MUST WATCH: Full-Body Chair Workout Guide for Seniors
This full chair workout for seniors covers every area of your body!
Instant Back Pain Relief - How to Decompress the Spine
These spinal decompression exercises will help you relieve the pain, stiffness, and pressure throughout the entire spine almost instantly.
If Your Feet Hurt, Then You Should Really Try This...
Want to banish plantar fasciitis for good? Here are some exercises that you simply must try!
Guide: How to Treat Foot Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Do you ever get foot pain? This guide will tell you all you need to know about plantar fasciitis.
Un-Hunch Your Shoulders Easily With These 7 Exercises!
Got hunched shoulders? This guide will help you improve your posture.
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do
Banish knee pain today with these 6 exercises.
If Your Knee Bothers You, Do This
Relieve Pain in the Feet and Heels in Just a Few Minutes!
Do you experience frequent pain at the bottom of the feet? If so, check out these simple exercises for instant relief!
Sciatica Back and Leg Pain - 5 Pain Relieving Exercises
Flareups are common for sciatica, but they can be managed and reduced with the help of specific exercises and stretches.
Morning Lower Back Pain - Exercises for Instant Relief
These dynamic exercises target the lower back and relieve the pain, stiffness, and tightness you may be experiencing instantly!
8 Easy and Important Stretches for Everyday
Stretching the muscles is easy to forget but very important. This list contains 8 simple stretches to help improve stiffness and flexibility.
The Five Vaccinations You Must Get Over 65
Essential vaccines all adults over 65 should take.
7 Exercises to Quickly Un-Hunch Your Shoulders
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do!
What's the Best Form of Exercise You Can Do? Find Out!
Why you should be doing resistance training and what it entails.
Avoid Making These Common Mistakes When Working Out...
Avoid making these mistakes when working out, as they could end up leaving you seriously injured!
This Great Exercise Guide Will Improve Your Balance
Practicing these exercises will help maintain your balance and keep you from falling over.
7 Stretches To Relieve Pain and Strengthen Your Lower Back
If you're suffering from lower back pains, or just want to strengthen your back muscles, these 7 yoga stretches are perfect for you.
Guide: Do You Have Foot Pain? Here's How You Can Treat It
Low-Impact Cardio for Seniors: No Equipment Needed
This 16-minute standing cardio and balance workout is designed with seniors in mind.
Easy Upper Body Workout to Help Seniors Stay Active
Here's an easy and effective workout for seniors to build their upper body strength.
Seniors Health: Reduce Hip Pain With These Exercises
Hips troubling you more than regular? Watch this video for help.
Every Senior Must Do These Simple Seated Exercises
Seniors will find this video extremely helpful.
Discover the Effects of Drinking Dirty, Contaminated Water
How safe is it to drink contaminated water? Find out here.
This Simple 2-Minute Massage Can Ease Foot Pain
Suffer from foot pain? This 2-minute massage will help ease symptoms.
Muscle Degeneration Starts with these 8 Early Symptoms!
Are you familiar with muscular dystrophy? Spot the early signs of this disease by being aware of these tips.
Bet You Never Knew How Beneficial These Foods Are
Include these 12 foods in your diet to reduce the effects of arthritis - they have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.
How Tennis Balls Are Effective at Relieving Body Pain
You can use Tennis Balls to ease your aches and pains. Here's how!
These Remedies That Get Rid of Facial Hair Actually Work!
Got excess facial hair? Here are 7 natural remedies to remove it.
Prevent a Heart Attack From Occurring with These Tips
What should you do when recovering from a heart attack? Find out here.
5 Exercises For a Back Hump You Can Do at Home
A sedentary lifestyle isn't kind to our spine. Learn 5 simple exercises that help you get rid of a back hump.
Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
These healthy habits all take less than a minute to perform, yet have significant benefits for your well being.
3 Exercises That Will Help You When Running to the Store
3 lower body exercises that will keep you independent.
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits...
Had a rough night? Here are 16 reasons to take a nap.
9 Awesome Discounts Seniors Didn’t Know They Could Get
Here’s a list of some wonderfully useful discounts and benefits that seniors should take advantage of in 2021.
Melt Away Neck Pain and Tension Headaches With These Tips!
