3 Nutrients That Will Fight Off Any Virus
If viruses aren't really alive, to begin with, how can you fight them? With these 3 nutrients, of course!
A Fruit Shot a Day Keeps the Common Cold at Bay
Stock up on vitamin shots without draining your wallet - 6 recipes for natural immunizing vitamin remedies.
90% of the Population are Deficient in This Nutrient
90% of Americans are deficient in choline, but is this nutrient important to begin with? Find out in this article
These 5 Nutrient Deficiencies Are Awfully Common
Nutrient deficiencies are more common than think, especially these 5 that often cause a whole myriad of uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms
WATCH: It's Essential to Ingest These Nutrients Daily
There are certain nutrients that you absolutely must absorb each day to ensure optimum body and brain function. Find out about these 6 nutrients in this video.
2 Billion People Are Deficient in This Nutrient
Iodine deficiency affects one-third of the world population. The condition manifests itself through many uncomfortable and sometimes severe symptoms.
Plant Nutrients Explained: EVERYTHING You Need to Know
Understanding plant nutrition is key to having healthy plants and a healthy garden.
11 Warning Signs of a Nutrient or Vitamin Deficiency
You might not be getting enough nutrients, and you don't even know it. Watch out for these signs!
Over 40? These Are the The Most Important Nutrients You Need
Once we reach the age of 40, our diet needs an update.
This Nutrient Is Vital For Sharp Vision and Healthy Joints
Learning just how much this mineral does for your physical and mental health will convince you to eat more of it!
These 10 Vital Nutrients Will Help Boost Your Mood!
Here are some of the most important supplements for those dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, or other mood-sabotaging conditions.
Keep Your Eyes Young With These 5 Important Nutrients
Having the right diet can go a long way to helping your eyes cope with age-related deterioration. Here are 5 vital vitamins you need, and where to find them.
This Is the Most Important Nutrient For Human Health
Vitamin D comes from the sun, and it's important that we get enough of it for the sake of our health. Here are 15 things you need to know about vitamin D.
Craving Unhealthy Foods? You Could Be Low on Nutrients
There are many theories as to why you could be craving unhealthy food. One theory holds that it comes down to a lack of nutrients. Here's what you need to know.
Are You Low on Nutrients? Let Your Face Be Your Guide
Discover whether you lack nutrients by looking out for these signs on your face.
8 Nutrient Dense Foods You Should Add To Your Diet!
We've grown used to thinking that the fruits and vegetables we eat are healthy and good for us, but it turns not all of them are...
5 Nutrients You Need to Help Your Eyes Stay Young
7 Substances Your Body Needs to Absorb Every Single Day
Get these 7 nutrients daily to ensure your mind and body stay healthy.
The Truth About Food Labels: 11 Words You Should Know
These words on food labels might not mean what you think.
Popeye Was Right! Spinach Is an Amazingly Healthy Food
Spinach is so rich in vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that there are multiple health benefits to be gained from eating it. Here are 10 of the best.
This Infograph Gives Terrific Info on Fruits and Veggies
This chart should be printed and hanged in every kitchen in the world.
These 10 Vegetables Become Even Healthier When COOKED
The amount of nutrients peaks when you cook certain vegetables right. All 10 of the veggies on this list will only benefit from a little heat
Here Are 6 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Tangerines
Tangerines are tasty fruits that are bursting with nutrients. Here are 6 health benefits of the humble tangerine.
Why You Should Avoid Boiling Corn On the Cob
Corn on the cob is super versatile. You could steam it, grill it, or bake it. But one popular cooking method is best avoided - boiling. Learn why in this video.
What Are Antinutrients and Why You Should Be Aware of Them
Have you heard of antinutrients? Yes, they exist. But they aren't as ominous as they sound. Let's find out more...
The 10 Healthiest Nuts: Which Ones Are the Best For You?
In this article, we list the top 10 healthiest nuts out there and explore the nutrients and health benefits of all these nut varieties
This Essential Vitamin May Be The Cure to Several Diseases
This powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of health.
Mix These Foods Together and Get a Super Health Boost!
Here are 7 foods that should be eaten with another suitable food partner to gain their full health benefits.
Vitamin D Deficient? Make Sure to Stock Up on These Foods!
These food items are filled with Vitamin D, an important nutrient that promotes immunity and bone strength, and should be added to your diet
10 Superfoods That'll Take Care of Your Prostate
If you'd like a healthy prostate, you should check out these superfoods!
For Healthy Looking Skin, Do You Need Collagen?
If you've got saggy, wrinkly skin, here's how you can increase your collagen intake.
Is Olive Oil Really BETTER Than Vegetable Oil?
Olive oil is touted as a superfood capable of increasing longevity and aiding in weight loss, but is it really that much better than vegetable oil?
Should You Take Collagen Supplements For Your Skin?
The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Bone Broth
Learn about the health benefits of bone broth, how to prepare it at home, and use it in the foods you make.
These 10 Beans Have the MOST Remarkable Health Benefits!
