GUIDE: Are You Feeding Your Cat Right?
To help cat owners with this task, we've created a guide on the recommended daily amount and type of food to feed their cats.
On a Bicycle at 263 km per Hour!
French bicyclist Francua Gissi hooked up a rocket engine to his bicycle to set a world record. His bicycle reached a speed of 263 kph (160 mph)! Don't try this at home, but do see this amazing short video of record being broken.
Like Owner, Like Dog: Fun Photos of Dogs and Their Owners
We had no idea that people and pets could look so much alike! Here are 9 comparison photos that look so alike it's uncanny!
Joke: Price Per Ounce
A man is laying in the hospital, waiting to be the first person in history to receive a brain transplant.
Why Do Cats Like To Sleep With Their Owners?
Watch this video to find out the reasons why do cats love to sleep with their owners so much.
This DIY Machine Can Sort Up To 500 Coins Per Minute!
Sorting coins becomes easy with this handy automatic machine capable of sorning up to 500 coins per minute. Learn how to make it at home.
The Love Between These Pets and Their Owners is Beautiful!
Have a pet can be the greatest gift in the world and these adorable stories show exactly why.
Hilarious: The Secret Life of Cat Owners
Every cat owner will be able to recognize their own feline in these hilarious comics!
These Cats Just Adore Napping With Their Owners
Cats just love napping with their owners, as you'll see in this next video.
These Cats LOVE Their Owners So Much....
Don't believe those who say cats don't show affection. Just show them this video and they'll never make that claim again.
These Owners Challenge Their Pets Every Day!
Every day these owners come up with a fun new challenge for their cats and dogs.
Explained: Why Do Cats Like To Sleep With Their Owners?
It's Amazing How Similar These Dogs Look to Their Owners!
These wonderful portraits really prove the old saying "like owner, like dog".
Simon's Cat: A Day in the Life of a Cat Owner
Being a cat owner really changes you as a person, only cat people understand this. But everyone will get the humor in this new extended Simon's Cat episode!
Adorable: This Dog is Educating Her Owner...
This lady dog will not allow her quarantined human to play any more video games, and she's insistent.
Hilarious Photos! The Daily Struggles of Cat Owners
There is a reason why cats are stereotyped as being annoying and selfish. Here are 15 hilarious examples of cat owners sharing their daily cat-related struggles
Cat Owners Fall Within These Five Distinct Categories
According to a new study, there are five different kinds of cat owners. Find out which one are you.
All These Pets Want to Do is Be with Their Owners
If our pets could spend 24/7 with us, they most probably would. These photos prove it.
Try Not to Cry When You See These Owners and Dogs Reunite
Try not to cry as you watch these adorable dogs reunite with their owners.
Brilliant Hacks to Make the Life of a Dog Owner Easy
Here are some simple and useful life hacks that will help simplify the life of dog owners.
These 8 Home Owners Really Bore a Grudge...
The following houses were built completely out of spite and anger.
When Dog Owners Want to Have a Little Fun...
Owning a dog really brings out the best in all of us. Look at what these lucky pups received from their proud owners!
Here Are 10 of the Most Unexpected Pets and Their Owners!
Having a pet hedgehog is becoming increasingly common, but we don't see any of these unusual animals becoming popular pets any time soon...
6 Treasures Owners Unwittingly Used As Household Goods
Sometimes, a prized treasure is hiding right under the noses of unsuspecting citizens. Some precious antiques are even being put to good use as household items.
Watch This Dog Reunited With Her Owner. Bring a Hanky.
A video of Little Luna the dog being rescued by Hope For Paws and reunited with her owner.
Some Things Only a Cat Owner Will Understand...
The rules of living with a cat every cat owner knows, dreads and even loves!
Pet Care: Common Mistakes That Rabbit Owners Often Make
Love your bunny rabbit? Then check out this video to see if you are making any of these common rabbit care mistakes.
These House Owners Refused to Sell. Here's What Happened..
In China, when someone decides to develop an area, nothing and no one will stop them. Unless, of course, it's a home...
A Few Things Only Dog Owners Will Understand...
A few hilarious and adorable situations those who lived with dogs will easily recognize!
Cutest Pets Demand Petting and Attention From Their Owners
These cute pets just want the attention of their owners... And they are willing to take it by force.
How to Identify the Owner of a Phone Number: 5 Methods
Received a call from an unknown number? Use these sites to identify the caller.
WATCH: Do Cats REALLY Get Attached to Their Owners?
From all the different types of animals that are kept as pets, cats are among the most aloof. So, do they miss their owners after all? Find out in this video.
Furry Scary: When Pets Left Their Owners Spooked!
Pets are adorable and make our lives better. Sometimes, though, they scare the living daylights out of us.
This Dog Saved Her Owner From Certain Death!
This dog proved her love for her owner in an amazing way: she used her incredible sixth sense to help save the woman's life.
