Joke: A Terrible Confession
This joke begins with a terrible confession made by email...
Hilarious: The Greedy Neighbor Confesses...
A man texts his neighbor to tell him that he's using something that belongs to him without his permission. Sadly, things start to go awry almost immediately...
Hilarious: An Unexpected Invitation From a Neighbor
When a neighbor comes knocking to welcome a man who's new to the area, it isn't quite the welcome he expected...
Quiz: What Type of Neighbor Are You?
Ever wondered what type of neighbor you are and what your neighbors think of you? Well, this quiz will help you find out for yourself.
Are YOU the Annoying Neighbor? Find Out Here!
Charming, a tad quirky, or full-on annoying - what do your neighbors really think of you?
I Was Hitler's Jewish Neighbor: Incredible Testimony
Can you imagine living near Hitler? This man, a Jewish Historian, knows just what that was like. Hear his riveting story.
Bless My Neighbors... They're Completely Nuts!
Check out these 15 pictures of hilarious things that people have caught their neighbors doing! We challenge you not to laugh your head off!
How a True Genius Responds to Annoying Neighbors...
Here are 15 hilarious examples of how neighbors attack each other in hilarious passive-aggressive ways!
Mischievous Cat Has a Habit of Stealing From Neighbors
Esme the cat has a bad habit she can't break. Apparently, the friendly but mischievous cat has been stealing from the neighbors' garages for several months now.
These True Stories Inspired Me to Love My Neighbor
These heroes gave something very special to people they barely knew, simply to be good.
Joke: Why Are You NAKED?
I've lived a few years in my home, and the pretty neighbor next door and I always flirted with each other...
Joke: A Visiting Canine
An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of...
Joke: A Typical Day On the Farm...
A farmer drove to a neighbor’s farmhouse and knocked at the door.
Joke: 25 Years For Being Lazy
In a prison in China, prisoners are discussing who's in for what and for how long.
Joke: The Noisy People
Donald MacDonald from the Scottish Highlands, went to study Law at a renowned and austere English university and was living in the hall of residence with all the other students there.
Joke: Father May Object
A joke from the old west
Joke: A Daughter's Confession
Mandy asks her mother for a few minutes to have a serious conversation...
Joke: Little Johnny and the Bullies
Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys...
Joke: The Miracle Man
The police have had trouble determining whether or not their suspects are guilty of committing the crimes they were arrested for.
Joke: An Unexpected Invitation
Sam had been in the computer business for 25 years and was finally sick of the stress. He quit his job and bought 50 acres of land in Minnesota as far from humanity as possible. Sam saw the postman once a week and got groceries once a month.
These Short Jokes and One-Liners Are to Die For!
These one-liners and short jokes are just too funny.
Joke: The Man, the Camera and His Butt
These two guys are sat in their hospital beds having a little chat...
Joke: Writing to Baby Jesus
A child from a poor family wanted a bike for Christmas, so he asked his mother. His mother replied, "Well, we can't afford one so you'll just have to go ask the baby Jesus.'
Joke: A Boy Misunderstood A Farmer's Query
Have you heard this one? This boy did not understand this farmer's query.
Joke: The Problem With the Light Switch
Recently I was having trouble with my light switch so I called for the maintenance guy.
This Joke Starts With a Guy Getting a Nice Jewish Dog
When a man gets a dog that has the ability to speak, his neighbor is completely stunned. Things begin to get weird very quickly from that point on...
Joke: The Cat Catastrophe Instructions
Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby...
A Great Joke: Joke: The Rough Landing!
This joke begins with a new flight crew attempting a landing.
Joke: Different Governments Divide a Cow
TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
Joke: That's Not It...
A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly....
Sorry Guys, This Joke is On You!
I'm sure guys won't mind a little fun at their expense...
Doggie Nap Time - A Curious Joke!
This Joke Begins With a Stormy Night in a Barn...
This joke begins with 2 friends seeking shelter...
Joke: Click For Interactive Joke Fun!
Just read the question on each image as the giraffe tells you the first half of the joke, then click and let our hippo friend tell you the punch line!
Joke: Wife Goes to the Cops to Report Her Missing Husband
A woman goes to the police to submit a missing person's report. The only problem is that her description of him isn't entirely accurate...
Joke: I Was Going to Tell You a Joke, But...
I'd tell you a constipation joke, but it's full of...
Joke Collection: 55 Hilarious Birthday Jokes!
Joke: Who PUSHED Me??
Leroy gets invited to a rich guy's pool party. The host bets his attendees a million dollars for jumping in the pool with a gator. Leroy is happy to oblige...
Joke Collection: 80+ Car Jokes and Puns!
Joke Collection: 100 Knock Knock Jokes!
Knock knock jokes are some of my favorite, because you really have to be creative to make some of these! Here we bring you 100 of our best knock knock jokes for you to laugh over!
Joke Collection: 100+ Jokes About MONEY!
Over 100 jokes about money.
Joke Collection: 20 Saint Peter Jokes!
Joke Collection: 20 St. Peter Jokes!
Joke Collection: 23 Hilarious Colonoscopy Jokes!
23 Hilarious Colonoscopy Jokes!
Joke Collection: 40 Hilarious Computer Jokes!
Computers are all around us. We carry them in our pocket, we use them for work, entertainment, communication and so much more. But they can also be frustrating things, getting us into funny situations (in hindsight)...
Joke: This Blind Guy Has a Joke to Tell...
A blind man enters a bar, carefully, and finds his way to a barstool.
Joke: It's a Miracle!
A mother and her teen daughter arrive at the doctor's office...
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Wanting to Earn Extra Money
A blonde is looking around the neighborhood to see what she could do to make money. She decides to take up porch-painting.
