15 Quotes to Help You Take Responsibility of Your Life
Most of us shrug off taking responsibility for failures and blame others. We should all heed the following 15 quotes!
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
Overcoming Being Over-Responsible: 10 Telltale Signs
Here are some detailed signs to help you determine if you're dealing with over-responsibility:
How Dr. Fauci Became the Face of the Coronavirus Response
He is the dace of the US response to the coronavirus pandemic. But what was the earlier crisis that shaped Dr. Anthony Fauci's career?
These Funny Responses are Historically Delightful
The art of witty comebacks was created and perfected many years ago. Take a look at this collection of the wittiest comebacks.
Microwaves Are Responsible For Some Funny Accidents
Sometimes we put something in the microwave and it comes out... completely different. Check out these funny microwave fails that may have happened to you, too.
10 Tips For Raising Happy and Responsible Kids
Raising kids isn't easy, especially if we want them to be responsible and happy. These 10 tips might make the task a little easier!
Hilarious: The Caller Didn't Expect THAT Response...
This man appears to be a generous benefactor, but as the old adage goes, appearances aren't always as they seem...
How Do I Stop Feeling Responsible For Others' Happiness?
Taking responsibility for the happiness of others is without a doubt an immense cause of anxiety. Here's how to stop this negative habit.
These 10 Tips Will Help You Raise Happy and Responsible Kids
Herman the Pigeon Has a Very Responsible Job!
Herman the pigeon works as a foster parent for newborn puppies - this is an animal rescue story you've got to see!
Lessons From South Korea’s Response to the Coronavirus
In South Korea, people are starting to return to normal life and the curve seems to flatten. How did they do it & what can we learn from them?
Personality Test: Your Personality IQ!
It's absolutely clear that our personality has an impact on our intelligence type, which is exactly what this test will help you check ...
PERSONALITY QUIZ: What Kind of Person Are You? A or B?
There are two types of people: 'A's and 'B's. One are fast paced go-getters, the other are laid-back and cool. Which are you. This quiz will tell you!
10 Tips That'll Help You Raise Happy and Responsible Kids
Who Is Responsible for These Nonsensical Road Signs?
Signs are meant to be visual aids, reminders that also serve as a guide. If you ever drove by these incredible road signs, would you know what to do? I wouldn't have a clue.
Oxford Vaccine Shows Positive Response Among Old and Young
In a positive news, it has been revealed that the Oxford vaccine produces an immune response in older adults as well as the young.
Use These Tactful Responses When People Push Food on You
The next time some loved one tries to push food on your plate forcefully, use these tactful responses.
Personality Test: Are You a Nice Person?
We all think that we are nice, but have you ever tested your level of niceness? With the next association quiz, you can...
Quiz: How Warm a Person Are You?
Does your color predilection to determine the temperature of your personality?
Grandma Gets Asked a Question and Has a Perfect Response
When I asked grandma what she thought of events in recent years, I found her answer intriguing. It made me realize how much things have changed...
QUIZ: Who Is This Person?
Could you identify then AND spell their names right?
STUDY: The Effect of Personality on Our Level of Happiness
Researchers finally know which types of people will always be happier than others.
Joke: His Wife's Response is Definitely Not What he Expected!
This joke begins with an old man who decides it's time to visit his doctor in order to improve his love life...
TEST: Found Out What Your Personality Type Is
This personality test will determine if you are rational, emotional, introverted or extroverted.
The Home Design Personality Test!
What’s does home design have to do with your personality? It turns out that it has a lot to do. So if you feel like learning more about yourself take this quiz!
QUIZ: How Is Your Personality Built?
According to Freud, each of us has a different personality structure. The next test will tell you what yours is and what it reveals about you!
Read Pensioner's Priceless Response After Rejected by Army
A pensioner tries to join the army but gets rejected. He believes that pensioners make better soldiers than 18-year-olds, and his reasons will crack you up!
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
Personality Test: What Kind of Sleeper Are You?
Each of us has different sleeping habits, which testify to our unique character. Find out what your sleeping habits say about your personality.
Who Is the Richest Person in History?
Get to know the surprising and little-known story of Mansa Musa, the richest person in the history of the world.
