Are Sulfates in Shampoo and Skincare Products Dangerous?
You may have heard that shampoos containing sulfates are dangerous, but is it actually true? And what are sulfates anyway?
Why You Shouldn’t Keep a Bar Soap for More Than 2 Years
The following 10 personal hygiene products all expire sooner than you’d think and you must replace them regularly
Whoever Designed These Items Truly Cared About People
Here are 17 ingenious things that illustrate the fascinating yet useful creations that people come up with.
How to Take Care of Yourself While Caring for Others
This article explores practical tips and strategies to help caregivers maintain their health and find balance.
INTERACTIVE: How Personal Items Have Changed Over Time
Some of you will be old enough to remember what many of today's objects used to look like. Here are 20 such objects. Click to see them as they used to be.
Everyday Items Too Expensive To Use!
Here are the world's most expensive everyday items like golden toilet paper and $800 beer!
Warning! It Can Be Illegal to Dump These 8 Items
These 8 items should never be dumped in the trash, as it can be hazardous or even illegal!
The Precious World of Jewelry: Art, Care and Tips
Admire a world of jewelry, from the most creative, to the most valuable and the most expensive, learning a few handy tips in the meantime...
11 Useful Vintage and Antique Items That Resist Time
11 vintage and antique items that were bought once and continue to serve numerous generations...
Quiz: How Warm a Person Are You?
Does your color predilection to determine the temperature of your personality?
Personality Test: Your Personality IQ!
It's absolutely clear that our personality has an impact on our intelligence type, which is exactly what this test will help you check ...
These Animals Don't Care and the Results Are Hilarious
Animals, like humans, as these photos prove, also have days where they just couldn't care less. These funny photos will definitely brighten your day.
19 Household Items You Need to Change Now
It's high time you change these household items.
PERSONALITY QUIZ: What Kind of Person Are You? A or B?
There are two types of people: 'A's and 'B's. One are fast paced go-getters, the other are laid-back and cool. Which are you. This quiz will tell you!
Collection: 12 Full Guides to Pet Care!
What can't we feed them? How do we know they're sick? What does their behavior mean? All this and more you'll find in these guides.
12 Vintage Items of the Past Found by Chance
There is a certain kind of fascination in seeing ordinary items of the past, especially when you come by them by complete chance...
The Home Design Personality Test!
What’s does home design have to do with your personality? It turns out that it has a lot to do. So if you feel like learning more about yourself take this quiz!
8 Seemingly Harmless Items Dangerous for Children
There are a number of products that have been proven to increase the incidence of childhood injuries, and in some more dangerous cases, fatalities. Take care of these 8 items around the house if you have kids.
Quiz: Am I a Nice Person?
This little quiz uses free association to discover what kind of niceness you really display. Care to find out how nice you really are?
Warning: Do NOT Throw These Household Items In the Garbage
Sometimes gtting rid of some household items is overdue, but it's important to know the right way to dispose of the ones that may hold some risks.
These 8 Beauty Items Are Useless and Not Worth Your Money
The average American woman uses 16 beauty products daily. But most of these are a waste of money. Take a look.
Ideas For Effortless Landscaping and Lawn Care
Is a low-maintenance yard even possible? Certainly, if you follow these tips.
10 Items You Shouldn't be Buying in Bulk
Who doesn’t love a sale or to save some money? Buying in bulk can save you lots of money but some items should not be bought this way.
Be Careful Outdoors If You’re Taking These Medications
Some medications can make you more sensitive to the sun and hot temperatures, learn which ones can and how to stay safe and healthy this summer.
How Robots Are Revolutionizing COVID-19 Care
One of the ways medicine may soon become even more tech-savvy is through the introduction of humanoid robots, and it's already starting to happen
When People Actually Care - Terrific!
A Bus Driver Gets a Wonderful Surprise!
How to Become Your Cat's Favorite Person
Become your kitty's favorite person in the world with these clever tricks!
Show Your Partner That You Care with These 7 Great Tips
Showing your partner that they are a priority in life doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are 7 ways to show them that you care.
21 Incredible Items Unearthed by Metal Detectors
Metal detecting is a surprisingly popular hobby. Here are some of the coolest and most valuable items found by amateur metal detector hobbyists.
Care To Test Your Level of English Today?
Here's a fun English quiz that will take some vocabulary skills to ace!
Personality Test: Are You a Nice Person?
We all think that we are nice, but have you ever tested your level of niceness? With the next association quiz, you can...
A Cat's Guide to Taking Care of Your Human...
A hilarious video from pedigree, directed not at you, but at your cat!
Care For Yourself Better With Relaxing Yoga
Delve into the world of yoga and meditation once you read these facts about its benefits.
Full Guide: How to Take Care of Your Food Containers
Food containers are essential kitchen items, and with the right care, they can last for years. Learn some indispensable tips in this article.
