How to Start Getting Into Shape Without Equipment
Today you'll learn about 10 exercises you can do right now at home
The Secret to Flexible Muscles: How Stretching Works
Discover the actual effects of stretching on your muscles and learn ways to enhance your flexibility.
7 Recovery Exercises For Stroke Survivors
The exercises we listed below are a great way to regain strength and mobility at home for those having recovered after a stroke.
Seniors Today Are Younger Than All Previous Generations
Recent research finally brings us some great news this year - seniors seem to be getting younger and younger with every generation... Read on to learn more
6 Great Exercises You Can Do With Your Spouse!
If you find it difficult to stay motivated when exercising, try doing it with a friend starting with these 6 exercises!
6 Quick, Easy, and Fun Resistance Band Exercises
Resistance bands are small, portable and can be used anytime and anywhere. Get your hands on some and do these 6 quick and fun exercises!
9 Easy Stretches to Reset an Aching Body
Do these 9 easy and quick stretches after a long day of sitting.
Train Your Hands with These 8 Pain Relieving Exercises
We rely on grip every day but rarely bother strengthening the muscles of the hand. Now there are no more excuses - here are eight simple home hand exercises!
Thought You're Not Flexible? Think Again
Sounds totally bogus at first, but it's backed by science and anatomy. Here's how to improve your flexibility in 30 seconds.
How to Strengthen and Stabilize the Hips Through Exercises
These senior-friendly exercises will help you strengthen the hips and improve your sense of balance.
6 Easy Exercises That'll Really Help Your Posture
As the years go by, our bodies undergo many changes, one of which is the formation of a hunchback. These exercises will help you to improve your hunchback!
Improve Your Posture With These 6 Easy Exercises!
10 Upper Body Exercises to Keep You Supple as You Get Older
These great exercises are a breeze to do and will help tone and strengthen your upper body.
Guide: How to Stretch 14 Specific Muscles!
Want to maintain muscle flexibility, reduce pain and improve mobility? The following stretches will tell you exactly what muscle you are stretching.
Want to Prevent Shoulder Pain? Here's How You Do it
The smartphones, tablets, and computers that fill our days can lead to unbearable pain, and with these 7 exercises, you can avoid them.
What Can Happen if You Don't Stretch
Learn the possible negative consequences if you don't stretch at all.
The BEST Exercises to Relieve Bunion Pain
These simple exercises are designed to reduce the pain caused by bunions and help slow down the progression of the condition.
6 Beginner Friendly Morning Stretches That Promote Energy
These simple morning stretches will help you feel more energized during the day, so they're the perfect companion to your morning routine!
Easy Chair Stretches That Target PAIN Throughout the Body
These beginner-friendly stretches can be done in a chair and are equally simple and effective at relieving pain in different parts of the body
6 Persistent Myths about Exercising in Your Golden Years
Many seniors give up on exercise because they keep believing in one of these 6 persistent myths, and that's a shame as being fit is timeless
These 5 Easy Back Stretches Will Help You Prevent Back Pain
All you'll need for these 5 stretches is a chair with a backrest, and if you do them every day, they'll help you get rid of your back pain once and for all!
These 7 Exercises Helped Me Get Rid of My Shoulder Pain
These Exercises Will Tone and Sculpt Your Back Muscles
When exercising we don't always pay attention to our back muscles - with the following 8 exercises you can strengthen and improve their appearance.
The Easy Way to Tone Your Arms and Stomach
If you don't have the time or energy to invest in a full workout, this body toning 5-minute workout is just for you!
5 Plank Exercises that’ll Strengthen and Tone Your Abs
Planks are the safest and healthiest way to tone your abs. Here are 5 plank exercises to add to your workout arsenal. Enjoy!
These 8 Exercises Will Help You Get Rid of Back Fat
Discover fantastic ways to sculpt and tone your back with these 8 different exercises, aimed to help you rid that last spot of body fat.
Here's a Workout You Can Do EVERYWHERE
You don't even need sports shoes for this workout! This is the perfect routine for people who travel a lot.
Is It Scientifically Possible To Slow Our Own Aging?
Scientists are discovering ways to add years to our lives and make later life more enjoyable.
8 Useful Stretches You Should Do Before Bed...
If you want to sleep better, add some of the following eight stretches to your evening routine, and see how much your sleep improves.
Active Life vs Gym Exercise - What’s Better For Seniors?
For senior adults, is planned exercise better or worse than continuous activity throughout the day? The answer may surprise you...
9 Exercises That Strengthen Your Legs and Lower Body
Our legs have no substitute and we have to keep them strong and active - these 9 simple exercises will keep them fit and in shape!
This Quick Tabata Workout Will Help You Burn Calories
Anyone who wants to strengthen and sculpt their body quickly should definitely read about this training method that requires only 20 minutes of your time daily!
3 Exercises That Will Help You When Running to the Store
3 lower body exercises that will keep you independent.
