Where Did the Language of Hebrew Come From?
This video will explain the surprising and fascinating origin of this ancient language.
Can You Guess the Meaning of These 20 Common Surnames?
We kind of take surnames for granted, as they are just passed down to us. But every name has an origin and meaning, and some might surprise you.
9 ‘Current’ Words That Are Much Older Than You’d Guess
Hipster, Influencer and Dude - all these words sound so quintessentially modern, but you'd be surprised to learn how old they actually are.
Where Did 'Murphy's Law' Come From?
Learn the origin of this common phrase - Murphy's Law
Ever Wondered How The Ancient Art of Origami Began?
From paper boats, to beautiful flowers, origami has been developing for nearly 2000 years. Here's a quick look into it's illustrious history
Ever Wondered Where Math Symbols Come From? Find Out Here!
Have you ever wondered where math symbols originated from? If so, all your questions will be answered in this informative TED-Ed video.
Did You Know the Origin of These 10 Superstitions?
Discover the interesting reasons behind why you're afraid of walking under ladders, seeing a black cat, breaking a mirror, and many others!
The Bizarre Origins of Some Very Familiar Flags
Learn the true meaning of flags and how they came to be.
Is It Soda or Pop? 12 Fun and Interesting Regional Words
How are these objects called? It depends on who you ask! Every part of the US has its own fun and fascinating set of regional words
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
Can You Believe These Words Didn’t Exist Before the 1970s?
When a new words spreads it seems it's been around forever. But in reality, many of the words we use everyday are quite new. These didn't exist before the 1970s.
How Come Humans are The Only Species To Have Language?
Language allows us to express an unlimited number of things, and humans are the only species capable of it. How did all came to be?
This is the History of Our World in Just 18 Minutes
Using a series of stunning illustrations, David Christian, in a riveting 18 minutes, narrates a complete history of the universe. Take a look!
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
Learn All About the History of the English Language
Ever wondered where the English language came from and how it evolved over time? If so, then this is the perfect video for you!
Odd One Out - The Reason French Pronunciation Is So Unique
Italian, Spanish, and French all evolved from Latin. If all of these languages have the same root, why does French pronunciation sounds so different?
What's Portmanteau? Surprising Etymologies of Common Words
If If you have ever said the words brunch, sitcom or spam, you have used portmanteaus. This is the fascinating origins story of many common words...
These Man Made Pools Provide Support to Millions of People
The Potash Ponds are not only a striking sight but also an extremely important resource. What's their story? Find out here.
The 12 Words of Christmas: Funny Long Lost Phrases
If you think eggnog and wassail are funny-sounding, wait till you hear the Christmas words that didn't stand the test of time
12 Oddly Specific and Often Funny Terms You Didn’t Know
Did you know the space between your eyebrows has a name? Or what a tittle is? Learn these oddly specific and quite funny terms in this article.
From Salt to Salary: Surprising Origins of Ordinary Words
Did you know that the word 'muscle' stems from the Latin word for little mouse? Here is a collection of words with peculiar etymologies
Thirsty For Knowledge? Check Out These YouTube Channels
If you love to learn new things with each passing day, then get ready to discover a gold mine full of educational tools!
Ever Wondered How Binary Code Works? Wonder No More!
In this informative TED-Ed video, José Américo N. L. F. de Freitas explains how binary code works.Take a look!
Are There Universal Expressions of Emotion? Find Out Here!
Do facial expressions look the same and communicate the same meaning wherever you are in the world? Find out here!
Why Do We Sometimes Hallucinate? Find Out Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Elizabeth Cox details the science of hallucinations.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More!
How Exactly Do We Hear? All is Revealed Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Douglas L. Oliver explains the complete science behind hearing.
5 Common Myths About Sugar We Must Stop Believing
In this video, we discover the truth behind 5 of the most common myths about sugar.
Here's Why Children's Drawings Are So Important for Us All
This informative video explains why children's drawings are so important for their own development, as well as for the advancement of society as a whole.
How Did We Invent the Dollar? Learn Its Meandering History
In this video, we will learn a short history of the U.S. Dollar.
When GH Says F: Why Does This Occur?
We're meeting up on the corner of history and linguistics to learn why GH is pronounced as F.
English Vocab History: Few Can Pass This Vocabulary Quiz?
These 14 words have really strayed away from their original meaning, can you guess what words like 'girl' and 'clue' used to mean?
5 Priceless Works of Art That Are Lost Forever
From ancient sculptures to manuscripts that could have been classical pieces of literature, here are 5 priceless works of art that are sadly lost forever.
How Is It MADE? - Drinking Glasses
We all use drinking glasses every day, but not many know about the precision, skill, and scientific process behind making them.
What Made the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Last So Long
How do new words get added do the dictionary? Watch the surprising history of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to find out...
