Don't Charge Your Phone Over 80%, Here's Why
There is truth to the no-overnight-charging rule, and there is also some science to back it up.
Tips That'll Drastically Improve Your Phone's Battery Life
There's nothing more annoying than when your phone runs out of battery with no place to charge it. Thankfully, there's some great ways to improve battery life!
Useful iPhone Tips That Can Save Your Phone’s Battery
Here are some helpful tips to save battery life on your iPhone.
Your Phone Battery Doesn’t Last All Day? This Might Be Why
Is your phone's battery dead again before you know it? Here are 8 potential causes that could be draining your phone's battery life...
8 Genius Ways to Save Your Phone’s Battery While Traveling
Save your phone battery while traveling with these smart tips.
The Battery Man - Unbelievable!
Slaviša Pajkić from Požarevac, Serbia is a battery man. Slavisa was born with an extremely rare condition where he doesn't sweat and has thick skin, thus increasing his resistance of his skin. Increasing resistance means less current will run through
What Causes Laptop Batteries to Bulge Over Time?
These early warning signs can save your laptop's battery and prevent potentially dangerous situations.
Wow, I Never Knew it Was This Easy to Check a Battery!
Did you know you can actually find out if your battery is empty or not? This little tip only takes 2 seconds to do.
The Truth Behind Misleading Phone Charging Myths
We're putting down these rumors once and for all! These cellphone battery charge myths are untrue.
Be Warned! This Battery Could Be a Danger to Your Home
If you use 9V batteries, you need to be aware of this vital information.
If You Do This, Then You Could Be Damaging Your Phone...
Many people end up damaging their phones without even realizing that they are doing so, and here are 9 of the most common ways this happens.
New “Massless” Battery About to Transform the Tech World
Read this article to find out how a novel “massless” battery can change the way we design electronics forever.
Phone Overheating? Use Our Guide to End The Problem!
Is your cell phone overheating? If so, read this handy guide, which will help pinpoint the source of the problem and offer a solution for fixing it.
Joke: Who Was That On the Phone?
Sometimes a phone call tell you everything you need to know...
Did You Know These Cell Phone Facts Are All Totally False?
People just love to give you advice about smart phones, but it turns out that a lot of this information is false. Never believe these 9 smart phone myths.
Check Out These 7 Super Useful Phone Tricks!
Here are 7 lesser-known smartphone tricks that will make your life a lot easier!
Did You Know That Batteries and Magnets Can Make Magic?
Here are some cool magic tricks you can try at home using only a few magnets, batteries and other household items. Watch carefully as the magician puts together a completely self-reliant motor
PHONE GUIDE: How to Make Your Phone Use Less Data!
It's never a nice thing when your mobile data runs out before the end of the month, but there are many things you can do to make it last. Check out this guide.
Battery Recycling: Learn All the Neat Tricks You Can Use!
Learn the myriad ways you can use dead batteries for life hacks.
How to Make Cleansing Hydrogen Water from an Old Battery
Let's embark on this scientific journey to unlock the potential of water and discover the practical uses of hydrogen and oxygen in everyday life.
This Guide Could Potentially Fix Your Wet and Broken Phone
This guide might just save your phone should you ever accidentally drop it in water!
How to Turn Your Phone Into a Wifi Hotspot!
If you've ever dreamt of sharing your smartphone's cellular connection with other Wi-Fi-only devices, such as a tablet or a laptop, then you're in luck!
Never Put Your Phone in These 8 Common Places!
If you care about your cell phone and your health, then make sure you never leave your device in any of these places.
The Three Most Recommended Android Phones for 2024
Our goal was to ensure a representative selection across different price brackets and specific user requirements, offering something for every potential buyer.
7 Apps Everyone Should Install on Their Phone or Tablet
There are loads of apps out there to make your life that much easier, but these 7 apps in particular are really a cut above the rest. Find out more now.
14 Ways to Make Your Camera Phone Incredibly Useful
These days many of us have camera phones, yet we rarely consider how they can help us. Here are 14 very clever tips for your phone camera!
Hilarious: Kids Introduced to Rotary Phones!
What would kids today, used to their fast internet and smart phones, think of the old reliable rotary phone today?
31 Nifty Tips to Make Your Phone Work Longer and Faster
Let's learn some handy tips that will make your smartphone last longer.
Comparing the Two Strongest Phones on the Market 2017
Apple and Google have both launched their new flagship smartphones in a brand-new battle of the tech giants. Make your mind up about which is best here.
A Day Without Her Phone - Excellent!
A Great Video with a Message...
Mrs. Brown's Phone Trick - Hilarious!!
Mrs. Brown has a naughty streak in her, and she decides to pull a little prank on her stiff, dignified neighbor, who is caught in a very awkward position...
Is Using Your Phone in the Bathroom As Bad As It Sounds?
When it comes to bathroom hygiene, even the smallest mistakes can have dire consequences. Is using your phone while you're in the bathroom as bad as you think?