Let’s take a close look at 10 of the healthiest and accessible beans and other legumes and find out which ones are best suited for you
Look out For These 11 Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation
If you have some of the following symptoms, it could be an indication that you have poor blood circulation.
Avocados May Be the Best Thing That's Happened to Me...
Avocados are delicious, but you might not know just how many health benefits they bring to your plate too...
8 Foods That Promote Healthy Aging Everyone Must Know
With age, our dietary needs change, but few people know what these changes are. Here are 8 foods you should consider eating more of if you're over 50
These Foods Can Alleviate the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease
If you, or somebody you know, suffers from Crohn's disease, these foods can help!
10 Reasons You Should Eat Eggs Daily!
Besides being an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in most dishes, eggs are exceptionally nutritious. Check out these 10 reasons why you ought to eat eggs every day.
This Incredibly Nutritious Drink Is Made With Just 3 Foods
Did you know that you can create a super-drink using just three common foods? Learn more about this amazing drink and make it yourself today.
Peanut Butter vs Almond Butter - Which Is Healthier?
Let’s compare the nutritional value of peanut and almond butter and try to determine which of these two nut butters has greater health benefits.
Is Raw Honey Better For You Than the Regular Variety?
Raw honey is said to be better for you than the regular kind, but is it true, and if so, why?
8 Reasons to Eat More of the Humble Turnip
Like many other cruciferous vegetables, turnips are extremely rich in nutrients and low in calories. Here are 8 health benefits of the humble turnip.
Wow! I Never Knew Mushrooms Were So Good For Me!
Mushrooms are not only delicious, but they also have a wide range of health benefits too. Here are 9 of health benefits of the humble, but delicious mushroom.
The Ultimate 5 Flavorful Smoothies Designed For Diabetics!
These delicious smoothies use healthy and natural ingredients ideal for diabetics and can be enjoyed regularly.
Enrich Your Soil with This Easy-To-Make Compost
Enrich your soil and provide your plants with all the nutrient that they need by making this compost.
Tryptophan in Turkey - Does It Really Make You Tired?
We're here to tell you that tryptophan does NOT make your tired after a large meal, but this nutrient has several even more interesting properties!
10 Foods That Add Some Much Needed Vitamin C to Your Diet
We often hear about vitamin C, but did you know just how important it is for your body? Here are 10 vitamin C rich foods you should add to your regular diet.
10 Subtle Signs That You Need To Change Your Diet
Any of the 10 easy-to-miss signs we're listing below could point to an unhealthy diet or some nutrient deficiency...
EGGS: the Simplest Food to Help You Shed That Extra Weight
In this article, we’ll explain the whys and hows of using eggs to shed those extra pounds by providing you with 6 handy tips.
Broccoli Lattes Made With Broccoli Powder Could Soon Exist
Australian scientists have developed a broccoli powder that can help you get your recommended daily dosage of vegetables. Take a look.
Pair These Super Foods For Huge Health Benefits
Pairing certain foods together can hugely increase the health benefits they provide for you!
You Won't Get the Vitamin D You Need If You Suffer From...
Do you form part of these groups of people who are deficient in vitamin D? Find out here.
10 Great Things Eating Oranges Will Do For Your Health
You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement! Take a look!
8 Enjoyable and Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Drinks
Fight inflammation and strengthen your immune system the natural way with these 8 enjoyable anti-inflammatory drinks!
Fake or Real Honey? How to Tell the Difference
Everyone knows that honey is healthier than any sweetener, but is the honey we buy at the grocery store the good stuff?
Wow! I Never Knew Parsnips Have so Many Health Benefits!
Not only are parsnips tasty, but they're extremely good for you as well. Here are 6 health benefits of the humble parsnip.
Are Greasy, Fatty Foods Good for Your Health After All?
The days when doctors told us to avoid bacon, butter and full-cream milk are long gone. Not only that, but fatty food may actually be good for your health!
This Fruit Treats Inflammation, Arthritis and Cell Damage!
Blueberries are nutritious, anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, a true dietary medicine.
Fresh or Frozen?: An Update on Your Produce Source
Don't turn away from the frozen food isle just yet!
The Sweet Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes don't just taste great in any meal, they are also one of nature's gifts to our health.
When it Comes to Grains, Amaranth is the Healthiest of All
Amaranth is an extremely healthy grain that has been around for thousands of years. Here are 8 health benefits of it:
Learn the Banana Tricks You Always Wanted to Know
You're Going to Love This Handy Banana Trick
Soaking Almonds in Water Makes Them Even Healthier!
Apart from being delicious, here are 8 other reasons why you should eat almonds. However, remember to soak them in water first.
Learn All About Hydroponics In This Visual Guide
Fancy growing your own produce at home? Hydroponics is a much more well-suited method than conventional agriculture. Find out more in this guide.
These Brilliant Home Innovations Make Life That Much Easier
These brilliant home innovations will no doubt make my life easier and more enjoyable.