QUIZ: The Emoji Personality Test!
Choose your preferred Emojis, and we'll tell you more about you!
Personality Test: Find Your Personal Stage of Development
We pass through a few stages of development. Which one are you currently experiencing?
Quiz: Am I a Nice Person?
This little quiz uses free association to discover what kind of niceness you really display. Care to find out how nice you really are?
This Person Broke Something, But Not Their Spirit.
Cross-country skier Janine Shepherd hoped for an Olympic medal -- until she was hit by a truck during a training bike ride. ...
TRIVIA: Who IS This Historical Person?
an you tell us which historical person each of these are?
QUIZ: Are You a Forgiving Person?
This personality test is here to check how much forgiveness you have room for. Let's check it out.
WATCH: This is the True Meaning of Personal Strength
Think you know the real meaning of strength? Think again. This video will clear up any misconceptions about what true strength is, and redefine its meaning.
Are You a Sensitive Person? Take Our Quiz!
Are you a sensitive person? Are you in tune with your emotions? Answer our questions honestly and find out...
Personality Test: Complete The Rhyme!
In this test, we will ask you to choose a rhyme for the lines we present...
Personality Test: Are You Sentimental?
Do you wear a huge heart on your sleeve or do you find everyone overly dramatic?
How Exposed Is Your Personal Info?
How Your Info Is Exposed through Social Media
What Makes a Person Attractive? The Scientific Answer.
What do people find attractive in one another? Find out what science has to say here.
Two Personality Traits Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
A large study published recently in the journal Biological Psychiatry found an unexpected correlation between symptoms of Alzheimer’s and two personality traits.
Hilarious! A Man Who Drinks Beer Has a Perfect Response
A Funny example that explains how a man who drinks beer reasons.
7 Qualities That Show You Have a Strong Personality
Contrary to popular belief, character traits are something that can be improved and adopted. The following 7 will make your personality much stronger!
Quiz: Are You a Nice Person?
QUIZ: What is Your Animal Personality?
Are you a lion? A gorilla? Take our animal personality quiz and find out.
Personality Test: What PATTERN Are You?
This quiz will tell you what kind of pattern you are and what it says about you according to the answers you give.
How to Become Your Cat's Favorite Person
Become your kitty's favorite person in the world with these clever tricks!
Personality Test: Are You Patient or Impatient?
Take our quiz and discover for yourself: How patient ARE you?
QUIZ: Can You Recognize the Famous Person?
Can you use your imagination to 'see' the famous person in the photo?
Quiz: Which of the Four Greek Personalities Are YOU?
The ancient Greeks believed there are four main types of personality. Answer the following questions and find out which personality characterizes you!
The Disappearing Computer: Revolution on a Personal Scale
What happens when we lose the physical large computer all together? This lecture explains what ahead for computers.
QUIZ: Which Country is This Person From?
How good are you at guessing where someone's from?
QUIZ: How Spiritual a Person Are You?
Answer our questions from your own heart and spirit, and perhaps we can tell how spiritual you really are.
Personality Test: How Dark ARE You?
Take our quiz, be honest about your answers - and we will tell you how dark you REALLY are.
6 Sure Signs You Are a Truly Moral Person
It turns out that how you communicate with others and how you react in difficult life situations says a lot about your moral stance.
Personality Test: Are You a Genie, a Unicorn?
Which magical creature is YOUR archetype?
This Special Japanese Personality Test is Very Telling...
All you need to do is read the instructions on the photographs. Then imagine what you have read. Finally, answer the questions truthfully.
Personality Test: Are You Emotionally Exhausted?
It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it is something that is good to be aware of and treat. So test yourself: Are you exhausted?
PERSONALITY QUIZ: Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
There are many ways of looking at life, but most of the time people are either optimistic or pessimistic (or realistic) about things? Which are you?
Joke: The Widow and Her Personal Ad
A lonely widow, aged 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local paper that read:
Personality Test: Which Famous Billionaire Are You?
Which of the famous billionaires are YOU most like?
Up Close and Personal With Animals - Stunning!
These breath-taking portraits of animals are so detailed that they may change your perception entirely!
