The Ownership Effect: Have YOU Fallen Prey to It?
An article about the ownership effect, a psychological effect that causes us to overvalue the things we've owned.
The Psychology of Color - Fascinating!
A great little guide to the psychology of color, as used in design and as it influences our perception. It's amazing what a little color can do!
The Psychology of Color - Informative!
What colors should you use to paint your house and office? Well, that depends on what you want to achieve!
Improve Your Relationships With These Psychological Tricks
These psychological tricks will help you better communicate with others and will help you build good relationships with just about anyone.
7 Truly Provocative Psychological Experiments
Psychological experiments are considered one of the most controversial and questionable branches of science because of their lasting effects on individuals. Here's a list of the 7 most provocative of them all!
8 Psychological Tricks for Better Communication With Kids
We have compiled 8 such "tricks" that can be beneficial for your children, grandchildren, and even your nieces and nephews.
This Joke Starts With a Psychology Teacher Giving a Class
A psychology professor starts his first class by asking his students about whether they think they're morons. Little did he know he has a smart-ass present...
14 Psychological Tricks You Have to Try Today!
How about getting people to agree with you? Kid won't eat their greens? These 14 psychological tricks will get people to do what you want.
5 Psychological Theories For Understanding the Mind & Soul
These five psychological theories are considered to be breakthroughs in understanding the mind. Knowing them can certainly change your life for the better.
The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effects
Placebo effects were first discovered by science when patients who were given sugar pills actually showed a better reaction than people who got nothing, and somethies, even more than those who took real medicine. The power of the placebo effect is un
The Bystander Effect - Would You Help?
The bystander effect is a psychological term regarding the tendency of groups of people to shrug individual responsibility, always believing that someone else would act. This chilling experiment shows how true this can be.
Learn 11 Lessons in Human Psychology
11 informative guides on understanding different parts of the human psyche, from detecting lies to cracking the formula for happiness.
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
If you’re feeling unmotivated or down, there’s a psychological concept that can push your brain to help you get back on track.
These Interesting Psychological Facts Are Handy to Know
The human mind is one of the biggest mysteries in science, but that doesn't mean to say scientific progress hasn't been made. Learn these interesting facts.
World-Famous Psychological Experiments That Shocked Us
The human mind is a most intricate thing. It also has some quirks and idiosyncrasies that are both incredible and a little uncomfortable. Read on for more.
9 Psychological Tricks to Boost Your Charisma
These 9 easy tips will help you increase your inherent charisma!
Learn All About the Basics of Dog Psychology
Check out this collection of the most intriguing facts about the psychology of dogs that we are currently aware of, many of which will be surprising to most.
9 Surprising Psychological Facts About Human Behavior
Do you hold the door open for others, or hate to ask for directions? If so, you should read what scientists have to say about that.
PSYCHOLOGY 101: Quiz Yourself on the Human Mind
Human psychology is utterly fascinating. How well do you think you know why people do the things that they do?
8 Psychological Techniques to Feel Happy Quickly
According to neuroscientists this is when and why your brain can give you the feeling of total satisfaction. Read the article to learn more.
SHOCKING! Con Artists Reveal Their Psychological Tricks...
This video highlights some of the most convincing psychological tactics that scammers make use of, and will help prevent you from falling for them.
Knowing the Psychology of Lying Has Many Advantages...
What actually goes through our heads and brains when we deceive another person? Does our brain know the difference between reality and fiction? Find out all of this and more as you continue to read!
Trivia: How Much Psychology Do You Know?
Do you have the fundamentals of psychology hidden somewhere in your brain? Let's find out.
Psychological Test: Which of These Four Babies Is a Girl?
Only about 60% of adults can guess a baby's gender, Do you think you can as well? Find out what your pick says about your personality!
The Psychology Behind Why Some People Are Habitually Late
Now we finally know why some people are habitually late.
Secrets of Sport Psychology to Apply in Your Own Life
Sports psychology doesn't just help athletes; it can also be useful to anyone if applied smartly. Let's look at a few such tricks.
29 Psychological Tricks that Make You Spend More Money!
What are the psychological tactics used by salespeople, marketers, and retailers that make us buy more?
10 Fascinating Psychological Facts You Should Know About
Psychology is the science of studying the individual and the things that make us, as humans, tick. These 10 psychological facts you've never heard of before will make for fascinating reading material.
QUIZ: This Psychological Test Knows Everything About You!
Which of the four major temperaments do you have? Have a go at interpreting these inkblots and get ready to find out.
Do You Know the Psychology Behind Superstitious Beliefs?
Superstitions can be beneficial to you or bring you down. Either way its important to recognize the psychology behind all our superstitions
What First Impressions Reveal About Human Psychology
This video offers some interesting insight on first impressions, second chances, and what all this reveals about the human mind.
