Do You Have What it Takes to Solve This Riddle? Find Out!
Do you have what it takes to solve this riddle? Find out!
Ants Are Totally Remarkable Creatures, and Here's Why
We have a lot to learn from ants - they're more similar to humans than you'll ever imagine. Here are 11 reasons why ants are utterly fascinating.
Ants vs Full Grown Crab - Unbelievable!
Brilliant clip from BBC show Ant Attack shows incredible footage of ants battling a huge, armored crab.
Funny Nature: Learning About Trap Jaw Ants
Don't miss out on this funny and interesting video that will teach you all you need to know about this creature.
What Happens When a Robo-Gorilla Sneaks In a Gorilla Troop
In this curious experiment, a baby robot gorilla has infiltrated a troop of wild gorillas. What will happen with the little robot?
Documentary: Take a Glimpse at the Fantastic World of Ants!
This fascinating documentary, narrated by the wonderful David Attenborough, gives us a glimpse into the wonderful world of ants.
Why the Army Ant is the Most Terrifying Animal in Nature
Many species of ant are larger than the army ant, but none are as fierce. Why is that?
Ants Seem to Get Everywhere - But Here's How to Stop Them
Ants are amazing creatures, but what's more amazing is how they keep finding a way into your house! Here are some natural tips to help you get rid of them.
This Wearable Robo-Vehicle is Made for Racing
This huge machine looks like a rhinoceros or a tarantula, and it is completely controlled by human movement!
8 Natural And Safe Ways to Keep Ants Away From Your House
Take note of these useful natural remedies that can help you keep ants away from your home.
Meet The FASTEST Animal on the Planet
This tiny ant goes from zero to 200 mph in a fraction of a second - which makes it the fastest animal on the planet!
The World's MOST Painful Insect Sting...
The honeybee, the tarantula hawk wasp, and the bullet ant... One of these three insects possesses the most painful sting in the world.
Bringing the Micro To Life - Amazing!
Microcosmos takes readers into a secret world of extreme close-ups, with some subjects have been magnified by as much as 22 million times!
Look Closely, Isn't It a Beautiful World?
Gorgeous macro photography from the works of Miki Asai.
Natural Pest Control - 10 Ways to Get Rid of Various Pests
In this article, we list 10 natural remedies that will help you get rid of various pests, as well as several handy tips to control and prevent pest infestations.
After This Video, You'll Never See the Universe the Same...
This video takes you all the way from the smallest atom to the entire universe in beautiful and colorful graphics!
5 Animals Who Impersonate Another Species for Their Gain
Here, we look at some truly extraordinary cases of biological mimicry from the natural world.
Been Bitten? Here's How You Can Identify Which Bug Bit You!
There are many biting insects and they all transmit diseases, so it's important to be able to identify what bit you. Here's how:
Nine Deceptive Animals for Whom Every Day Is Halloween
Natures most amazing shapeshifters and masters of disguise
Woah! Who Knew Baby Powder Was This Useful in the Garden?
If you have excess baby powder lying around your house, you'll be pleased to know that it has plenty of uses in the garden.
How to Get Rid of 6 Common Pantry Pests
Don’t let pesky little bugs wipe out your expensive food supplies and learn how to recognize and get rid of 6 common pantry pests with this informative guide.
Nature Photography Like You've Never Seen Before
Enjoy the highlights of this years' Royal Society of Biology’s photography competition
6 Incredible Ancient Fossils Preserved In Amber
Here, we present some of the most recent and important ancient discovered that have been preserved in amber.
13 Incredible & Intricate Homes of Animal Architects
The amazing homes animals build for themselves are both mesmerizing and brilliant. Behold nature’s most amazing architects.
These 10 New Species Were Only Discovered in 2018!
From creatures the size of office blocks to those that are only visible when viewed under a microscope, the 10 newly-discovered species are wonderful!
These Bizarre Creations Show How Varied Nature Really Is
The world is a strange place, and the variations found in nature can be even stranger still. Take a look at 16 of its weirdest creations.
The Most Phenomenal & Awe-Inspiring Photos of 2014
Phenomenal photos, caught in the right moment.
10 Beneficial Insects Your Garden Needs Right Away
Keep pests at bay in your garden with this handy guide.
The Following Deadly Beasts Are Not Man's Best Friends...
These 20 animals are responsible for killing the most humans each years. Some of these will definitely surprise you, have a look.
These Newly Discovered Animals Are Incredible!
These are some of the coolest and most interesting species that were recently discovered.
15 Incredible Insects in Super Slow Motion
We could never imagine that insects could be so much fun to observe!
12 Misnomers That Have Been Fooling Us All Our Lives
The true stories behind 12 popular misleading misnomers are explained here.
Black Pepper Is More Than a Seasoning - Here Are 10 Uses
Black pepper has so much going for it. It's already in your cupboard so you might as well get these 10 extra uses from it.