Is It Possible to Power the Whole World with Just WIND?
IS it possible to create a world powered entirely by the wind? In this fascinating video, you will take a deep dive into the science of wind turbine technology...
13 Funny Palindromes That Will Make You Giggle
People have been enjoying palindromes for centuries - here are 13 funny examples that are sure to make crack you up.
This Is Why Iceland Is a Country Like No Other
Iceland is a country full of interesting traditions and rich history - delve into this fascinating country with these 11 surprising facts!
How Belgium Functioned For Two Years Without a Government
Forming a government in Belgium is so difficult, the country has been operating without one for nearly 2 years! But how is that possible?
Choose a Word, and I’ll Tell You Where You’re From
Let’s do a quick test: in your mind, count the number of syllables in the word ‘caramel’, and let us reveal where you’re from. Click here to find the answer.
Hypnotism: Science or Forgery?
His contemporaries called him a charlatan, but in the late 1880s, Dr. Anton Mesmer was onto something we now know as hypnotism.
The Secret Behind Napoleon Bonaparte’s Signature Pose
You may have noticed that Napoleon Bonaparte is always depicted in the same pose - tucking one hand in his shirt. But why?
What Would Happen To Your Body If You Stopped Showering?
Ever wondered what would happen if you stopped showering for a long period of time, for example, a month? This video has the answer.
Is It Possible to Learn the Language of Another Species?
Scientists believe talking to dolphins is possible and are trying to learn how. Succeeding in this could open the door to communicating with thousands of species.
17 Poignant Photos That Are Anything But Ordinary
At first glance, you might not understand what's so special about some of these photos, but each one has a backstory that will make it unforgettable.
Bananas Have a Dark History You Didn’t Know...
This video tells the surprisingly fascinating history of bananas and how they impacted international relationships.
How Billiard Balls Changed the World
Plastic Seems to be everywhere we turn. But how was it invented and how did it take over the world? It all started with a billiard ball...
What Species Is the Oldest on Earth? You’ll Be Surprised
You'd be surprised to find out how far back some species go, including humans...
10 New Words That Emerged During the Covid-19 Pandemic
In this article, we'll discuss 10 new words and phrases in English that have emerged as a consequence of Covid-19.
8 Little-Known Jobs That Keep the Movie Industry Going
We all know actors, directors and screenwriters, but these are the people that take care of the details, without which movies just wouldn't be that good
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
The Terrible and Unexpected Results of Prohibition
Delve into a fascinating chapter in American history with this video, which explains why prohibition failed and shouldn't be attempted ever again
You May Know These Photos, but Not Their History...
These photographs are so famous, there is no chance you don't know them. But do you the absolutely incredible stories that led to those moments?
The History of IQ Tests Has a Dark Side
This video offers an interesting recount of the rather dark history of IQ tests and the levels of their accuracy.
What First Impressions Reveal About Human Psychology
This video offers some interesting insight on first impressions, second chances, and what all this reveals about the human mind.
The Odd History of Ouija Boards
How did this ‘mystical’ board game become so prominent in popular culture? The history of ouija boards may surprise you.
The True Origin of the Word ‘Like’ May Surprise You
It’s everywhere, and everyone uses it without even noticing. So why do we even say the word 'Like' in the middle of sentences
You Won’t Believe These 11 Phrases Are Over a Century Old
These 11 words and phrases seem like they're a recent invention in English, but they're actually at least a century old...
We Bet You Didn’t Know The Word OK’s True Meaning
It feels like one of the most natural and obvious words in our vocabulary, but it isn’t exactly so. Watch to find out OK’s interesting origins.
10 Words That Entered the Dictionary This Decade
The English dictionary has included countless popular and modern words in its lexicon in the last decade. Here is a list of 10 of them.
Everyone Needs to Know These 17 Online Slang Words
We see these 17 online slang words everywhere nowadays, do you know what these words mean?
We Need To Use These Bizarre Idioms More Often
Here are some interestingly odd phrases and idioms that are so pertinent that they have to make their way across oceans and seas.
10 Common French Loanwords You’re Probably Mispronouncing
French loanwords that are pronounced differently or mean something else entirely in French
It’s a Shame We Stopped Using These 17 Old English Words
These 17 old words are definitely missing in our modern vocabularies and deserve to be brought back into day-to-day speech
QUIZ: Can You Guess What These Words Used to Mean?
Here Are Some Things You Didn't Know About Mount Everest
Mount Everest didn't always stand at the height it does now. Its mass developed and increased through a steady process over time before it formed the giant beauty we have now. This video tells us how
I Can’t Believe These Ordinary Words Used to Mean That...
Let’s take a short journey back in time and trace the origins of 11 seemingly-ordinary words that have exceptionally-interesting histories.