The MOST Important Exercise to Practice For Seniors
This video will walk you through one simple exercise recommended daily for older adults.
10 Creative Ways to Sneak More Walking Into Your Day
Finding a designated time for walking and exercise can be difficult. Luckily, there are many creative and fun ways to sneak extra steps into your routine!
Active Stretching: What It Is and How To Do It
Active stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and mobility. Here's how it differs form other forms of stretching and a few useful examples.
Walking Backward is Beneficial For Both the Body & Mind!
Incorporating backward-walking into your fitness routine can be highly beneficial for both your body and mind. Here's why you should give it a try.
Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe For All of Us? Find Out
The COVID-19 vaccine is nearly here. It's time to find out how it works and what it does to your body.
10 Common Walking Mistakes You MUST Avoid
Walking mistakes are more common than we realize. Here is a look at a few common ones you must avoid.
Study: More Cups of Coffee May Slow Spread of Colon Cancer
New research has shown that colon cancer patients who drank more coffee had better outcomes. Find out more.
Home Fitness: 12 Excellent Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
This cardio workout plan consists of 12 simple exercises anyone can do without any equipment!
This ONE Change Can Significantly Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Recent research reveals that you don't have to exercise every day to reduce your cancer risk, doing just this small thing can help!
What Are the Long Term Health Consequences of COVID-19?
In this article, we examine the possible long term health effects of COVID-19 and the populations most susceptible to them.
Stair Climbing May Be One of the Most Beneficial Exercises
These tips will show you how climbing stairs can be the best way for you to strengthen your legs and get a solid workout.
Fun Exercises to Strengthen the Hands, Forearms and Wrists
These simple exercises everyone can do in the comfort of their home will make your hands, forearms and wrists strong again and forever
Is Walking Actually Better For Your Health Than Running?
If you're trying to figure out the right exercise for you, it could be walking, running or jogging, depending on what your fitness goals are
Free Your Neck With This Daily Easy Exercises
These great exercises are just what you need to get rid of that pesky neck stiffness and pain you've been suffering.
7 Yoga Exercises That'll Keep Thyroid Dysfunction Away
Proper nutrition can help keep the thyroid functioning properly, but if you want to see the best results, you may want to do the following exercises...
8 Useful Stretches That You Should Do Before You Go to Bed
Discover How You Can Breathe New Life Into Aging Muscles
If you think you're too old to work out, you'd better think again!
No More Excuses: 8 Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk!
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, staying fit is just a dream for most, but not anymore with these 8 easy workouts you can do at your desk!
Strengthen Your Hands With 9 Rehabilitative Exercises
If, after a stroke or injury, you're left with a weak hand that is difficult to move, these 9 occupational therapy exercises will help you regain control...
Strengthen Your Legs and Lower Body with 9 Simple Exercises
Learn How Strong Muscles Can Extend Your Life Expectancy
According to a recent study, people with more muscle strength tend to live longer lives. Read all about it here.
This Quick Tabata Workout Will Help You Burn Calories!
Learn the Towel Exercise That Helps Relieve Neck Pain!
Neck pain is uncomfortable, and now we no longer have to suffer through it! The following exercise will help you relieve it quickly, all you need is a tea towel!
8 Excellent Exercises That Require Minimal Movement
Training is of paramount importance to a healthy lifestyle, and so you can easily fit exercise into your schedule. Here are 8 simple ones!
7 Butt, Thigh and Leg Exercises That’ll Do You Wonders!
The buttocks, thighs, and legs are problematic areas for many people, but they can be sculpted with some basic and advanced exercises that will do wonders.
12 Muscle Workouts to Keep Your Upper Body Mobile & Lithe
Keep your upper body trim with these 12 reliable muscle workouts.
These 7 Hip and Back Methods Will Totally Relax Your Body
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, chances are that your weight will reach unhealthy levels in future. Use sitting down to your advantage with these methods.
Is Your Supplement Safe? Try These Simple Tests to Know
How can you tell if a supplement is a fake? Watch this video to find out...
5 Simple Morning Stretches for Joint Pain Relief
The following 5 stretches are specifically designed for those suffering from joint pain, and with them, you can bring routine back to your life and a smile to your face.
9 Ways to Exercise for People Who Don't Like to Exercise
9 ideas for ways you can stay in shape even if you hate exercising.
4 Areas in the Body Women Must Exercise and How to Do So
In the following article we explore 4 important body areas for women to improve and exercises to do so.
Exercises: Four Areas in the Body Women Need to Strengthen
Get to know 4 very important areas every woman must strengthen - and of course, how to do so.
The Bear Plank Position: Fire Up Your Core!
Here, we'll explain the benefits of the Bear Plank and present 5 different versions for those looking to either reduce or increase the intensity of the exercise.
Hilarious Quotes About the Quirks of Getting Older
Don't fear the grey hair! Just enjoy these hilarious quotes about getting older.
Minutes vs. Steps: How Should We Measure Our Exercise?
how do you count and measure the duration of the workout - in minutes or steps? We will now examine both approaches.
