12 Important Body Gestures Babies Make
Get to know what these 12 body gestures babies make mean so you can really understand what your baby wants...
A Dying Father's Heart Moving Gesture...
A beautiful and touching gesture by a dying father.
Let It Be - Beautiful Gesture to the Beatles!
The Beatles were more than just a band, they were a cultural phenomenon...
QUIZ: Do You Know These Charade Gestures?
You have 5 minutes to answer all 12 questions about charade gestures - can you guess what they mean?
The Laws of Physics Don't Apply for These Inventions...
Here are ten different inventions that seem to show utter disregard for the laws of physics! Take a look yourself, and see what you think...
The Fascinating Histories of 8 Everyday Hand Gestures
We hardly give gestures like thumbs up or crossed fingers a second thought, but these signs have backstories and origins, and they are quite fascinating!
14 Gestures That Strengthen Your Relationship
Usually, after several decades of living together, we forget to show our partners how much we still love them, but these 14 little gestures do just that.
The Story of Physics - Lovely!
A great animated video by the BBC that's both fascinating and entertaining!
QUIZ: Do You Know What These Charade Gestures Mean?
Is Physical Currency About to Become Obsolete?
Covid-19 could render cash money obsolete, but can a country even function without physical currency?
Physics Experiments That Unravel Perplexing Problems
Ever pondered the age old question, why does shaken soda explode? These physics experiments explain this and a few other science problems
Physics Quiz: Do You Know the Laws of Science?
How well do you know the physical laws that govern our universe? There's one sure way to find out...
14 Gestures That Prove Your Spouse Still Loves You
The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of YOGA
We all know yoga is good for us, but how exactly can this ancient practice help you feel better both physically and mentally if you start now?
These Athletic People are Breaking the Laws of Physics!
Let these successful athletes show you just how far the human body can go
13 Statues that Seem to Break the Laws of Physics
These fascinating artistic creations all seem to bend the laws of physics.
Physics Trivia: How Much Do You Know?
How's your basic physics? Do you remember enough to answer these questions?
The Physics Breaking Rides - Weird Science!
Fantasy rides of theme parks you always wished you could go on
Fascinating! The Physics Behind Flights Explained!
This video gives you a bird's eye view into how our modern day flights came to be the incredible structures they are now.
Physical Therapists Debunk Posture and Back Pain Myths
Is slouching really bad for you? Is there one perfect posture? Watch doctors debunk these and other common posture and back pain myths.
These Dogs Clearly Overestimated Their Physical Abilities...
Watch the hilarious video collection of dogs who fail at being dogs.
Have We Given Up on Physical Education?
Watch how high school students did physical exercise in the 60's! Incredible!
Here's How Marriage Changes You Physically and Mentally!
Every summer, thousands of couples tie the knot in the US. This decision is one that has lasting effects on their health over time. Find out more here!
This is How Mountain Goats Defy Physics and Gravity
They're known to be able to defy the laws of physics, and today we'll discover exactly how they do that.
QUIZ: Do You Know a Bit of Physics?
How many of these basic rules of existence do you know?
Are You Evolved? The Physical Signs of Our Evolution
There are many little signs that your body has gone through evolution, here's how to tell.
Where the Rivers Go: A Guide to Physical Europe
This map will allow you to select which natural features of Europe you want to see: rivers, mountains, capes and so much more.
Here's a Survival Skill Only Physics Can Teach You!
Have you ever wondered what you would do if the elevator you were in began falling? This video has a few things to consider!
7 Exciting Physics Tricks You Have to See!
Watch these seven remarkable physics tricks in this exciting and fun video.
This Joke Starts With a Worried Man at His Annual Physical
An old man who's having memory problems visits his doctor for his annual physical. The doctor quickly comes up with a solution for his forgetfulness...
Trivia: Do You Know Your Basic Physics?
How much of these universal secrets do you already know?
Why We Sometimes Feel Pain without a Physical Stimulation
How the pain mechanism works, and why it isn't always triggered by harm
Physical Books Are Still Beating E-Books – Here’s Why
The e-book revolution was supposed to have been the death knell of physical books. But that hasn't quite been the case...
Take Our Quiz: Do You Know Basic Physics?
A quiz to test your knowledge and/or memory of basic physics!
Your Fingers Can Heal Most Physical & Emotional Problems
Did you know that your fingers have the power to heal the rest of your body?
