This Brilliant Powder Will Stop Sand From Sticking to You!
If you hate getting sand stuck to your feet every time you go to the beach, then you really need to start taking baby powder with you. Here's why...
Photos Before and After Hurricane Sandy!
It's been more than a week since Hurricane Sandy hit the eastern coast of the United States, and the residents are trying to get back to normal, but it isn't a simple affair...
Human Spirit Shines - Good Deeds During Sandy!
The following are little stories from the recent Hurricane Sandy where people stepped up and offering their kindness and help to their fellow man. We're proud of them.
How to Keep Your Feet Healthy This Winter
Cracked feet is a common ailment during the harsh winter months. Here are 10 tips to keep your feet healthy this winter.
A Guide to Remedying Numbness In Your Feet
If you get numb and tingly feet quite often, it could be nothing at all, or it could be indicative of something more serious. Read this guide to find out more.
Suffer From Stubborn Cold Feet? This Might Be Why
Learn about the causes of cold feet, as well as several useful tips that can help warm up your feet in this useful guide.
What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older?
Here are seven of the most common age-related foot problems that you should be aware of.
Prevent Blisters on Your Feet By Following This Advice
Don’t let blisters bother you. Here are 9 things you can do to prevent them.
Do These Things and Your Feet Will Thank You!
Give your feet a little love and attention once in a while to keep them healthy.
6 NATURAL Ways to Treat Swollen Feet & Ankles
Swelling in your feet and ankles can lead to a variety of complications. Here’s how you can get rid of the naturally.
She Has Two Left Feet - Funny Prank!
This woman seems to have 2 left feet...
Swollen Feet and Legs May Indicate a Serious Problem
Discover all you need to know about swollen legs and feet, including what natural remedies can be used to treat the issue.
5 Indulgent Foot Soaks for Sore Feet, Relaxation and Detox
Bring the spa experience into your home with these indulgent foot soaks that address different issues, be it circulation, dryness or soreness
7 Things Your Feet Might Be Trying To Tell You
When we feel ill, the first thing we do is check our face for signs, however, we should really be looking further down, at our feet!
Got Sore Feet? These 6 Exercises Are What You Need
Whether you've got sore feet or you want to prevent foot pain, these 6 exercises are all you need to do the job.
Some Animals Have The Weirdest Feet! - 20 Pics
Some animals have the weirdest feet!
If You Wear These Shoes Often, You Are Damaging Your Feet
Wearing these shoes often can damage your feet!
This Amazing Feet of Fury Jig will Knock Your Socks Off!
What a riveting dance performance from this young group of Irish folk jiggers!
Arctic Hares Can Leap 10 Feet at a Time!
The Arctic Hare is no ordinary bunny. It has incredible physical abilities, all while being the cutest fluffball you've ever seen!
Relieve Pain in the Feet and Heels in Just a Few Minutes!
Do you experience frequent pain at the bottom of the feet? If so, check out these simple exercises for instant relief!
This Is What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older...
This Amusing Video Explains How Cats Land on Their Feet!
Have you ever wondered just how cats manage to safely land on their feet every time they fall or are dropped? Watch this video and wonder no more!
What Your Feet Might Be Telling You About Your Health
Can your feet predict health problems? Let’s find out.
This Tree Is 3,200 Years Old and Almost 250 Feet High
This tree is so large that it has never been wholly photographed from base to tip - that is until now. You can also watch a video of the process.
This Little Piece of Plastic Does Wonders For Your Feet
As we age, our toes tend to cram together. Spacing them promotes blood flow and prevents pain!
Calm a Loud Baby by Massaging These 7 Points on their Feet
From tummy pains to constipation and sinuses, applying pressure to these 7 points will help soothe your baby's ailments.
Summer is Here: How to Keep Your Feet Odor Free!
Come summer, sweaty and smelly feet can pose a problem. Here are 6 steps to fresh and odorless feet.
Sick of Cracked Hands and Feet? Then You Need to Know This
Get 9 helpful tips that can help treat and prevent cracked skin in different areas of the body and learn about the common causes of the condition
Give Your Feet a Treat With This Great Homemade Foot Soak
This simple, homemade foot soak uses only two ingredients to ensure your feet look and feel great!
6 Great Tips That'll Help You Get Rid of Smelly Feet!
If you happen to suffer from extreme foot odor, these 6 great pieces of advice might work wonders for you!
Rub These 3 Ingredients onto Your Feet for Great Results
Essential oils have been found to be incredibly beneficial to the body. Rub these 3 ingredients to your feet each night before bed and witness astounding results.
This Macro Photography Shows a New World Beneath Our Feet
There is a stunning world beneath our feet that's difficult to see. However, thanks to modern technology, we are now able to admire this world in all its glory.
Health Problems Your Feet Might Be Telling You About
Pay close attention to your feet. They might be telling you about some hidden health issues.
The Singing Nun That Had Everyone On Their Feet!
