How to Lend a Hand During Los Angeles Wildfire Crisis
Thousands of California residents have been forced to flee their homes because of the devastating LA wildfires. Here’s how to help victims.
Cockatoo Brings Joy to 102-Year-Old Grandma's Life!
A 102-year-old woman has found an unlikely friend in a cockatoo.
A Modern-Day Noah: Caring for Creatures Great and Small
Watch the amazing story of a woman who takes care of more than 70 animals at a sanctuary.
This German Rescue Racoon Now Lives a Life of Luxury!
These two raccoons were considered pests and were nearly abandoned, but this vet rescued them, and now they live a life of luxury!
Horse is Convinced This Man Is Her Father - Cute & Funny!
Reyhan the horse is mesmerized by a particular characteristic of the man who rescued her - his bald head!
Adorable Rescue Kitten Makes the Cutest Little Meows
Meet this cute rescued kitten whose adorable antics will melt your heart instantly.
Lions are Just Big Kitty Cats Deep Down!
Lambert is a rescued lion that likes rolling in his blanket! How cute!
Ginger Cat Is Obsessed With an Old Raggedy Box - Funny!
This ginger cat has grown extremely fond of an old cardboard box.
You Already Know - Pets are the Best Comedians!
If you own a pet, you'll probably agree with us in this one - there's nothing quite as effortlessly funny as cats and dogs!
15 Times Vets Encountered the Most ADORABLE Patients
Check out these adorable photos of veterinarians sharing tender moments with cute animals.
What Can Be More ADORABLE than Dogs Babysitting Babies?
Dogs maybe man's best friend but they are the best protectors your babies can ever have. Find out how in this video...
Hilarious! Cats Can Be So Weird and Wonderful...
We all know cats can make us feel better, so here are 20 adorable cat photos for you to enjoy!
The Heartwarming Story a Cat Who Became a College Student
Meet Teukgang, a cute four-legged cat that’s attending classes at Gangdong College in South Korea.
Hen Asks Cat to Watch Her Chicks as She Takes a Nap
Who knew cats made such wonderful babysitters for baby chicks? This heartwarming video will infuse your day with cuteness and affection!
Grandma Loves Her Kangaroo
This kangaroo is just like a little baby craving hugs and kisses, and it's unbelievably adorable!
Cuddly, Cheeky, and Goofy - 25 Charming Ginger Cats!
These 25 pictures show the majestic ginger cats in all of their glory.
These Cats Just Adore Napping With Their Owners
Cats just love napping with their owners, as you'll see in this next video.
These Photos Will Remind You How Good it is to Be Alive
We all need a little pick-me-up now and again, and these photos of beautiful moments from around the world might just be it for you.
This Crow Has Got Some Attitude and We're Lovin' it!
Everything about this crow is human except the fact he's a crow. And yes, that DOES mean he's talking!
Have You Seen Vintage Pictures This Cute Before?
It's always great when beautiful vintage photos turn up, but they're even better when they feature adorable dogs and cats all dressed up! Take a look.
This 82-Year-Old Man Has a Wonderful Pet Duck!
The love of this pet duck to the human who adopted him is undeniable!
Can Cats Recognize Optic Illusions?
Ever wondered if it's only us humans who get puzzled by optical illusions?
A Bear Sneaks Into This Pool Every Night - Hilarious!
Who said swimming pools were only for humans?
The Many Strange and CUTE Ways Animals Sleep…
Have you ever wondered how animals sleep? Discover some of the strangest and cutest sleeping habits in the animal kingdom.
This Dog Saw Puppies For The First Time in His Life!
Watch the absolutely adorable reaction of a Golden Retriever that sees puppies for the first time in his life.
This Baby Horse Has the Biggest Heart in the World - Cute!
The story of this mini horse and her tiny baby is guaranteed to melt your heart!
This Clever Kitty Cat Communicates Through Buttons!
This cat was trained to communicate by pushing buttons! Listen to what she has to say...
These Pets Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
Watch these four hilarious pets trying to cross a set of obstacles course up by their owner!
15 Pictures of Silly Goofy Dogs!
Enjoy a collection of 15 funny dogs that will make you laugh out loud even on the gloomiest of days!
Cute and Welcome Home Intruders
Enjoy a collection of mischievous home intruders! some are caught red handed, some are absolutely unapologetic, but all brighten our day.
Herman the Pigeon Has a Very Responsible Job!
Herman the pigeon works as a foster parent for newborn puppies - this is an animal rescue story you've got to see!
Why Are These Big Cats Behaving Like Cute Kittens?
Big cats, small cats, it doesn't matter; they are all the same…
Hilarious - How Parrots Trick Kangaroos!
Just look at these naughty birds who constantly trick these poor kangaroos out of their food!
17 High Maintenance Cats Who Live A Life of Luxury
Cats may be known for their independence, but this bunch of spoiled felines is all about getting their own way and living a luxurious life.