Does Alcohol Decrease or Increase Physical Pain?
Does alcohol decrease physical pain or does it make us feel it even stronger?
Schrödinger’s PC: How Quantum Physics Can Change Computers
As far as computer technology has come, it's nearing its limit, a problem that quantum physics may be able to solve.
Trivia: How Much Do You Know About Physical Attraction?
This quiz will test your knowledge of the basics of human attraction. In other words - do you understand why people are attracted to each other?
The Mind-Bending Physics of Why Skyscrapers Keep Growing
As skyscrapers keep getting taller and taller, you must be wondering how it is even possible for them to reach more than 1km high. Here is the answer.
This Acrobat Has Achieved Perfect Physical Control. Amazing.
This man has pushed the limits of what the human body can do.
10 Classic Paradoxes fom Philosophy, Math, and Physics
in every sphere of human knowledge, we’re bound to run into inconsistencies. That’s how fascinating paradoxes like these are born.
14 Sneaky Ways You Can Increase Your Physical Activity
There are a number of things we can do to increase the amount of exercise that we do. Here are 14 of them:
Your Home Decor Could be Physically Stressing You Out
These home interior decorating tips will create a calming space in your home.
9 Proven Poses & Actions that’ll Improve Your Daily Life
Did you know that there are certain poses and actions you can perform that will improve your overall life?
Great Sports Moments: These Athletes Are True Heroes
These inspiring and heartfelt gestures by athletes show that sports don't always have to be about winning and losing.
A Second a Day of Indigo - Lovely!
A beautiful gesture to a newly born baby
Dating as a Mature Adult May Seem Intimidating, But It’s Easy!
Tips and advice for single people above the age of 40.
8 Easy-to-Miss Signs People Like You
We have compiled a list of 8 behaviors that suggest that someone likes you!
Will This Be the New Handshake?
Social distancing made handshakes impossible. Many Americans think the greeting should stay gone, and they suggest some interesting alternatives
Overcome Ailments With These 6 Hand Exercises
If you suffer from one of these ailments, try using these hand gestures...
Do These Exercises to Maintain a Sound Mind & Clear Memory
Here are 4 simple exercises that will help to preserve your memory and other cognitive functions, well into old age.
10 Shocking Facts About Kissing!
10 Facts About Locking Lips You May Not Know
These Body Language Tricks Will Make You Seem Confident
Use These body language tricks to help you appear more confident in a social gathering.
Incredible! This Is What Love Does to Your Body
Science has discovered what the effects of love does to your body.
Joke: The Bartender and the Flirty Woman
A rather attractive woman goes up to the bar in a quiet rural pub. She gestures alluringly to the barman who comes over immediately.
Former FBI Agent Explains Basics Of Body Language Reading
Former FBI agent teaches you how distance, gestures and other nonverbal elements can reveal information about a person you're talking to
The Chinese Butterfly Dance is Pure Magic!
Prepare to be enthralled by the passion, precision, and profound emotion conveyed in each step and gesture of this graceful dance.
Love is... Lovely!
An adorable way of describing the many faces of love!
Want to Know How to Read People's Minds? Read This!
Learn to read people's minds, by keeping an eye out for these body language signs.
Fun is a Sign of a Great Relationship!
Keep the fun alive, it'll make for a strong relationship!
Christmas Comes to the Animals of the London Zoo!
There's nothing quite like a Christmas that's shared with the animals!
True Love Hides in All the Little Things...
Some people say that love is the wedding, or raising children, but true love hides in the endless little moments of our lives.
You Already Know - Pets are the Best Comedians!
If you own a pet, you'll probably agree with us in this one - there's nothing quite as effortlessly funny as cats and dogs!
Seeing Animals Hug May Just Be the Best Thing Ever
Is there anything more endearing than animals hugging?
The Most Romantic Demonstrations of Love in All of History
These moving romantic demonstrations of love will melt your heart!
Get Rid of These Body Language Habits Today!
Body language is intuitive, so it can easily convey a wrong message or reveal insecurities. Here are 9 simple tweaks that help you avoid these misunderstandings.
You’re Wrong About These 10 Historical “Facts”
We list 10 common beliefs about famous historical figures and places that were all wildly misconstrued - from Julius Caesar’s birth to the black ninja uniform.
