These Roller Coaster Pics Will Make You Burst Out Laughing
Join us on the funniest roller coaster ride ever!
The 9 Most Spectacular Amusement Parks in Europe
Many visit Europe because of its historical and cultural wealth, but, if you're traveling with kids, these 9 amusement parks will make the whole family happy!
Scary But So Fun: The Evolution of Roller Coaster Loops
If you’ve ever rode a roller coaster with a loop, you may have noticed that it's never fully circular. Ever wonder why?
This Is How Roller Coasters Can Affect Your Body
Riding a roller coaster is a dubious pleasure, as you're always risking to feel not so good after the ride, but why is that? Blame physics...
Got Aches & Pains? Try This 5-Minute Foam Roller Workout
Ease aches and pains with this easy and quick foam roller workout.
This New Jade Roller May Be Just What Your Face Needs!
This ancient Beuty tool is making a on to learn more about it!
How to Use a Foam Roller to Alleviate Back Pain
In this step-by-step tutorial, a professional chiropractor shares the specific techniques of using a foam roller to release back pain.
Roller Skating Done Like You've Never Seen It Before
You've heard of synchronized swimming, now prepare for the next level - synchronized roller skating!
What Does Google's 2015 Year in Search Tell About the World?
For the world, 2015 was a journey of emotions with several unforgettable moments along the way. Google's overview of this year's searches reveals a lot about our world today.
15 Ingenious Makeshift Solutions for Everyday Problems
Check out these genius andf hilarious solutions to everyday problems.
Here's a Survival Skill Only Physics Can Teach You!
Have you ever wondered what you would do if the elevator you were in began falling? This video has a few things to consider!
Smile! A New, Sweet Outlook on Life is Coming Your Way!
These cute greeting cards have the power to change anyone's outlook on life to a positive one!
These Amazing Photos Capture Coney Island In Its Heyday
Comey Island is iconic as a New York City destination, and that's due to its many amusement attractions. Take a look of what it was like back in its heyday.
When Nature Reclaims Abandoned Places – 15 Stunning Pics
In these pictures, you will get to see several abandoned places all over the world that are being reclaimed by nature.
You'd Best Think Twice Before Consuming These Delicacies!
Here are 10 dishes that can give you an adrenaline rush stronger than that from any roller-coaster, while testing your luck better than the lottery.
20 Pictures that Show How the World Changed over 100 Years
A gallery of bizarre, nostalgic or unique black and white pictures
Joke: Ah, to Be Six Again...
A man doesn't know what to do when his wife says she wants to be six again...
18 Funny Notes Left by Clever Moms and Dads
These parents left the funniest passive-aggressive notes!
Amazing Plants: 15 Natural Phenomena That’ll Astonish You
In the next 15 pictures you'll see what vegetation can do and how strong the creative power of nature is...
Check Out the Amazing Miniature World This Artist Created!
While we may have only imagined broccoli as little trees, artist Tatsuya Tanaka turned his imagination into reality with these amazing miniature worlds!
10 of the Oldest Amusement Parks in the USA
Check out the 10 oldest amusement parks in the USA! Which of these did you visit?
Secret Tourist Destination: The Beauty of Katowice, Poland
A city with a rich history and fascinating museums, Katowice in Poland has much to offer a visitor.
Travel All Over the World With Gorgeous & Creative Designs
In different places across the world, people put their creativity to the test and design beautiful and innovative structures like these.
8 Surprising Factors That Can Increase Your Blood Sugar
Many factors can increase our blood sugar levels. Read this article to find out what to avoid and how to keep your blood sugar in check.
Discover Why Millions Flock to These Theme Parks Every Year
There’s nothing more exciting than a theme park. They give us the opportunity to live in a fantasy world for a short time. Discover the best and most visited ones in the world.
These Incredible Images All Prove That Nature Is Glorious!
These fascinating photos show different aspects of nature, showing this powerful force in full glory!
Do You Remember Playing Like These Photographed Children?
In the days before cellphones, the internet, and the like, we children had to learn how to make our fun. Remember playing like these retro kids?
DIY Home Decor Projects on a Budget
Explore budget-friendly DIY home décor projects with BabaMail. Discover how to revamp your space with creativity and style. Start transforming your home today!
Treat Motion Sickness With These Natural Remedies and Tips
Here are 6 natural remedies and 7 effective tips that will help you eliminate the feeling of motion sickness.
It's Time For Good Ol' Cycle Skating!
Before there were skates or skateboard, before there was roller blading, there was: Cycle Skating!
Riding while stupid - Hilarious bloopers!
...It should be illegal to ride while stupid
How to Tell If You’re in a Dependent Relationship…
Where is the boundary between a healthy and a dependent relationship, and how can you recognize whether you're in one and how to fix it? Find out here.
See Snow As You've Never Seen It!
The amazing phenomenon of ice balls and ice rollers!