15 Hilariously Cute Comics That Cat Owners Will Adore
Here is a collection of 15 hilarious comic strips based on the funny adventures of different cats. Pet owners are sure to chuckle at these.
15 Hilarious ‘Cat Confessions’ Pet Owners Will Relate To
You thought cats lead easy lives? Listen to what they feel everyday in these hilarious 'confessions'.
Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
Watch this latest Christmas Special episode of Simon's Cat.
12 Things Veterinarians Want Pet Owners to Know
To be in the know, you better read the 12 things that veterinarians want to tell you - the pet owners.
8 Awesome Inventions That Any Car Owner Would Want
These ingenious inventions are designed to make the lives of car owners so much easier.
Can My Dog Eat That? An Important Infographic for Dog Owners
If you want to keep your dog safe and happy, you need to know what foods they can and cannot eat.
Most Plant Owners Overlook This Insidious Pest
Find out how to spot spider mites, protect your plants from these pesky pests, and treat a plant struggling with a spider mite infestation right here.
10 Things Home Owners Must Watch Out For in the Winter
This brief list of just 10 winter household tips will guide you through the basics of winter home maintenance.
12 Things Every Cat Owner Should Be Aware Of and Care Tips
Cat care may not seem terribly complicated, but there are some important moments that even experienced cat owners miss...
Most Plant Owners Ignore This Crucial Plant Care Detail
Successful houseplant owners always pay close attention to their plants’ light needs. Let us teach you to do just that in this brief but informative guide.
14 Mistakes Every Pet Owner Makes
If you love your pet, you must recognize the 14 mistakes you may be making that are harmful to its well-being, security, and mental state.
Study: Dogs Shed Tears of Joy When Reuniting With Owners
Dogs get so overwhelmed by emotions when they are reunited with their humans that they shed tears of joy - says a recent study.
Some Car Owners Come Up With Really Bizarre Designs!
These weird car modifications have gone a bit too far, but it's hilarious!
10 Handy Cleaning Tips Every Pet Owner Will Appreciate
If your pets wreak havoc in your home and you're tired of the bad smells, scratched furniture, and dirt they cause, try some of these tried and true tips!
FUNNY: This Cartoon Cat Won't Let His Owner Take a Break
Look at what happens to poor Simon when he decides to watch a bit of TV – his cat is having none of it. How far these treasures will go to catch our attention!
The Only Thing This Puppy Loves More than Food is His Owner
Meet Winston - a stray dog that got rescued and eventually returned the favor
These Lucky Owners Have Matching Sets of Pets!
a collection of adorable furry companions and their animal look-alike
This Joke Begins With a Very Happy Ferrari Owner...
This old man's moped is surprisingly fast in this hilarious joke!
Joke: The Little Girl and the Pet Store Owner
A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp: "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep wittle wabbits?"
This Kitten Will Follow Her Owner Anywhere, Even the Sea...
A story of a beautiful friendship between a man and the kitten that adopted him.
You'll Never Guess What This Dog Does For Its Owner!
This Japanese dog is certainly very patient and a very good model. Its human creates cardboard cutouts for it to model. View the hilarious results.
Cat Owner Builds His Cats an Epic Cardboard Maze
Chris Poole decided to create a cat maze using 50 cardboard boxes...and his cats loved it!
Pet Owner? You Should Never Leave Your Paper Unattended
A collection of clips of pets wreaking havoc with paper
Simon's Cat Won't Let His Owner Get Any Housework Done
In this episode of Simon's Cat, how can Simon get any housework done?
17 Dogs Who Will Surprise You With Their Resourcefulness
Take a look at some of these dogs who went out of their way to help their human friends.
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
As if we need more proof that dogs are amazing, a new study confirms owning a dog is linked to living longer.
What's the Dirtiest Place on the Plane?
If you were asked what the dirtiest place on the plane was, what would you answer? The next study is going to surprise you and change your mind about dirty places.
Watch Out! Is Your House Being Watched by Robbers?
Is your house being watched by robbers? Watch out for these 10 crucial signs.
Study Finds Dogs React Positively to the Words I Love You
A new study reveals that a dog's heart rate increases by 46% when their human says "I love you." The study offers valuable insight into the ways dogs communicate.
Save Money on Pet Care with These Surprisingly Simple Tips
There are some simple ways to save on pet-related expenses without compromising your pet's health. Read on to find out how.
Take a Tour of the Real Castle of Downton Abbey!
Highclere Castle is the real-life Downton Abbey, and it isn't very different to how it is depicted on the popular TV show. Learn some intriguing facts.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Your Car Tires
This short article will cover everything a car owner needs to know to maintain tire performance year-round - both in rain and drought.
Hilarious: The Equipment On a Caddy Is Just Unbelievable
When a gas station attendant sees a model of Cadillac he's never come across before, he begins to ask the owner questions about it. It's very well-equipped...
