Notre-Dame - the Restoration Progress of the Cathedral
Restoration began immediately after the devastating Notre Dame fire of 2019. But what progress was made in the two years of work?
English Quiz: Define These English Words
Identify and explain the following 15 rare English words.
Joke: The Plain English Explanation
The man told his doctor that he wasn't able to do all the things around the house that he used to do.
Joke: The English Prisoner
An English prisoner of war was held by the Germans...
Will Your English Survive This Quiz?
This advanced English quiz has questions on many different topics of the English language.
The Surprising Link Between English and Sanskrit
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language, but most people don't know that this archaic language and English have a common ancestor
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
Joke: The Hilarious Idiosyncrasies of English
English is a funny language, wouldn't you say?
Which Languages in the World Are the Closest to English?
The closest extant languages to English, sample texts and where they are spoken.
There's Simply No Equivalent For These Words In English...
There are some words that simply don't translate from one language into another, and plenty of these words don't actually translate into English. Take a look.
English Quiz: Are These Words Real or Fake?
We're about to challenge your vocabulary in a creative way...
QUIZ: Translate Australian Slang to English
Can you translate these hilarious Australian slang words to common English?
English Challenge: Complete the 12 Idioms!
Help us complete these 12 incomplete idioms!
English Quiz: Find These Pesky Antonyms!
Your job is to choose the word that is the ANTONYM of that word. We wish you 'terrible' luck!
English Quiz: What is the Origin of These Words?
How well do you think you know the etymology of common English words? Take this quiz and you'll find out!
English Test: Complete the Sentence Correctly!
We really need someone with a good knowledge of English vocabulary to help us complete these sentences.
English Quiz: Spell to Complete the Sentence!
Think you can spell with the best of them?
English Quiz: Complete the Saying!
This quiz will test your knowledge of 21 different English proverbs. You will be given the first half and asked to complete it.
15 Proverbs That Translate Hilariously into English!
Here are 15 phrases and idioms that don’t translate that well into English because they sound absolutely bizarre, mind-boggling, and hilarious!
Learn All About the History of the English Language
Ever wondered where the English language came from and how it evolved over time? If so, then this is the perfect video for you!
Time to Ditch These Outdated Rules of English Grammar!
It’s time to stop following these English grammar rules that never really mattered.
Hilarious: English is a Seriously ODD Language...
If you thought English is a clear-cut and tidy language, you better read this.
Can Your English Survive This Quiz?
Do You Know Enough English For This Quiz?
Are you knowledgeable when it comes to English grammar?
These Are the Most Overused Words in the English Language
Are you guilty of using these overused words in English? Find out!
English Quiz: Complete the Following Phrases...
This quiz will test your knowledge of some common phrases that we don't hear as much any more...
English Quiz: Can You Complete the Saying?
Improve Your English with This Brilliant Homonyms Test
Do you think that you've got what it takes to get 100% on this tricky English homonyms test? Find out here.
English Quiz: Find the Spelling For These Confusing Words
This quiz will ask you to spell some of the most confusing words in English. You'll be given two options for spelling each word, and may start really easy, but get a bit more challenging as you proceed - can you do it?
QUIZ: Are You a Master of English Grammar?
QUIZ: Can You Solve This Grammar Trivia Test?
Language Quiz: Weird Words of the English Language
This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the weirdest words that you'll ever come across. Give it a try, and see how many you can get right!
Some Languages Are Humorous, But English Is Hilarious!
If you're a sucker for a good, honest, rib-tickling pun, we've got more than 20 of them here for you to giggle away at!
QUIZ: Take Our General English Quiz!
Are you feeling confident about your English skills today? Then let's have a go at it!
QUIZ: Complete These Classic English Phrases!
How many of these classic English proverbs do you know? Let's put you to the test...
Were You Aware of These English Language Mistakes?
Learn how to avoid some common English language mistakes by understanding some little-known truths.