Tension at the base of the neck is a common cause of tension headaches, neck pain, and many other issues. Let these 3 exercises help you in just a few minutes!
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip!
Whether you fear going to the doctor, or fear you have a serious health issue, this easy, little trick will help you notice if you have a serious health issue.
How to Use a Foam Roller to Alleviate Back Pain
In this step-by-step tutorial, a professional chiropractor shares the specific techniques of using a foam roller to release back pain.
Achieve Total Relaxation With Autogenic Training
Autogenic training is a wonderful relaxation technique that helps you beat stress and anxiety.
8 Surprisingly Wonderful Benefits of Cycling for Seniors
Cycling has numerious wonderful health benefits for older adults, including slowing the aging process. Let's find out more.
Recovering From Covid-19? Try These 7 Easy Exercises
Exercise can help you recover from Covid-19 quicker, but being smart about it is crucial. Here are a few easy and safe exercises anyone can do at home.
How to Release a Tight Lower Back in Less Than a MINUTE
If you get a tight back often, try this series of exercises for instant relief.
Active Stretching: What It Is and How To Do It
Active stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and mobility. Here's how it differs form other forms of stretching and a few useful examples.
8 Exercises To Take OFF Your Fitness Routine
Fitness experts strongly advise to skip these unnecessary exercises to avoid injuries and save time
Try These Stability Ball Exercises at Home to Get in Shape
Ever used an exercise ball? Learn how can use this ball at home to remain in shape.
You Don’t Always Need to Hit the Gym to Lose Belly Fat!
Want to get rid of your belly fat but can't hit the gym? These effective tips might just do the trick.
10 Common Walking Mistakes You MUST Avoid
Walking mistakes are more common than we realize. Here is a look at a few common ones you must avoid.
Practical Tips on Adjusting a Home to be Senior-Friendly
Take note of these useful tips that will help you make your home more accessible and safe for your life ahead.
Home Fitness: 12 Excellent Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
This cardio workout plan consists of 12 simple exercises anyone can do without any equipment!
Jumping Jacks Are Extremely Easy AND Good For Your Health!
Jumping jacks in adulthood are extremely beneficial for your health! These are the benefits and th correct way to perform jumping jacks.
Detoxify Your Body by Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy
Your body is designed to heal and find balance, and one of the ways it clears waste and maintains healthy circulation is through the lymphatic system. Stay healthy by decongesting your lymphatic system using these six methods.
This Doctor Tried the Keto Diet and This is What He Thinks
Curious to try the KETO Diet? Listen to what a doctor has to say first.
The 5 Types of Belly Fat Not Caused By Overeating
Your type of belly fat and how it affects your weight loss.
Why You Need to Be Cautious When Using Scented Candles
Mom warns about the dangers of leaving scented candles on.
Remove Age Spots Easily with Two Simple Ingredients...
Got age spots? Here's how to remove them easily.
The Health Benefits of these Remedies Are Surprising
These well-known home remedies, can be used for some other surprising health benefits.
Do You Recall These Remedies as a Kid? They're True!
These surprising health myths we knew as kids, are actually true!
Have New Studies Found a Link Between Eggs & Breast Cancer?
Have studies discovered a link between eating eggs and breast cancer?
This Guide Will Show You How to Heal Cavities
This guide will take you through seven ideal ways to care for your teeth.
How to Avoid Passing On Infections in Hospitals
How to avoid passing on or getting an infection at a hospital.
What is Elderspeak and Why Is It Disrespectful?
Learn all about elderspeak and the effects it has on older adults,
A Pill May Be the Solution to Slowing the Aging process
Could we slow down the aging process by taking a pill?
Suffer From Hot Flashes? Menopause May Not be the Reason
Suffer from hot flashes? Menopause may not be the reason why.
9 Things You Should Never Do on an Empty Stomach
There are some things you shouldn't do on an empty stomach. Here you will discover nine of them.
A Podiatrist Recommends This Massage to Ease Foot pain
10 Small Goals That Will Lead You to Wellness in 2019!
Looking to get healthier in 2019? Follow these 10 simple yet effective rules.
If You Get Migraines Your Doctor Will Want to Know This
If you suffer from migraines often, this is what you need to let your doctor know.
Avoid Succumbing to These 10 Holiday Health Hazards
In order to stay safe this holiday season, make sure to avoid these health hazards.