The Real Purpose of Jerrycans
Did you know that the lids on paper and plastic to-go cups work as coasters?
Come Fly Away with These Colorful & Beauteous Birds
You don't see stunning birds like this every day, so enjoy this wonderful photo series of more than 30 of the most gorgeous and colorful birds on Earth!
Driving with strings attached - Don't try this at home!
...his self proclaimed 'skating king of Pakistan' has devised a new way to roller blade
My Relationship Improved Drastically with These Tips
keep the spark in your relationship alive with these tips.
This Guinness Record Holder Knows How to Limbo!
Have you ever heard of limbo roller-skating? This unusual sport is even more complicated and fascinating to watch than you expect!
These are the Greatest Rides You Will Ever Experience
These theme rides are the ultimate dose of family fun and let you immerse yourself fully in this magical Disney Adventures.
Transform Your Room with These DIY Painting Tips
Painting your own room may seem like a daunting task. But here are some useful tips that will make the job easier.
Come See 15 of the Most Picturesque Piers in the World!
Priceless photos of the world's most charming piers. How many of them have you been to?
Lower Back Lost Mobility? Here's How to Self Pop It
Here's how to safely pop and release pressure from the spine, by yourself, using a foam roller.
The Biggest Observation Wheel in the World - Fascinating!
At 250 meters tall, the Ain Dubai (or Dubai Eye) is 82 meters higher than the previous record-holding Ferris wheel - the High Roller in Las Vegas.
This Christmas, Make Some DIY Gifts for Our Loved Ones!
Make your loved ones feel extra special with these DIY Christmas gifts.
These Are 15 of the Most Dangerous Summer Activities
According to medical professionals, summer is known as “trauma season.” Here are 15 of the most dangerous summer activities.
Does Ferrari Make the Most Beautiful Cars in the World?
Ferrari has undoubtedly produced some of the finest cars ever to grace the world's roads. Here are some of the most beautiful cars ever made by the company.
These Waterparks are Perfect for a Summer Holiday!
You can spend days over days in these wonderful water parks and still not get enough! They are the perfect places for a water and summer loving family!
Hilarious: Please Lord, Make Me Comfortable Here in Heaven
When a cat dies and goes to Heaven, it makes a special request to God for the hard life it had to endure on Earth. God is only too happy to oblige...
Go On An Unforgettable Trip In the Southern Netherlands!
The Netherlands is one of the most popular destinations in Europe, get to know the country by taking an 8 day trip in the southern part of it with out guide.
The Sales of These 6 Items SOARED During the Pandemic
Apart from face masks and hand sanitizers, the pandemic caused the sales of certain items to skyrocket. Some of these may genuinely surprise you...
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do!
Banish knee pain today with these 6 exercises.
Gorgeous and Hyper-Realistic Birds Made Solely From Paper!
Niharika Rajput is an artist that specializes in creating extremely realistic bird sculptures using paper and passion
These Shoes Can Boost Your Walking Speed by 250%!
Robotic engineers have created shoes that, they claim, will increase your speed by 250%.
Do You Know About the Mysteries of These Famous Icons?
What do you know about these intriguing works of art? Discover their mysteries here.
Tiny Worlds Made of Food - Lovely!
The Food Worlds of William Kass
A Simple Trick For Painting Walls Twice As FAST!
With this simple trick, you'll be able to coat any wall with a fresh coat of paint twice as fast!
15 Historical Photographs Very Few Have Seen
This collection of fantastic historical photos will leave you intrigued.
Who Knew Duct Tape Prevents Blisters & Has All These Uses!
Is any one object more multitasking than duct tape? We really doubt that, and here are just 18 genius ways you can start using it right away
If Your Knee Bothers You, Do This
10 Handy Cleaning Tips Every Pet Owner Will Appreciate
If your pets wreak havoc in your home and you're tired of the bad smells, scratched furniture, and dirt they cause, try some of these tried and true tips!
Pain in the Knee? Exercise Your IT Bands to Banish the Pain
If you suffer from pain in your hips or your knees it could be stemming from your IT band.
The Most Colorful Birds Will Make Your Day!
Nature never stops surprising us, we invite you to enjoy pictures of the following 14 exotic birds that show the magic of nature and its endless variety.
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do
These Incredible Packaging Designs Will Blow You Away!
When choosing an item from a store, the creativity of the packaging can be truly incredible, like these 15 perfectly presented products
13 Daily Objects We Could Be Using Better
You probably think you know how to use most of these objects already. Don't worry, all of us thought the same...
Have You Heard of Dermarolling Before? Find Out More Here
Dermarolling is a cosmetic procedure that involves putting tiny little pricks in the skin in order to allow the penetration of cosmetic products. Take a look.
12 Useful Tips and Innovations for the Home!
Some great tips and handy innovations to make your day run that much smoother! Use these to do better work around the house, avoid creating a mess, save time and make your day go that much smoother.