Joke Collection: 90 Hilariously Serious Anti-Jokes!
Joke Collection: 90 Anti-Jokes
Funny Joke: An Uninvited Guest Keeps Coming Over
An old, tired looking dog keeps wandering into the house next door. The owners decide that it's time to investigate...
Joke Collection: 110 Jokes About The Institute of Marriage!
110 short jokes, jokes and one liners about the famous institute of marriage.
Joke Collection: 52 Quarantine and Virus Jokes!
While there's nothing funny about the Covid-19 virus itself. It's the nature of humanity to deal with scary situations by laughing at its face. It's not making light of the situation, it's the jokes that make fun of something we're all currently scar
Joke Collection: 40+ Jokes About Bars and Bartenders!
more than 40 jokes, puns and one liners featuring bartenders.
Have You Heard This Joke? You MUST See the Circus!
The circus is coming to town and it's the perfect time for a brand, silly new joke!
Great Joke: Do You Mind Moaning?
This woman doesn't understand her husband's wishes...
Joke Collection: 85 House Puns and House Jokes!
Our house is where a big chunk of our life takes place. Right now, during the quarantines and corona crisis, it's where almost ALL our life takes place. No wonder we chose this subject as this our next Joke and Pun Collection!
Joke Collection: 100 Puns and Jokes About Kids!
100 Puns and Jokes About Kids!
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Being Sick of Blonde Jokes
This blonde is so fed up of blonde jokes that she decides to change her hair color. Little did she know that she would be exposed just the same...
This Is a Blonde Joke to End All Blonde Jokes
80,000 blondes are in a bid to prove to the world just how smart they are. The lead announcer begins to ask for volunteers from the audience...
This Joke Starts With an Old Pastor Looking For His Collar
A pastor is looking for his collar in his closest when he comes across a box that he had never seen in there before...
Joke: The Lazy Husband and the Fed-Up Wife
A married couple moves into to a new home. After a few days, as the husband returns home from work, his wife says to him, "Honey, one of the pipes in the bathroom is leaking, could you fix it?"
Have You Heard This Joke? A Scot Goes to an English Uni
A young Scottish man assumes that it's perfectly normal to have a constant drone of bagpipes in his surroundings. His fellow students disagree...
Have You Heard This Joke? These Jokes Are Rude!
These jokes are rude but clever!
Have You Heard This Joke: When it Started Raining (Rude)
This man has an unusual confession...
Joke: Revenge of the Blonde
blonde woman was sick and tired of all the unfair jokes about blondes...
Joke: The Disturbing Letter
This joke begins with a letter between brothers...
Joke: The Spirit of Christmas
This joke begins with 3 men dying and going before St. Peter, who has a task for them.
Joke: The Famous Grandfather
A trio of old veterans were bragging and jokes about the heroic exploits of their ancestors one afternoon down at the VFW hall.
Joke: The European Afterlife
What is the European hell and what is the European heaven? Find out in this hilarious joke.
Joke: The Golden Toilets
This joke starts with two boys and one outlandish claim.
Joke: A Politician in the Village
A politician visited a village and asked what their needs were...
Joke: The Blond Painter
A Blond man is hired to paint the lines on the road.
Joke: The Blonde and the Bodybuilder
A beautiful blonde goes out with a bodybuilder...
Joke: The Blondes and the Dent
A blonde lived with two blonde roommates...
Joke: The Lost Coat
Two senior gentlemen are working at a sewage treatment plant...
Joke: But You Said...
A prostitute standing outside a motel in a small town saw...
Joke: The Stuck Duck
A little duck goes into a store and waddles up to the manager...
Joke: The Missing Wife
A man walks into a police station in tears and goes to the sergeant at the desk.
Joke: The Surprise Return
A defendant was on trial for murder.
Joke: Consult the Wife
This joke begins with an unfortunate incident...
Joke: The Gardening Secret
A woman’s garden is growing beautifully but the tomatoes won’t ripen.
Joke: Double the Trouble
A woman's husband was cheating on her...
Joke: Fudging the Age...
Joke: Day and Night
Carolyn, a rich blond, buys a new automatic Jaguar XKR Sport.
Joke: The Strange Request
Two little boys go into the grocery store. One is nine, one is four...
Joke: Squirrels in the Church
The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation.
Joke: A Blonde's Melons
This blonde was walking down a road carrying a bag, when a guy came along...
Joke: The Odd Contractor
A woman hired a contractor to repaint the interior of her house.
Joke: What Will They Get?
A 6th-grade teacher posed the following problem...
Joke: The Desperate Patron
A man walks into a bar and briskly orders 12 of the most expensive whiskey shots.
Joke: A Senior's Rhyme
Today at the drugstore, the clerk was a gent. From my purchase, this chap took off 10 percent...
Joke: The Naughty Baby
A woman is riding the bus while trying to breastfeed her baby. The baby, however, isn't interested.
Joke: The Cat Poem!
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray this cushy life to keep...
Joke: The Staring Viking
A Viking sailed across Europe challenging people to staring...
Joke: Grandma's Advice
A young Italian girl was going on her first date...
Joke: The Third Hut
A ship, sailing past a desert island, spots a man who has been stranded there for several years.
Joke: A Lawyer's Accident
This joke unveils the truth about certain people...
Joke: A Sporting Spirit
At one point during a game, the coach called one of his 7-year-old hockey players aside and asked...
Joke: The Woo Woo
A newbee hunter asked a experienced old hunter how to hunt bears.
Joke: Detectives in Training
A policeman was interrogating 3 guys who were training to become detectives.
Joke: The New Mechanic
A gynecologist was getting sick of his job and decided that he needed a career change.