Suffer From Digestive Issues? Try Natural Colon Cleansing
Check out our comprehensive guide to natural colon cleansing. Your insides will thank you for it!
These Easy Stretches Will Help You Reduce Neck Pain
If you regularly experience neck pain, then you need to try performing these stretches regularly.
These Facts About Happiness Will Change the Way You Think
Here are 25 surprising facts about what it actually means to be happy.
Shoveling Snow This Year, Use This Great and Simple Trick
Got a lot of snow to shovel? Here's the easiest and safest way to do so.
Here's a New Way to Save Money on Your Prescription Drugs
Saving money on your prescription drugs couldn't be easier, thanks to a couple of new bills that were just passed by Congress.
Here Are Some Sure-fire Signs That You Need a New Doctor
There are tell-tale signs that you should be aware of when visiting your doctor, because they will indicate that it's time to move on to another. Take a look.
You'll Be Happy That You Adopted These Beauty Habits...
There are certain simple beauty habits that you can adopt, and your skin will absolutely love you for it!
WARNING: Learn About a US FDA-issued Ham & Beef Recall
The US Food and Drug Administration has issued two separate recalls for different kinds of meat products. Find out more to stay safe here.
How Do You Know It's Appendicitis? Use This Guide!
Unsure about the signs and symptoms of appendicitis? Read this!
Your Hands May Warn You of These Health Problems
What can your hands reveal about your health? You'd be surprised.
Warning: Two Skin Infections You MUST Look Out For
Is it more than just a rash? Two instances your rash can be more serious than it appears.
Relieve Common Urinary Symptoms Without Medication
If you've been suffering with troublesome urinary issues, then here is what you can do about them.
Your Body Needs More Folic Acid If You Have These Signs
Are your levels of folic acid low? Find out by reading through the symptoms here.
Your Upper Back Pain May Be More Serious Than You Think!
Is your upper back troubling you? Here's what you can do about it.
Muscle Degeneration Starts with these 8 Early Symptoms
Look Out For These Signs That You're Grinding Your Teeth
Do you grind your teeth at night? Here's how you can find out.
These Tips Will Make Flying a Way Better Experience
If you find that long flights take quite a toll on your body, then make sure to check out these top tips!
What Should You Do When Emergency Strikes? Read This!
What should you do when emergency strikes? Learn these first aid basics to be fully prepared for anything!
Thighs Chafing? Prevent and Soothe Using These Methods
If thigh chafing is an issue, here's how you can prevent chafing in the first place, as well as soothe and protect chafed skin after it has occurred.
7 Methods to Turn Anxiety Into Helpful Energy
Feeling anxious? Turn your anxiety into excitement with these top tips.
Can't Stop Overeating? Watch Out For These Sneaky Triggers
Overeating is a problem that affects millions of people around the world, so here's a list of the most common overeating triggers you should avoid.
Can Aging Be Cured in Your Lifetime? It May Be So...
Could there be a cure for aging? Watch this video and find out!
Got Wrinkles? You May Be Guilty of These Bad Habits!
Wrinkles may be caused by daily habits and behaviors. Find out how!
These Bodily Functions Are Beyond Our Power
Do you know why we experience these bodily functions? Find out here!
These Remedies That Get Rid of Facial Hair Actually Work
9 Warning Signs You're Developing a Blood Clot
What are the warning signs of a blood clot? Give this article a good read and find out all about them.
Can Emotional Stress Affect Your Spine? Read This!
There may be more to your back pain than you think. Take a look at how emotional stress may be the cause of your back pain.
It's a Good Idea to Rid Yourself of These Bedtime Habits..
Our bedtime routines and habits might actually be interfering with our sleep. Here are the things you shouldn't do before bed.
Got Dark Knees and Elbows? 8 Remedies That'll Help
Put an end to dark knees and elbows with these 8 natural remedies.
Don't Ignore These Crucial Signs of Respiratory Disease
Here are 7 of the most common symptoms that can hint at an underlying respiratory or lung disorder.
Should You Be Drinking Water That's Been Sitting Overnight?
Should you be sipping from the glass you left on the nightstand throughout the night? Find out here.
What's Triggering Your Anxiety? 8 Surprising Causes
8 possible medical conditions that may be causing you to feel anxious.