Secrets to Longevity from the Oldest People in the World
Meet the oldest people living in 2024.
Live Longer and Better With These Longevity Practices
These time-tested longevity secrets really do work!
Ikaria - The Greek Island With the Key to Longevity
The life expectancy on the tiny Greek island of Ikaria is s much higher than the rest of the world. What is the secret of Ikaria's long-lived residents?
7 Invaluable Secrets to Ensure Your Longevity
There's a whole range of lifestyle books, and arguably even more so-called lifestyle gurus, but these 7 longevity tips backed up by science are all you need.
The "Longevity Vitamin": Where Can You Get Some?
Watch the video to understand all about Ergothioneine, and why it's referred to as the "longevity vitamin".
Reduce the Clogging of Sinuses by Pressing These Points
These are the 6 pressure points in your face that will help you clear your sinuses. Learn how to massage yourself back to health.
Get a Dog Now - It Might Actually Improve Your Longevity!
It has long been known that dog ownership can help with loneliness and boost social interaction, but a correlation now been found with good heart health...
Live Long Like the Queen: 8 Royal Secrets of Longevity!
The Queen celebrated her 92nd birthday this year. By following her way of life, you can increase your chances of living that long.
Got the Flu? Apply Pressure to These 8 Points
Acupressure points are a great alternative treatment for various ailments and symptoms, with cold and flu symptoms being no exception. These 8 pressure points are known for their effectiveness in treating various flu and cold symptoms.
Relieve Neck Pain Instantly with These Acupressure Points
If your neck is hurting you apply pressure to these points.
8 Pressure Points for Treating Skin Problems
Whether you have eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, fungus or seborrheic dermatitis, these pressure points may help you get rid of them.
8 Pressure Points for Improving Memory and Concentration
Whenever you feel stress starting to affect your concentration, or if you just want to improve your memory, try these 8 points ...
Embrace Your Kids' Point of View on Life
Watch 7-year-old therapists conduct couples counseling...
Use These 5 Pressure Points to Control Your Hunger
The following 5 pressure points that you will learn about will help you control your hunger effectively.
The Complete Map to Our Most Important Pressure Points!
According to ancient oriental beliefs, every organ in the human body has a representative pressure point in the hand and the foot. Find out all about them here.
These Pressure Points Will Help Alleviate Allergy Symptoms
If you have overwhelming allergy symptoms, you can naturally eliminate them with the following pressure points.
Soothe Your Allergies this Spring by Massaging these 6 Points
One ideal way to alleviate symptoms associated with allergies is to apply acupressure to the soles of your feet.
Suffer From Body Pain? Apply Pressure to These Points
If you're feeling unwell, try apply pressure to one of these points to return the body to a state of well-being.
At First I Was Angry, Then I Understood the Point of This.
An Experiment in Caring (Adult)
These 8 Pressure Points Are Ideal For Self Defense
This list of pressure points can be used to help you escape from any potential aggressors.
Got a Toothache? Try These 7 Acupressure Points!
If you have toothache, try these acupressure points instead of antibiotics and painkillers, this method costs no money and it can help reduce your pain with no side-effects.
Calm a Loud Baby by Massaging These 7 Points on their Feet
From tummy pains to constipation and sinuses, applying pressure to these 7 points will help soothe your baby's ailments.
15 Acupressure Guides to Acupressure Points Massage
Before you is a collection of some of our best accupressure guides to teach you about the important pressure points in your body, how to massage them and how to help others.
Massage These 3 Points if You Have High Blood Pressure
While high blood pressure is caused by a variety of things, its most common cause is hypertension. Reduce your high blood pressure by using the ancient technique of acupressure.
Massage These 4 Pressure Points to Clear Your Blocked Nose
Instead of taking expensive, chemical-laden, and possibly addictive medicines for a blocked nose, you should try these 4 acupressure points instead.
7 Pressure Points to Improve Your Vision Within Weeks
Whether you suffer from poor vision, teariness or excess eye pressure, these 7 acupressure points will improve your vision and prevent any other eye conditions from occurring.
8 Pressure Points That Can Banish Your Stress
Keep your stress levels down in the simplest and most efficient of ways. Pressure points are areas in the body that can trigger various physical and mental effects when pressure is applied to them.
6 Pressure Points to Ease Knee Pain Naturally
you can reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and injuries to cartilage and ligaments using the following 6 pressure points.
Ease Your Neck Pain with This Secret Pressure Point
Looking down at our devices all day can cause pain in your neck. This pressure point can help alleviate it.
How to Perform an Attic Inspection: 5 Points to Consider
You should check your attic thoroughly at least once every year. Here are a few points you should consider.
Tired of Feeling Angry? Use the Following Pressure Points
Learn the pressure points that help relieve feelings of frustration, anger, and worry.
Learn About This Wondrous Sleep-Inducing Pressure Point!
There are a great number of pressure points all over the body, but this point is one of the most effective, especially if you have trouble sleeping at night!