Here Are 8 Credit Cards You Should Steer Well Clear of!
The best credit cards out there offer lucrative reward programs, concierge services, and extra perks, but these are far from common. Here are 8 rubbish ones!
A Terrific Dance of Dog and Human!
In this fantastic dance, this pet owner uses a mirror to convey both subtext and some fabulous dance steps for her 4-legged partner.
The Guidebook Won’t Tell You These Facts about Switzerland
There’s so much more to Switzerland other than its raw natural beauty that many people are not even aware of...
Give Your Cat a Better Life with These Amazing Life Hacks
These awesome tips and tricks will help make the life of any cat owner much easier and the life of the car better!
Cat vs. Invisible Maze – Who Will Win?
This cat owner built his cat an invisible' maze with walls and a ceiling. Can the feline overcome this challenge?
10 Heartwarming Ways Your Dog Show He Loves You
discover the 10 unique, and sometimes odd, ways they express their affection toward you, essentially saying without words, "I love you."
The Netherlands Is a Country of the Future For 7 Reasons
The Netherlands is a country that others should emulate for a whole variety of reasons, not least these 7 we're about to show you in this article.
Get a Dog Now - It Might Actually Improve Your Longevity!
It has long been known that dog ownership can help with loneliness and boost social interaction, but a correlation now been found with good heart health...
These Private Jets and Planes Are the World's Most Lavish
Airport queues don't exist for people with hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank. Here are the world's most famous and lavish private planes.
These 'Beware Dog' Signs are Great, Witty Fun
These dog owners sure have a sense of humor!
About 2% of People Can Solve This Riddle Can You?
According to the great Albert Einstein, only 2% of the world's population can solve this riddle by themselves. Are you one of them?
Only 2% of People Can Solve This Riddle! Can You?
What a Dream it Would Be to Spend a Night on These Yachts
Think comfortable, beautiful and luxurious! Take a look at these gorgeous yachts:
14 Cat People and Their Purrfect Pet Lookalikes
Like owner, like cat - the saying goes. Here are 14 proud cat owners and their adorable pet lookalikes!
Cat Parents: You’ll want to Hear about This Breaking Study!
If you have a cat, you'll want to read the surprising findings of this study, which shed new light on their feelings towards you ...
This Video Proves That a Dog REALLY Is Man's Best Friend!
A highly trained medical dog will instantly react to changes in its owner's behavior. Here's how they are trained at home.
14 Signs Your Cat Sees You as Their Real Parent
Watch for these behaviors to understand just how much you mean to your cat, less an owner and more as a parent.
Treat Your Kitty With This DIY Cat Hammock
Share this video tutorial with all the cat owners you know. They're sure to appreciate it!
30 Sad Cats Who Are Waiting at the Window...
I don't know if these cats are pining for their owners to come back, or maybe are just thinking cat thoughts, but these photos had me mesmerized from the very first one.
These Innocuous Car Items Conceal Surprising Dangers
If you're a car owner, this video will be really helpful to you.
Halloween for Pets: The Animals with the Cutest Costumes!
These pets are ready to show off this Halloween in their adorable costumes!
Who Said the Dog Was Man's Best Friend?
Here are some photos of cats that trust their owners completely, and so have become great friends to have around!
These Are the Most Expensive Liquids in the Entire World
The world's most expensive liquids are incredibly valuable for a variety of reasons. Discover what they are and why they're so valuable in this list.
How to Get a Cat to Like You – 10 Science-Backed Tips
Want your cat to love you more? These science-backed tips might just do the trick.
I Couldn't Help But Laugh at This Dog's Urge to Sing
Watch this French bulldog sing-a-long with his owner!
These Hilarious Cartoons Get What Living with Dogs is Like!
The way we are with dogs and the way dogs are with us, is something only dog owners really get. If you're a dog owner these comics will make you laugh a lot!
Joke: The Coffee Shop and the Drunk Man
A drunken man walks into a coffee shop one day...
These Dogs Are Full Grown, But Think They're Puppies...
These adorable, yet hilarious photos will prove that every dog secretly wants to remain a puppy...
Calculate How Much Food & Drinks to Serve Your Guests
Planning out the perfect quantity of food for a party can seem like a tough task, but this guide makes it as easy as pie!
These Pets Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
Watch these four hilarious pets trying to cross a set of obstacles course up by their owner!
Don't You Wish This Was Where You Hit the Hay?
Enjoy these themed beds and maybe their owners' reality will too become your design dream!
Keep Your Lips and Hugs to Yourself Human! Hilarious
A lot of dog and cat owners love to kiss their pets. But often the pet doesn't understand this strange custom. This hilarious compilation shows their reactions!
Dog vs. Balloons - Funny and Cute!
For Bunk's second birthday, his owners decided to surprise him with a room filled with his favourite thing in the world - Balloons!