Craving a Healthy Snack? Try One of These Delicious Combos
These surprising food pairings are not just delicious, but they are actually healthier when combined!
Here Are the Many Health Benefits of Blackberries
Get ready to learn about 8 of the most important health benefits that blackberries have to offer us.
An Express Guide to Plant Fertilizers
There are 4 main types of plant fertilizers, but which one’s best for your garden?
Vitamin Blast: The Best Vegan Sources of Vitamin D
Here's a dive into various beverages packed with nutrients vital for daily wellness and immune defense against viruses.
The Beautiful Colors of Coral Reefs
Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Stunning photos and some interesting information about the 'Rain Forests of the Sea'
Avocado Oil - Noteworthy Health Benefits & How to Make It
People claim that avocado oil is comparable to olive oil in terms of its health benefits. Learn why it's so healthy and how to make it at home.
Warning! Read About These Mistakes Before Taking Vitamins
Are you using vitamins are supplements correctly, or are you just wasting your money? Find out by learning about the 8 most common myths on dietary supplements.
12 Foods Every Pregnant Woman Should Add to Her Diet!
Women who have poor diets while pregnant are more likely to give birth prematurely than women who eat healthily. Here are 12 foods to eat if you're pregnant.
You Should Eat the Peels of These Fruit and Vegetables
The peel of some fruit and vegetables sometimes contain more nutrients than the actual flesh itself. Here are 10 fruit and veg peels that you should eat.
Difficulty Sleeping? This Banana Tea Recipe Works Wonders
Packed with magnesium and potassium - two essential nutrients that promote better sleep, this banana tea will do wonders for you sleep.
Why Cucumbers are a Hidden Secret for Better Health
The humble cucumber can transform your health in ways you might not expect.
Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Here's the Ultimate Guide
Are you considering having weight loss surgery? Here's an in-depth guide to the very serious procedure, allowing you to weigh up the pros and cons carefully.
This Substance Is Highly Important For Humans!
Blood is vital to the functioning of many creatures on this Earth, not least humans. Here are 30 fascinating facts about blood.
15 Tips That'll Give You the Perfect Vegetable Garden
These 15 tips will definitely make your vegetable garden that much better...
5 Impressive Health Benefits of Peanuts You Never Knew
In this article, we learn about some lesser-known but important benefits of eating peanuts.
Recipe: This Lentil Curry Is Healthy and Easy To Make
Learn how to make this amazingly delicious and healthy lentil curry that will be perfect for a wholesome lunch!
Eating Many Carbs? You're Probably Lacking Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 deficiency is nearly undetectable in lab tests. So how will you know if you're deficient? Dr. Berg with the answers.
Are You Eating the Right Food? Follow This Diet
What would happen if you centered your diet around vegetables? Find out!
Can a 'Brain Diet' Prevent the Onset of Alzheimer's?
The food you eat may affect the health of your brain. Researchers have developed a delicious diet that can help fight Alzheimer’s and brain shrinkage.
10 Things We Commonly Do that Harm Our Brain
Your brain is the most important organ you have. Here are 10 ways to keep it from harm.
Swap Your Carbs for these 15 Delicious Food Alternatives
Swap your carbohydrates for wholesome, nutritious alternatives, replacing your wheat with vegetables, fruits and nuts.
Use These Great Alternatives for Healthier Baking
From using applesauce instead of butter to swapping refined sugar for natural sweeteners, discover easy changes for better baking.
I'm Going to Print this List and Hang it On My Fridge!
Enjoy this complete chart of various foods and their health benefits. This is one list worth printing and hanging, to remind you of the advantages of eating the right foods and what they will do for your health!
Gardening Tips - Why Are Plants Turning Yellow?
Usually, yellowing leaves on your houseplants or the plants in your garden is not a good sign. Here's what it could mean.
I Had No Idea Honey Water was THIS Important for Me...
Did you know honey water was a great wonder drink for you?
Guide: The Remarkable Health Benefits of Berries
Berries are, more often than not, really healthy, being able to prevent and help with a variety of health concerns. This guide holds the health benefits of 8 different berries.
These 7 Foods Will Help Your Child's Cognition and Focus
The brain development of our children is an important issue to us as parents. Here are 7 foods to ensure that their focus and cognition is in optimum condition.
The SURPRISING Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
Here’s why you should add chia seeds to your daily diet.
Here's How to Make the Tastiest Salad Dressing!
These charts briefly explain how best to go about making a variety of delicious salad dressings.
Now You Can Make Your Own Vitamin D Supplements at Home!
Vitamin D has incredible health benefits. Here's how you can make some Vitamin D supplements at home.
Boost Your Metabolism By Simply Eating One Of These Foods
Promoting a good metabolism is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being, and these 7 simple foods do just that.
Your Diet Can Play a Major Role in Treating Depression
There is no specific diet for treating depression, but what you consume can play a role when it comes to managing the symptoms.
Almond Flour vs. Wheat Flour: Which is Better?
You might have heard of the numerous health benefits of almond flour, but is it really always preferable to wheat flour? Find out here