Use These 6 Pressure Points to Battle Hair Loss
Hair loss is a phenomenon that many people struggle with and with the following 6 pressure points you can prevent it and maintain strong healthy hair.
Improve Your Blood Flow By Pressing 6 Pressure Points
If you know that you have a specific heart or blood flow problem, you should try to massage the following 6 points after consulting your doctor ...
These 8 Pressure Points Can Help Your Health Issues
If you have frequent urination, difficulty urinating, kidney infection or kidney failure, these 8 points of pressure will help ease your suffering.
These 7 Reflexology Points Will Make You Feel Great Again!
Detoxify you entire body with these brilliant acupressure points. Try it today and see how well it can work for you!
Get Headache Relief by Applying Pressure to These Points
No matter how bad the headache that you're suffering from is, reflexology provides a natural solution to provide you with instant relief. Watch for more.
Quiz: Can You Point the Odd One Out?
For this test, you'll need to focus and use your eyes and brain to find the image that is different to the other three. Think you can find them?
Test Yourself: Can You Point the Odd One Out?
For this test, you'll need to focus and use your eyes and brain to find the image that is different from the other three. Think you can find them?
Have You Heard This Joke? What One Small Point Can Do
This hilarious joke makes you think about how a little dot can ruin everything.
QUIZ: Can We Describe Your Life With 6 Pointed Words?
Do you think your life could be summed up in a mere six words? Click here and find out!
Here Are Some Novel Ways of Delaying Aging...
Longevity is something we strive for, but we want it without aging to the detriment of our quality of life. Read what 5 longevity researchers have to say.
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
As if we need more proof that dogs are amazing, a new study confirms owning a dog is linked to living longer.
Reverse Aging with Qi Gong: 3 Simple Exercises
Discover the secrets of longevity with the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong.
Forget Lifestyle Gurus and Books - Check Out 7 Life Tips!
Meet the Fish That Can Help Hold Back Aging in Humans
A recent study has revealed that African turquoise killifish are able to arrest the growth of their embryos for a long time.
12 Scientific Hints That You Could Use to Live To Be 100
Have you ever wondered what your odds are to live to be 100, scientifically speaking? These 12 signs mean that you’ll likely live a very long life.
4 Rules to Live Past the Age of 100
On the Japanese island of Okinawa, living past the age of 100 is not unusual. Here are 4 longevity rules from the centenarians of Okinawa...
Find Out if You’re Aging Well with These 3 Simple Tests
Test your longevity with these three at-home assessments.
These Couples Have Been Married For Over 50 Years
What is the secret to these couples' longevity? Being married over 50 years certainly takes work...
Is Olive Oil Really BETTER Than Vegetable Oil?
Olive oil is touted as a superfood capable of increasing longevity and aiding in weight loss, but is it really that much better than vegetable oil?
7 Japanese Secrets to Staying Slim and Healthy!
The Japanese have their own ways of maintaining their weight.
25 Great Tips That'll Help You Live a Lot Longer!
These 25 secrets will help you reach a ripe old age with minimum fuss.
11 Technologies to Potentially Achieving Immortality
Scientists are hard at work developing technologies that could extend our lifespans and even make us immortal. Here are 11 of them.
Have These Drinks Regularly to Ensure You Live a Long Life
These super nutritious juices and beverages can work in numerous ways to ensure that you extend your years and live a longer life
This Man is 102 Years Old! What's His Secret?
This man is 102 years old. But what's his secret to living this long? Find out!
What (Non-Psychedelic) Mushrooms Can Do for Your Brain
Lion's mane mushrooms are memory-enhancing brain food! Learn the science behind them here.
4 Cognitive Health Strategies from 100-Year-Old Sisters
10-year-old Ruth Sweedler and Shirley Hodes share their 4 cognitive health strategies.
A Pill May Be the Solution to Slowing the Aging process
Could we slow down the aging process by taking a pill?
Say Goodbye to Dreaded Wrinkles with These Fantastic Tips
Nobody, and we mean nobody, likes wrinkles. To prevent and treat wrinkles, follow these tips.
At 98, This Doctor Is Still Sharp. What Is His Secret?
What is the secret to a long healthy life by one who has done it himself.
Photos that Should be In the Dictionary!
They say a picture is worth a thousands words, but sometimes, it just perfectly explains one...
Are You Eating the Right Food? Follow This Diet
What would happen if you centered your diet around vegetables? Find out!
What Is CRISPR? The Genetic Cure to Cancer, HIV and Aging
The discovery of CRISPR has cut down the costs of genetic modification by nearly 100% and allows us to do miraculous things.
Study Shows By Lifting Dumbbells You Can Live Longer
Research shows that lifting dumbbells can help you live longer. Find out how.
A Smarter Approach to Measuring Body Mass Index
The body mass index can actually be misleading. Here’s what you should use instead.
