Science & Technology: Are ROBOT DOGS a Good Idea?
A company called Energy Robotics is testing robot dogs for tech inspection. Find out how successful they have been in this unique initiative.
10 Incredible Animal-Inspired Robots
Let's meet some incredibly realistic robotic animals.
When Wild Dogs Meet a Robot Pup...
In this video, we see a robot pup sent to study a pack of wild dogs.
New Robots: This Robot Uses Both Wheels AND Legs
This robot can get just about anywhere in little time because it uses both wheels and legs to get over most hurdles.
Joke: The Lie-Sniffing Robot
When you've got a robot that dishes out slaps every time someone lies, maybe it's sometimes best not even to know the truth at all!
New in Robotics - The Wild Cat!
Unveiling one of the most advanced and fastest robots in the world...
Meet Boston Dynamics Newest Robot Worker
The newest robot by Bostom Dynamics is going to revolutionize package work.
3 Robots that Are Already Scary Advanced...
You'll be amazed to see how human (or animal)-like these robots are. They are all by Boston Dynamics, a robotics company at the forefront of its sector.
Meet RHex - The Parkour Robot!
RHex is a robot designed to overcome any obstacle, to jump, turn 180 degrees in the air and hold onto any ledge, pulling itself up. ..
New Technology: The Robots Are Coming...
Atlas is part of the latest generation of robots. Find out its incredible abilities by watching this video.
This House Was Built By a ROBOT
Meet Hadrian X, the first mobile brick-laying robot that can build a house 10 times faster than an ordinary construction worker.
Robots for Humanity - An Incredible Story
Getting back your life with Robotics...
This Robot May Save Your Life...
This video and others like it reveal how robotics is about more than servant robots that serve you drinks, but may enable us to make our own discoveries available faster, and save lives.
Meet ATLAS, the Mountain Climbing Robot!
Meet a robot that can cross streams, go over obstacles and even climb mountains to save you.
The Robot That Just Wants to Dance For You!
This little guy sure knows how to groovy to the sounds of music! He is going to show you what he's got. To be honest, this little robot dances better than quite a few of folks we know. (We're not naming names..... Terry).
Kirobo: First Robot in Space!
It was one small step for robot and another giant leap for mankind...
5 Robotics Trends Anticipated in 2024
What does 2024 have in store for the field of robotics?
These Microscopic Living Robots Have Memory!
The Xenobot 2.0 is the upgraded version of the first living, self-healing robot in history. This tiny living robot could save millions of lives one day!
The Robotic Kitchen That Will Make Your Meals!
Meet the world's first robotic kitchen that be the nucleus of the kitchen of the future.
Meet Jibo: The First Family Robot!
Jibo is the first robot to offer advanced services for the whole family.
The Science of Biomimicry: Cool Robots Inspired by Nature
Biomimicry is a science that builds robots inspired by nature. Here is list of animal-inspired robots, each containing a video of the robot in action.
The Robot that Will Paint You a Masterpiece!
e-David: The robot artist!
These Crazy Robots Can Do PARKOUR - Wow!
Hold on to your socks! In this mind-blowing video, you'll see two robots do parkour and backflips. Need we say more?
This Odd Robot Has Countless Potential Applications
This inflatable robot is one of the most oddball inventions we've ever seen! Despite its strange looks, it could save countless live one day...
Humans Need Not Apply: A Future Dominated by Robots?
A video that looks, seriously, at the risk of letting robots rule our world.
Robotic Exoskeletons Are Here, and They're Pretty Cool!
This military leg brace makes jumping from heights and carrying heavy loads long-distance a breeze! See it in action...
Wow! This Robot Acrobat Is More Mobile Than ANY Human
Atlas is the newest project of the Boston Dynamics team of robot creators famous for their quirky, but equally astonishing creations...
Robot Animals - Getting Inspired by Nature
Robotics researchers are increasingly turning to nature, the original genius builder, for inspiration. Watch a robotic salamander, a water strider robot, mechanical cockroaches and more. But the MOST interesting robot is the last one - an amazing sel
A Robot With Human Facial Expressions - Incredible!
The Ameca is the first-ever robot capable of imitating believable human facial expressions.
The Future Is Here: The First Man-Robot?
The robot you are seeing is called: PETMAN.
Amazon's Next Generation Warehouse Robots!
Watch the most advanced warehouse robots working at the Amazon warehouses!
Meet the Robot that Will Change Seniors' Lives
This robot is going to change the way nursing homes are operated by freeing up the human staff from mundane tasks.
10 Advanced Animal Robots That Can Change the World
Check out these remarkably cool robotic animals that can be easily mistaken for a real animal.