The Psychology of Decision Fatigue and How to Avoid It
Follow these tips to start making smart decisions quickly.
7 Mind-Boggling Facts About the Psychology of Dreaming
Dreams remain one of the most mysterious experiences we have. These fascinating facts shed some light on the psychology of dreams.
Psychological Test: Uncover Some Amazing Personal Insights
By using symbolism we can find out a whole lot about our hidden subconscious. Take this test to learn more about yourself.
9 Psychological Parenting Tips That Parents Should Know
Raising kids isn't an exact science since every kid is unique, however, these 9 tips can help you in the most general of situations that all families experience.
The Negative Health Effects of Holding a Grudge
Holding on to a grudge can negatively impact your mental and physical health.
7 Effects Crying Has On the Body and Mind
The study of crying reveals a few interesting effects it has on our body and mind. Here are 7 ways in which crying benefits us.
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
The Mandela Effect: How Collective False Memories Occur
When masses of people share false memory that didn't actually occur, it's called the Mandela Effect. Learn more about this heavily debated topic.
An Effective Solution to Water Stains on Drywall
This solution is as plain as day but is also extremely effective!
What Are the Effects of Drinking Contaminated Water?
How safe is it to drink contaminated water? Find out here.
STUDY: The Effect of Personality on Our Level of Happiness
Researchers finally know which types of people will always be happier than others.
The Effects of Aging on Your Digestion
5 important rules regarding how we digest as we grow older, and how to compensate for it.
How to Avoid the Harmful Effects of Introspection
Listen to spiritual teacher Sadhguru offer profound insights on the dangers of overthinking.
This Video May Hurt You - The Nocebo Effect!
The anti-Placebo effect is a fascinating phenomenon to discover!
5 Effective Strategies to Cut Down On Emotional Eating
If you're an emotional overeater, you should know that you can overcome it. All you need to do is follow these 5 strategies to gain mastery over your emotions.
7 Highly Effective Solutions for Laryngitis
If you are suffering from laryngitis here are 7 highly effective solutions to ease your pain.
What Are the Serious Side Effects of These Common Drugs?
These common drugs have some pretty serious side effects. Discover what they are...
The Secrets Behind Today's Special Effects...
Can you believe this movie set was made of sculptures?
7 Exercises That Are Effective for Controlling Diabetes
Fighting diabetes? Here are some useful workouts that will be quite effective in controlling it.
Yoga for Digestion: Easy and Effective Beginners Practice
Feel like your metabolism isn’t at its peak performance lately? No worries, we’ve got your back, just try this beautiful yoga practice!
Learn From An Expert the Neurological Effects of Menopause
Neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi seeks to clarify through clear scientific data the exact effect menopause can have on the brain.
The McGurk Effect - Don't Believe Your Eyes!
What we hear can be affected by what we see...
Highway Noise Barriers - How Effective Are They?
Recent studies claim that highway noise barriers do more harm than good...
How to Argue Effectively Without Losing Relationships
An argument with a friend or family member can turn unpleasant rather quickly. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case.
These Foods Can Help Fight the Effects of Arthritis
Include these 12 foods in your diet to reduce the effects of arthritis - they have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.
Discover the Effects of Drinking Dirty, Contaminated Water
The Health Effects Of This Tea Are Tremendously Underrated
This unsung hero is mostly purchased for its pleasant aroma and delicious taste, while its impressive health benefits usually go unnoticed.
The Surprising Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body
Besides diabetes, what other effects of sugar will you notice on the body?
The Mandela Effect: When Everyone Misremembers History
The Mandela Effect is a strange phenomenon, where large amounts of people seem to remember things differently.
This Side Effect Is Often Confused for Dementia in Seniors
Dementia is often misdiagnosed in seniors because several medications they take on the daily can cause side effects very similar to dementia
Turmeric is as Effective as 14 Other Drugs Combined
Discover the health benefits of turmeric which are equal to 14 other drugs combined.
This Test Explores the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Spices
Spices are renowned for their beneficial health properties, however this experiment looks at them in a whole night light. Take a look.
What is Brain Fog and How to Treat It Effectively
If you find it difficult to concentrate and experience mental fatigue, you could be dealing with brain fog. What causes this condition, and how can you treat it?
When Matches Go Wild: Stunning Domino Effects!
you're about to witness 4 of the most successful match domino effect videos in the world.
This Popular Supplement Has Several Known Side Effects
Fish oil supplements are very popular, but they can cause some side effects and this article lists the most common ones of those
What is the Troxler Effect and How Does it Affect You?
Learn about Troxler's effect and the optical illusions it creates in life.
