A Doctor Explains Why Adults With ADHD Procrastinate
Well known psychiatrist Dr. Tracey Marks explains why adults with ADHD often tend to procrastinate.
Learn Why You Procrastinate to Get Yourself Back on Task!
The reasons for procrastination can be simple, but sometimes they can be more complicated, and after you know your reason you can learn how to overcome it ...
Take a Trip Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator
In this insightful talk, Tim Urban takes us on a tour through YouTube binges, Wikipedia, and bouts of staring out the window.
7 Signs that You’re Not Doing What You Need to Succeed!
If there are things you want to succeed at but aren't, these are the seven reasons why, and you can overcome them with a little willpower and change of habits.
Stress Management: How to Use Your Nerves to Calm Yourself
Learn how to calm yourself down instantly using vagus nerve stimulation.
These 12 Harmful Habits are Keeping Happiness Away!
Learn the 12 harmful, yet very common habits, keeping happiness away!
13 Signs That You’re Wasting Your Life Away
If you've not yet fulfilled your dreams maybe it's time to take a good look at your life, are you making these13 mistakes?
Mental Health Tips: The Power of Setting Intentions
Setting intentions, not resolutions, can have a great impact on your mental well-being.
Why You Lost Your Motivation and How to Get It Back
Everyone feels unmotivated sometimes, and it can be emphasized by the lockdown and pandemic. The secret is to understand why.
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
Life Skills 101: Learning to Deal With Small Talk
This video will explain exactly why small talk is so important, and how you can use it to grow as a person.
Learn How to Turn Your Emotional Scars Into Powerful Tools
This brilliant talk by Sean Buranahiran will empower anyone who has been carrying around a lot of emotional scars for a while.
9 Hard Truths We All Need to Face Up To in This Life
We've listed 9 things for you that you may find difficult to hear, but you need to be aware of. Once you succeed in changing your attitude happiness awaits you!
Learn What Happens to You During a Stroke...
This video explains exactly how strokes work, as well as what causes them...
These Lessons Taught Me How to Live My Life Wisely...
Life doesn't come with an instruction manual, but we can certainly be wise about it if well tell ourselves these 10 important sentences.
What is "The Impostor" Syndrome And Does It Include YOU?
To find out whether you've ever experienced the Impostor Syndrome, and to learn what you can do to fight back, check out the informative video below.
Here's Why Striving for Perfection Will Make You Unhappy
Learn how to rid yourself of one of life's greatest obstacles with this informative video.
5 Apps That Will Help Make You Feel Truly Happy
Take help of these useful free applications to find your way to happiness.
Here’s Why You Should STOP Doing These Exercises
Physical trainers explain why doing some common exercises might actually be harmful to you.
Everything You Need to Know About the Gut-Brain Connection
The gut bacteria in our body can influence our mood, thoughts, and brain. Find out how.
Dread Monday Mornings? 5 Habits To Make It Easier
Mondays have a bad rep, but they don't have to be so awful. These expert backed habits will help you start off the week the right way.
Learn the Meaning Behind These Common Dog Behaviors
Why do dogs howl, smile, or eat grass? To better interpret what your dog is trying to say, watch the informative video below.
Ridiculously Bad Diet Advice You Should Steer Clear From
Following any diet advice blindly might be harmful to your body. Here, a doctor explains some of the worst diet tips you can follow.
Avoid These Common Mistakes The Next time You Drink Water
You might be making these common mistakes while drinking water every day. Here's how to avoid them.
Feeling Drowsy After Lunch? Here’s How To Control It
Do you often find yourself feeling a little sleepy after lunch everyday? Then these tips might help you control that.
How to Stick to Your Goals: A Simple Science-Backed Trick
If you wish to make New Year's resolution for 2021, there is one simple tweak that is psychologically proven to help you stick to them.
How to Beat Self Doubt and Get Closer to Your Goals
Sometimes, your worst enemy is the one inside your head. While no one is immune to self doubt, there are ways to overcome it, here are 6 of them.
Priceless Expert Tips on How to Utilize Your Free Time
In this Ted Talk time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers a few practical strategies to help find more time for what really matters to us
7 Warning Signs of Low Self Esteem and Lack of Confidence
No one wants to come off as insecure or having low self-esteem. These are 7 signs that can point to low self-esteem in yourself or others.
De-Stress Your Brain in 30 Seconds With These Simple Tips
A doctor shows a useful and simple technique with the help of which you can achieve instant relaxation. Find out more...
5 Practical and Easy Ways to Express Gratitude
Experts note that expressing gratitude can boost your mental well-being and enhance self-esteem. Here are 5 easy ways to practice gratitude when times are hard.
