13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Better Develop
In the first weeks of life, your baby will usually be busy sleeping and eating. to add some excitement to this routine, do these 13 activities!
13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Develop Properly
This Method Can Help You Effectively Deal With Your Kids!
Every child has moments in which they behave poorly, and with this simple method, you can stop this behavior now and in the future!
How to Make Sure Your Parents Are Happy Watching Your Kids
When your parents agree to watch your kids it's a convenient arrangement in every respect, but in order for it to work well its best to keep these 10 tips in mind.
Find Out When Your Baby Will Smile, Crawl and Walk!
Children bring with them a lot of joy, and each milestone they reach is amazing. Learn about the 10 main milestones of baby's first year and why they happen!
These 10 Tips are Proven to Help Raise Successful Children
We all want to raise successful children, but there are many theories about how to do it. Here are the 10 tips from psychologists, researchers, and consultants.
5 Holding Positions That Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
If you've ever wondered how to help your baby release gas, burp, or even just calm them when they're crying, read this article and learn 5 new holding positions!
These 5 Holding Positions Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
These Are the 13 Secrets That Led My Family to Happiness...
While you don't choose your family, you can choose to be happy. Discover the 13 secrets that'll make your family cohesive, loving, warm and happy...
These Studies Prove How Dangerous Hot dogs are for Kids!
Hot dogs are a favorite, but they aren't the least bit healthy as we all know, they are even severely damaging to kids. Find out why and how to avoid hot dogs!
Want To Be a Better Parent? Ask Yourself These 10 Questions
Are you a good parent? Don't try to answer this question, instead, try answering the following 10 questions honestly, which will tell you if you're are a good parent.
TOO CUTE! Babies React to Dads Shaving Beards
Watch these adorable babies reacting to their dads without a beard for the first time.
10 Tips That'll Help You Raise Happy and Responsible Kids
Raising kids isn't easy, especially if we want them to be responsible and happy. These 10 tips might make the task a little easier!
10 Tips For Raising Happy and Responsible Kids
This Dad’s 30 Tips Will Teach You How to Raise Happy Kids...
Michael Mitchell is a devoted American father who collects tips from various fathers about raising kids, and these are some of his most interesting!
Personality Quiz: Which Element Reflects Your Family's Love?
Does your family express love like fire, earth, wind or water? You can find that out by taking this quiz….
6 Kinds of Child Photos You Should NEVER Share Online
In this article, we've shared some guidelines that will help you understand the kind of child photos that you should NEVER post online.
5 Relationship Mistakes That Push Away Your Adult Children
Are you unknowingly pushing away your adult kids by engaging in any of these bad communication habits?
Is Breakfast REALLY the Most Important Meal?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - truth or myth? Watch to find out what happens to your body when you stop eating breakfast for two weeks.
7 Tips That’ll Prep Your Kids for The Jobs of the Future!
oHere are 7 tips to help you prepare your children for future professions and to impart on them the skills they'll need to succeed in the world.
8 Signs You’re Ready to Love Again
If you've experienced heartbreak, whether recent or long ago, it's important to be able to recognize when you're ready to love again...
11 Amusing Insights That Only Grandparents Can Understand
Being a grandparent is a tremendous and life-changing experience, and with it come all kinds of funny insights and funny situations...
These 7 Principles Helped Me Teach My Kids Conflict Resolution
As parents, we often get caught in the middle of our kids' arguments. These 7 principles will teach your children to resolve their conflicts on their own!
These 10 Tips Will Help You Raise Happy and Responsible Kids
The Comprehensive To-Do List Every Pregnant Woman Needs
Congratulations, you're pregnant! Here's everything you need to take care of the next nine months, month by month!
This Devoted Dad Has Some Words to Share....
10 Harmful Childrearing Mistakes That Parents Should Avoid
Parenting is the most challenging job in the world and it's natural to make mistakes, but some are more harmful to your children than others...
This Is How Your Parenting Style Affects Your Health...
We often think about the impact that parents make on their children, however, different parenting styles can have various effects on a parents health!
How to Tell Children about Divorce without Hurting Them
Divorce isn't easy for any couple, especially if children are involved, so it's important to know how to tell them the news in the best way ...
Pediatricians Want Parents to Know These 12 Important Things
Sometimes we leave a doctors appointment feeling confused and with more questions, these 12 facts will have us leaving the doctors office wiser.
12 Incredibly Sweet Signs That Your Baby Loves You
Babies may not know how to speak, but that doesn't mean that they do not know how to express love in a variety of very sweet and surprising ways.
18 Funny Notes Left by Clever Moms and Dads
These parents left the funniest passive-aggressive notes!
The 10 Don'ts of Grandparenting You Must Always Remember
Avoid these common pitfalls of grandparenting to build a strong bond with your grandchild.
These "Harmless" Remarks Can Negatively Impact Children
Avoid saying these seemingly innocent phrases around kids; they confuse them.
40 Sentences Every Child Needs to Hear to Succeed in Life
Help your child succeed in life with these 40 sentences.
Being a Parent Is Hard Enough: Here Are 12 Parenting Hacks
Parents and grandparents - here are 12 useful parenting trick you will surely appreciate!
Find Out Which 9 Things Most Parents End Up Regretting
We all want our child to have a good life, but parents of older children know that there are a lot of mistakes that we make along the way...
