6 Effective Rules for Life Optimists Follow
Today, we will try to help you overcome your difficulties and provide you with six detailed rules to help you become more optimistic and happy.
Joke: Pessimist vs. Optimist
There once were twin boys, age six, that had developed extreme personalities. One was a pessimist and the other a total optimist. Concerned, their parents took them to a psychiatrist...
How to Be Optimistic Around Negative People
If you think you’re a natural-born pessimist and there’s no hope of ever turning your mindset around, then think again!
PERSONALITY QUIZ: Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
There are many ways of looking at life, but most of the time people are either optimistic or pessimistic (or realistic) about things? Which are you?
How to Train Your Brain to Be More Optimistic
The easy thing you need to do to become more optimistic.
Take Our QUIZ: Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
Do you see in shades of pink or shades of black? Are you actually a realist? Take our test and find out!
This joke begins with an 3 Friends on a Hunt
This joke begins with an optimist, a pessimist and a literalist going on a hunt...
This Group of Old Ladies is Amazing. I'm Inspired.
The Amazing Story of 'The Optimists'.
Scientists Find Having a Happy Partner Can Deter Dementia
Does your partner look at the world through rose-tinted glasses? If so, scientists found another reason to thank your cheerful significant other
Did You Know? Your Personality Can Affect Your Health!
Are you calm or hostile? Optimistic or pessimistic? Recent studies have found that our personality determines and affects our health. learn more here...
QUIZ: Select the Colors to Learn About Yourself
The colors you're drawn to say a lot about your psychology. In fact, this quiz is actually capable of determining what kind of outlook you have on life.
The Story of the African King and His Friend...
There is a tale of an African king who had a childhood friend. That friend was a constant optimist...
The Boy That Taught His Parents Optimism!
The story of a child that taught his parents to feel hopeful again...
Joke: The ABCs of Marriage
After being married for 25 years, a wife asked her husband to describe her.
QUIZ: What Does the Way You See Color Say About You?
This quiz will ask you to identify colors and learn about yourself accordingly.
The Psychology Behind Why Some People Are Habitually Late
Now we finally know why some people are habitually late.
You Can Hang Art on a Wall, Or You Can Transform the Wall...
This is the type of street art I love to see.
Funny: Do You Know the Alphabet of Marital Compliments?
While this crafty husband begins reciting the alphabet, all goes well. That is until he gets into the middle of it...
Gratitude Can Seriously Improve Your Health! Here's How...
Here are the ten most beneficial things that can come from living a grateful life. Don't forget to thank us when you start reaping the benefits!
The CHEERFUL Side of Hospitals in 14 Pictures
Who says a hospital is a scary and dull place? Check out these pictures showing the cheerful side of hospitals.
These Perfectly-Timed Animal Photos Are Too Funny
Take a look at this hilarious collection of animal-failures.
Eye-opening Infographic Reveals What Extends Our Lifespan
This infogprhic sheds light on what truly increases our lifespan and what does the exact opposite
What Went Right This Year: The Good News You Should Know
The Happy Broadcast brings you some incredibly good things that have happened recently.
The Most Hilarious Photos from the Animal Kingdom!
The Amazing Story of Doug Forbis!
This 24-year-old guy loves wheelcahir sports, his girlfriend and his life. He dreams about becoming a teacher for kids with special needs and he works as a volunteer with disable teens.
These Greetings Are For Wishing a Fantastic NEW YEAR!
A New Year is the time for resolutions, a fresh start and general optimism. Share these sentiments with a loved one with one of our amazing greetings.
Joke: This Isolation Won't Make ME Crazy...
I've heard some people are really going crazy from isolation. I'm glad I'm not one of those.
Made by Touch - Inspiring Story!
Diane Rose is a very skilled quilter. She has many customers who appreciate her hand-made, high quality quilts. They are colorful, snug and beautiful, and she does it all without seeing a thing. Hers is an inspiring story of a woman who had everythin
This Artist's Paintings Are So Realistic You'll Be Fooled
Take a look at the incredibly realistic paintings of Patrick Kramer. He creates his art from photos and paints whatever captures his interest, be it from still lives, portraits, city scenes or landscapes.
These Witty Photos Will Make Your Day Funnier
From a deer being interviewed to a waterproof laptop, this list has got it all!
With These 10 Rules, Doctors and Nurses Get Sick Less!
Sometimes our doctors seem to be immune to all disease, but the truth is, they've adopted simple habits that keep them healthy. Here are 10 of them ...
QUIZ: Your Reaction to These Colors Reveals You...
For some red is anger and blue is gloomy, for others red is lust and blue is calm. What about you? How you associate colors can help determine your personality.