The Real Reason We Are Attached to the Music of Our Youth
Everyone thinks the music of their youth was the best in history, but hearing new music is vital for our brain. Here is the fascinating scientific reason.
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
Panic Attacks: What Causes Them and How to Prevent Them
Listen to an expert's views on what exactly causes panic attacks and what we can do to prevent them.
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
Has Anyone Ever Truly Seen a Ghost?
If ghosts don't exist, how come some people swear they have seen one?
Why Some People May Hide They Are Covid-19 Positive
These are the psychological reasons some people choose to hide they are Covid-19 positive, and some tips on how to encourage more transprancy.
Did You Know There’s a Diet That Can Help Depression?
Listen to a mental health expert's suggestions on how certain food items can help treat depression.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
Are You Constantly Worried? These Tips Will Surely Help
Listen to the advice of a mental health expert in this video that can help you cope with your constant worries.
Now It’s Official: Study Finds Gardening Makes You Happier
It's no secret spending time outdoors is beneficial for mental health, but a new Princeton study makes it official - those who garden are happier.
You MUST Watch This If You Own a Cat
Did you know that cats are actually lactose intolerant? Or the many meanings of purring? 13 myths on cats you must stop believing.
These Customs are Common ONLY in the US
What are the things that seem completely normal in the US but make people from other countries raise an eyebrow?
Does ‘Buy One Get One Free’ Actually Make You Spend More
Find out why 'buy one get one free' isn’t actually such a big discount, and what to consider before buying more than you originally planned to.
What First Impressions Reveal About Human Psychology
This video offers some interesting insight on first impressions, second chances, and what all this reveals about the human mind.
The Way to Lose Weight May Be Different Than You Thought
Regular exercise is wonderful for your overall health, but contrary to popular belief, it is not the way to lose weight. Find out why...
The Odd History of Ouija Boards
How did this ‘mystical’ board game become so prominent in popular culture? The history of ouija boards may surprise you.
10 Tips to Making Your Home Your New Office
We hope that these 10 tips, tried by experienced remote workers, will help you be productive and comfortable while working from home.
A Complete Set of Solutions for Removing Stains!
This stain removal guide will give you 25 excellent tips for removing any kind of stain!
How to Completely Detoxify Your Mind
It's not just your home that can do with a good clean every once in a while, your mind should regularly require one too. Find out more here.
Slice Up a Bell Pepper With Ease by Following This Guide
Wondering what the safest and most efficient way of cutting a bell pepper is? Watch this video and find out!
This Is How to Effortlessly Clean Copper Pans
Make your copper pots and pans look brand new once again, using only some household supplies that you've probably got laying around at home.
Stop Killing Centipedes in Your Home! Here's Why...
When it comes to common house centipedes, it many be far more beneficial for you to simply leave them alone instead of killing them. Here's why.
Learn How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener
If you don't have a can opener handy, you can use this awesome life hack to cut your way into one using only a spoon.
21 Awesome Kitchen Hacks That are Really Useful
From using a lighter to open up a stiff jar to learning how to sharpen a knife in no time at all, these life hacks will make your life easier.
Discover 7 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Great
Check out these seven wonderful ways to keep your home smelling clean and fresh without breaking the bank!
How to Make Your Own Emergency Candles!
If you ever find yourself without any power, and need to make some candles in a hurry, then you're in luck!
Don't Let Rainwater Go To Waste! Make One of These...
If you are interested in making your own rain barrels, then check out this awesome video.
I Wish I'd Known About These Great Life Hacks Sooner
Whether you want to make your own musical instruments or learn how to take your clay modeling skills to the next level, this video has it all!
These Are the 4 Things That Can Silently Cause Depression
Do you sometimes feel depressed without knowing or understanding why? To help you put a finger on the source of your emotions read this article...
The Easy Way to Clean Your Computer's Keyboard
Cleaning a dirty keyboard is quite a straightforward task, as you're about to find out.
These 40 Incredible Kitchen Hacks Are Too Good to Be True
If you love cooking, but hate all of the stress and hassle that it can entail, then this video is perfect for you!
Gratitude Can Seriously Improve Your Health! Here's How...
Here are the ten most beneficial things that can come from living a grateful life. Don't forget to thank us when you start reaping the benefits!
These 27 Household Hacks Will Make Housework a Breeze
Doing housework can be such a drag sometimes, but these 27 household hacks are here to help!
Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid? This Will Surprise You!
If you use a smartphone you need to see this!
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
9 Terrific Methods to Cut Up a Watermelon
What is the best way to chop a watermelon? Here are 9 creative ways.
