First Successful Pig Heart Transplant Lasts For 3 Days
On January 7, surgeons successfully transplanted the heart of a genetically modified pig into a human.
You Could Have a Lost Ghost Twin
Learn about another wonder of the mysterious world of genetics - chimerism.
Watch a Woman Take Her First Breath With New Lungs
In this video, you'll see Jennifer, a lifelong Cystic Fibrosis sufferer taking her first unobstructed breath after a successful lung transplant.
This Panda Had No Idea She'd Had Twins!
When a panda gives birth to twins, they usually end up abandoning one of them to focus on raising the other one well. This experiment is trying to change that.
This Video Proves That a Dog REALLY Is Man's Best Friend!
A highly trained medical dog will instantly react to changes in its owner's behavior. Here's how they are trained at home.
Discover How Anesthesia Affects Your Body and Mind
If you were ever curious about how exactly anesthesia works, then this video has all the answers!
Why Do New Viruses Keep Emerging in China?
Both the 2019 Covid-19 virus and the 2003 SARS epidemic started in an eerily similar manner in China, but why?
Why Elephants Are More Resilient to Cancer Than Mice
Scientists have made a curious observation - large animals, like elephants, are a lot less likely to get cancer than small ones, and this is why...
Fascinating: Three Different Ways to Breathe
Here is an infographic that presents a detailed look at different ways of breathing in three different living beings.
This Video Will Teach You About the Causes of Heartburn
Heartburn is a problem for many of us, but what actually causes it, and how can it be treated? Find out in this informative video.
It's Official: Gene-Edited Babies Are Now a Reality
A Chinese scientist claims to have created the world's first gene-edited babies. Let's take a closer look at the implications of this news, and what it means.
Discover How Your Eyes Make Sense of Your Surroundings
The human eye is one of our most complex and mysterious organs. Learn all about it here.
When is Erectile Dysfunction a Symptom of Something More?
Erectile dysfunction is often thought of just in terms of being a sexual problem, but it could be a symptom of something much more serious. Learn more.
This Amusing Video Explains How Cats Land on Their Feet!
Have you ever wondered just how cats manage to safely land on their feet every time they fall or are dropped? Watch this video and wonder no more!
Scientists Create a Human Heart in a Lab
After a new breakthrough in the United States, it looks like scientists will be able to grow synthetic hearts in the coming years. Take a look.
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
Here's What Your BMI Does NOT Mean...
Many people use BMI (Body Mass Index) as a way of working out their level of physical fitness, however the results are typically far from accurate...
Homeopathy: Real Medicine or Hoax? An Explanation.
Find out exactly what homeopathy is and how it works with this fascinating video.
Why Watching Too Much News Can Literally Harm You...
Learn about the effects that watching too much news can have on your mental health and relationships.
Why HAVEN'T We Cured Cancer Yet? An Explanation
This informative video goes over the major challenges researchers face when trying to find a perfect cure for cancer.
Here's Why You Should Never Give Your Dog Any Chocolate
Most dog-owners know that they should never give beloved pet any chocolate, and this video highlights exactly why.
You Won't Believe How Long These Animals Can Live For!
What do you think the longest-living life-form on Earth is? This video has all the answers!
Cats Exposed: We Found Out What They Really Get Up To!
When your cats walks out of your cat flap, do you have any idea where it goes? This team of National Geographic researchers set out to get some answers.
WATCH: The Next 1,000 Years of Human Evolution
It looks like immortality is going to be the biggest change we experience in our evolution over the next 1,000 years...
This Fascinating Video Explains How a Virus Invades a Body
In this great animation that makes this complex process much easier to understand, NPR's Robert Krulwich and medical animator David Bolinsky explain how a flu virus can trick a single cell into making a million more viruses.
Heart Arrhythmia: What is it and How to Live With It
In this video, we'll explain what arrhythmias are, their different types, and how to manage them.
How to Increase the Amount of Oxygen in Your Blood
How can we make sure we're getting enough oxygen in our breathing? This video will make sure you know how.
Can A.I Catch What Doctors Miss? A Fascinating Talk
How close are we to that and can AI really do better than a human doctor? This fascinating TED Talk addresses these issues.
Doctors Explain: 2 Powerful Tools in Dealing With Anxiety
A renowned doctor equips you with not one, but two phenomenal tools to effectively manage and control your stress.
Doctor Tip: How to Drain Sinus and Clear Nose in 1 Move!
This doctor has a genius routine for draining your sinuses while also clearing your nose.
Would You Go Into Hibernation if You Could?
What can we learn and earn if we humans learn to hibernate one day?
The ONE Thing Everyone Should Do to Retain Heart Health
Doctors have been telling us to do it for years and years.
