speed walking and how long would it take to walk around the planet? Learn this and much more now!
Test Yourself: What Is Your Life Story?
During our daily routine life keeps going with to much thought on our part, but with the next personality test, you'll learn a little more about yourself...
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why
Wake up regularly at night? This may surprise you ... These are the things your body is trying to tell you according to Chinese medicine.
Walking Is One of the Best Things You Can Do! Here's Why
Can walking help you lose weight? Find out in this guide.
The Home Design Personality Test!
What’s does home design have to do with your personality? It turns out that it has a lot to do. So if you feel like learning more about yourself take this quiz!
QUIZ? Are You Good at First Impressions?
When you first meet someone, they automatically draw up a full picture of who you are, whether true or not. so what impression do you leave? Find out here!
7 Things to Stop Expecting if You Wish to Be Happy
Learn to let go of these 7 expectations to live a happier life!
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health
Your feet can tell you a lot more about your health than you ever imagined. Here are 10 signs your feet can give you about your health.
QUIZ: Which Famous Painting Are You?
You have a golden opportunity to learn more about yourself by answering the following 12 questions...
Alcohol Linked To More Cancer Types Than Previously Known
A new study found a clear correlation between alcohol consumption and more types of cancer than previously known.
Don’t Buy Into These 11 Myths on Foot Hygiene and Health
Is there really a “correct” way to cut your toenails to prevent an ingrown nail? Podiatrists Sarah Haller and Brad Schaeffer debunk 11 foot myths.
Take Our Quiz And Learn to Identify Skin Cancer
This quiz offers a unique and interactive guide for you to learn how to recognize cancerous moles. This one is very important!
9 Effective Tips to Stay Awake While You Meditate
Are you frequently falling asleep during meditation? Try some of these effective tips.
QUIZ: How Do You Communicate?
If you're curious about what your style of communication is and what it reveals about your personality, we suggest you take this quiz!
10 Creative Ways to Sneak More Walking Into Your Day
Finding a designated time for walking and exercise can be difficult. Luckily, there are many creative and fun ways to sneak extra steps into your routine!
How mRNA Technology Could Be Used to Fight Cancer
Scientists now believe that the mRNA technology used to develop some COVID-19 vaccines could be applied to develop a cancer treatment.
New ‘Trojan Horse’ Drug Tricks and Kills Cancer Cells
A new drug-delivery system promises to deliver the chemo drug straight into tumors with fewer side effects.
Study: Honeybee Venom Kills Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells
A new study has found that honeybee venom can be used to kill the cells for triple-negative breast cancer. Find out more...
Test Yourself: What Kind Of Heart Do You Have?
The heart has always been used as a means to describe the nature and feelings of people, and the next quiz will help you discover what heart you have...
QUIZ: Do You Know What People Really Think of You?
While many of us feel that we are excellent judges of character, just how capable are we of judging ourselves? Take this personality test and find out!
Why Elephants Are More Resilient to Cancer Than Mice
Scientists have made a curious observation - large animals, like elephants, are a lot less likely to get cancer than small ones, and this is why...
Quiz: What You See in These Paintings May Define You
We'd like you to interpret for us the next 10 paintings. You will need to select the answer closest to your own interpretation. Once you have, we may have some interesting things to tell you...
Which Yoga Style Suits You Best? 11 Popular Types of Yoga
Here we review 11 popular types of yoga and explain for whom each of these styles is best suited, and which ones you should maybe avoid
When You Stop Drinking For a Month, This is What Happens
A list of 6 health benefits of cutting alcohol for 30 days
Quiz: What Kind of Ego Do You Possess?
So how powerful is YOUR ego, and what kind is it? Take this quiz to find out.
Quiz: What Makes Other People Envy You?
Onions and Garlic: 2 Veggies That Can Help Prevent Cancer
Onions and garlic are among the most common vegetables in the world, and we might want to eat more of them to stay healthy, here's why
8 Thyroid Gland Disorders that Commonly Affect Women
The thyroid is an important part of our hormonal system that regulates metabolism. Disorders in the thyroid could cause weight gain or loss.
Can Your Mobile Devices Affect Your Health?
This video will explain everything scientists know about the effect of electronic devices on our health
Another One Bites the Dust: 100% Juice Linked to Cancer
Are all sweet beverages, 100% natural juices and dairy drinks included, bad for our health? Well, the answer to that question is complicated.
Is Walking Actually Better For Your Health Than Running?
If you're trying to figure out the right exercise for you, it could be walking, running or jogging, depending on what your fitness goals are
The Many Uses for the Many Kinds of Aloe!
Here are 8 out of 250 different species of Aloe that you can grow in your backyard and use to treat your wounds and even make soaps!
Eat Blue! Why the Color of Your Veggies Matters a Lot
The pigment that tints fruit and veggies blue may actually benefit our health in a variety of ways.
13-Year-Old Invents Safer Way to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
Survival rates for pancreatic cancer are extremely low. One boy discovers a new and more efficient way to treat it.
