The Evolution of a Prancing Horse: 40 Years of V8 Ferraris
Ferrari has built many an incredible car in its illustrious history, but the babies in its stable are often overlooked. This is the evolution of V8 Ferraris.
Ferrari is Offering This Crazy Race Car to Select Clients
The boffins at the Prancing Horse have taken kindly to producing some of the most insane cars the world has ever seen, and the FXX-K Evo is no exception...
Horse Kingdom: Exploring the 15 Most Stunning Horse Breeds
Many beautiful horse breeds have been developed over the course of the centuries, but some are more beautiful than others... Take a look.
Joke: The Talking Horses
A man was driving through west Texas one spring evening.
These Horses Are Absolutely Gorgeous!
These eight beautiful horse breeds will canter their way straight into your heart.
Joke: The Priest and the Lucky Horses
One day while he was at the track playing the ponies and all but losing his shirt...
Joke: Joe's Dead Horse
A young man named Joe bought a horse from a farmer for $250. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse within the next few days...
This Horse Behaves Like a Human!
Meet Amerigo, the sassy horse who walks freely in and out of the house.
A Royal Beast: Celebrating the Beauty of the Horse
These stunning photos and beautiful quotes about horses made me remember how much I admire them.
Horses Are the Best Inspiration for Mythological Creatures
Here are 20 absolutely unimaginable mythological beasts that were created as magical and powerful hybrids of horses
Joke: The Horse and Chicken Restaurant
A man faces a violation for adding horse meat to the chicken stew in his restaurant...
Quit Horsing Around! - Great Performance
Tony Hocheger is an incredible animal trainer. Here he gives us a glimpse of his skills with a hilarious give and take performance with a beautiful, but naughty, horse!
Boy and Horse - What a Heartwarming Friendship!
This horse and little boy have an incredible bond!
The Incredible Beauty of Horses in Stunning Photography
QUIZ: The Great Horse Trivia Test!
Do you love horses? Prove it by taking our horse trivia test!
Joke: Little Johnny Buys a Horse
Little Johnny attended a horse auction with his father.
Get Ready For Equestrian Adventures With Beautiful Horses!
Horses are truly majestic wonders of nature that have lived with humans peacefully for thousands of years, just like these beautiful breeds
These Horses All Have the Most Amazing Hair!
These horse breeds all have an amazing hair! Enjoy getting to know some of the world's most beautiful horse breeds, along with some facts.
This Horse Breed is One of the Most Royally Graceful...
These horses truly display the traits and gracefulness that have caused man to fall in love with this animal, so long ago.
These Are the Best Photos of Horses That You'll Ever See!
Iceland is a place that is full of beauty...even the horses are absolutely majestic. Take a look!
The Caterpillar, the Horse and the Parrot - Animal Jokes!
Funny Animal Jokes!
The Artist and The Horse: 10 Stunning Works of Art
Take a look at these stunning paintings of horses by these incredible artists.
This Artist Was Renowned For His Horse-Inspired Paintings!
George Stubbs was an 18th century artist that embraced romanticism and created many famous equestrian theme masterpieces.
Can There Be Anything Cuter Than a Tiny Horse?
As soon as I saw the first picture of a tiny horse, my heart melted. This collection will make you weak at the knees.
Have You Heard This Joke? A Problem With the Horse
A champion jockey is about to enter an important race on a new horse...
10 Horses That'll Astound You With Their Beauty
Man and horse have had a natural companionship for centuries. Here are 10 of the world's most beautiful horses.
The Personal Account of a True American Horse Wrangler!
Ever wondered what it would be like to live wild and free? Watch this personal account and find out for yourself!
These Beautiful Photos Capture The Majesty of Wild Horses
Few animals can compare to the majestic and beautiful wild horse.
Have You Heard This One? A Smart Horse...
This horse understands only two commands...
Meet Pea, the Cutest and Smallest Horse in the World!
Meet Pea, a cute dwarf horse that behaves just like a dog!
Equestrian Grace: 15 Majestic Horses in Icelandic Scenery
These photographs of beautiful horses in Iceland by Petra Marita look like beautiful paintings.
Horses Being Dramatic & Funny for 8 Hilarious Minutes!
Watch these horses do the funniest things.
Discover the Exotic Flavors of This Fermented Horse Milk
Would you try the Mongolian airag, a fermented milk beverage made from mare’s milk?
Horse is Convinced This Man Is Her Father - Cute & Funny!
Reyhan the horse is mesmerized by a particular characteristic of the man who rescued her - his bald head!
Horsin' Around: The Cutest, Most Fun Horse Videos!
Who better than horses to horse around and make some really cute and funny videos for us to enjoy in this hilarious compilation?