Hilarious: 16 Sarcastic Daily Affirmations!
Sometimes, being overly positive doesn’t help. But a little bit of humor does.
14 Clever and Wise Quotes Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits
We’ve prepared 14 joyful, beautiful, motivating, and sometimes even funny quotes, so that everyone can find something to match their mood and lift their spirits!
This Story Reminds Us to Give No Matter How Little We Have
An angel grants three boys a wish after they passed the first test of kindness. Did they remember the angel's lesson?
These Science Comics Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Ed Himelblau is a biology professor who also makes some seriously funny comics.
10 Life Lessons We Forgot But Children Still Remember
Children seem to know something that adults have forgotten. Here are 10 life lessons we can all learn from children.
QUIZ: This Mood-Color Association Test Will Describe You
News That Inspires: Positive Stories From Around the World
There are so many good things happening in the world. Here’s a look at some of the most inspiring news updates to brighten your day.
QUIZ: Can We Tell You Your Personal Signature Tune?
Music captures moods so well, but how well can you determine the moods of the following tunes? Take our test and we'll reveal your own personal tune!
How to Make 2014 a Happier Year!
The Happiness Jar!
Joke: HOW Could it Be Worse?
A guy runs into an old school friend on the street. The friend immediately begins talking about his financial troubles...
Hilarious: How Are You Doing, My Old Friend?
QUIZ: Discover the 4 Hidden Properties of Your Personality
This psychological quiz asks you to associate word with each other in order to understand how your brain works.
QUIZ: Discover the 4 Hidden Properties of Your Character
Test: Can We Tell You Your Personal Signature Tune?
Amazing What You Can Do With Cardboard, Scissors, and Glue
Enjoy the works of Japanese artist Monami Ohno. She is very particular about using only one type of cardboard: recycled Amazon boxes.
8 Things Many of Us Do That Harm Our Immune System
We need our immune system to keep healthy, but there are things we do that harm it... Here are 8 behaviors that damage your immune system and that you should avoid for your own good.
Test Yourself: What Is Your Life Story?
During our daily routine life keeps going with to much thought on our part, but with the next personality test, you'll learn a little more about yourself...
Here's How You Can Beat the Winter Blues!
Even the most optimistic of us can be left feeling down and depressed in the cold and dark winter months. Thankfully, there are ways to combat the winter blues!
15 Unbelievable Construction and Interior Design FAILS
You have to see these crazy design fails to believe that such monstrosities even exist!
10 Encouraging Affirmations to Say to Your Loved Ones
Here are some thoughtful and positive affirmations your loved ones will appreciate.
These Thanksgiving Quotes Will Get You in the Holiday Mood
In this collection of varied quotes about Thanksgiving, we tried to encompass the spirit of this lovely holiday!
How to Raise Happy Children: 10 Scientific Steps!
The most important thing for kids' success is their happiness, and these 10 top tips for getting your kids and grandkids happy are backed by science!
QUIZ: What Do Colors Say About Your Attitude?
Today you're going to discover your attitude to life and a few more fascinating details. Answer the following questions and witness the truth in colors...
These Words from the Dalai Lama Will Open Your Mind
Here are some words from the 14 Dalai Lamas, the foremost spiritual leaders for people everywhere looking for inspiration and enlightenment.
QUIZ: What Do Colors Say About Your Attitude Towards Life?
This Test Will Tell You Your Hidden Personality Traits...
With this association test, you'll discover your four most central characteristics and learn how they affect your personality.
10 Fascinating Facts About Animals, Humans & Civilizations
Join us in our quest for knowledge with these surprising but true facts about animals, humans, and civilizations.
Should You Blame Your Dinner For the Sleepless Night?
It turns out that science behind insomnia is even more nuanced than we initially thought, as even certain foods may increase insomnia risks
True Love Never Ends - 12 Heartwarming Photos
Finding and staying with your soulmate for decades is possible, and this inspiring couple is here to prove it to us in the most heartwarming way.
Treating the REAL Cause of Obesity Nobody’s Talking About
Doctors find an integrated treatment for depression and obesity more effective
An Incredible Breakthrough In Cancer Treatment!
A groundbreaking study claims that a new treatment can destroy cancer cells in patients with certain types of blood cancer.
A Never Ending Day in a Greenland Fjord- Mesmerizing!
Visit Greenland, home of the most studied and active glacier in history- Jakobshavn Glacier.
Learn How You Can Make Your Prostate Cancer-Proof
Learn how you can prevent and cure prostate cancer by following the instructions in this guide.
These 40 Compliments Will Have a Lasting Effect on a Child
Every child should hear these words every once in a while.