Science Says: What is the Best Time of Day to Exercise?
Those who are overweight will achieve more if they keep their fitness workouts and even household chores for the evening hours, as the benefits are immense - this was proven in a new study..
7 Things You Should Never Say at the Gym
7 sentences you must catch yourself saying, get rid of them and replace them with more positive sentences.
New Study: A Pill that Works Out Your Muscles?!?
New study shows that, though we are not there yet, a pill can and probably WILL come out that works out the muscles and grows them.
Senior Health Guide: Working Out With Weights
Every senior must watch this video.
Is a 5 Minute Exercise Helpful? A Surprising Answer
It's easy to dismiss the idea that just 5 minutes of physical activity can have any impact. Experts, however...
This Exercise Will Tone Your Body This Summer
Here are the benefits of the reverse plank exercise and instructions on how to perform it.
Practice This Yoga Flow ANYWHERE - No Equipment Needed!
Enjoy a long, restorative yoga session. Yin yoga allows you to rest in each pose rather than press and exert yourself.
Psychiatrist Shares the Golden Rule of Brain Health
'Bright Minds,' is the golden rule for long-term cognitive and brain health. Learn what stands behind this acronym here.
Working Out Doesn't Have to Be Boring and Repetitive...
Your workout doesn't have to be boring, repetitive lifting of weights! Join in to a half-workout, half-dance party
Busting Some Mental Health Myths!
Any western doctor will tell you stress causes physical illnesses. Then why are there so many myths around mental health?
Seated Core Workout - Perfect for Seniors and Beginners!
In this video, two physical therapy experts will guide you through a short seated core strengthening workout suitable for seniors and beginners.
Which is Better: Shapewear, or Waist Trainers?
Waist trainers and shapewear. Do they even work? And could they possibly have any health benefits at all?
8 Fat Burning Exercises for Your Thighs You Need to Know
If you also want to improve your fitness, maintain your health, look good, and burn the fat in your thighs, you should get to know the following exercises...
Lower Back hurts? How to Prevent Lower Back Pain...
Pain in the lower back area is common among many adults, but the unnecessary suffering can easily be prevented with the help of these 10 simple exercises ...
Tennis Elbow: What It Is and How to Treat It With Exercise
In this article, we will show you how to reduce pain and strengthen the elbows and wrists with the use of simple exercises and self-massage.
What is a Do-Everything Athlete? Let Jujimufu Explain
Meet the real-life Superman, Jujimufu. He's a do-everything athlete.
5 Exercises For a Back Hump You Can Do at Home
A sedentary lifestyle isn't kind to our spine. Learn 5 simple exercises that help you get rid of a back hump.
The BEST Walking Routine For Seniors
For seniors, walking is one of the best exercises. Learn why and how you can start enjoying the many benefits of walking today.
Learn to Exercise Safely With Arthritis and Joint Pain
Exercise promotes joint flexibility and offers pain relief for arthritis. This article explains how to exercise safely if you have arthritis.
WARNING! Taking Aspirin to Prevent Stroke Is Dangerous
Everyone who’s older than 40 should know about these new recommendations regarding the daily use of aspirin.
Do Essential Oils Benefit the Immune System?
There’s a lot of buzz about using essential oils to enhance immune health lately. Is it true?
Sitting All Day Can Lead to Muscle Atrophy - Prevent It!
Muscle atrophy is a dangerous health condition that can develop in just a few weeks of inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle. Here's what you should know about it.
The Best Exercises For a Twisted Back
Do you suffer from a slanted back posture? This step-by-step tutorial will give you an exercise routine that will help straighten your back!
These Elastic Bands Are the Best Workout Tool for Seniors
Resistance bands are a great tool for strength training in older adults.
Shoulder Pain Relief in Less Than a Minute is Possible!
The shoulders are the first to react to stress or physical tension. These 6 exercises will help your release tension and pain in the shoulders.
WARNING! Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Damage Your Brain
Drinking coffee in excess increases the risk of dementia, stroke, and even reduces brain volume.
5 Useful Tips For Exercising in the Summer Heat
It doesn’t matter if you’re a runner, yogi, or someone who enjoys a long walk, be careful when you exercise in the heat. Here are 5 important things to consider.
How to Improve Your Neck Posture in 30 Days
A forward head posture affects the alignment of the entire spine and may lead to neck pain and even headaches. Here's how to improve your neck posture.
How to Support a Healthy Range of Motion: 3 Easy Exercises
Is sitting down and reaching up getting harder? Your range of motion may be declining. Here is how you can improve it and why doing so is essential.
Sciatica Back and Leg Pain - 5 Pain Relieving Exercises
Flareups are common for sciatica, but they can be managed and reduced with the help of specific exercises and stretches.
How to Reduce Shoulder Pain With a NECK Exercise
Few people are aware that pain in the shoulder blades can actually be a symptom of improper neck alignment and stiffness in the neck.