QUIZ: What is Your Animal Personality?
Are you a lion? A gorilla? Take our animal personality quiz and find out.
11 Items That Are BETTER To Buy Second Hand
For some products, there is just no point in paying full-price when buying second-hand is better in terms of quality, cost, and sustainability.
Make Sure Never To Use a Vacuum On These Household Items
Vacuum cleaners are the most effective tool against spills and messes but it can have disastrous results if you decide to clean up these spills with a vacuum
The Sales of These 6 Items SOARED During the Pandemic
Apart from face masks and hand sanitizers, the pandemic caused the sales of certain items to skyrocket. Some of these may genuinely surprise you...
What's it Like Caring for Mentally Ill Criminals?
"The Voices Are Telling me to Kill You." Listen as past nurse Paul Deacon tells us what it's like working at a psychiatric hospital.
5 Things You Can Do With Household Items!
Instead of wasting money on all kinds of home improvements and repair, consider the following items that can probably be found in most households!
Spend the Money on These Items and They'll Last a Lifetime
There are certain items that we shouldn't be afraid of spending a bit more on, and this is because paying for quality will ensure they last us a lifetime.
13 Household Items You Never Knew Had an Expiry Date
Take note. These common household products do go bad.
10 Household Items You Should Disinfect Every Day
Here is a list of 10 essential household things that you simply must disinfect during the winter months.
Quiz: Are You a Nice Person?
This Is How Mother Birds Care for Their Sweet Chicks
Motherhood is a wonderful thing. It binds not only humans together, but birds too. These photos are simply amazing.
Seniors Living Alone Should Always Have These Items
Want to make life easier on your elderly loved one who lives alone? Check this list.
These Tips Will Help You Properly Care For Your Loofah
Do you use a loofah regularly? These tips will help you take better care of it.
How to Practice Self-Care When Supporting a Sick Spouse
we decided to help you with 8 expert tips, each of which will help you cope with the changes life has brought to your relationship with an ill partner.
7 Common Items Contaminated by Toxic Forever Chemicals
Despite their toxic impact on human health, toxic "forever chemicals" can still be found in many common household items.
Handbag Care - How to Clean and Remove Stains
Just like your clothes and shoes, handbags need to be maintained regularly to stay in good shape. Learn how to maintain and clean your purse or handbag here.
These Beautiful Antique Items Have Been Touched by History
Antique objects can bear extra value. They are beautiful, durable, and hold historical significance. Here are 20 stunning antiques we'd love to own!
Everyone Deserves Self-Care: 6 Easy Tips for Parents
A reminder for parents to take time for themselves. 6 small ways to practice self-care in a parent's busy everyday life.
You’d Be Surprised at How Valuable These Old Items Are!
These 9 ordinary old items that could be extremely valuable today. Some of them may be collecting dust in your home right now...
The 13 Strangest Auction Items that Sold for a Fortune
Sometimes people spend a fortune on the oddest things...
7 Household Items You Could Be Using Wrong
The 7 everyday items on this list are all notoriously misused. Here's how to use them correctly.
Here's How You Can Improve Your Care-Giving Skills
You might think that caring for someone is easy, but in reality, your ability to care for someone can be improved with some training.
QUIZ: Who Is This Person?
Could you identify then AND spell their names right?
QUIZ: Care to Test Your Geographical Proficiency?
Can we test your geographical brilliance?
5 Surprising Household Items That Are Great Stain Removers
Not every stain requires a special product. Here are 5 common household items that are unexpectedly effective at removing stains.
Neglecting to Clean These Items Can Be DANGEROUS
These items in your home have to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, they can become a real fire hazard!
5 Different Christmas Plants and How to Care for Them
In this guide, you'll find some tips on how to keep it alive throughout the season, and how to maintain it for next year.
19 Everyday Items That Started as Military Inventions
Look around your home, and you’ll surely find a handful of these items that were originally developed for the armed forces.
10 Grocery Items That Drain Your Wallet
You could be wasting a lot of money at the grocery store!
These Items Should Never, Ever Be Stored In a Garage...
We often overlook how to store items correctly, and many of these items usually end up in our garage. Here are 9 items you should never store in your garage.
5 Items You Should NOT Attempt to Recycle
Not everything can be recycled, even if it's made up of recyclable materials. Here are 5 surprising items that do not belong in the recycling bin.
It Only Takes a Spoonful of These Items to Lose Weight
All you need to make yourself healthier than ever is a single spoonful of each of these 9 fabulous items. They will even help you lose weight too.
These 21 Common Household Items Are Toxic to Your Dog
Is there anything in your home or yard that could be poisonous to your dog? Read this list of 21 household items toxic to dogs to find out
Direct Primary Care Practices May Revolutionize Healthcare
Direct primary care does away with the necessity for having an exorbitantly expensive health insurance policy. Get the low-down on this new healthcare method.