How Many Babies are Born a Day? Surprising statistics
Large numbers, small doses. Here's everything you wanted to know about statistics, in short, precise answers.
Israel’s Vaccination Program Shows Promising Results
According to a new study, Covid-19 cases fell sharply among those who were vaccinated in Israel. Do these results harold the beginning of the end of the pandemic?
Exposing Your Kids to Chickenpox Is Bad Idea, Here’s Why
Chickenpox is significantly more dangerous than most people think, and here is why you should never expose your children to this virus.
QUIZ: What’s Your Chronotype and Why Is It Useful to Know?
Are you a bear, dolphin, wolf or lion? Determine your sleep animal and learn what it can reveal about your health and personality
Is High Blood Pressure Always Bad For Your Health?
It may be the case that hypertension is not as bad as we all thought, and this study sheds light on this controversial topic.
Only Masters of English Know What These Old Words Mean...
How well do you think you'd do when trying to decipher the English that our great-grandparents used? Take this language quiz and find out!
6 Emotion-Focused Coping Methods for Dealing With Stress
Here, we list out a few emotion-focused coping techniques that will enable you to deal with stress during this epidemic more effectively.
Does Complaining Ruin Your Health? Science Has the Answer
Is it circumstance that's forcing you to complain? According to the latest science, when it comes to happiness, we are our own worst enemies...
What is Bee Sting Therapy And Why You Should Be Wary Of It
Bee sting therpay has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, but there are a few very important health risks to the alternative treatment
Ten Golden Mantras for Growing Old with Grace
Ten golden mantras for those who wish to grow older with style and dignity to make life after retirement more pleasant, to enjoy and treasure the elder years of wisdom and intelligence..
QUIZ: Can We Describe Your Life With 6 Powerful Words?
Do you think your life could be summed up in a mere six words? Click here and find out!
Covid-19: What’s Known About the 4 New Variants
A few new strains of the novel coronavirus have been detected. Here's a breakdown of these new variants and their meaning, according to experts.
Stock Up on House Plants and Gain Many Health Benefits
House plants offer a wealth of heath benefits that will make you want to add some green to your home!
This ONE Change Can Significantly Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Recent research reveals that you don't have to exercise every day to reduce your cancer risk, doing just this small thing can help!
How to Best Prepare for a Recession According to Experts
Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst - here’s our humble guide on how to best prepare for a possible recession.
Quiz: This Color Test Reveals Very Surprising Information!
How do you feel and what do you think of when seeing these colors? Answer the quiz and find out tons about your personality!
Now I Understand Why Older People are Generally Happier...
Although many things go intro decline as we age, there's actually scientific evidence that older people are happier than their younger counterparts. Read on.
Autopsies Find New Culprit Causing Alzheimer's Disease
Recent research spearheaded by the University of Washington has shed new light on the role of microglia in Alzheimer's disease...
QUIZ: Can We Describe Your Life With 6 Pointed Words?
QUIZ: What Do Hard Decisions Say About Your Character?
The hard decisions say more about us than any other decision. What do your hard choices say about you?
Quiz: Make a Choice, Any Choice...
This quiz asks you to choose the choices you would make in hypothetical situations. In the end, we'll tell you something about you.
Waking Up at Odd Hours? Here's What Your Body is Saying
This guide will help you understand how your body systems work and identify any mental challenges you may face.
Create Digital Abstract Art in Seconds
Choose what kind of artist you'd like to be today with these websites that help you create beautiful art online.
12 Tips to Turn Your Pain Into Wisdom and Strength
with the following 12 tips, you’ll learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and wisdom.
9 Great Books that Deal With Anxiety and Depression
Depression can be debilitating to the point where it begins to interfere with your life, as can anxiety. Here are 9 great books to learn how to deal with them.
New Study Reveals Link Between Volunteering and Brain Health
Many truly believe that volunteering is a one-way street, but new research has found a link between volunteering and brain health ...
What Are the Best Countries for Retirement in 2022?
These 25 countries are the best at maintaining a secure and comfortable retirement for their citizens.
Is This New Drug a Revolution in Slowing Down Alzheimer's?
n the ongoing battle against Alzheimer's disease, a new development presents a beacon of hope.
QUIZ: Choose a Tree and We'll Tell You What it Says...
Choose here the tree that most attracts you, and click on it to see what it may have to say about you.
Find Out How to Live Happier & Healthier With These Hacks
Discover how small hacks can help you change your life for the better. Here are 15 of them.
The Future of Dining: Exploring Food Delivery Apps
People have repeatedly raved about food delivery apps due to the holding power and choice they have to offer. In this article we explore why that is.
This Association Test May Surprise You...
The associations you make in this quiz will tell you just what your strongest trait is!