Personality Test: Which Chemical Controls You?
This personality questionnaire will try to deduce which brain chemical is especially active in your brain.
Personality Test: What is Your Artistic Perspective?
Choose the paintings that speak to you most and we will tell you about your artistic spirit.
If Astrology is Bogus, How Can It Predict Personality?
We know astrology isn't science, and yet it seems to predict personality profiles fairly well. Why is that?
Determine If You're a Type D Personality With This Guide
The D in Type D personality stands for "distress", which refers to the heightened level of the emotion that Type D people tend to feel. Find out more here.
This River in Peru Can Boil a Person Alive
Meet the Shanay-Timpishka river in Peru that's hot enough to boil a person alive.
Take Our Quiz: What is Your Animal Personality?
take our quiz and find out what animal represents your personality best!
Personality Test: Are You and Your Parents the Same?
This personality test can be taken TWICE, once for each parent you wish to examine your similarity to.
What is Your MBTI Personality? Discover Now!
A great way to find out what kind of personality you have, using a scientific personality test.
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Animal Character Is Yours?
This quiz will tell something very important about you that you've always wondered about: what animal personality best describes you?
How to Deal With an Angry Person in Your Life
This is a video guide to show you how to deal with an angry person in the best way possible.
Enneagrams Teach You About 9 Different Personality Types
An enneagram is an explanation of human personalities used by psychologists to help facilitate deeper connections between people. Here's the low-down on them.
Personality Test: What is Your Weirdest Trait?
What's YOUR weirdest trait? Think we can guess it? Then take this quiz and answer all questions honestly, and we'll give it our best shot!
This Baby Skunk Has SO Much Personality!
Watch this little one show off her personality and cuteness for a sweet day.
Personality Test: What's Your Mental Strength?
What can you weather best? This personality test is designed to give you that answer.
Personality Test: What's Your Brain Best At?
What is your brain best configured to do? Find out by taking our quiz!
Cats Wanted Personal Space Way Before Corona...
If you need a break from all the grim news, spend a few minutes with these cats who have had it with silly humans touching them!
Up Close and Personal Under the Sea - Fantastic
Here are some of Fedin's most notable and breathtaking photographs from deep in the blue sea.
QUIZ: Does Your Personality Affect Your Intelligence?
This Dog is... a CAT Person!
This dog found a very surprising playmate, which he prefers to other dogs!
Personality Test: Which of These Options Would You Choose?
If given the choice between two options, which would you choose?
7 Personal Preferences That Reveal A Lot About You!
Each of us has daily habits that we perform almost without thought but they can reveal a lot about your personality. Find out what your habits say about you.
Take Our QUIZ: How is Your Personality Constructed?
Quiz: Do You Have This Rare Personality Type?
Can we diagnose your personality type to see if you fit this rare profile?
QUIZ: Figure Out the Famous Person!
Will you lend us your help and your memory in completing these famous names?
Personality Test: What is Your Secret?
Can we reveal your secret; those things you don't want to discuss? Let us try...
If You Ever Encounter an Aggressive Person Do These Things
If you ever encounter an aggressive person, keep these tips in mind.
8 Personality Tests That Will Reveal a Lot About You
A great collection of personality tests and quizzes for discovering your own character, personality, past and future...
Personality Test: Which Famous Statue Are You?
Which of the world's greatest and most famous statues is reflected in YOUR soul?
Personality Test: Pick the Objects to Discover Yourself
Can we guess some things about you according to your selections?
Personality Test:: What is Your Greatest Need?
This quiz will decide, according to your answers, what your biggest need is right now. Answer honestly!
Personality Quiz: What's Your Most Powerful Sense?
Ever wondered what your most dominant sense is? Take this quiz and find out for yourself.
Personality Test: Which Book Character Are You?
Out of six literary characters, we will tell you which one you are...
Personality Test: Which Classic Novel Character Are You?
Which classic novel character might YOU be? Answers our questions and find out...
Up Close and Personal With an Arctic Glacier!
See what happens when these adventurers get a little too close to an arctic glacier!
Personality Test: How Childhood Shaped Who You Are
Answer the following 12 questions and find out what kind of child you were and what it means for you today...