Phone Overheating? This is Everything You Need to Know!
Sometimes your phone seems to be having a fever it's so hot. Here's our troubleshooting guide to help you diagnose and fix your cell phone problem.
4 Super Useful Cleaner Tools You MUST Have on Your Phone
Install these free cleaner apps on your smartphone and save some precious space on your device.
These Phone Stand Ideas Are Nothing Short of Awesome
It's way too easy simply to go out and buy your own phone stand - why not have a go at making your own at home? Here are 32 unique phone stand ideas.
Today's Joke: It Only Takes a Phone Call...
Testing 10 Amazon Phone Gadgets: Are They Any Good?
Are these phone gadgets as good as advertised? Let's check it out.
Protect Your Phone from Being Hacked with This Guide
How can you protect yourself from hackers? Get informed and read through the information below.
If Your Phone Is Running Slow, This Guide is For You
Has your mobile phone slowed down? Here's what to do about it.
THIS is Why You Shouldn't Take Your Phone to Bed!
A stern warning and a cautionary tale that will explain why you shouldn't sleep with your phone...
Hilarious: Quick, Mrs. Brown, Answer the Phone! (Rude)
Mrs Brown's boys sure didn't think she would enjoy her new smart phone this much!
How to Identify the Owner of a Phone Number: 5 Methods
Received a call from an unknown number? Use these sites to identify the caller.
How to Clean Your Phone Correctly to Prevent Disease
Our mobile devices are an often overlooked source of infection, and they should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly, here's how...
The Truth About Folding Phones You Need to Know
Don’t buy a foldable without knowing this first.
Guide: How to Unlock Your Phone Without a Passcode
Forgot your phone passcode? Don't panic.Just follow these steps.
How to Create a Nifty Portable Stand for Your Phone!
Here's a great and easy way to make your own tablet or smartphone stand in no time at all.
WARNING: How to Avoid Harmful Cell Phone Radiation
No one knows how damaging cell phone radiation actually is, but to be on the safe side, here are 14 ways you can reduce your exposure to radiation.
A Simple Guide to Becoming a Better Phone User
This quick and simple guide will help you get a bit more out of your smartphone/
Can You Clean Your Yellowing Phone Case?
Your phone case can be as clean as they come, but it will still be yellow. Why?
Declutter Your Phone's Home Screen with These Tips
Streamline your digital life with these expert tips on decluttering your iPhone and Android home screens.
Don't Like the Standard Apps on Your Phone? Get These!
Here are 6 brilliant apps, that'll blow the free ones that come with your phone out of the water!
How to Find Someone's Social Media by Phone Number
Thanks to digital data and advanced search solutions, nothing is impossible. With the right tools and techniques, you don’t need to look far to discover a person’s social media by phone number.
7 Apps You Don’t Need on Your Phone!
Experts advise against installing apps like the seven we mention here for security reasons...
Has Your Phone Been Hacked? Here's What to Do
A guide showing you how to recognize whether your phone has been hacked and what to do about it.
No More Rice Bowls! Four Ways to Salvage a Wet Phone
Getting your phone wet can be stressful, so here are four tips on how to save it from water damage, from tech experts (there is no rice involved...)
Make Your Old Phone Run Faster and Better With These Tips
Is your old Android phone running slow? Don’t worry; just try these tips to revive it.
Another Good Reason to Put the Phone Aside When With Kids
Extensive research on this topic has consistently shown the importance of giving our undivided attention to our children in order for them to learn and grow.
You Won't Believe What Passes for a Phone in North Korea
You won't believe what phones look like in North Korea!
Phone Tip: 6 Great Free Apps to Edit Photos On Your Phone!
Love taking photos with your smartphone, but aren't always happy with the end result? Then why don't you give these free photo editing apps a try?
Can You Believe These Photos Were Taken with a Phone?
The images here were all taken with an iPhone, proving that a phone camera is more than enough to capture world-class, jaw-dropping images.
The Most Important Phone Call You Make Each Night
Each night I dial God's phone number. Here's what I tell him.
15 Cool Futuristic Phones That Look Too Good to Be Real
Take a look at some insane smartphone designs that are likely to dominate the world in the near future.
Stop WhatsApp from Eating Up Your Phone's Memory
Is WhatsApp eating up your phone's storage space? Here are some easy tips to fix the issue.
Sci-Fi Now: Google Assistant Makes a Reservation by Phone!
If you absolutely hate having to ring up call centers, restaurants and clinics to make appointments, then you need to check out Google Duplex!
WARNING: Staring at Your Phone Can Lead to Spinal Injury!
As we spend more times looking down at our phone, we may actually be doing our necks some serious damage.
19 Things to AVOID to Make Your Phone Live Longer
19 common mistakes we all make, that make our phones age quicker.
Three Sly Phone Scams That Could Cost You Big Time...
Phone scams are nothing new, but the way they are being executed now could catch you out when you least expect it. Here's what to look out for!