The Astonishing Story of the Horse Who Could Do MATH
One of the most mathematically gifted and famous animals ever known was Clever Hans - a horse who lived in Germany in the early 1900s
Watch a Personal Account of a True American Horse Wrangler
This Baby Horse Has the Biggest Heart in the World - Cute!
The story of this mini horse and her tiny baby is guaranteed to melt your heart!
The Untamed Beauty of Icelandic Horses in 21 Art Photos
These beauty and character of these 21 majestic horses is further enhanced by the equally stunning natural landscapes of Iceland
You Won't Believe the Equine Wonder in These Horse Photos
Wiebke Haas captures some of the world's most beautiful horses strutting their proud stuff in this superb collection of equine majesty.
10 Beautiful Horse Breeds Everyone Needs to Know About
We humans owe horses so much thanks to the role they've played in human history. These are probably the 10 most interesting breeds of all.
A Horse Lover's Dream: Meet Sable Island's Feral Equines
On Sable Island, which lies off the coast of Canada, is a population of beautiful feral horses known as Sable Island horses. Learn more about them here.
Horses Being Hilarious: 16 Pics That Are Too Funny to Miss
Here are 15 hilarious horse pictures that make absolutely no sense but are impossible to forget.
A Wild Horse Recognizes His Sweetheart After 2 Years Apart
Two years have passed since Phoenix, a wild horse was adopted, and since he last saw his mare girlfriend. Watch their incredibly romantic reunion
Cute Corner: Tiny Mini-Horse Grows Up Thinking It's a Dog
This tiny horse grew up in a house full of of dogs, connected with them, and eventually even started acting like one!
Battles of History: Greek vs. Chinese War Over... Horses?
Watch the story of this incredible ancient war waged between two super powers of the old world.
Did You Know Horses Provide Life-Saving Snake Antivenom?
Snakebites can be incredibly dangerous. The unlikeliest of animals can help provide life-saving antivenom.
New ‘Trojan Horse’ Drug Tricks and Kills Cancer Cells
A new drug-delivery system promises to deliver the chemo drug straight into tumors with fewer side effects.
Discover the Secrets of Ferrari’s Incredible Success Story
Explore the incredible history of Ferrari - Formula 1's most successful team ever.
The Happiest Animals On Earth!
!Photos of the happiest animals from around the world
This Ferrari Has Just Become The Most Expensive Car Ever
It's a well-established fact that the Ferrari 250 GTO is the most desirable car in the world, and this one just sold for a $70 million. Time to meet a hero!
Does Ferrari Make the Most Beautiful Cars in the World?
Ferrari has undoubtedly produced some of the finest cars ever to grace the world's roads. Here are some of the most beautiful cars ever made by the company.
Let's Play: Begone Fences, Let My Sheep Go!
Help these sheep escape their humdrum lives by moving their fences for them!
Funny: I'll Show You That My Cat's Better Than Yours
These four men are in stiff competition with each other, all believing that they have the best cat, but the truth is that only one can trump all the others...
When Animals Steal the Spotlight with Funny Antics
These hilarious animal moments will leave you in stitches!
15 Unforgettable Paintings by Marc Chagall, Explained
You can explore Marc Chagall's 15 greatest works, presented from various periods in his life.
Stallions Kick Butt - Terrific Nature!
Joke: An Unforgettable Gallop
Standing beside a valiant stallion, a beautiful blonde decides she must ride this animal despite having no previous riding experience. Soon, she finds herself atop the horse's back, galloping through a lush green meadow...
This Old West Joke Starts With a Stranger...
This joke starts with a cowboy asking bar patrons to watch his horse.
Have You Heard This Joke? An Easy Ride...
A man heads to a riding stable in order to purchase a new horse. The stable owner recommends a particular horse to him. He didn't know what he was in for!
This Joke Starts With Two Stupid Scoundrels Having a Drink...
Two stupid scoundrels are having a drink in a saloon in the Wild West. The barman tells them about a terrible thing the Indians did to his barn...
Joke: A Blonde on a Galloping Steed...
Beauty in Nature: A Gorgeous Moment in the Animal Kingdom
Watch these flamingos disrupted by wild horses!
A Stroll Down Market Street, San Francisco in 1906
Hop on the wagon, we're going strolling down Market street in 1906's San Francisco with our horse and carriage!
Skijoring – the Crazy Winter Sport You’ve Never Heard Of
Have you ever heard of Skijoring, the crazy winter sports where you get pulled by horses or dogs in the snow? Find out more...
This Joke Starts With a Man Driving Through West Texas
When a man breaks down while driving through west Texas, a horse appears to be give him instructions on what he has to do to fix his car...