Scientists Have Finally Created The First Living Robot
Scientists have finally created the world's first living robot. Watch the clip to find out more about this amazing discovery.
Behind the Scenes of the Human-Like Atlas Robot
In this video, we get a behind-the-scenes look at the development of the incredible Atlas robot.
Meet Schaft, Winner of Darpa's Robotics Challenge!
Schaft: The most advanced rescue robot in the world!
This Tiny Robot Can Jump on the Statue of Liberty!
This tiny robot is incredibly fast, but it's the height to which it can fly that will truly surprise you!
A Tunnel Built by a Swarm of Robots - Jaw-Dropping!
Imagine a swarm of robots attacking a mountain and smashing it to pieces...
How Robots Are Revolutionizing COVID-19 Care
One of the ways medicine may soon become even more tech-savvy is through the introduction of humanoid robots, and it's already starting to happen
The Mini-Cheetah Robot Everyone is Excited About
Robot technology takes another step with the mini-cheetah by MIT.
These Robots Dance Better Than I Do...
They probably dance better than most of us can!
Meet the Smallest-Ever Remote-Controlled Robot
This crab robot is only half a millimeter wide but can move and turn in every direction. Let’s see what else it can do.
This Insane Domino Robot Broke a World Record!
This new robot attempted to beat the domino stacking world record by building 100 thousand dominoes in just 24 hours! Take a look.
All About Spot: The Most Advanced Robot Soon For Sale
Spot may be the most advanced robot in the world. Definitely the most advanced commercial one. Let's see a review of this robot.
Boston Dynamic's Robot Does Some Incredible Things...
Boston Dynamics shows us again what her lead robot can do.
This Humanoid Robot May Join the Workforce Very Soon...
Meet Digit – a bipedal robot that's ready to join human workers at warehouses around the world as early as 2024.
The Rise of the Machines: Can Humanoid Robots Help Us?
Will humanoid robots change the way we work forever?
Scientists Develop 'Flying Dragon' Robot to Fight Fires
Scientists in Japan have created a water-spitting 'flying dragon' robot to fight fires.
Robots Are Now Carrying Out Tasks Completely Unaided!
Over the years, Boston Dynamics have created some amazing robots. Here's a robodog that can patrol by itself and a robot that can run and jump. Check them out.
This Man Has the Most Advanced Robotic Arm in the World
Johnny Matheny, who lost his arm to cancer in 2005, has become the first person to be fitted with a mind-controlled robotic arm. Check it out here!
This Robotic Suit Can Help Paralyzed People Walk Again
Technology just keeps getting better and better, and a company in Japan have built an impressive robot power suit that can help paralyzed people walk again.
Would You Ride a HUGE Robot Elephant? 'Cause You Can
Tourist attractions are getting more creative and sophisticated by the day.
Paralyzed Man Feels Sensation From New Robotic Hand
This amazing development has allowed a paralyzed man to feel sensations via a robotic arm. Read on about this potential revolution.
Prairie Dogs and Roomba - Adorable!
Prairie dogs in nature have an instinct to climb rocks, plants and other objects so they can safely check their surroundings...
Robot Dolphins May Replace Captive Animals at Marine Parks
A New Zealand-based company has created ultra-realistic robotic dolphins that could soon replace captive animals at marine parks.
The First Robot Ever Made Was Created 250 Years Ago...
This automaton is pure genius, especially when you consider it was built 250 years ago...
Is it a Raccoon? Is it a Dog? No. It’s a 'Raccoon Dog'!
Tanuki, or the Japanese raccoon dog, is a unique species. Its neither a dog, nor a raccoon. So what is it?
The Dog With A Seeing Eye Dog
This golden retriever was not exactly blessed upon coming into this world. He was born not only blind but also with a tendency for violent seizurs that caused him to lose control of his bowels. However, something changed the moment Blair, a black lab
Eco Tech: Meet the Robot That Collects Trash From Water
The WasteShark is an emission-free aquadrone that collects trash from the water. This cool invention will help keep our planet clean.
Hilarious: The Real Dogs Behind the "Beware Dog" Signs
Here are 12 hilarious “Beware of the Dog” signs and the cuties behind those signs.
Zoe is an Amazing Dog!
What Dog Training is All About!
The Parkour Dog - Amazing!
!Meet Tres, the parkour dog
This Dog is Almost Unbelievable!
See the newest tricks by Jumpy the incredible stunt dog.
Can My Dog Eat That? An Important Infographic for Dog Owners
If you want to keep your dog safe and happy, you need to know what foods they can and cannot eat.
The Love of Dogs - Beautiful!