The world wasn't ready for this nun and her performance, but she was ready for it.
What Causes That Worrying Tingling in Your Hands and Feet?
I was a bit worried when I started experiencing tingling in my extremities, especially when I saw the amount of possible causes! This guide breaks it all down.
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Overall Health
Your feet can tell you a lot more about your health than you ever imagined. Here are 10 signs your feet can give you about your health.
9 Ways to Care for Your Feet So They Don't Pain You
What's the best way to go about taking care of your feet? Here are 9 essential tips.
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health
If Your Feet Hurt, Then You Should Really Try This...
Want to banish plantar fasciitis for good? Here are some exercises that you simply must try!
You’ll Be Swept Off Your Feet by These Pretty Pink Plants!
If you love the color pink, check out these 11 indoor plants, you’ll be swept off your feet by these pretty pink plants.
Blessed Feet: A Dancer Like You've Never Seen!
This next dancer, only known as 'Atay', from the Czech Republic, demonstrates amazing talent at his unique style 'robot' dancing. Rumors are, his idol is Wall-E...
Monument Valley - Where Giants Play...
The epic Monument Valley is one of the most magnificient and iconic landmarks of the American “Wild West.” period. The Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park has isolated red mesas, buttes and a sprawling, sandy desert that has been featured in films an
Photographer Captures the World Through Doors and Windows
There’s a beautiful world right outside our door!
These Photos Will Remind You of the True Power of Nature
Modern man thinks he is the master of his world, but nothing could be further from the truth. These photos serve as poignant reminders of the power of nature.
These 21 Acts of Kindness Will Brighten Your Day
These 21 random acts of kindness show how complete strangers help others in need for no reason at all. It will spread the happiness!
The Hilarious Roar of the Namaqua Rain Frog!
The Namaqua rainfrog is found in the sandy dunes along Port Nolloth in the Northern Cape province, and has a VERY distinctive cry...
I Can’t Believe These Disaster Photos Are Real
The aftermath of natural disasters is devastating with surreal images that look like something out of a disaster film.
Every House Needs a Cactus and These Are the Perfect Ones
Not all cacti are prickly, but most as sturdy, low-maintenance and absolutely gorgeous. These Cacti will be perfect for any house or garden
I Never Knew Hermit Crabs Did This. Wow.
Some animals create incredible structures and patterns, this is the story of the hermit crabs, and their galaxy of sand balls.
2 Delicious Ways to Use Up Overripe Apples
So you bought a bunch of apples and find out that they’re all sandy or mushy. Now what? Before you decide to toss them into the trashcan, read this.
Rio is a Paradise On Earth: A Look at a Magical City
Let's fly through one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Everyone Thought He Was Just Weird. Until...
He had a hidden talent, and no one knew...
Sardinia, Italy: The Bluest Waters in the World
This beautiful video takes you to one of the most gorgeous islands on earth.
Discover the World of Beautiful Wild Cats
These cats may make you want to pet them, but be advised - these are all rare and highly feral breeds. Maybe it's best to enjoy these 10 wild cats from afar...
For the First Time Ever, Sand Kittens Filmed in the Wild
These is the first ever footage of sand kittens in the wild, and it's simply adorable!
The Beauty of Jardines De La Reina!
Off the coast of Cuba, on an archipalego called the Queen's Gardens, you will find a paradise on earth..
11 Of the Most AMAZING Off-Road Vehicles
Take a look at the most extreme all-terrain vehicles in the world today.
10 World's Biggest Creatures
Great Pictures - World's biggest creatures!
Incredible Sand Sculptures by Susan Russel
Susan Russel makes truly amazing sand sculptures!
Discover Gran Canaria, the Strange Island of Many Climates
Gran Canaria is the third largest of the Canary Islands. It’s known under the name “Miniature Continent” for its strangely varied climate
How I'd Love to Visit the Remarkable Mount Fuji...
Get to know the fantastic visuals and the rich history of this astounding mountain.
Beautiful Beaches, Jungles and Rum: Welcome to Barbados
Everything to do and see in the beautiful island nation of Barbados
Weird and Wonderful Nature: The Mexican Mole Lizard
This unique reptile challenges our understanding of lizard anatomy.
These Are Simply the Most Stunning Bays in the Whole World
There are many spectacular bays around the world, but these are just the most beautiful of all. So here's the top 10, in all its glory. Enjoy!
Thailand Is Home to Some Jaw-Dropping Places to Visit
Thailand is hugely popular with tourists from all over the world, and to be honest, it's not hard to see why. Check out these 12 amazing attractions and places.
These Natural Phenomena Will Leave You Speechless!
Take a look at this incredible natural phenomena.
Hard to Think of a Place More Lovely Than These Temples...
The island of the gods it is called, and it does seem blessed...
20 Stunning Displays of Mother Nature's Fury
20 ferocious storm formations that are absolutely stunning to look at from far away, but you won't want to be anywhere near them when they strike.