You Won't Believe What the Human Body Does in One Minute
How much do you think it is capable of doing in a single minute? Watch this video and you'll have your answer!
These 3 Stretches Have Been Found to Ease a Hunched Back
If you've got a hunched back, then you really need to try these 3 stretches, all of which have been found to be effective by chiropractors.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
Break Bad Habits and Build New good Ones With This Video
A 30-minute illustrated summary of the book "Atomic Habits", on a science-backed way to build good habits and break bad ones.
Lessons From the War of Life and Death
This man shares what he saw while he was pronounced dead for 20 minutes.
13 MORE Myths on Sleep Debunked by Experts
These two sleep experts will answer your questions and explain common concerns about sleep.
Do You Have a Lost Twin Somewhere in the World?
Learn the deep mechanisms in our brains that work to identify and remember hundreds of faces you know.
The Surprising Reason Why Babies Shouldn't Drink Water
For babies, water can be deadly. Have you ever wondered why that is the case?
A Single Eye Injection Treats Genetic Blindness
This novel genetic treatment is capable of reversing blindness caused by a genetic eye condition with a single eye injection.
5 World-Changing Medical Advances From the Past Decade
Perhaps the most important technological advancements are those related to healthcare. Here are 5 such incredible medical breakthroughs from the past decade.
Human Development is Fascinating - 6 Rare Twin Types
There are more types of twins than just identical and fraternal, which suggests that we have a lot more to learn about human development...
Pigeons Have Played a Massive Role in World History
Pigeons are one of the most common birds in the world, but they're utterly underrated. In fact, they have played a huge role in world history. Find out more...
Explained: Everything You Want to Know About Migraines
Migraines are more than a throbbing, pounding headache. This video explains what happens in the brain when you have a migraine.
Hammerhead Sharks - Eevolution's Strangest Turn
Around 20 million years ago evolution introduced hammerhead sharks. Why did evolution make such a surprising turn and what makes these sharks so uniqe?
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Despite Looking Similar, Cats Are MORE Diverse Than Dogs!
Who's more diverse, cats or dogs? This video answers this question once and for all, the it might surprise you...
Not all Viruses Are Bad, Some Are Actually Necessary
Some viruses are beneficial to humans. In fact, they are an inseparable part of human anatomy and have even shaped the evolution of humanity!
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Myths in Medicine and Health That We MUST Stop Believing
In this video, Dr. Seema Yasmin helps debunk (and confirm) some common myths about medicine and health.
Beautiful Nature: The Tadpole Migration
This is the story of one of the greatest migrations, while also being one of the tiniest ones...
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Is It Possible to Learn the Language of Another Species?
Scientists believe talking to dolphins is possible and are trying to learn how. Succeeding in this could open the door to communicating with thousands of species.
Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe For All of Us? Find Out
The COVID-19 vaccine is nearly here. It's time to find out how it works and what it does to your body.
Extreme Medicine: What If You Drank 2 Gallons of Coffee?
In this video, a certified doctor discusses the real case of a patient who was hospitalized after drinking 2 gallons of coffee in just 3 hours.
The Incredible Story of the Hug That Saved a Little Girl
This is the story of two young girls who changed our understanding of medicine as infants, with just a simple hug
How to Hack Your Brain For Better Control
What kind of tricks does our brain play on us?
Warning! Scientists Find Insomnia Raises Diabetes Risks
Recent research found that insomnia and other seemingly-unrelated habits can raise one's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The Morally Murky Way to Speed Up Covid-19 Vaccine Process
Some scientists are proposing a controversial plan that could get us the coveted covid-19 vaccine faster. How does it work and what are the reprecussions?
What Species Is the Oldest on Earth? You’ll Be Surprised
You'd be surprised to find out how far back some species go, including humans...
How Robots Are Revolutionizing COVID-19 Care
One of the ways medicine may soon become even more tech-savvy is through the introduction of humanoid robots, and it's already starting to happen
UPDATE: Who’s More Likely to Get a Severe COVID-19 Case?
The CDC extended the list of categories of people extremely susceptible to developing a severe Covid-19 infection, here's what you need to know
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
Coronavirus: Newborn Siblings Test Positive for COVID-19
In an unusual incident, newborn triplets in Mexico have been diagnosed with Covid-19 while their parents have tested negative.
This Anti Viral Drug Can Potentially Block Covid-19
You probably heard of the anti-viral drug remdesivir and its potential against Covid-19. Here’s an overview of the drug and how it works.
King of the Dinosaurs: The Story of the T-Tex
How much do you know of the T-Rex? This video will give you the real information about it...
One Blood Test Will Detect 50 Cancers With 93% Accuracy
This novel blood test is capable of detecting over 50 cancer types even before the first symptoms develop with astonishing accuracy.
