GOOGLE SEARCHING: 9 Time-Saving Tips You Never Knew
Here are the best internet browsing tips, to help you search for what you want as quickly as possible.
6 Secure Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google
Google isn’t the only search engine you have to use.
The Search for Aurora Borealis - Wonderful!
In this terrific video, actress Joanna Lumley, travels across Norway in search for the aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights. In her way she introduces us to some truly spectacular scenes and views, as she continues to go towards the far
The Mystery and the Search For D.B. Cooper
This video sheds a light on all the efforts made to find the mysterious criminal.
Did You Know: How Google Search Really Works!
It's the biggest search engine on Earth, and most of us use it every day, some even dozens of times a day. I
This Joke Starts with a Man Searching For the Perfect Woman
An unbelievably perfect man goes on his search for the most beautiful perfect woman.....however, this woman comes with quite the surprise.....
How to Do a Professional Search Online Like an Academic
Google isn't the be-all and end-all of online searches. There are many alternative methods that you can use in order to do your research. Learn them now.
Want Better Google Search Results? Try These Tricks!
Use Google like a pro with these useful tips and tricks.
This Joke Starts With a Search For a Cannibalistic Tribe
A magazine reporter heads into the rainforest in search of a cannibalistic tribe. He'd soon find himself in hot water...
WATCH: 2016 in 2 Minutes (According to Google Searches)
2016 was a breathtaking year, so what better way to remember it than with this action packed video? In just 2 minutes relive all the drama and emotion of 2016!
Tips on How to Do a Reverse Image Search on a Smartphone
Google's reverse image search is handy option. But while it's easy to use on desktop, did you know how to use it on your smartphone?
In Search of Happiness? Keep These Tips in Mind
What stops you from living a happy life? Find out here.
Stay Clear of These 9 RISKY Google Searches
You can search anything on Google, but it’s advisable not to do so for these risky things.
Google is Not Just a Search Engine: Look at These Tricks!
Google is amazing, but to know how amazing you have to appreciate these cool little known tricks. As it happens, Google can do much more than we thought.
Is Google Going to Demand Payment for Its New Searches?
Google might start charging for access to search results that use generative artificial intelligence tools.
What Does Google's 2015 Year in Search Tell About the World?
For the world, 2015 was a journey of emotions with several unforgettable moments along the way. Google's overview of this year's searches reveals a lot about our world today.
We Searched the Globe for the Best Weather Destinations
We searched the globes and found 8 diverse locations with the best weather, consistently perfect for a vacation destination.
You Can Use Google for a Lot More Than Just Searching…
Google is an extremely popular search engine that most of us use in order to find information and sites around the internet. I learned some really fun and useful things you can do with Google that I would like to share with you.
13 Hilarious Searches You Can Find on Google's Auto-Complete
This is what sometimes happens when Google predicts what you are searching for.
Looking for a New Adventure? Stop Your Search at Peru
Take a look at the rainbow mountain Peru and the Ausangate Trek in 4k! Absolutely stunning!
Exploring the Web Beyond Google: 7 Handy Alternatives
Try some of these non-conventional search engines that you didn't know existed.
Use Google Like a Pro With These Neat Hints and Tips
You can do so much more with Google than just hitting search. Make your life easier by employing some advanced knowledge in your next search.
How to Find Someone's Social Media by Phone Number
Thanks to digital data and advanced search solutions, nothing is impossible. With the right tools and techniques, you don’t need to look far to discover a person’s social media by phone number.
16 Things You Didn't Know Google Can Do For You
We bet you didn't know about this brilliant Google tricks which will make your searches quicker and more accurate!
Use These Google Apps to Make Using the Internet Easier
Google can do a whole lot more than just run search terms through its search engine. In fact, it has a whole myriad of apps to help you. Here are 15 of them.
13 Years Later, Where Are the Heroic Dogs of 911?
Nearly 100 loyal search and rescue dogs were deployed after the attacks of 9/11, tirelessly working to save lives.
Thousands of Books, All For Free Here, Dating Back to 1722..
Learn how to use this website which contains thousands of free children's books.
Discover Over 500 Books That Are Downloadable For Free!
Did you know that the Met allows you to read more than 500 full-length book titles for absolutely free? Take a look at MetPublications now!
Google Maps is Weird: How Borders Vary from Place to Place
Border maps on Google Maps can vary depending on which country you're searching from, but why is that?
What Are Google’s Featured Answers and Why You Should Care
This video explains the Google feature called Rich Answers, and why it can sometimes mislead you completely
Google Drive: A Fantastic (and Free) File Storage Tool!
Google Drive is a fantastic online storage tool that you really should know about. Read this post to find out 9 benefits of using Google Drive.
Remove This Unnecessary Program From Your Computer
Learn how to uninstall Window's assistant app Cortana from Windows 10 and 11.