Think You Don't Offend Locals When Traveling? Think Again
Do you think you know the cultures of the world well enough to avoid offending anyone as your take a trip across the globe? Take this quiz and find out!
Learn the Meaning Behind These Common Dog Behaviors
Why do dogs howl, smile, or eat grass? To better interpret what your dog is trying to say, watch the informative video below.
The App that Will Change Conferences and Meetings Forever
Augmented reality allows for cross-country collaborative conferences and meetings that are fully customizable
What two years in the land of plenty can do...
...What can happen to a person when they spend 2 years in the US
Some Animals Bellies Just Deserve a Good Rubbing
Animals love a good belly rub and their faces are so adorable when they enjoy this treat.
This is What Happened to the Man Who Didn't Salute Hitler!
Nearly eight decades have passed since a camera captured the moment a man refused to give Hitler a Nazi salute. Here's what happened to him.
Even Small Acts of Kindness Shouldn't Go Unnoticed!
Even small acts of kindness shouldn't fly under the radar and ought to get the recognition they deserve.
This 3-Tenor Performance is Famous For its Beauty...
Back when these 3 tenors were still with us, they made this amazing gesture to another musical genius.
Hilarious: Let Me Try and Use This Password
A woman is helping her husband to set up his new laptop. He decides to enter a new password, but the laptop doesn't seem to be interested...
Worried About Hungtington's? You Might Want to Read This!
This is an introductory guide for those who are seeking out more information about Huntington Disease.
Watch One Act Of Kindness Brighten Everyone's Day
This video will bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your face as a single kind gesture makes its way around, and returns to the person who began it all.
Who Could Imagine a Simple Technique Could Be So Potent?
This amazing finger technique will help you to revitalize and nourish your body if you're feeling drained.
Here's the Truth About Relationships - 12 Myths Debunked!
Relationships and love are things that have always existed in our world, but there are some truths that need to be clarified about them...
Joke: The Efficiency Expert's Report
The CEO of a company fell ill on a day when he had tickets to see a concert. As a gesture of kindness, he gave the tickets to the company's efficiency expert, to enjoy with his wife....
10 Beautiful Fatherhood Quotes to Always Remember
These 10 dad quotes are a wonderful way to express the loving connection that exists between fathers and kids.
Spread the Kindness Today by Doing These 10 Small Things!
If everyone did these simple things, the world would be a much better place!
8 Reasons You Should Always Hug Your Loved Ones
Hugging is one of the greatest boosts you can give to yourself and your loved ones, both emotionally and health wise. Here are 8 reasons why.
7 Daily Habits that Cause Couples to Fights
If you've gotten into the habit of doing the following 7 things, know that they are responsible for 90% of your biggest fights, and you should learn how to curb those reactions.
When Animals Love, We Get Wonderful Moments Like These
18 gorgeous moments of animals showing affection and love to each other in wonderful photography by Goran Anastasovski, see how they kiss, hug and show love.
Remembering Mommy - So Touching!
Father and Daughter Recreate Wedding Photos to remember her mother who passed away.
3 Fascinating Health Studies You Should Really Know About
These brand new studies have incredible ramifications on our near future, and it's amazing!
Who Thought Such a Simple Technique Could Be So Potent?
9 Sure Signs That You’re In a Great Relationship
If your relationship is happy, you'll probably read through this article with a smile as it will only confirm that you're in a wonderful loving relationship.
The Lighter Side of Love: 18 Funny Valentine’s Day Quotes
Love is a serious matter, but it’s good to have some humor about it sometimes.
Couples Should Know These 5 Languages of Love
What is a love language and do you speak the same one as your spouse? You can learn the answers to these questions and in the following article ...
The 5 Love Languages: Learn How to Love Your Partner
This Joke Starts With a Conscientious Punter At a Brothel
Guess which profession just got unionized...
A Quick Thinker - Great Joke!
The advantages of quick wits...
Joke: The Clever Employee
Joke: The Brothel Union
Joke: I'd Like to Speak to the Manager
A very attractive woman goes up to the bar in a quiet rural pub.
This Video Collection Will Turn You Into an Artist!
If you've ever wanted to learn how to draw but had no clue how to start, all that's about to change thanks to this video guide. Watch the videos and draw away!
When Guys Try to Be Friendly and Miss - Hilarious!
Hilarious Collection of Awkward High Fives!