English Really Needs a Translation for These Foreign Words
With so many words in the English vocabulary, we still as yet have to come up with a word to describe how we'd feel in these instances.
The MOST Shocking False Etymologies in English
If a word's history sounds too good, it probably is.
The English Language Desperately Needs These German Words!
Take a look at these 21 incredibly powerful words that the English language desperately needs to adopt.
English Challenge: What Do These Old Words Mean?
For those of you who want to test their knowledge of Shakespearean English, we welcome you to try this quite challenging quiz.
English Test: Can You Explain These Greek Words?
Choose the Greek root for the English words we ask about in this quiz.
Joke: The EU is Switching to Euro-English
This joke begins with a formal change to the language of the United Nations...
The Extraordinary Origins of 10 Common English Words
In this article, we uncover the extraordinary etymology of 10 common English words, including ‘daisy’, ‘eavesdropper’, and ‘vaccine’.
Funny Signs: These People Need an English Tutor
Translation mistakes never fail to make us laugh. Here are some of the most hilariously bad ones!
Care To Test Your Level of English Today?
Here's a fun English quiz that will take some vocabulary skills to ace!
14 English Oddities That Will Make You Laugh!
There are some pretty odd languages in the world, but surely nothing comes close to matching English's absurdities? Take a look at these oddities.
ENGLISH TEST: Can You Find the Right Word?
You will need to think of grammar, spelling and a bit of your own vocabulary to beat THIS English quiz!
English Quiz: Challenge Yourself With Our Homonym Test!
11 New English Words That Are Actually USEFUL To Know
The majority of new English words are very short-lived, but these were added to various dictionaries and seem to be quite useful to know
English Quiz: A Tom Swifty Punning Test!
Can you find the right word to make it a real Tom Swifty pun?
What Features Are Missing From the English Language?
English is incredible, but what can it learn from other languages? What features do English speakers miss out on?
The 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language
Words have power! How do you use ten of the most powerful words in the English language?
4 Mind-Blowing Facts About the English Language
Here are 4 incredibly interesting facts about English in the context of other languages
Pick the Right Plural in Our English Challenge
Can you pick the right plural 15 times?
Quiz: Test Your Memory and Your English Reading!
The following quiz tests not only your English understanding, but also your memory.
The English Samurai: The True History Behind 'Shogun'
In this article, we will look at the TRUE history behind the celebrated book Shogun.
8 Ordinary English Words With Surprisingly Spicy Origins
The origins of all these 8 seemingly innocent words - e.g. gymnasium, avocado, and nice - are not for the faint of heart, as they're quite naughty!
Can You Distinguish Between British & US English?
A lot of people find it hard to distinguish between American English and British English when reading and writing. Are you one of them?
Most People Fail This A Level English Vocabulary Quiz!
Do you think you have what it takes to pass an A Level English vocabulary quiz? Find out here!
Language Quiz: Where Did These English Words Come From?
Do you know where the English words you use actually come from? This test is going to ask you to identify the root languages of common English words.
If You Knew These English Facts You Must Be a Genius
Yeah, you are fluent in the English language, but do you really know that much about it? We bet we can surprise you with these language facts.
English QUIZ: Tell Apart These Easily Confused Words!
Even native English speakers commonly confuse these words... Will you be able to beat this tricky English quiz?
English Gone Wrong: The Best Sign Bloopers
English may be well-known but it's not always well-written. Here are some hilarious signs
Enjoy the Works of English Landscape Artist John Constable
Enjoy these marvelous artworks of English landscape artist John Constable.
English Language Quiz: Pick the Correct Word!
This quiz asks you to pick between two words and decide which one is most suitable to complete the sentence correctly. Give it a try!
English Quiz: Can You Complete the Proverb?
Think you can complete these 12 English proverbs? We're rooting for ya!
15 Idioms From Overseas That Sound Hilarious in English
English is by far not the only language in the world with funny sayings. Just take a look at these 15 hilarious idioms from different languages around the world.