HILARIOUS: These Pets are Real Drama Queens!
Just like humans, some pets throw tantrums when they want attention. Just look at these 12 hilarious four-legged drama queens.
These Funny Photos Capture the Essence of Cats
No day is boring when cats are involved. These adorable, clever, and somewhat rebellious pets always provide us with hilarious moments.
15 Incredibly Cute Animals You Would Just Want to Cuddle
You won’t be able to stop yourself from exclaiming “aww” after looking at these super cute animal pictures!
There’s Never a Dull Moment When You Live With Pets
When you have animals in the house, life is endlessly entertaining...
14 Hilarious Cats In Places They Have No Business Being
Cats are known for their ability to make themselves at home everywhere and anywhere. And we do mean absolutely anywhere...
20 Cute Cats Caught In the Middle of Their Busy Workdays
Cats may have a reputation for being lazy but don’t let that deceive you - these 20 cuties were caught right in the middle of their bust workdays.
14 Pets That Mastered the Art of Camouflage
Wild animals are not the only ones that have mastered the art of blending in with their surroundings - these camouflaged pets are just as good at it!
Try Not to Laugh: Hilarious Pet Reactions
Besides the love and companionship, keeping a pet around is worthwhile for the never-ending laughs they provide...
These Animals Think They Are Human…
Turns out animals and humans aren't all that different. Only when pets act like people, it's 100 times funnier!
This Funny Pet Compilation Had Us In Splits!
In this compilation you will witness some of the most hilarious pet videos from the past year - be warned, keeping a straight face will be impossible!
Cute Cats and Dogs Are the Best Part of This Driver’s Day!
Jason Hardesty found a way to make his driving job more entertaining - by taking a photo with every cute pet he meets en route!
Get Ready For Some Unusually LARGE Pets
If you think your cat or dog did a lot of growing since you first adopted them, wait till you see these extra-large (and extra cute) pets!
Animals Need Toys Too! - 14 Heartwarming Photos
Watching pets interact with their beloved plushies is beyond cute, as like humans, they cuddle, play, eat together, and even show off their toys to other animals
The Love Between These Pets and Their Owners is Beautiful!
Have a pet can be the greatest gift in the world and these adorable stories show exactly why.
15 Cats Caught Being Mean and Proud of It
Even the biggest cat lover would have to agree, sometimes cats are just...mean. And they don't care who's watching.
These Cats Would Sleep Literally Anywhere But Their Beds
For some strange reason, cats can have a brand new, super comfy bed and still choose to sleep in the oddest of places. That's cat logic for you & it's hilarious.
Catspotting Is Possibly the Best Outdoors Activity
Weather they're being funny or majestic, spotting a cat is always fun. Enjoy the highlights of 'Catspotting', a Facebook group that is all about furry encounters
17 Adorable Comics That Express Love and Warmth
These adorable animal comics by artist and illustrator Jang portray the brighter and finer things of life endearingly.
Honey I Think the Cat Broke: Strange and Funny Cat Moments
Funny cat photos never get old. These guys were caught in the strange uncat like petition that will both baffle you and make you laugh out loud
These 16 Hilarious Cat Photos Made My Day!
Cats are the funniest pets in the world and these 16 photos prove it.
These 12 Cute Animal Moments Will Have You Smirking!
If you need a few minutes break from your busy life, look at these 12 cuties that'll make you forget all your troubles...
See What Your Cats Get up to Under the Cover of Darkness!
If you've ever wondered what your feline friends get up to while you're fast asleep, then prepare to be surprised!
These Vintage Pics of Dressed Up Cats & Dogs Are Too Cute!
These Adorable Canadian Cats Will Melt Your Heart
Have you ever heard of monorail cats? If not, then you're in for a pleasant surprise!
If You're Feeling Low, Then Here's the Pick-Me-Up You Need
If you're feeling a little blue or are just looking for something to make you smile, then you've certainly come to the right place!
Cats Are the Best Subjects to Photograph... Here's Why!
This photo series proves that cats are indeed the best subjects to photograph.
Need Some Cheering Up? These Pets Will Make You Smile
Need some cheering up? Let these photos put a smile on your face.
These Are Some of the Luckiest Felines in the World Today
There are millions of animals around the world that are in need of a loving home, but these 17 cats represent heart-warming success stories. Meet them here.
Pets Versus Vacuums: Who Will Come out on Top?
This hilarious and cute compilation of cats and dogs interacting with vacuums will significantly brighten your day!
These Cute Little Puppies Changed into Mighty Big Mutts!
Check out his collection of photos, which shows the same dogs when they were cute little puppies, as well as when they became mighty mutts!
These Cute Pictures Show You Why You Should Have Two Pets
If you have pets, you'll know that having a troublesome twosome is better than just having one. Here are 24 awesome reasons to have two (or more) pets.