Joke: The Buggy, The Wife and the Officer
A sheriff pulls over a woman who's trotting down the road in her horse and buggy. It appears there are a couple of very obvious problems that need fixing...
Ever Wonder How Movie Sound Effects Were Made?
Remember the scene from ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ where coconuts were used to recreate horse sounds? The iconic comedy wasn’t too far off...
These Sisters Will Astound You with Their Horseback Skills
These two sisters from Edgerton, Alberta can perform amazing feats of athleticism on the back of a galloping horse.
Joke: The Flies Are Different Out in the Country!
A farmer gets pulled over for speeding. The police officer is busy writing him a ticket when he seems to have some problems with circle flies...
Can You Watch This Entire Video Without Laughing?
From guilty dogs, to funny cat fails, monkeys, funny squirrels, horses and so on. Take a look at this hilarious compilation:
Have You Heard This One? Lucky Number 5!
Always listen to your dreams...
Joke: The Best Excuse You Ever Heard
A great joke with a great excuse...
Funny Joke: The Most Novel Excuse You Ever Heard
So Sweet: Cat Mother Adopts Ducklings!
This is one of those videos that just make us smile every time we think of them...
This Video Brings You a Moment of Underwater Drama!
The 11-pound horse conch might seem invincible against most threats. But the tables are turned a bit when hermit crabs stage an invasion of the dinner-snatchers! This is an amazing video catching this amazing dance of life, death and new beginnings.
Hilarious! He Thought He Wouldn't Get Caught...
A woman finds a suspicious note in her husband's trousers. Suspecting the worst, she breaks out her biggest frying pan to exact her revenge...
No One Can Make Us Laugh Like the Marx Brothers!
Watch this iconic comedy scene from the movie "Horse Feathers, a Marx Brothers classic.
Watch Your Favorite Animal Videos in One Funny Compilation
From a horse doing yoga, to a dog singing, watch these hilarious pet videos.
Common Misconceptions About the Roman Empire
Not everything we hear and read about the Ancient Roman Empire is true, you know... These facts, for example, turned out to be pure fiction!
Good Morning from the Animal Kingdom!
Good morning humans! Our friends from the next door kingdom of animals would like to say hello! Dogs and cats, horses and ponies, hedgehogs and snakes and many more would like to wish you a great day!
Have You Heard This One? Breaking Down in the Desert
This hilarious joke all begins with an untimely breakdown...
This Special Japanese Test is Very Telling...
All you need to do is read the instructions on the photographs. Then imagine what you have read. Finally, answer the questions truthfully.
Joke: The Blond Bank Robber and the 3 Stalls
This joke begins with a serious crime: Three bank robbers are hiding from the police at a farm, but the police is fast on their tracks...
Joke: The Bar and the Truck Accident
A dinosaur, a spider, and a cowboy walk into a bar
A Historical Look at Some Great Friends
It wasn't that long ago that our main form of transportation came from ACTUAL horse power, and sometimes mule or donkey. We forget it sometimes, today, but they have helped us reach our goals for thousands of years before we started relying on metal
Hats Off to These Incredibly Outlandish Hats!
Here are some of the most spectacular Kentucky Derby hats of all time!
Kids Meeting Animals for the First Time are So Adorable!
Kids are adorable, animals are adorable, but kids and animals together - too adorable for words!
Joke: Where the Heck is My Thesaurus?
This joke begins with a man looking for his lost thesaurus.
7 Historical Facts That Aren't Actually True
Here are seven well-known history facts we should have never believed.
The Gentle Giants of Nature - 20 Unusually Large Animals
In this article, we'll get to know the gentle giants of our world, be it an unusually muscular pony, a hilarious chubby seal, or an extra big and cuddly Main Coon
Cheeky Joke: The Shocking News
This preacher was mishandled by the media...
This Special Japanese Personality Test is Very Telling...
Have You Heard This One? Shocking News!
Unusual Milk Varieties and Their Many Interesting Uses
Did you know that in some corners of our planet, cow's milk is actually less common and less favored than, let's say, camel milk or water buffalo milk?
Joke: The Remarkable Native American
Many years ago, two cowboys come upon a Native American lying on his stomach with his ear to the ground...
These Artists Really Thought Outside the Box...
What these artists did is not only beautiful but also sends a clear message.
How to Be Prepared For The Deadly Disease, Triple E
2019 has seen a rise in the spread of the fatal illness Triple E, spread by mosquitoes. Here's how you can protect yourself.
Remembering the Animals of War in 10 Colorized Photos
These colorized photos honor a few animals heroes who served in WW1 and WW2.
Extremely Odd Professions You Won't Believe Exist!
If you thought that your job was weirdly specific, you haven't met these individuals with truly odd jobs. After learning about these odd jobs, it may be time for a career change!