Plastic Wrap Definitely Isn't Just For Keeping Food Fresh...
We often just associate the use of plastic wrap with food, but it has numerous other uses. Here are 15 clever uses for plastic wrap.
These Natural Phenomena Will Leave You Speechless!
Take a look at this incredible natural phenomena.
Dusty Devices? Here Are 10 Top Tips to Make Them Sparkle
Devices can get grimy and dusty just like anything else, but how can we clean them without ruining them? Here are 10 recommended tips.
These 4 Major European Cities Are a History Buff's Dream
If you love visiting a new country and learning all about its history, this informative guide might be just what you're looking for!
Introducing the 10 Biggest Shopping Malls in the World
So where are the biggest and most expensive malls in the world? Right here in this article.
After Reading This, You'll Stop Eating Cereal for Good!
The majority of cereals are promoted as “health foods” by the giant food corporations, but they're lying. Here's the truth!
10 Worthwhile and Spectacular Attractions in Hong Kong
Although Hong Kong is considered a trade and business area, or as a stopover to East Asia, it also has quite a few attractions for families and tourists alike.
Wordplay So Dumb, It’s Genius!
These puns and jokes are so bad, they're actually brilliant.
Let Out Your Inner Kitchen Animal with These Products
Let your inner animal out in the kitchen with these adorable animal-themed kitchen products!
21 Brilliant Ways to Recycle Your Old Unused CDs
Got a stack of old CDs you're about to throw away? Recycle them in style with these great DIY ideas.
I've Redesigned My Old Tiles in a Cheap and Easy Way
There is a surprising but simple answer to spruce up your outdated tiles! This video and brief description will show you how to get it done right.
Bored of the Outlet Covers? Here's How to Paint Them Well
In this article, we'll learn how to paint and wallpaper plastic or metal outlet covers effectively and professionally.
Make the Most of Your Beauty Products, Creatively!
Here are some interesting uses for beauty products that you may never have thought of, and can become quick and easy solutions when you need them!
Why Buy a Gift When You Can Make One for Less Than $10?
Creating your own gifts can save you money and allow for a personalized gift giving moment. Here are 15 ideas to inspire the crafter in you.
11 Amazing Woodworking Projects For You to Admire
Take a look at some deftly crafted wooden masterpieces that will surely blow your mind.
6 Self-Massage Techniques to Relieve Your Muscle Pain
If you're feeling tense, these 6 self-massaging techniques could be just what you need.
18 Funny Animals That Prove Nature Has a Sense of Humor
These hilarious snapshots are exactly what you need to start your year.
Wrinkle Repair: At-Home Treatments and In-Office Procedures
In this article, we'll discuss neck and facial wrinkles and all the ways to treat them.
Beat the Summer Heat at These Awesomely Fun Water Parks
Let us take you on a tour of 8 of the best water parks America has to offer you this summer, starting from the East Coast to the West!
These Striking Photos Show the Nostalgia of Days Gone By
There's nothing quite like black and white photos to evoke some serious nostalgia. Take a look at these 25 photos to see a world gone by.
The Biggest Jackpots Ever Seen in the History of Las Vegas
Vegas receives millions of visitors annually testing their luck at gambling. These 9 people left Sin City with the biggest wins ever
13 Creative Uses for Plastic Food Wrap
Plastic food wrap has more uses than you would ever imagine. Here are 13 top tips that'll have you wondering why you didn't think of them first.
10 of the Strangest and Quirkiest Museums in the World
If you want an experience of a different kind, consider visiting one of the very unusual museums on this list.
These Confusing Pictures Will Make You Look Twice...
You will need to look at these pictures twice to properly understand them.
11 Cool and Original Ways to Repurpose Old Box Games!
Board games were an integral part of most of our childhoods, and now you can turn them into12 special items allowing them to bring you joy in other ways.
10 Magnificent Things to Do in the City of Dubai
This guide will show you 10 must-see sites and attractions when visiting Dubai.
14 Products You Can Stop Buying to Save Big at Home
These everyday items are draining your wallet.
15 Cool Modern Inventions That Will Make Your Life Easier
Take a look at some really cool and useful innovations that you probably didn't even know existed before.
People Try to Sneak the Strangest Things Through Customs
The agents of TSA encounter numerous strange people trying to smuggle the oddest of items onto planes, like these ones!
7 Things to Do When Life Knocks You Down
Just remember these 7 actions to take every time life knocks you down.
How to Handle Complaints in a Relationship
Discover a winning formula to turn complaints into something that strengthens your romantic connections.
20 Unforgettable Indian Wildlife Photos Worth Seeing
Admire the rich diversity of wildlife in India in 20 supreme photos of mammals and birds native to different regions of the country
Olive Oil Is Useful All Around the House - 10 Great Ideas!
Olive oil is a kitchen ingredient you always have at home. Realize the full potential of this wonderful household ingredient with these 10 excellent tips!