Science Lesson: What Role Do Genetics Play in Obesity?
Nature or Nurture? Who is more at fault when it comes to obesity?
The New Guidelines to Blood Pressure Range
This video will explain the new blood pressure guidelines as well as the natural approaches to reducing blood pressure without the use of drugs.
Will We Be Able to Solve the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis?
The antibiotic resistance crisis is an increasing danger to our health. How did it happen and will we be able to solve this dangerous problem?
Breathalyzers May Be More Important Than You Thought
This video does a great job in breaking down how in the future, breath analysis can be used to detect disease and prevent more invasive procedures.
Watch Bill Gates Warn About the Pandemic 5 Years Ago...
5 years ago Bill Gates spoke in a Ted Talk and warned about a similar scenario to what is happening right now with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Scientists Discover the FIRST Animal That Doesn’t Breathe
This alien looking animal is a relative of jellyfish and it's outstanding, as unlike all other animals on Earth, it doesn’t require oxygen
This Family Drives People to the Hospital For Free
Take a look at the inspiring story of this family from India that has been riding people to the hospital for free.
How We Might Slow Down or Even REVERSE Aging Soon
Epigenetics, a new branch of biology, may hide the secret to anti-aging. This series of short interviews explains how this might work...
This Injured Stray Dog Needed Help, and He Got It...
This story is of a stray dog that hurt its paw and wanted to get some help, Hope For Paws did much more than that.
How To Be Sure Your Dog Adores You
10 scientific ways to know if your dog loves you
WARNING: Why You Should Stay Away From Star Fruit
Hear more about the star fruit, and why you too should avoid it to prevent the risk of brain damage.
Important: How Do Viruses Transfer From Animals to People?
How do viruses move from animal bodies, so different to our own, into the human body? This video will explain it all perfectly.
SO CUTE! Animal Parents Take Care of Their Newborn Pups
From lion to dolphin, moms will do anything to raise their cute pups and prepare them for the big world. See for yourself in this video
This Microscopic Animal is Probably Immortal
Not unlike the mythical hydra, real life hydras are microscopic organisms that have incredible regenerative abilities...
What is Our Executive Brain, and How Can One Improve It?
Did you know your brain had a brain? The executive brain is the part of us that plans. What is it and how to improve its function?
These Mass Murders Have Been Hiding Right Under Our Noses
This video explains clearly what bacteriophages are and how they work in an informative and colorful way.
Why We Sleep: A Fascinating Lecture!
In this fascinating lecture, you're going to learn all about why we need to sleep and what happens while we do.
Video Box: Teaching about Animals Through Humor and Art
Interesting and entertaining videos about animals with illustrations.
15 Frightening Animals Early Humans Had to Live With
10 scary animals early cavemen in Africa had to deal with 200,000 years ago.
Fascinating: How Does Our Digestive System Work?
This video explains how the human digestive system does its daily.
Physicist Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell...
Physicist Michio Kaku explains the fundamental nature of our universe
Let's Talk About the Anti-Cancer Benefit of Sweet Potatoes
Lets Talk About the Anti-Cancer Potential of Sweet Potatoes
Is Dark Roast Coffee Healthier Than Light Roasts?
Which type of coffee do you think is the healthiest? Dark roast, light roast, or perhaps something else? Watch this video and find out for yourself!
Owls Can Be So Cute and Majestic at Once, Just Watch...
This cute owl compilation video is just the adorable moment you need today.
Here's How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Instantly
There are some truly bizarre methods for clearing a stuffy nose out there, but they really seem to do the trick. Learn these methods today.
See What Your Cats Get up to Under the Cover of Darkness!
If you've ever wondered what your feline friends get up to while you're fast asleep, then prepare to be surprised!
When Birds Misbehave, the Results Are Utterly Hilarious!
If you think that only dogs and cats are capable of being total jerks, then you ain't seen nothing yet!
Science Explains Why Beautiful Things Make Us Happy
Discover how beauty affects us and why we seem to be able to instinctively recognize beauty when we see it.
Take a Look at the Creepy Horseshoe Crab
Get ready to come face to face with one of the weirdest creatures you've ever seen - the horseshoe crab!
Say Hello to Poki, the World's Most Annoying Cat
The adorable video that you are about to watch will not only make you laugh out loud, but it will also melt your heart at the same time!
What You Should & Shouldn't Eat With a Stomach Ache
Not sure what you should and shouldn't eat with an upset stomach? This video has all the answers!
Discover 7 Ways Cat Purring Is Good For Human Health
Did you know that cats are more than just adorable and loving companions, but can actually bestow healing properties through the power of their purring?