What a Fantastically Creative Musical Performance!
The Piano Guys do it again with this mix of classical and modern music that creates an unforgettable performance.
Did You Know Earwigs Could Fly? Watch It Slow Motion
Earwigs are not the cutest insects, but they have a cool trick up their sleeves!
This Will Make You Appreciate Moths In a New Way
These 7 stunning moth species shown in slow motion will change the way you perceive these animals! After watching this, we think moths are magnificent!
12 Sneaky Signs That Your Home Has an Infestation
Just because you cannot see pests wandering around your home, it doesn't mean that they're not there. Here's what you need to look out for.
Have You Heard This One? The Old Man and the Diamond Ring...
An old man walks into a jeweler with a beautiful young lady. He starts asking for expensive rings. Is marriage on the cards?
Pangolin: If an Anteater and an Artichoke Had a Child
Pangolins are unique creatures that look like a mix between an anteater and an artichoke
20 Weird Animal Eating Habits We Never Think About
The natural world can be both a weird and wonderful place, as the facts you are about to learn certainly prove.
Why Do Animals Play Dead? Some Surprising Answers!
Ever wondered why animals play dead? If so, you're in for a treat as all is revealed in this informative TED-Ed video.
These Spectacular Tech Fails Made Us Hoot With Laughter!
These 15 tech fails are equally hilarious and eye-opening!
15 Wildlife Photos SO Bad They Are Actually Funny
Here is a look at a collection of hilarious pictures of wild animals that are so bad they will actually make you laugh.
The Colorful and Impressive Sights of Riga, Latvia
An aerial view by drone of the old city of Riga, looking at the beautiful Art Nouveau architecture.
5 Practical Ways You Can Use Baking Soda for Your Garden
Learn how to make use of baking soda to take care of your garden in simple and practical ways.
Lemons in the Oven? Read This Article to Find Out Why
Sick of mosquitoes and flies visiting your house? This surprising method will help you get rid of them effortlessly using lemons and an oven!
10 Advanced Animal Robots That Can Change the World
Check out these remarkably cool robotic animals that can be easily mistaken for a real animal.
Granny Always Knows the Answer to Life's Problems
Life is full of little problems. So that's why you need to ask your granny for the answers.
11 Animals that Can't Quite Understand Human Technology
11 pets that seem completely confounded by human technology.
10 Fascinating Numbers We Should Know About...
There's no doubting that numbers govern out entire world. The number facts that you're about to see will undoubtedly blow your mind. Here they are!
10 Facts About the Power of Trees That Will Blow Your Mind
Trees are silent and harmless - but these facts are just about to twist this round! Read about the magnificent things you didn't know about trees.
These Wacky Inventions of the Past Appear Odd to Us Today!
These vintage tech inventions may look very interesting or even incredible, but their practicality today is questionable...
Earth is an Incredible Place and These Pictures Prove It
Our planet is filled with incredible sights and this photo series proves it.
These Will Give You True Perspective About Our World
Just to give you an idea of how big the Earth really is in true perspective to all the other heavenly bodies up there in the cosmos.
Up Close and Personal With Nature: 17 Award-Winning Photos
Here are some of the amazing winners of the Close-Up Photographer of the Year 2023 awards.
These 10 Animals Have The Strangest Qualities
Animals do the weirdest things sometimes. These animals will have you scratching your head for days.
11 Genius Peanut Butter Life Hacks You Need To Know
Did you know you can use peanut butter as a leather cleaner?
When Animals Cooperate: 10 Incredible Examples!
Discover how certain animal species help others in a way that makes you appreciate the beauty of nature more than ever.
How Do Animals Communicate with Each Other? Fascinating!
Discover how some animals communicate with one another... fascinating!
These Leftover Foods Tips Will Save You Money!
We throw away an awful lot of food, but why throw leftover food away when it has so many great uses.
This Is Why You Should Never Throw Away Your Lemon Peels
25 reasons why you should definitely keep your lemon peels.
From Macro to Micro - The Other Side of The Universe
You may look up to the stars and contemplate the size of the universe, but there is a whole other universe within...
4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Kill the Spiders in Your Home
Spiders may be creepy, but that's no reason to kill them. In fact, if you find one in your home, chances are you're better off leaving it be
15 Unusual Uses For Onions That Won't Make You Cry
Onions are pretty amazing things. Not only do they make cooking taste much better, they also have 15 surprising household uses. You've never seen these before!
If You Want to Insult Someone, Do It the German Way
If you’re looking for some creative ways to insult someone, look no further than these hilarious German insults.
20 Fascinating Things That Can Be Found in the World
These pictures show us 20 fascinating and absolutely astounding things, from a single mountain with 1000 waterfalls to a giant ant!
Gallery: Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 Winners
Check out the outstanding images from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024.