The beautiful expressions of 58 dogs in under 4 minutes. Over the course of the last year, the maker of this video filmed the expressions of dogs that came to stay at a boarding kennel. He saw so much emotion behind their eyes and he imagined what th
Where is YOUR Dog From? The Full Dog Breed Compendium
The complete guide to dog races by country!
Like Owner, Like Dog: Fun Photos of Dogs and Their Owners
We had no idea that people and pets could look so much alike! Here are 9 comparison photos that look so alike it's uncanny!
The Cat Dog-Walker!
A cat that walks the dog on a leash! Don't believe us? Watch the video!
Dog Behavior 101: How Dogs Show They’re Upset
Your dog may be mad at you and may not even know it!
These Dogs Have Skills!
Behold the incredible stunt dogs and frisbee champions!
This Dog is... a CAT Person!
This dog found a very surprising playmate, which he prefers to other dogs!
The Sing-Along Dog!
This happy dog has been hearing this Adele song since it was a pup. See what happens when every time he hears it!
Dialogue with a Wet Dog...
A clever and hilarious video the whole family will enjoy!
Jumpy, an Extreme Dog!
An amazing dog who is definitely an animal athlete!
An A-Z of Adorable Dog Breeds
From A to Z, here are 26 dog breeds, big and small, but all cute, loving companions. This won't be all the types because there are so very many, but this is a great example of the variety you can find out there.
Joke: The Talking Dog and the Bartender
A guy walks into a bar with his dog and says, "I'll have a Scotch and water and my dog would like a whiskey sour."
Captured in Motion: The Flight of the...Dog
These photographs are so intense, the dogs in them seem to look you straight in the eye!
Dogs Are Always Funny!
Man's best friend in some compromising situations...
The Most Helpful Dog in the World!
When not helping and performing tricks, Jesse can be found playing with his cuz ball, chasing squeaker tennis balls, digging in search for lizards, de-fluffing stuffed toys, swimming, and just being happy.
This Dog is a Hero With an Unforgettable Gift
This dogs beautiful story will move you to tears, while his incredible talent will leave you speechless
Joke: That's a Smart Dog
A man settles in his seat next to the window on a plane, when another man sits down next to him and seats his Black Labrador Retriever in-between them...
Porter, the Driving Dog!
As part of a promotional event for animal shelters in New Zealand, this loveable pooch has been taught to drive, and he does it pretty darn well, although we wouldn't let him drive a taxi anytime soon. A must watch!
The Most Patient Dog in the World!
This photo series of Scout balancing objects on his head had me in stitches, while also making me rethinking my outlook on pit bulls.
The Scrappy Subway Dogs of Moscow
According to Russian scientists, the stray dogs of the Russian capital have become much more sophisticated than their pet counterparts...
Stunning Dogs in Their Natural Environments
These photos capture dogs amid Austrian wilderness. And the results are truly magical, capturing some enchanting portraits. Take a look for yourself.
Cats and Dogs Are Different - Hilarious!
As we all know, there are some major differences between these two popular pets...
WATCH: These Dogs Are Ridiculously Agile!
Watch these dogs achieve some impressive feats at the 2022 Masters Agility Championships.
1 Small Dog vs 2 Large Dogs: Who Will Win in Tug of War?
A Dachshund battles it out in a game of tug of war against two Bernese Mountain Dogs. Who will win? Watch this exciting video to find out.
These Dogs' Reactions to the Vet Are Priceless!
When these dogs hear this "magic" word, they react immediately, and it's not the reaction you are expecting!
Why Are These Two Dogs Arguing?
A subtitled argument between 2 huskies.
These Guard Dogs Are Not Exactly Fearsome...
Maybe these cute pooches are supposed to deter hardened intruders from their life of crime by being so woolly and lovely!
It's a Good Day for Dog Lovers...
It's time for our dog-loving photos!
Yay! It's Another Dog Day!
A day full of doggie happiness, cuteness and beauty.
These Dogs' Lives are Anything But Ruff...
These fine pooches are enjoying life to the fullest!
Dogs Decoded - In-Depth Documentary!
An In-Depth and Eye Opening Documentary about our Canine Friends
Joke: The Smartest Dog in the World
A dog pays a visit to the butcher complete with a note in his mouth that asks for lamb chops. The butcher is dumbfounded...
When Dogs Are Going To Burst!
When Dogs Have Excited Faces!
The Biggest Small Dog - Hilarious!
A Shape-Shifting Dog...
Big Dogs Need Cuddles Too - 20 Enormous Dogs Being Cute
It’s just so cute to watch these enormous dogs run away from kittens, cuddle with their owners, and be scared of the vet as if they’re still puppies at heart
When Dogs Are Happy, It's Contagious!
when dogs are so excited and so happy and dance all around the place looking to go on a walk, it's super cute.