What's the Secret to Happiness? Find Out in These Words
What is the secret to happiness? Find inspiration in these quotes.
Scientific Tips for Losing Weight!
Tired of searching for the perfect diet or pill to shed some pounds? Find out the top weight loss tips, with solid science to back them up!
Google Presents: What a Year 2012 Has Been!
Every year, Google releases a compilation video summing up the most popular and big news events searched for on Google for that year. Well, it's a sign that 2012 is coming to a close, and we hope this year has been a good one for you! But before you
The Adventures of Indiana Bones in `Raiders of the Lost Bark`
The journey of little Indiana Bones in his fantastic search for the Lost Bark
This Incredible Video Takes You Swimming With a Polar Bear
Go on a swim right next to one of the world's biggest apex predators.
Is DeepSeek Worth the Hype? A Closer Look at Its Features
DeepSeek is the new AI chatbot in town. But is worth the hype?
Make ListenOnRepeat Your New Music Hub With This Guide
This guide will teach you how to use this great new music site entitled ListenOnRepeat. Keep track of your favorite artists and trending music all in one place.
The Most Helpful Dog in the World!
When not helping and performing tricks, Jesse can be found playing with his cuz ball, chasing squeaker tennis balls, digging in search for lizards, de-fluffing stuffed toys, swimming, and just being happy.
This Ultimate Dream Guide Will Open Your Eyes...
This handy dream guide will allow you to search and understand any imagery you see in your dream.
Find the Cheapest Air Fares On the Web With These Sites!
We've all got our favorite places to go bargain-hunting for flights online, but these 3 websites should definitely be some of yours. Read on to find out why.
North Koreans On What Living in North Korea is Like
In this video, North Koreans will answer the web's most searched questions about North Korea.
7 Tasks You Didn't Know Chrome Address Bar Does
There's a lot more to the Chrome address bar than you realize!
Incredible! How This Organization Finds Missing People
Trace Labs is an organization that utilized hackers to search for missing people the police stopped trying to find. Hear their amazing story.
8 Smart Safari Customizations Every Mac User Should Know
Here are some of the most effective ways to fine-tune Safari on your Mac.
Here Is a Blessing From Me to You, My Friend
May these simple, yet sweet words put a smile on your face.
Joke: Where the Heck is My Thesaurus?
This joke begins with a man looking for his lost thesaurus.
5 New Windows 11 Features You Don’t Know About
You may have missed these new Windows 11 features.
Overwhelmed by Your iPhone Update? Here's Our Guide
New iPhone update isn't your cup of tea? Here's how to make your iPhone feel more familiar.
This Free Program Means You'll Never Lose a File Again
We all hate losing files and photos on our computers. Luckily, a free program called Recuva exists to help you get your deleted files back.
8 Great Websites For Your Kids To Use the Internet Safely
Parents with young children all know how worrying it is knowing they're using the internet. These websites will allow them to have fun while keeping them safe.
Google Is Watching You - Here's How to Stop It
Stories about Google watching you aren't really that far removed from the truth as you imagine. Here's how to use Google's My Activity page.
The Amazing Four Legged Musical Quest
!A remarkable musical journey of a dog in search of his master and through its point of view
Joke: That's a Smart Dog
A man settles in his seat next to the window on a plane, when another man sits down next to him and seats his Black Labrador Retriever in-between them...
This Joke Starts With a Conscientious Punter At a Brothel
Guess which profession just got unionized...
Find the Difference: Can You Find the Odd Dog Photo?
Enjoy some adorable photos of dogs while you search for missing details!
Fix the Most Common Computer Problems With This Guide
Sometimes, our computers can drive us mad when things start going wrong with them, but luckily a lot of them can be fixed at home with ease. Read on for more.
Need More Money? These 8 Tips Are What You're Looking For
Need a little extra income? Here's how you can do it without leaving your home.
This Joke Starts With a Drunk Losing His Rolex
A drunk loses his Rolex on a dark street. Luckily for him, a good Samaritan soon passes by in order to give him a hand.
The 10 Most Beautiful Natural Pools!
from a deadly pool atop 360-foot falls to a mirage-like oasis in the desert of Arizona, will have you booking a flight or at least searching for a cool swimming hole close to home.
Joke: The Blond Bank Robber and the 3 Stalls
This joke begins with a serious crime: Three bank robbers are hiding from the police at a farm, but the police is fast on their tracks...
Joke: The Mugger and the Fighter
Joke: The Mugger picked the wrong person...
These Caller ID Apps Will Keep You Safe From Scammers!
Here are six of the best caller ID apps out there, that'll help you work out whether or not it's worth answering the phone when it rings.
8 Useful Waze Features to Enhance Your Driving Experience
Waze is one of the leading driving apps online. These 8 clever but often overlooked features of the app will make your driving experience so much more enjoyable.