You’ll Never Forget These Unbelievable Microscopic Photos
Take a look at the amazing winners of the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Contest 2022.
These 14 Photos Are All Remarkable For Different Reasons
There are some photos we come across that just compel us to take a second look, and these 14 are no exception. Take a look!
15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Feathered Friends
From your friendly neighborhood crow to some of the rarest bird species in the world, here are 15 fantastic facts about birds.
These Loveable Doggies are in Rare Form...
These photos are all about the funny poses and silly scenes we sometimes find our dogs in.
Transparent Animals Are Rare but They Really Do Exist
To preserve individual species, nature uses some wonderful tricks - like invisibility! Here are a collection of see-through creatures.
Ever Wonder What Life Is Like if We Zoom In All the Way?
A selection of some of the winning photographs from Nikon's yearly macro photography contest.
These Rare and Riveting Pics Reveal Some Captivating Facts
The world is full of rare and unique things that we may have never seen before. Here is a look at 15 such pictures with fascinating stories.
Take Our Test: Do You Know How to Give First Aid?
Do you know enough about first aid to be able to save a life? Take our test and find out!
Remarkable Winners of the Insect Week Photography 2023
Check out the amazing winning shots from the Insect Week Photography Competition.
These Photos Show How Our World Is Just Full of Surprises!
We are blessed to inhabit this Earth - think of all the beautiful things that you've seen! Here are 21 photos to prove that the world is full of surprises.
The Universe Is Full of Jewels, Did You Know That?
Stunning Photos of a Colorful Universe!
These Designs May Be Weird But They Inspire Creativity
Check out these weird and unusual art objects that are full of creativity.
24 Species That Called Earth Their Home Longer Than Humans
Of the endless number of species on Earth today, evidence shows that these 24 species have been around for hundreds of millions of years
Prepare to Witness the Majesty of Mother Nature!
If you love nature even half as much as I do, then this stunning collection of photographs is bound to take your breath away, and leave you gasping for more!
Best of BBC: 7 Animal Videos You HAVE to Watch
Feast your eyes on 7 perfect animal moments, from the cute to the colorful, from the beautiful to the menacing - these BBC videos are gorgeous.
Can We Introduce You to Some Animals You've Never Seen?
Everyone knows all about the world's common animals, but we bet you've never seen any of these animals before!
These are the Prayers I Owe to my Best Teacher, Mother Earth
Our planet can teach us so much more than science - there are some significant meanings nested in its nature, which we can learn so much from.
Yum? 10 Dangerously Exotic Foods from Around the Globe
Many foods around the world that make you scratch your head when considering that people actually eat them. Here are 10 weird dishes you mightn't want to try.
The Wildest Things You’ve Never Seen in Nature (16 Pics)
These photos redefine how we see the natural world.
23 Incredible Photographs Taken at Just the Right Moment
These scarcely believable pictures have NOT been doctored. They were just taken at the perfect time.
Hilarious DIY Creations That Don’t Make Any Sense At All
While some homemade creations come out perfectly, these are some failed DIY projects that had hilarious and troublesome results.
Time Stood Still for These 21 Stunning Photographs
Time is a series of present moments that elapse and leave us with beautiful memories, so here are 21 such photographed moments never to be forgotten.
These Facts Sound Made Up, But Are Totally Real!
These weird facts may sound completely fake, but we can prove that they’re actually real.
The Amount of Different Uses For Dish Soap Will Amaze You
Although we buy and use dish soap pretty much exclusively to clean dishes, it has many other uses. Here are 15 alternative uses for dish soap.
These People Should NEVER Be Trusted With Technology
These absurd technology fails will make you howl with laughter!
21 Extraordinary Pictures That Sum Up Science in 2016
In 2016 we came closer to understanding the intricate mysteries of the universe than ever before, and the following 21 images celebrate this great progress.
Whoa! You Won’t Find These Big Bugs in Your Backyard!
Insects can be icky, but incredible. Here are 2 dozen of the most interesting and over-sized insects that are great to see from a distance
Cream Of Tartar Will Do Wonders For Your Health and Home!
If you've never heard of cream of tartar, you should find out how many different health benefits and uses this wonderful powder has!
We Guarantee That These Dumb Jokes Will Make You Giggle
Here is a collection of jokes that are so dumb they're actually quite funny.
20 Mindblowing Examples of Animal Camouflage
Nature truly is amazing! Take a look at these 20 photos, and see if you can spot the camouflaged creatures!
8 Exotic Plants You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
Here is a list of 8 very weird and exotic plant species that can do very surprising things to survive. You are sure to become a knowledgeable botanist after reading this article.
11 Artists Who Make Magical Sculptures Out Of Wire
Take a look at this gallery of beautiful wire sculptures from different contemporary artists
Nature inFocus Photography Awards: 17 Incredible Winners
Check out the incredible winners of the 2023 Nature inFocus Photography Awards.