Keep Fit and Unwind At the Same Time with Tai Chi Basics
Relax and gain strength with ancient Chinese martial arts practice Tai Chi. Learn from this easy to follow video how the exercises help you unwind.
The Japanese Secrets of Health
People in Japan live for over a decade longer than people in the US, and it all boils down to a few healthy habits...
Aww! The Oldest Dog EVER is Still Going Strong!
Bobi, a 30-year-old guard dog, has recently been declared the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records.
7 or More Reasons to Add Chili Peppers To Your Diet
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about chili peppers and their influence on your health and wellbeing in this informative guide.
Learn How Strong Muscles Can Extend Your Life Expectancy
According to a recent study, people with more muscle strength tend to live longer lives. Read all about it here.
Each Of These 35 Places Represents a Worldly High or Low
When it comes to records, these countries and cities stand at the top (and bottom) of the tree.
Fascinating Science: How Old Can We Actually Get?
All things being equal, and technology continually progressing - How old can a human body really get?
This Video Reveals the Secrets of Long, Happy Marriages
If you ever wonder enviously about how certain people in your life seem to have such wonderful, happy marriages, this video gives you key lessons about them.
7 of the World's Oldest LIVING Organisms
Some creatures are such skilled survivors they live on the brink of immortality. Today, we will see 7 such creatures.
Studies Show: By Lifting Dumbbells You Can Live Longer
10 Foods That The World’s Longest Living People Eat
Longevity and health are two things all of us are chasing, and the people living in these areas may have the secret to both and it's food related
Smelling Smart: A Man's Guide to Wearing Cologne
Whether you’re a cologne novice or a seasoned pro, this guide will elevate your fragrance game.
How to Live a Long and Happy Life According to Japanese
The life expectancy for the common man and woman is very high in Japan. Find out why.
6 Useful Ways to Make Eggs Last for MUCH Longer
Not only does this video teach 6 ways to preserve eggs for much longer, you also get to learn some pretty cool recipes on the way.
This Two-Minute Exercise Will Extend Your Life
All it takes is this two-minute trick 15 times a day to live a longer life.
The Formula For Living to Be 100 Years Old...
From early to later age - what do we need to do to reach 100 years of age?
WATCH: 110-Year-Old Supercentenarian Talks of Life
Born in 1906, and having served in the South Pacific during WWII, Richard Overton is the US' oldest living veteran. Watch this video about his remarkable life.
Study: Is a Glass of Red Wine a Day Truly Good For You?
Once and for all, a study has checked the influence of red wine on our heart. Does a glass a day truly help?
Health Tip: Improve Grip Strength with These 4 Tips
Here are some easy exercises for improving grip strength at home.
Remember When These Famous Actors Looked Like THIS?
10 side-by-side pictures of our favorite actors showing how they looked now and then.
Calm and Heal Your Inner Self with this Meditation Guide
Meditation has many known health benefits, such as increasing longevity and reducing stress. This very simple guide will help you to begin one of the healthiest routines possible - meditating at home.
These 8 Everyday Habits Might be Making You Sick!
Many of our daily habits could be sabotaging our longevity. Here are eight of them!
Reaching age 112: People Share Their Long Living Secrets
10 of the oldest people on earth would like to share their secret...
13 Ways to Make Your Shoes More Comfortable
These tips will help you adjust your shoes to your feet, and even enhance them to prevent issues like wetness, squeaking, wrinkling, or pain.
7 Common Ways You Are Harming Your Stovetop
Want to ensure that your stovetop runs for a long time? Avoid making these common and obvious mistakes.
Tips for Keeping the Countertop in Tip Top Shape
Some cleaning products can damage your kitchen countertop. Learn how to clean yours best and extend its longevity.
This ONE Change Can Significantly Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Recent research reveals that you don't have to exercise every day to reduce your cancer risk, doing just this small thing can help!
7 Good Habits That Have a Surprising Effect on Our Health
It's amazing how even the simplest habits can improve our physical and mental condition. You probably do half of these and don't even notice.
MUSIC BOX: These Amazing Artists Are Still Rocking Over 60
These amazing artists have longevity in spades, so we decided to create a musical tribute to them. Here are 16 artists still going strong over the age of 60.
Find Out Where the Healthiest People on Earth Live
There are some countries that are simply healthier than others. Let's take a closer look at the factors that contribute to this, and where these places are.
Is This the Secret of the Healthiest Village in the World?
Acciaroli in Italy has so many centenarians that researches decided to find out what their longevity secret is. This is what they found.
10 Misconceptions About Aging You Need to Stop Believing
There is a great number of malicious myths about aging floating around. These can be quite harmful and imposes some unnecessary limitations on seniors.
Decreasing Sense Of Smell Can Be a Warning Sign Of Illness
Underestimating your sense of smell is a mistake, as your sense of smell can tell you a lot about your health and can even predict longevity
Joke: The Most Important Thing in Life
It was the retirement dinner for Tim Simmons...