This Piece of Buddhist Philosophy Was Made to Baffle You
Watching this video will allow you to discover the curious philosophical thought experiments that Chinese Buddhists called Zen kōans.
Learn to Tell the Difference Between Cheap & Pricey Meat
Let this meat expert walk you through different ways of distinguishing cheap types of meat from expensive ones.
These Summer Life Hacks Are Totally Out of This World!
Check out these wonderful summer life hacks that are bound to keep you and your family entertained all summer long!
Discover the Ideal Morning Routine to Activate Your Brain...
If you struggle to wake yourself up every morning, then this video might just have the perfect solution for you.
Need a Quick Fix for Your Clothes? Keep These Tips in Mind..
Got a clothing mishap? Fix your clothes easily with these awesome tips.
Ever Wondered How Binary Code Works? Wonder No More!
In this informative TED-Ed video, José Américo N. L. F. de Freitas explains how binary code works.Take a look!
Is Psychotherapy Worth It? Watch This Video and Find Out
What exactly is psychotherapy and how does it work? Watch this informative video and find out!
This Video Will Teach You What Dyslexia Is & How It Works
If you've ever wondered what dyslexia is and how it works, then this is the video that you need to watch.
Can Aging Be Cured in Your Lifetime? It May Be So...
Could there be a cure for aging? Watch this video and find out!
Are There Universal Expressions of Emotion? Find Out Here!
Do facial expressions look the same and communicate the same meaning wherever you are in the world? Find out here!
How Your Childhood Affects You Throughout Your Life
Learn all about how your childhood affects you as an adult in this brilliant video from the School of Life.
What Causes Constipation? Find Out Here...
What's behind constipation? This informative TED-Ed video sheds some light on the matter!
These Are the Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Life
If you live in an apartment and want to get a dog, this video will help you choose wisely!
Can You Predict How Successful You Will Be? This Test Will
What is the secret to success? This video explains everything you would ever need to know.
These 27 Great Bathroom Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier
Looking for some ingenious bathroom and shower hacks to make your life a lot easier? If so, you’ve certainly come to the right place!
This is the History of Our World in Just 18 Minutes
Using a series of stunning illustrations, David Christian, in a riveting 18 minutes, narrates a complete history of the universe. Take a look!
Ever Wondered Where Math Symbols Come From? Find Out Here!
Have you ever wondered where math symbols originated from? If so, all your questions will be answered in this informative TED-Ed video.
Spruce Up Your Garden With These Brilliant DIY Ideas
This brilliant video contains 16 different DIY ideas that are perfect for any garden. What's more, they couldn't be any simpler to make!
11 Things You Can Do To Turn Your Failures into Successes
Have you experienced a failure recently and wondered how you can overcome it? The following 11 tips will help you turn your failures around!
This Brilliant Talk Is Bound to Leave You in Tears...
In this emotional TED talk, Joan Halifax shares everything that she has learned about empathy and compassion in the face of death.
Ever Wonder Just How Fire Hydrants Really Work?
This video explains how fire hydrants work in detail.
Experience the Ancient Architecture of India in Crisp 4K
Get ready to visit one of the most interesting places in India - Rajasthan!
These 15 Concessions Will Make You a Happier Person
Some believe that the more things we have, the happier we are, but that's not true. Discover the 15 things you should actually give up to be happy.
Do You Wake Up Early? If So, This Might be Why!
There are many reasons why you might be waking up early, but luckily there are a number of tricks that you can use to prevent this from happening.
These 7 Tips Will Help You When Speaking in Public!
If you want to improve your speaking in public skills, take a look at these 7 great tips!
Life Isn't All About Being Happy. This Is Why!
As this video is about to reveal to you, there's more to life than being happy!
Find Out What Your Home Says About You...
Want to find out exactly what your home says about you? Watch this video and find out!
Struggle With Time Management? You've Got to See This...
If you tend to struggle with time management, then you've got to watch this video.
10 Tips for Strengthening Your Mental Muscles!
The only thing preventing from fulfilling our goals is our mental strength, and with these 10 ways, you can strengthen it, just like a muscle.
Shrink Belly Fat in Just a Few Weeks with this Guide
This Japanese technique will help you lose belly fat in just a couple of weeks.
Every Parent Will Be Able to Relate to This Short Movie...
'Alike' tells the story of a father and son who are both struggling with life's trials in their own ways. Watch it in full here.
Why Does Aging Vary Greatly Between Animals? Find Out Here
In this short Ted-Ed animation, Joao Pedro Magalhaes explains why the pace of aging varies greatly between animals.
Does Being Emotionally Intelligent Make You Lonely?
This fascinating video explores the link between emotional intelligence and loneliness.