Joke: The Brothel Union
14 Useful Charts and Guides You’ll Want to Save!
We prepared a list of 14 visual guides and charts that will come in handy at home, outdoors, and even when you’re searching for something online!
The Secret Cemetery Music - Hilarious Joke!
A tourist in Vienna is going through a graveyard and all of a sudden he hears music. No one is around, so he starts searching for the source. He finally locates the origin and finds it is coming from a grave with a headstone that reads...
10 Free Ancestry Sites for Tracing Your Family History
Here are 10 of the best free ancestry sites that can help you uncover your family’s story.
12 Google Chrome Shortcuts Everyone Should Know
Keyboard shortcuts are immensely useful! If you’re using Google Chrome to browse the internet, we have a few neat shortcuts to share with you.
Meet ATLAS, the Mountain Climbing Robot!
Meet a robot that can cross streams, go over obstacles and even climb mountains to save you.
Joke: Is Your Daddy Home?
A boss begins to wonder where on Earth his employee is when he decides to make a phone call to his house to see where he is. His son answers...
Toast to A Special Occasion with these 6 Champagne Cocktails
Whenever I get the chance to toast to a special occasion, I search endlessly for innovative recipes that will surely wow my guests.
AI-Enhanced Drones Will Now Help Locate Lost People
A team of researchers have developed AI-enhanced drones that will help find lost people in the woods. Find out more.
What Does Google Know about You? Here's How to Check!
Google knows much more about you than you probably realize. Here's how you can see and delete what it knows.
7 Websites With Free Useful Apps for Your Computer
we've gathered 7 recommended repositories where you can find almost any software you might need for Windows – and at no cost!
What This Kid Did Would Touch Anyone's Heart...
This short film from India tells the story of a young boy, searching for chalk...
Must Be a Slow News Day...
The newspapers sure know how to be dramatic and make big headlines pop up, but on a slow news day...
6 Sites That All Kindle Users Should Get to Know Well
If you have a Kindle, here are 6 fantastic sites that you should definitely familiarize yourself with!
On Vacation? Bring A Talking Phrasebook!
a new smart phone application, 'Phrasebook', allows you to use your phone as an interpeter, having it 'speak' what you need in a clear, easy to understand voice, in 25 different languages and with over 1100 phrases available in each one.
Erase Your Online Personal Information in 8 Easy Steps!
Ever wondered how you can delete anything you've posted about yourself online. Follow this easy-to-follow guide to erase all traces.
Make Google Maps Better with These Handy Tools
These add-ons make Google Maps so much better!
How to Identify the Owner of a Phone Number: 5 Methods
Received a call from an unknown number? Use these sites to identify the caller.
Have You Been Blocked on Facebook? Find Out Here...
If you're wondering whether or not someone has blocked you on Facebook, then read this article to find out if this is really the case.
Ever Seen Such Beautiful Quilling Before?
Quilling is an intriguing art form. Take a look at this stunning art by Sena Runa.
5 Programs You Should Remove from Your Computer
This article specifies 5 programs that most people don't need on their computers and how to get rid of them.
Colorful, Bright & Full of Detail! This Art is Spectacular
What Can You Do With Gmail? Find Out Here!
If you want to set up a Gmail account but don't know how to or even if you have one, then you've come to the right place!
The Myth of Jason and the Argonauts
The famous Greek myth of Jason and his Argonauts searching for the golden fleece.
Saving Ms. Daisy - Touching!
Hope for Paws: Saving Daisy...
40 Timeless Hacks That All Men Need to Know
If you enjoy DIY and fixing things, you need to see this.
Beyond Chrome: 5 Private Browsers for Better Security
For those who prioritize their online privacy, there are some alternatives to Chrome available that could be explored.
All You Need to Know About Your Computer
It's that age of computers, and we should all educate ourselves so we all save ourselves time and anxiety when using a computer, a tablet or a phone. This collection of posts will give you insight into many computer-related issues.
True Friendship Survives Beyond Time - Beautiful!
Gorilla Reunites With Carer 5 Years Later...
Los Angeles Wildfires: Before and After the Destruction
This before-and-after video reveals the true extent of the Los Angeles wildfires devastation.
7 Great Tips That'll Ensure You Get the Cheapest Flights
Here are 7 fantastic tips that will help you get cheaper flight.
This Video Delves into the Most Bizarre Animal-Human Bonds
Is it possible for wild animals and humans to interact so closely? You'll be surprised!
Hilarious: Mr. Bean is Looking for Something...
Leave it to Mr. Bean to make it a hilarious search!
I Had Given Up On Dating... Before I Found These Sites
Those of us that are single and over 50 tend to think we don't have many opportunities to date. Wrong! Here's selection of 5 great dating websites for mature adults.
Why Does Your Touch Screen Only Work With Your Fingers?
We finally found it. A short video explaining exactly how a touch screen works!