You'll Never Guess How These Brazilians Learn English.
A fantastic idea that helps two groups of people that benefit each other.
English Quiz: Ready for a Challenging Spelling Bee?
Are you ready for a challenging, tough, 21 question-long Spelling Bee?
Prime Examples Of Just How Strange the English Language Is
The English language is filled with numerous strange sequences and things that don't make sense like this fascinating and funny tidbits
Quiz: Care to Give Your English a Quick Challenge?
Are you prepared to test your English in three different areas?
How Well Do You Think You Know English?
How good do you think your English is? Try this special English Quiz!
Test Yourself: Which English Word Should You Use?
Sheep or sheeps? Definitely or definately? Do YOU know which English word to use?
10 Difficult Words in English Everyone Should Know
English has many difficult words with meanings that are nearly impossible to guess, which makes them super tough to remember. Here are 10 such words
English Quiz: Do You Know What These Words Mean?
Prepare to be tested on your advanced English because most of these words are little known, and you need to figure out what they mean!
Can You Beat Our Missing Letters English Test?
This quiz will test your English knowledge by filling in missing letters in these words.
Is Your English Is Perfect? You'll Find Out Soon Enough!
Do you think that you know the plurals of some of the trickiest words that the English language has to offer? Give this quiz a shot and find out!
QUIZ: Which of These English Words Have Arabic Origins?
Can you deduce which of these words came to English by way of Arabic?
Language Quiz: Which English Word Should You Use?
English Vocab History: Few Can Pass This Vocabulary Quiz?
These 14 words have really strayed away from their original meaning, can you guess what words like 'girl' and 'clue' used to mean?
English Quiz: Ready for a Rock Hard Spelling Bee?
QUIZ: Where Did These English Words Come From?
English Quiz: Do You Have the Vocabulary For This Test?
Care to Best Our Antonym Challenge?
These Stunning English Country Homes Took My Breath Away!
These breathtaking English country homes are on par with ancient castles, stunning museums, and beautiful art galleries you'll see in England.
Tease Apart 15 Confusing English Words with This Fun Quiz
Many people struggle with these 15 commonly confused words. Will you be able to prove that you know English better than most?
English Quiz: Can You Identify the Correct Plurals?
English Test: Do You Know Your Punctuation?
This punctuation quiz isn't easy, it'll throw 10 sentences at you that are either wrong or don't need any further punctuation...
Can You Guess the English Word With Over 600 Meanings?
The English language has been around for so many centuries, it has gathered quite an elusive and industrious history, as seen in these facts
English Challenge: Do You Know What These Words Mean?
Can Your English Vocabulary Reveal Where You Are From?
This English test attempts to guess if your accent is closer to British, American, Canadian or Australian, will we be able to guess yours?
English Challenge: Can You Complete These 15 Phrases?
Do you know the common English phrases and proverbs used throughout the centuries?
QUIZ: Can You Complete These 15 English Phrases?
English Test: Only a Few Get Perfect Scores on This One!
Test your English spelling skills with our 20 question quiz
Let’s Thank Cinema For These 10 English Words and Phrases
Films and TV shows have invented and popularized countless words we use in everyday speech today. Here are just 10 surprising examples you’ll want to know
English Challenge: Can You Figure Out These Old Words?
How many Middle English words do you think you can understand?
English Quiz: Can You Choose the Right Spelling Each Time?
Pick the word with the correct spelling to beat this quiz.
QUIZ: Do You Really Know These Common Phrases In English?
Is your English as good as you think it is?
Test Your English: Can You Spell Half These Words?
An interesting challenge for both your vocabulary and your spelling!
INTERACTIVE: Click to See the English Tide Come and Go...
This interactive photo presentation lets you click on images taken by Michael Marten, and see the English tide coming in and going out.
English Test: What Do These Rare Words Mean?
Prepare to be tested on your English vocabulary!