New Study Sheds Light on Cancer & Link to Inflammation
Is there a connection between chronic inflammation and cancer.
Could Immuno-therapies Treat Head & Neck Cancers?
Be informed about neck and head cancer and the treatments available.
New Study Reveals Link Between Volunteering and Brain Health
Many truly believe that volunteering is a one-way street, but new research has found a link between volunteering and brain health ...
10-Minute Test Can Detect Cancer Anywhere in Your Body
With this new technology - you can detect cancer in the body in just 10 minutes!
Let's Talk About the Anti-Cancer Benefit of Sweet Potatoes
Lets Talk About the Anti-Cancer Potential of Sweet Potatoes
This Is What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older...
12 Scientific Breakthroughs and New Inventions In 2018
Science is like the human brain - it doesn't rest for a moment, and in 2018, many great discoveries were made that will have a great impact on the world...
10 Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer to Watch Out For
In order to detect bladder cancer before it is too late, watch out for these signs.
Quiz: Which Famous Painting Best Fits Your Personality?
Boost Your Self-Confidence with These 10 Tips!
Low self-confidence is a serious problem, which you or those around you may suffer from. This guide will give you 10 good tips boos your confidence!
We Might Not Need to Visit Hospitals in The Future!
No one likes to go to hospitals, not as visitors and not as patients, but is there another option? According to this medical analyst, there soon might be....
Could This Popular Ingredient Be a Cause of Cancer?
The chemical triclosan began to appear in a multitude of products in the early 1970s. This ingredient, found in a multitude of products has been linked to cancer.
8 Mental Disorders That Hide Behind Ordinary Behaviors
Often we tend to interpret a person's behavior as a reflection of their character, but before judging, let's make sure there isn't something hidden.
6 Body Care Products That You Can Make Right at Home!
Make these 6 chemical-free body care products at home to make sure that every part of your body gets exactly what it needs.
Discover How You Can Breathe New Life Into Aging Muscles
If you think you're too old to work out, you'd better think again!
9 Ways to Care for Your Feet So They Don't Pain You
What's the best way to go about taking care of your feet? Here are 9 essential tips.
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
Learn what the most common symptoms of a brain tumor are, so that it can be picked up and treated before it's too late.
Learn Whether You're at High Risk of Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is the third-most deadly cancer that you can be diagnosed with. This video details who's most at risk of developing it.
Step by Step – Learn 36 Interesting Facts About Walking!
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life...
These 15 Things Have All Strongly Been Linked to Cancer
When it comes to deaths in the US, cancer is second only to heart disease. Here are 15 known and suspected carcinogens.
These 12 Nutrition Tips Will Give You a Health Makeover!
Many of us find it difficult to make major changes to our diets, but these 12 simple tricks won't make you feel like your sacrificing taste for health!
Learn the Skin Cancer Symptoms That You Really Should Know
Most skin cancers are usually rather benign, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep an eye out for symptoms. Here are 9 subtle signs of skin cancer.
Doctors Are Using the Polio Virus to Treat Brain Tumors!
A genetically modified polio virus has been used to improve the longer-term survival of patients with a lethal type of brain cancer. Find out more here!
The Following 10 Foods Will Help You Detox From Nicotine
Want to clear your body of nicotine? Don't know how to deal with withdrawal symptoms? The following 10 foods are just the solution.
Doctors Use Woman's Own Immune System to Cure Her Cancer
A woman has been cured of breast cancer after doctors tweaked her immune system, enabling it to destroy the tumors in her body. Find out more here!
7 Qualities That Show You Have a Strong Personality
Contrary to popular belief, character traits are something that can be improved and adopted. The following 7 will make your personality much stronger!
18 Smart Ways of Getting Rid of Warts
Test Yourself: Are You More Feminine or Masculine?
All brains have two parts - feminine and masculine. Are you curious to know which is most dominant in you? Answer the following quiz and find out.
Health Guide: Fix Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain!
Proper posture is very important to our external appearance and surprisingly, our health as well. Learn how to improve posture to keep yourself healthy!
Quiz: Designing a Home Will Reveal Who You Really Are
This Tiny Device Could Be the Future of Cancer Detection!
This tiny microbiopsy device can help detect skin cancer without leaving any scars whatsoever! read all about it here.
Walking Is One of the Best Things You Can Do! Here's Why!
Test Yourself: What Kind of First Impression Do You Make?
These Are the Health Tests All Men Over 40 Should Undergo
Every man over the age of 40 should make sure to undergo these tests every once in a while.
This Vaccine Could Help Us Win the War Against Cancer!
This new vaccine could help us win the battle against cancer! Find out more here!
Viagra May Hold the Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer...
A new study shows that Viagra may be able to help prevent the onset of colorectal cancer. Find out all about it here.
Shocking! I Had No Idea You Could Get Cancer From These...
Follow this guide to identify and rid yourself of potential carcinogens that could be lurking in your home.
How to Treat Your Child's Aching Tummy
Many of us often suffer from various digestive disorders, but when it comes to our children we are at a loss. Here's how to treat your kid's aching tummy.