Skipping Showers? It May Be the Healthier Choice
If you don't don't shower on a daily basis, there's no reason to be embarrassed. It might actually be the healthier choice...
Ever Wondered How Hurricanes Are Named?
Hurricane Laura, hurricane Sandy... If you've ever wonderd how hurricanes get their names, it turns out it is not random at all.
Back to school QUIZ: Can You Pass an Elementary Science Test?
Can you recall your studies and answer these basic science questions?
10 Fluffiest, Cutest Creatures that Survive in the Desert
Who knew there's cuteness here too? Read about the most brilliant and adorable animals of the desert.
I’ve Found Your Next Getaway, and It’s Beautiful!
You have to see the stunning Dutch Caribbean islands with your own eyes. They're utterly beautiful.
12 Movie Dances That Captured Our Imagination!
Johnny and Baby from Dirty dancing, Danny and Sandy from Grease and many more are waiting to show you their unforgettable and memorable dance moves!
These Baby Animals with Their Parents Are Just Too Cute...
When baby animals and their parents get together for a photo op, the cuteness level just goes off the charts! Take a look at these 24 adorable pictures.
Here Are 8 of the Most Famous Phantom Islands Ever
Here are 8 of the most famous islands to disappear from world maps at some point in history...
5-Step Foot Care Guide For Perfectly Smooth & Soft Heels
Follow these 5 steps to keep your feet smooth and soft all summer.
Pack Your Bags Because You Have to Visit These 10 Islands
Get away from it all with a trip to a tropical island. Here are 10 islands that will make you want to travel. Looking at the stunning images is a vacation in itself.
Escape to the Secret Beauty of Alderney Island
Here is a look into amazing natural beauty and peaceful lifestyle of the little-known Alderney Island.
12 Texas Native, Low Maintenance, Heat Resistant Plants
Learn about hardiness zones and why it's best to grow native plants with 12 examples of Texas native plants.
Beat the Odds With These Nifty Facts!
How many people die annually in strange accidents? We can tell you and we can also tell you possible ways to survive these odd incidents
Countries Home to Some Incredibly Tall Men and Women
The natives of these 25 countries are big and long, having the tallest average heights in comparison to all other countries across the globe
10 Ideal Plants to Fill Up Empty Space in Your Garden
If your yard or garden has a lot of empty space, then why not add some evergreen ground cover plants to give it some extra character?
10 Vegetables and Plants You Can Grow in the Fall
Just because we're approaching fall it doesn't mean you should hang up your gardening gloves. There's still plenty of things you can plant in your garden.
WOW! Genius Foot Care Hacks That’ll Change Your Life
Take care of your feet with these simple and effective tips and hacks.
Wish You Were Here: Breath-Taking Island Resort!
These stunning photos of Red Bull co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz's private island resort will make you want to pack your bags and head out on the tropical vacation of a lifetime!
12 Images That Show the Incredible Impact of Food on Life
The winners of the Pink Lady Food Photography 2020 winners will amaze you and challenge your perception of food photography.
Amazing! These Birds Fly as High as a Commercial Plane!
Ever wondered what the highest flying birds in the world are? Well, you don't have to wonder anymore!
I Would Be So Happy in One of These Beautiful Little Towns
When you get out of the big cities and start visiting the small ones, you realize you've missed some of the most beautiful places..
The Raw Power of Pure Destruction. Wow.
There is something mesmerizing about chaos, when everything loses control and natural order erupts.
Here Are Some Sharks With No Interest in Harming People!
Not all sharks are terrifying monsters. In fact, most species of sharks are actually quite docile and even friendly to people like these 10!
Eliminate Painful Foot Swelling with These 12 Tips
Treat your swollen feet and ankles with these 12 effective remedies.
Enjoy This Collection of Stunning Handwoven Textiles
Artist Adrienne Lee creates gorgeous landscapes on handwoven textiles. Check out some of her best artworks.
Frazil, Haboob & Other Weather Words Your Didn't Know
You might have heard a few of these meteorological terms before, but you probably don’t know what they mean.
Cover Your Garden with These Pretty Evergreens
Give your garden a little makeover with these 10 beautiful evergreens.
Shoe Discomfort? 10 Ways to Tie Your Shoes that Offer Relief
By lacing your shoes correctly, you can reduce pressure on certain areas of your feet and enjoy a more comfortable run in any pair of shoes
An Ode To the Stunning Creatures of the Ocean
These 25 marine animals come in all different shapes and colors, ranging from as big as a whale to as small as a blenny. Our neighbours to the south, and we still have so much to learn about them
Get Rid of Cracked Heels Using Natural Remedies
These 14 excellent home remedies will ensure that your feet are back in tip-top shape in no time at all.
Joke: The Helicopter Lesson
A blonde was taking helicopter lessons.
15 Mind-Boggling Photos You Won’t Believe Are REAL!
Don’t let these optical illusions fool you! We assure you that none of them have been edited, despite how bizarre or unbelievable they look.