12 Important Body Gestures Babies Make
Get to know what these 12 body gestures babies make mean so you can really understand what your baby wants...
How to Identify Anxiety in Your Child and Help Them Cope
More and more children in the world are now having to deal with stress and anxiety. Learn how to identify signs in your child and how you can help them!
These 24 Questions Make for Meaningful Family Time
The next series of questions can make your next family night meaningful, and bond-strengthening...
Learn How to Prevent and Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome
Are your children leaving home? Avoid the symptoms that many parents experience as a result of this with these 7 tips...
8 Funny "Drills" to Do Before Deciding to Have Children
If you aren't able to perform these 8 exercises successfully, you probably aren't ready to have kids...
Develop Your Child's Self-Confidence with These 6 Tips
Self-confidence is a very important quality of success in life, which is why it's important you help your child develop it... The 6 Tips will help you do just that!
Develop Your Kid’s Curiosity and Imagination in 40 Questions
Learn how to ask your kids questions that develop their imagination, curiosity, and creativity ...
These 9 Sentences Will Help You Raise Your Kids Confidently!
Read these 9 tips that'll help you handle different situations parents around the world experience almost every day!
9 Sure Signs That You’re In a Great Relationship
If your relationship is happy, you'll probably read through this article with a smile as it will only confirm that you're in a wonderful loving relationship.
Warning: This Common Painkiller Can Endanger Fetal Health!
A recent study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem showed that prolonged consumption of acetaminophen during pregnancy may harm the fetus....
All Parents Need To Know These 13 Facts about Their Kids
Children and teenagers often behave in unexpected ways, and in order to learn how to respond and raise them correctly, we've compiled the following 13 facts!
Study Shows Link between Children’s Diet and Mental Health
A new surprising study shows a link between the way children eat and their emotional and mental health!
9 Psychological Parenting Tips That Parents Should Know
Raising kids isn't an exact science since every kid is unique, however, these 9 tips can help you in the most general of situations that all families experience.
Does Your Child Have a Rash? Here's What it Could Be!
Young children are often most susceptible to infections which can lead to rashes, learn how to differentiate between them with this guide to 8 common skin rashes.
Nutritionists Reveal What to Pack in Your Kids Lunchbox
Packing your kids a sandwich for lunch just isn't enough! Learn what foods to pack in your kid's lunchbox to keep them energized at school.
The Many Ways Children Benefit From Playing Instruments
Most children are naturally drawn to musical instruments, and once you learn the advantages of playing an instrument you'll be running to get them a guitar!
WARNING: Don't Let Children Play With These Toys
Today there is a large selection of toys, and although they should be fun some may be real life-threatening, such as those on this list,
9 Fun Gardening Activities To Get Your Kids Involved!
Want to get the kids involved in the garden but don't know how? Try these next 9 activities that we're sure they'll love!
11 Handy Flight Hacks for Parents Traveling With Children
These tips will keep your kids happy on long flights.
These 11 Phrases Mean the World to Your Adult Kids
Want a better relationship with your adult children? Say these things to them.
Understand Your Grandkids Better by Asking These Questions
These questions will help you understand and connect with your grandkids better.
5 Parenting Styles and How They Influence Our Lives
Each parenting style influences a child in its own way - both positively and negatively. Do you recognize yourself as a child or parent in one of these styles?
12 Crash Course Videos That Will Expand Your Horizons
Quarantine is an opportunity to learn something new! Check out this well-made series of videos that cover almost any topic you can think of!
What Is the Secret of Human Success As a Species? Grandmas
Was the unique parenting style of humans responsible for the rapid evolution of our brains and social skills? Find out in this video.
10 Parenting Tips that Saves You From Yelling
It happened again; The kids did something bad, you yelled at them, and now you feel guilty... To stop this harmful habit, read the following 10 tips.
If You Have a Strong-Willed Child, We Have 6 Tips for You
Children can be strong-willed, some even innately stubborn - but before your home becomes a battleground, try out the following 6 tips...
Raise a Curious Child With This Educational Approach!
What can be done to educate our children at home and to nurture their curiosity and interest? The Reggio Emilia approach is just the solution for you.
Learn How to Cope With 8 Problems New Parents Encounter
Having your first baby is what changes your whole life. As amazing as it is, it's important to talk about the problems that can sometimes arise...
11 Cool and Original Ways to Repurpose Old Box Games!
Board games were an integral part of most of our childhoods, and now you can turn them into12 special items allowing them to bring you joy in other ways.
10 Sentences Parents Should Never Say To Their Teenagers
We all love our children but during their teen years we find ourselves angry at the things they do, learn how not to respond to them in this article!
This Special Rule Will Help You Bond With Your Kids!
If you, as parents, are interested in a warm and loving relationship with your children, you should learn about the 3-minute rule!
Modern Parenting – How to Balance Work and Family Life
Many Parents today spend long hours away from their children, now you no longer have to feel bad - these tips will help you find the balance!
Surprising: 9 Signs of ADHD That Appear Mainly In Girls
In the past, ADHD was seen as a problem for boys, but it turns out that girls have the same chance of developing it although its symptoms are different.
9 Mistakes Parents Make When Vacationing with Children
Trips, especially flights with children, are not simple. To make matters easier, avoid these nine mistakes parents make on family vacations.