Is a Diet High in Fiber an Effective Anti-Inflammatory?
Fiber is an essential part of our diet, for more reasons than just bowel movement.
Smart Ways To Do The Dishes More Effectively
These 15 tips will help you keep your kitchen crystal clear and sparkling clean. It also ensures all your dishes have been cleaned in the most hygienic way possible.
The Most Effective Home Remedies For Poison Ivy
Got a poison ivy rash? Banana peels, baking soda, aloe, and other home remedies listed here can alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and speed up the healing process.
Study: The Effect 40 Minutes Have on Children
Let's explore the details of this research and the opinions of other experts in this domain.
Why is the Placebo Effect So Powerful? A Full Explanation
The placebo effect sees people getting better even when the drugs they are taking shouldn't make them better at all. Watch this video to learn more.
10 Effective Ways to Boost Hair Shine
We’re all after beautiful glossy hair. Follow these tips to bring back the shine and silkiness to your locks.
Discover 10 Surprising and Effective Uses for Dryer Sheets
Who knew that even something as simple as a dryer sheet could have so many more useful uses? Discover 10 of them right here!
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Witness How Cinema's Visual Effects Changed With Time
Witness the progression of visual effects in cinema from the Academy Awards of 1927 and moving all the way up to 2018's edition.
Try These Effective Home Remedies to Unclog Your Ears
If clogged ears are bothering you, try any of these effective home remedies.
Make an Effective Cough Remedy Using an Orange!
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C that helps strengthen the immune system, but did you know there is a way to make it an effective cough medicine?
The Effects of Processed Meat On Our Lungs
In this video, we're going to look into “uncured” meat with “no nitrites added” and see if they can damage the lungs over time.
This is the Most Effective Way to Remove Ear Wax at Home
Remove earwax at home with this effective hack.
Banish Cramps and Muscle Spasms with These Effective Tips
If you suffer from muscle spasms, give these remedies a try.
Guide: How to Effectively Deal with a Dog Attack
These 15 tips will help protect you before, during and after a dog attack.
How to Effectively Improve Leg Circulation by About 75%
Here’s how you can improve blood circulation in your legs and feet effectively.
The Woven Effect in This Art Looks Like a 3D Painting
Have you ever seen art this detailed?
Ever Wonder How Movie Sound Effects Were Made?
Remember the scene from ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ where coconuts were used to recreate horse sounds? The iconic comedy wasn’t too far off...
This Energizing Drink Has Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Find out why you should start adding turmeric to your morning cup of coffee, too.
How to Make an Effective Cough Remedy Using an Orange!
13 Home Remedies That Are Effective Against Arthritis
These 13 natural home remedies can help prevent and fight against arthritis. Everyone should know about them!
WARNING: Scary Side Effects of Common Weight Loss Drugs
There are a number of weight-loss drugs available on the market. However, they can have serious side effects. Here, we take a look at them!
These 40 Compliments Will Have a Lasting Effect on a Child
Every child should hear these words every once in a while.
Reduce Your Drug Prices By Following These Effective Tips
Cutting back on pharmaceutical costs can appear to be a real challenge at times. These few simple tips can really help you in that regard.
These Tricks For Waking Up Early Are Super Effective!
Here's a look at a few simple tips that will help you wake up early every day.
7 Effective Home Remedies for Acid Reflux
There are many medically-approved home remedies and tips to consider that will help you manage acid reflux and heartburn - here are 7 of the best!
COVID-19 Vaccine Update: Pfizer Vaccine Is 90% Effective
The Pfizer and BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine promises to be 90% effective, but what else is known about this vaccine and when should we expect it?
Avoid These Email Clichés and Communicate More Effectively
Watch out for the outdated phrases below and upgrade your email vocabulary with thoughtful and unique sentiments.
Beat the Effects of Age by Eating Healthy Foods Like These
What we put in our stomachs is crucial to our health, as you know. But eating the right food can also stave off the tell-tale effects of aging too.
Treat Knee Pain Yourself with These Effective Home Remedies
Sometimes pain and injuries don’t require a visit to the doctor’s office. Here are some natural treatments and alternative therapies for treating chronic knee aches and pains.
These 3 Effective Diets Will Bring You Weight Loss
Looking to lose weight? The recommended diets for 2019 are the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and the MIND diet. Here's what you need to know about each one.
Hilarious Joke: The Effects of Smoking and Drinking
A husband continues to smoke and drink heavily, to his wife's annoyance. She attempts to teach him a lesson to get him to stop, but it doesn't go as planned...
Effective At-Home Treatments for Ingrown Toenails
Here are some at-home remedies to treat ingrown toenails that will stop pain and discomfort in their tracks!