The 7 Astonishing Cell Phone Tricks You Never Knew About
Our cell phones are so amazing it's almost impossible to know every little function they perform. But these 7 you never knew about are incredibly cool!
Need to Boost Your Phone's Reception? Here's How You Do It...
Our phones have become such an integral part of our lives, that when we don't get reception we sometimes feel frustrated and limited. Fix that reception problem you've been having with your phone with 10 genius methods.
Lost Your Phone? Don't Panic - Here's How To Find It Again
Lost your phone? Maybe it was stolen? Use this quick and easy guide to locate your phone or at least prevent others from using it.
IMPORTANT: Why You Should Wipe Down Your Phone Every Night
What exactly is lurking on your phone, and how should you go about cleaning it?
WARNING: Child Suffers Permanent Burns from her Phone Cover
Be aware of certain phone covers available on the market. This young school girl suffered permanent third degree burns as a result of her phone cover.
Do Cell Phones Affect Sperm Count? Find Out Here
Find out how much cell phone radiation can end up affecting men's reproductive health.
Easy Ways to Watch Content from Your Phone on Your TV
Cast and screen share your phone to your TV with these tips.
12 Smart Phone Apps That Will Actually IMPROVE Your Mind
While most smart phone activity will sap your brain, these 12 apps do the exact opposite!
A Clever New Way Red Phone Boxes Are Reused in the UK
Have you ever wondered what happened to the famous red telephone boxes of the UK? It turns out that some of them are being used to save lives...
23 Clever Ways You Can Make Use of Your Old Phone
Learn some clever and handy ways to make use of your old cell phone rather than discarding it.
I Bet You Didn't Know Your Android Phone Can Do These...
Did you know that there's a whole bunch of things your Android phone can do that you didn't even know about? Here are 8 hidden tricks on your Android phone.
I Can't Believe These Surreal Photos Were Taken with a Phone
Let photographer Melissa Vincent take you on a surreal visual adventure of Mississippi with her gorgeous images, created entirely on her iPhone. The results are mesmerizing.
This One Begins with a Phone Call to Dad...
When one dad gets an unexpected call from his son at college, some strange developments accrue...
Turn Your Old Android Phone Into Something Brand-New Today
Instead of consigning your old Android smartphone to the dustbin, consider these 11 great ways of giving it a new lease of life. Learn how to do so today.
Use Your Cell Phone to Relieve Your Anxiety and Stress
These 7 apps could be the best on the market today for helping you tackle anxiety and stress. And the good news is that most of them are free.
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
9 Phone Apps That Can Help You Kick Your Bad Habits
If you're sick and tired of bad habits you've acquired throughout the years, there's probably an app that can help you. Here are our 9 hand-picked self-help apps.
4 Things to Do Before Removing Apps from Your Phone
Removing an app isn't as simple as it sounds. Learn the right way to delete them.
These Poignant Photos Were All Snapped With a Phone Camera
These poignant award-winning photographs prove all you need to be a great photographer is a smartphone!
Replace Your Smartphone if It’s Showing Any of These Signs
Here are 7 major telltale signs that your smartphone is in need of an upgrade.
10 Practical Smartphone Tips and Features Few People Know
These practical tips and clever uses of smartphones will help you start using your phone at its full potential!
In the Market For a New Smartphone? Read This Guide!
Many great smartphones were released in 2017, but do you need help with deciding which one is for you? Here's our guide to the year's best smartphones.
10 Tech Products You Must Double-Check Before Buying
Beware! These tech products are most commonly faked.
10 Popular Tech Myths You Need To Stop Believing Now
Here we bust some popular and common myths about everyday tech that people still believe in.
10 Hidden Android Settings Everyone Needs to Know!
Every android phone has settings that allow you to tailor it to your personal needs. Here are 10 lesser-known customizations for you to toy with.
IPhone vs. Google Pixel: The Superior Choice?
Are Google Pixel phones the better choice over iPhones? Let’s find out.
Turn Off These 9 Android Settings. They Pose a Risk
Here are some Android settings that you should consider turning off to enhance your device’s performance.
I Never Knew Repairing a Smartphone Was So Simple!
Having phone trouble? Here are 6 of the most common smartphone issues and exactly how you can fix them.
6 Signs That Someone is Listening on Your Cellphone Calls!
With technology advancing all the time, there is the ever-increasing chance of our phones being tapped. Here are 6 signs that your phone could be tapped.
The Worst Timing - Funny!
When Need that Battery and It's Gone...
You'll Be Astounded to Know About These 8 Android Secrets
There's a lot more we can do with our smartphones than we first imagine, as is evidenced by these 8 great secrets. Learn these Android secrets today.
16 Ways to Make Your Vacation the Best You've Ever Had
Vacations are fun but can the journey and planning stages can be a hassle. Discover some insider tips that will make traveling a cinch.
20 Handy Android & iPhone Hacks and Features To Know About
Here is a look at some truly useful tips and tricks for Android and iPhone users that are bound to make your experience better.