Click to See Unbelievable Uses for These Household Items
Click to learn more! We've collected Ba-bamail's best list of tips and alternative uses for things you've got lying around the house.
Recycle It Up: Ingenious Ideas For Old Items!
Here are some old and antique items that, instead of being sold or hoarded away, were reused in ingenious ways around the home!
Here Are the Items You SHOULD Spend Good Money On
We all like to save money where we can, but there are certain things in life that are definitely worth splurging on. Here are 11 of them
Each of These Items Has a Cool Hidden Feature
There are things in this world whose only intention is to confuse you or to trick you into believing that they’re something they’re not. Here are 12 examples.
16 Baby Care Misconceptions You Need To Forget
Babies need delicate care, so it's important to debunk any misconceptions about raising them. Watch these two experts explain what is true and what's a myth.
7 Common Indoor Plant Care Mistakes to Avoid
Avoid these 7 plant care mistakes to make sure all of your potted plants will have a long and healthy life.
Be Careful When Shoveling Snow This Year
Shoveling snow is more dangerous than you think and could cause a heart attack and back injuries. Follow these tips in order to stay safe while shoveling snow.
6 Tips to Take Care of Your Woolens This Season
Here’s how you can make sure your woolens last for many winters.
Seeing is Believing: Bionic Eyes and Advanced Eye Care
The advancements in eye technology are incredible, and this work has exciting benefits for everyday eye care.
7 Surprising Items That Should Be Kept in the Fridge
Some surprising items are better off in the fridge than on a cupboard shelf. Here are 7 such items, both food-related and not.
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
These Life Hacks Will Take Good Care of Your Shoes
Whether you're a seasoned collector or just looking to extend the life of your favorite pair, these insights will transform how you care for your footwear.
These Animals Don't Care About Species, Just Friendship
Most animals don't care what you look like, just how you treat them...
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Animal Character Is Yours?
This quiz will tell something very important about you that you've always wondered about: what animal personality best describes you?
8 Of the DIRTIEST Household Items and How to Clean Them
Even in the cleanest of homes, germs might be lurking in the most surprising everyday items. These are 8 items you should look out for and clean regularly.
Pet Care: Common Mistakes That Rabbit Owners Often Make
Love your bunny rabbit? Then check out this video to see if you are making any of these common rabbit care mistakes.
6 Essential Items To Pack For a Trip Right Now
Packing for vacation is a bit different when there's a pandemic going on. If you decided to brave the virus and travel, this is what you must pack to stay safe.
Are You Really Taking Good Care of Your Skin?
Are you really taking good care of your skin? Watch this video to find out about 19 serious skincare mistakes that are unfortunately quite common...
Save Money on Pet Care with These Surprisingly Simple Tips
There are some simple ways to save on pet-related expenses without compromising your pet's health. Read on to find out how.
Follow These Tips to Care For Your Reusable Water Bottles
Reusable water bottles are great but they also need more care than you might realize. Here are some tips.
Here Are Everyday Items and Animals Hiding in Plain Sight!
These household items and different creatures (from cats to humans) all have the hilarious power to camouflage and hide in plain sight.
10 Items That May Be in Short Supply This Pandemic Winter
The coronavirus pandemic might make a few items tough to find during the upcoming winter season. Here's a look at a few of them.
8 Items In Your Kitchen You're Not Cleaning Enough
Are you forgetting to clean these kitchen items? Most people don't clean these germ-ridden places enough...
Shocking Bathroom Items That SHOULDN'T Be in the Bathroom
Bathrooms get so damp and humid, they are a breeding ground for bacteria. And here are 8 surprising things we need to keep out of the bathroom.
Use Your Freezer to Clean These 7 Items of Clothing!
This may sound absurd, but there are actually a lot of benefits to putting your clothes in the freezer, especially when it comes down to certain pieces of clothing in your wardrobe. Check them out here!
Who Is the Richest Person in History?
Get to know the surprising and little-known story of Mansa Musa, the richest person in the history of the world.
Take Your Old Items and Use Them in a New Way
These stunning objects will show you how to breathe new life into old things.
Become a Giant With Miniature Versions of Everyday Items!
The smaller something is, the cuter it looks. These 15 photos are proof that tiny things make our hearts melt while making us look massive
Animals Don't Care What You Look Like...
Animals don't care what others look like, just that they are friendly to them. A series of heartmelting animal friendships!
Don't Delay, You Need to Start Cleaning These Items Today!
Do you know how many different things need to be cleaned every day in your home? Here are 9 household items you might be neglecting.
A Modern-Day Noah: Caring for Creatures Great and Small
Watch the amazing story of a woman who takes care of more than 70 animals at a sanctuary.
QUIZ: The Emoji Personality Test!
Choose your preferred Emojis, and we'll tell you more about you!