This Paper Art is Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen Before
See the impressive paper art by Haruki Nakurama.
Science Explains Why Beautiful Things Make Us Happy
Discover how beauty affects us and why we seem to be able to instinctively recognize beauty when we see it.
19 Fabulous Flower Crafts That'll Brighten Up Your Days
These flower crafts will brighten up any home! Here's how to make your own from the comfort of your home.
This 'Frozen' Shadow Dance Is Out of This World
Shadow Theatre VERBA presents their performance called 'Frozen', which has already enchanted millions of people from around the world.
WATCH: This is What Occurs In Our Brain When We're In Love
We all love being in love, and actually crave it and need it, but what actually happens to our brains when we're in love? Watch this TED Talk to find out.
These Tweets About Parenting Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
We all know that kids say the funniest of things, but what about parents? Well, as the Tweets in this video prove, they say some pretty funny things too.
What Causes Constipation? Find Out Here...
What's behind constipation? This informative TED-Ed video sheds some light on the matter!
What Makes Your Muscles Grow? Find Out Here!
In this TED-Ed video, Jeffrey Siegel illustrates how a good mix of nutrition, sleep, and exercise hells to keep your muscles as big and as strong as possible.
How Do Brain Scans Work? All Is Revealed Here!
How do we study living brains without harming their owners? In this TED-Ed video, Elizabther Waters and John Borghi explains how PETs, EEGs, and fMRIs work.
The Science of Skin: This is All You Need to Know!
Apart from keeping your organs in, what else does your skin do? All is revealed in this informative TED-Ed video.
Why Do Animals Play Dead? Some Surprising Answers!
Ever wondered why animals play dead? If so, you're in for a treat as all is revealed in this informative TED-Ed video.
Experience the Ancient Architecture of India in Crisp 4K
Get ready to visit one of the most interesting places in India - Rajasthan!
10 Things You Might Not Know About St. Patrick's Day
How much do you already know about St. Patrick's Day? Find out here!
Love Mythology? You'll Love These Informative Animations!
These informative TED-Ed videos delve into some of the world’s most popular myths and attempt to explain them in all their glory!
The Inner Workings of How Your Mind Identifies Beauty!
Ever wondered what it is that makes something look beautiful to you? If so, you're about to find out right now in this enlightening TED-Ed video.
Life Isn't All About Being Happy. This Is Why!
As this video is about to reveal to you, there's more to life than being happy!
This Man Became an Entrepreneur at 66! Here's How!
In this inspirational TED-Ed video, Paul Tasner shares his story about how he became an entrepreneur at the age of 66.
Why Does Aging Vary Greatly Between Animals? Find Out Here
In this short Ted-Ed animation, Joao Pedro Magalhaes explains why the pace of aging varies greatly between animals.
This Fascinating Video Explores the Origins of Mankind
This video will explain exactly what our prehistoric ancestors used to get up to. Fascinating!
Only Masters of English Know What These Old Words Mean...
How well do you think you'd do when trying to decipher the English that our great-grandparents used? Take this language quiz and find out!
Why HAVEN'T We Cured Cancer Yet? An Explanation
This informative video goes over the major challenges researchers face when trying to find a perfect cure for cancer.
You Won't Believe How Long These Animals Can Live For!
What do you think the longest-living life-form on Earth is? This video has all the answers!
As a Baby Grows, THIS is What It Will See...
It's no secret that babies see the world differently than the rest of us do, and this video will show you just what their visual development looks like.
We Bet You've Never Heard of These 5 Coffee Facts Before!
5 surprising facts about our favorite morning drink. This video will amaze you.
WATCH: What Is the Next Step In Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology looks set to change the world, but its journey to the present day hasn't been without difficulty. Watch this informative TED Talk to learn more.
WATCH: This Is One Free Gift That Everybody Yearns For
If there's one thing you can do to provide solace, comfort, and love to someone else, it's by cuddling them. Watch this video for more about wonderful hugging.
100 Years of Change: How Old London Compares With the New
The earliest recorded video of London was more than a century ago. Compare it to London today!
Hilarious: English is a Seriously ODD Language...
If you thought English is a clear-cut and tidy language, you better read this.
This Guide Will Have You Doing Origami Within a Minute!
Always wanted to try folding paper sculptures? Well now with this easy guide you'll be folding them like a pro.
This Video Shows You a Different Way to Look at the World
You’ve heard of the fourth dimension but do you know what it is? This TED-Ed video helps uncover a bit of the mystery.
A Fascinating History of the New Year’s Eve
Did you know that New Year's hasn’t always been celebrated on January 1?
What Life Looks Like for British Royal Babies
Discover the cool and surprising facts about the Royal family's babies, the only babies in the world who are given passports at birth.