These Photos Prove That Cats are Actually Liquid!
These 20 hilarious videos will prove to you that cats are actually made of some type of alien liquid!
Have You Ever Seen a Cuter Video Than This? I Doubt It!
Watching these cute little cats and kittens cuddling up to their beloved teddy bears will make anybody's heart melt...
Animals Bring So Much Joy Into Our Lives - & Make Us Laugh
There's no doubt that animals bring great joy to many people, not least by making them laugh. Take a look at these 15 funny animals doing their thing.
Feeling Down? These Funny Cat Photos Will Change That!
If you're having a bad day, these hilarious cat pictures will change that in an instant!
This Is What Life Looks Like When Your Pets Take Over...
There are some of us that are kind-hearted enough to share our homes with many pets, but life can get a little chaotic. Here's what life is like with many pets.
What Do Pets Love More Than Food? Hilarious!
Watch these hilarious yet adorable animals live up the summer, as they enjoy the sun, the warmth and the water!
Can You Watch This Entire Video Without Laughing?
From guilty dogs, to funny cat fails, monkeys, funny squirrels, horses and so on. Take a look at this hilarious compilation:
20 Hilarious Moments of Animals Just Having a Little Fun!
30 hysterical examples of why we love animals!
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Watch these 5 dogs work and succeed at getting the family cat to love them back, or at least tolerate them.
Hilarious: Cats are Some of the Funniest Creatures
Prepare for a foray into the delightful absurdity of living with cats.
Adorable Cats & Dogs Sure Make My Day!
You can witness hilarious, adorable situations and more in the compilation of funny videos featuring delightful cats and dogs.
16 Times Cats Were Totally Nonplussed!
we've gathered 16 photos shared by proud cat owners. Prepare to laugh and be entertained...
Ready for Some Aww-Some? 18 Photos of Baby Animals
Forget everything and enjoy these heartwarming photos of irresistibly cute baby animals.
Aww! The Oldest Dog EVER is Still Going Strong!
Bobi, a 30-year-old guard dog, has recently been declared the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records.
Boy and Horse - What a Heartwarming Friendship!
This horse and little boy have an incredible bond!
This Video Will Shatter All Your Biases Against Rats
Sweet little Olive is here to prove to you that rats make the cleverest and cutest pets. Just look at all the tricks she can do!
Adorable Piglet Thinks It's a Baby Human - SO CUTE!
Piglets are human, too - at least that's what this adorable piglet thinks...
A Day in the Life of a Bossy Pet Parrot
Pluto the parrot has a big personality...
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
Are they really getting "high," or is there scientific logic behind cats' love of catnip?
Captured in Motion: The Flight of the...Dog
These photographs are so intense, the dogs in them seem to look you straight in the eye!
SO SWEET: Cat Mother Adopts Abandoned Puppy!
Love truly knows no bounds. Watch the story of an abandoned puppy adopted by a caring mother cat.
11 Practical Reasons to Get Two Kittens Instead of One
If you have one cat at home, you should consider getting another one. Here's why...
The Bigger, the CUTER! Meet the Biggest Cats in the World
Would you ever adopt a cat that's just as large as a dog? If so, you might be interested in the world's 10 largest cat breeds
Ollie the Cow Is All About Swimming and Boat Trips!
This pet cow has a very unexpected hobby!
The Comical Life of Pets – 14 Funny Photos
Enjoy this hilarious collection of funny pet pictures.
14 Hilarious Cat Comics That'll Make You Giggle!
This hilarious cat comics, drawn by Scott Metzger, perfectly capture the nature of cats.
The Bond Between Toddlers & Pets Is Too ADORABLE For Words
There’s nothing more adorable than the bond between toddlers and pets.
Why Did the Dog Chase His Tail? Come Find Out!
Enjoy a most laughable collection of dog-themed riddles that are paw-sitive to make you smile!
SO CUTE! When People Gave Their Pets Some Style
Let’s look at some adorable pictures of pets dressed in the cutest of outfits.
What Does a Husky Do When You Steal His Bed? Hilarious!
Watch what happens when the owner of two Huskies tries to steal their doggy bed...
These Playful and Lovable Ferrets Will Win Your Heart
It’s time to add some cuteness to your day with these adorable pictures of playful ferrets.
These Cute Elephants Will Melt Your Heart, Guaranteed
We can't explain how cute these elephants are, waving around their huge ears as they run to see their human!
“Please Play With Me, Brother!” Donkey Asks Little Boy
This donkey has fallen in love with a little kid and keeps following him around everywhere.
Cats vs Pianos - I Think You Know Who Will Win
Who will win over the humans' love and attention in this epic battle between cat and musical instrument?
13 Times Dogs Didn't Know What the Heck was Going On!!
These dogs are so confused it's simply hilarious!